mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-01-31 00:03:02 +01:00
hvlad 58d381edd7 1. Remove blr_src_info code as it is prevents database downgrade from ODS 11.1
2. Put debug information (mapping between blr offset and source line\column and names of local variables) into new blob field RDB$DEBUG_INFO
This is first step to implement native SQL debugger i believe
2006-10-30 20:58:06 +00:00

797 lines
22 KiB

* PROGRAM: JRD Access Method
* MODULE: exe.h
* DESCRIPTION: Execution block definitions
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* 2001.07.28: Added rse_skip to class RecordSelExpr to support LIMIT.
* 2002.09.28 Dmitry Yemanov: Reworked internal_info stuff, enhanced
* exception handling in SPs/triggers,
* implemented ROWS_AFFECTED system variable
* 2002.10.21 Nickolay Samofatov: Added support for explicit pessimistic locks
* 2002.10.29 Nickolay Samofatov: Added support for savepoints
#ifndef JRD_EXE_H
#define JRD_EXE_H
#include "../jrd/jrd_blks.h"
#include "../jrd/blb.h"
#include "../jrd/Relation.h"
#include "../common/classes/array.h"
#include "../common/classes/MetaName.h"
#include "gen/iberror.h"
#define NODE(type, name, keyword) type,
enum nod_t {
#include "../jrd/nod.h"
#undef NODE
typedef nod_t NOD_T;
#include "../jrd/dsc.h"
#include "../jrd/rse.h"
#include "../jrd/err_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/scl.h"
#include "../jrd/sbm.h"
#include "../jrd/DebugInterface.h"
// This macro enables DSQL tracing code
//#define CMP_DEBUG
#ifdef CMP_DEBUG
#define CMP_TRACE(args) cmp_trace args
#define CMP_TRACE(args) /* nothing */
class VaryingString;
struct dsc;
namespace Jrd {
class jrd_rel;
class jrd_nod;
struct sort_key_def;
template <typename T> class vec;
class jrd_prc;
class Collation;
struct index_desc;
struct IndexDescAlloc;
class Format;
// NOTE: The definition of structures RecordSelExpr and lit must be defined in
// exactly the same way as structure jrd_nod through item nod_count.
// Now, inheritance takes care of those common data members.
class jrd_node_base : public pool_alloc_rpt<jrd_nod*, type_nod>
jrd_nod* nod_parent;
SLONG nod_impure; /* Inpure offset from request block */
NOD_T nod_type; /* Type of node */
USHORT nod_flags;
SCHAR nod_scale; /* Target scale factor */
USHORT nod_count; /* Number of arguments */
class jrd_nod : public jrd_node_base
/* jrd_nod()
: nod_parent(0),
nod_arg[0] = 0;
jrd_nod* nod_arg[1];
const int nod_comparison = 1;
const int nod_id = 1; /* marks a field node as a blr_fid guy */
const int nod_quad = 2; /* compute in quad (default is long) */
const int nod_double = 4;
const int nod_date = 8;
const int nod_value = 16; /* full value area required in impure space */
const int nod_deoptimize = 32; /* boolean which requires deoptimization */
const int nod_agg_dbkey = 64; /* dbkey of an aggregate */
const int nod_invariant = 128; /* node is recognized as being invariant */
const int nod_recurse = 256; /* union node is a recursive union */
/* Special RecordSelExpr node */
class RecordSelExpr : public jrd_node_base
USHORT rse_count;
USHORT rse_jointype; /* inner, left, full */
bool rse_writelock;
RecordSource* rse_rsb;
jrd_nod* rse_first;
jrd_nod* rse_skip;
jrd_nod* rse_boolean;
jrd_nod* rse_sorted;
jrd_nod* rse_projection;
jrd_nod* rse_aggregate; /* singleton aggregate for optimizing to index */
jrd_nod* rse_plan; /* user-specified access plan */
VarInvariantArray *rse_invariants; /* Invariant nodes bound to top-level RSE */
jrd_nod* rse_async_message; /* asynchronous message to send for scrolling */
jrd_nod* rse_relation[1];
// First one is obsolete: was used for PC_ENGINE
//const int rse_stream = 1; // flags RecordSelExpr-type node as a blr_stream type
const int rse_singular = 2; /* flags RecordSelExpr-type node as from a singleton select */
const int rse_variant = 4; /* flags RecordSelExpr as variant (not invariant?) */
// Number of nodes may fit into nod_arg of normal node to get to rse_relation
const size_t rse_delta = (sizeof(RecordSelExpr) - sizeof(jrd_nod)) / sizeof(jrd_nod::blk_repeat_type);
// Types of nulls placement for each column in sort order
const int rse_nulls_default = 0;
const int rse_nulls_first = 1;
const int rse_nulls_last = 2;
/* Literal value */
class Literal : public jrd_node_base
dsc lit_desc;
SINT64 lit_data[1]; // Defined this way to prevent SIGBUS error in 64-bit ports
const size_t lit_delta = ((sizeof(Literal) - sizeof(jrd_nod) - sizeof(SINT64)) / sizeof(jrd_nod**));
/* Aggregate Sort Block (for DISTINCT aggregates) */
class AggregateSort : public pool_alloc<type_asb>
jrd_nod* nod_parent;
SLONG nod_impure; /* Impure offset from request block */
NOD_T nod_type; /* Type of node */
UCHAR nod_flags;
SCHAR nod_scale;
USHORT nod_count;
dsc asb_desc;
sort_key_def* asb_key_desc; /* for the aggregate */
UCHAR asb_key_data[1];
const size_t asb_delta = ((sizeof(AggregateSort) - sizeof(jrd_nod)) / sizeof (jrd_nod**));
/* Various structures in the impure area */
struct impure_state {
SSHORT sta_state;
struct impure_value {
dsc vlu_desc;
USHORT vlu_flags; // Computed/invariant flags
VaryingString* vlu_string;
union {
SSHORT vlu_short;
SLONG vlu_long;
SINT64 vlu_int64;
SQUAD vlu_quad;
SLONG vlu_dbkey[2];
float vlu_float;
double vlu_double;
GDS_TIMESTAMP vlu_timestamp;
GDS_TIME vlu_sql_time;
GDS_DATE vlu_sql_date;
bid vlu_bid;
void* vlu_invariant; // Pre-compiled invariant object for nod_like and other string functions
} vlu_misc;
struct impure_value_ex : public impure_value {
SLONG vlux_count;
const int VLU_computed = 1; /* An invariant sub-query has been computed */
const int VLU_null = 2; /* An invariant sub-query computed to null */
/* Inversion (i.e. nod_index) impure area */
struct impure_inversion {
RecordBitmap* inv_bitmap;
/* AggregateSort impure area */
struct impure_agg_sort {
sort_context* iasb_sort_handle;
// Various field positions
const int e_for_re = 0;
const int e_for_statement = 1;
const int e_for_stall = 2;
const int e_for_rsb = 3;
const int e_for_length = 4;
const int e_arg_flag = 0;
const int e_arg_indicator = 1;
const int e_arg_message = 2;
const int e_arg_number = 3;
const int e_arg_length = 4;
const int e_msg_number = 0;
const int e_msg_format = 1;
const int e_msg_next = 2;
const int e_msg_length = 3;
const int e_fld_stream = 0;
const int e_fld_id = 1;
const int e_fld_default_value = 2; // hold column default value info if any, (Literal*)
const int e_fld_length = 3;
const int e_sto_statement = 0;
const int e_sto_statement2 = 1;
const int e_sto_sub_store = 2;
const int e_sto_validate = 3;
const int e_sto_relation = 4;
const int e_sto_length = 5;
const int e_erase_statement = 0;
const int e_erase_sub_erase = 1;
const int e_erase_stream = 2;
const int e_erase_rsb = 3;
const int e_erase_length = 4;
const int e_sav_operation = 0;
const int e_sav_name = 1;
const int e_sav_length = 2;
const int e_mod_statement = 0;
const int e_mod_statement2 = 1;
const int e_mod_sub_mod = 2;
const int e_mod_validate = 3;
const int e_mod_map_view = 4;
const int e_mod_org_stream = 5;
const int e_mod_new_stream = 6;
const int e_mod_rsb = 7;
const int e_mod_length = 8;
const int e_send_statement = 0;
const int e_send_message = 1;
const int e_send_length = 2;
const int e_asgn_from = 0;
const int e_asgn_to = 1;
const int e_asgn_missing = 2; // Value for comparison for missing
const int e_asgn_missing2 = 3; // Value for substitute for missing
const int e_asgn_length = 4;
const int e_rel_stream = 0;
const int e_rel_relation = 1;
const int e_rel_view = 2; // parent view for posting access
const int e_rel_alias = 3; // SQL alias for the relation
const int e_rel_context = 4; // user-specified context number for the relation reference
const int e_rel_length = 5;
const int e_idx_retrieval = 0;
const int e_idx_length = 1;
const int e_lbl_statement = 0;
const int e_lbl_label = 1;
const int e_lbl_length = 2;
const int e_any_rse = 0;
const int e_any_rsb = 1;
const int e_any_length = 2;
const int e_if_boolean = 0;
const int e_if_true = 1;
const int e_if_false = 2;
const int e_if_length = 3;
const int e_val_boolean = 0;
const int e_val_value = 1;
const int e_val_length = 2;
const int e_uni_stream = 0; // Stream for union
const int e_uni_clauses = 1; // RecordSelExpr's for union
const int e_uni_length = 2;
const int e_agg_stream = 0;
const int e_agg_rse = 1;
const int e_agg_group = 2;
const int e_agg_map = 3;
const int e_agg_length = 4;
// Statistical expressions
const int e_stat_rse = 0;
const int e_stat_value = 1;
const int e_stat_default = 2;
const int e_stat_rsb = 3;
const int e_stat_length = 4;
// Execute stored procedure
const int e_esp_inputs = 0;
const int e_esp_in_msg = 1;
const int e_esp_outputs = 2;
const int e_esp_out_msg = 3;
const int e_esp_procedure = 4;
const int e_esp_length = 5;
// Stored procedure view
const int e_prc_inputs = 0;
const int e_prc_in_msg = 1;
const int e_prc_stream = 2;
const int e_prc_procedure = 3;
const int e_prc_length = 4;
// Function expression
const int e_fun_args = 0;
const int e_fun_function = 1;
const int e_fun_length = 2;
// Generate id
const int e_gen_value = 0;
const int e_gen_relation = 1;
const int e_gen_id = 1; // Generator id (replaces e_gen_relation)
const int e_gen_length = 2;
// Protection mask
const int e_pro_class = 0;
const int e_pro_relation = 1;
const int e_pro_length = 2;
// Exception
const int e_xcp_desc = 0;
const int e_xcp_msg = 1;
const int e_xcp_length = 2;
// Variable declaration
const int e_var_id = 0;
const int e_var_variable = 1;
const int e_var_length = 2;
const int e_dcl_id = 0;
const int e_dcl_desc = 1;
const int e_dcl_length = (1 + sizeof (DSC) / sizeof(::Jrd::jrd_nod*)); // Room for descriptor
const int e_dep_object = 0; // node for registering dependencies
const int e_dep_object_type = 1;
const int e_dep_field = 2;
const int e_dep_length = 3;
const int e_scl_field = 0; // Scalar expression (blr_index)
const int e_scl_subscripts = 1;
const int e_scl_length = 2;
const int e_blk_action = 0;
const int e_blk_handlers = 1;
const int e_blk_length = 2;
const int e_err_action = 0;
const int e_err_conditions = 1;
const int e_err_length = 2;
// Datatype cast operator
const int e_cast_source = 0;
const int e_cast_fmt = 1;
const int e_cast_length = 2;
// CVC: These belong to SCROLLABLE_CURSORS, but I can't mark them with the macro
// because e_seek_length is used in blrtable.h.
const int e_seek_offset = 0; // for seeking through a stream
const int e_seek_direction = 1;
const int e_seek_rse = 2;
const int e_seek_length = 3;
// This is for the plan node
const int e_retrieve_relation = 0;
const int e_retrieve_access_type = 1;
const int e_retrieve_length = 2;
// This is for the plan's access_type subnode
const int e_access_type_relation = 0;
const int e_access_type_index = 1;
const int e_access_type_index_name = 2;
const int e_access_type_length = 3;
// SQL Date supporting nodes
const int e_extract_value = 0; // Node
const int e_extract_part = 1; // Integer
const int e_extract_count = 1; // Number of nodes
const int e_extract_length = 2; // Number of entries in nod_args
const int e_current_date_length = 1;
const int e_current_time_length = 1;
const int e_current_timestamp_length= 1;
const int e_dcl_cursor_rse = 0;
const int e_dcl_cursor_refs = 1;
const int e_dcl_cursor_number = 2;
const int e_dcl_cursor_rsb = 3;
const int e_dcl_cursor_length = 4;
const int e_cursor_stmt_op = 0;
const int e_cursor_stmt_number = 1;
const int e_cursor_stmt_seek = 2;
const int e_cursor_stmt_into = 3;
const int e_cursor_stmt_length = 4;
const int e_strlen_value = 0;
const int e_strlen_type = 1;
const int e_strlen_count = 1;
const int e_strlen_length = 2;
const int e_trim_value = 0;
const int e_trim_characters = 1;
const int e_trim_specification = 2;
const int e_trim_count = 2;
const int e_trim_length = 3;
// nod_src_info
const int e_src_info_line = 0;
const int e_src_info_col = 1;
const int e_src_info_node = 2;
const int e_src_info_length = 3;
// Request resources
struct Resource
enum rsc_s
enum rsc_s rsc_type;
USHORT rsc_id; /* Id of the resource */
jrd_rel* rsc_rel; /* Relation block */
jrd_prc* rsc_prc; /* Procedure block */
Collation* rsc_coll; /* Collation block */
static bool greaterThan(const Resource& i1, const Resource& i2) {
// A few places of the engine depend on fact that rsc_type
// is the first field in ResourceList ordering
if (i1.rsc_type != i2.rsc_type)
return i1.rsc_type > i2.rsc_type;
if (i1.rsc_type == rsc_index) {
// Sort by relation ID for now
if (i1.rsc_rel->rel_id != i2.rsc_rel->rel_id)
return i1.rsc_rel->rel_id > i2.rsc_rel->rel_id;
return i1.rsc_id > i2.rsc_id;
Resource(rsc_s type, USHORT id, jrd_rel* rel, jrd_prc* prc, Collation* coll) :
rsc_type(type), rsc_id(id), rsc_rel(rel), rsc_prc(prc), rsc_coll(coll) { }
typedef Firebird::SortedArray<Resource, Firebird::EmptyStorage<Resource>,
Resource, Firebird::DefaultKeyValue<Resource>, Resource> ResourceList;
// Access items
// In case we start to use MetaName with required pool parameter,
// access item to be reworked!
struct AccessItem
Firebird::MetaName acc_security_name;
SLONG acc_view_id;
Firebird::MetaName acc_name;
const TEXT* acc_type;
SecurityClass::flags_t acc_mask;
static bool greaterThan(const AccessItem& i1, const AccessItem& i2) {
int v;
// Relations and procedures should be sorted before
// columns, hence such a tricky inverted condition
if ((v = -strcmp(i1.acc_type, i2.acc_type)) != 0)
return v > 0;
if ((v = i1.acc_security_name.compare(i2.acc_security_name)) != 0)
return v > 0;
if (i1.acc_view_id != i2.acc_view_id)
return i1.acc_view_id > i2.acc_view_id;
if (i1.acc_mask != i2.acc_mask)
return i1.acc_mask > i2.acc_mask;
if ((v = i1.acc_name.compare(i2.acc_name)) != 0)
return v > 0;
return false; // Equal
AccessItem(const Firebird::MetaName& security_name, SLONG view_id,
const Firebird::MetaName& name, const TEXT* type, SecurityClass::flags_t mask)
: acc_security_name(security_name), acc_view_id(view_id), acc_name(name),
acc_type(type), acc_mask(mask)
typedef Firebird::SortedArray<AccessItem, Firebird::EmptyStorage<AccessItem>,
AccessItem, Firebird::DefaultKeyValue<AccessItem>, AccessItem> AccessItemList;
// Triggers and procedures the request accesses
struct ExternalAccess
enum exa_act {
exa_act exa_action;
USHORT exa_prc_id;
USHORT exa_rel_id;
USHORT exa_view_id;
// Procedure
ExternalAccess(USHORT prc_id) :
exa_action(exa_procedure), exa_prc_id(prc_id), exa_rel_id(0), exa_view_id(0)
{ }
// Trigger
ExternalAccess(exa_act action, USHORT rel_id, USHORT view_id) :
exa_action(action), exa_prc_id(0), exa_rel_id(rel_id), exa_view_id(view_id)
{ }
static bool greaterThan(const ExternalAccess& i1, const ExternalAccess& i2) {
if (i1.exa_action != i2.exa_action)
return i1.exa_action > i2.exa_action;
if (i1.exa_prc_id != i2.exa_prc_id)
return i1.exa_prc_id > i2.exa_prc_id;
if (i1.exa_rel_id != i2.exa_rel_id)
return i1.exa_rel_id > i2.exa_rel_id;
if (i1.exa_view_id != i2.exa_view_id)
return i1.exa_view_id > i2.exa_view_id;
return false; // Equal
typedef Firebird::SortedArray<ExternalAccess, Firebird::EmptyStorage<ExternalAccess>,
ExternalAccess, Firebird::DefaultKeyValue<ExternalAccess>, ExternalAccess> ExternalAccessList;
// Compile scratch block
* TMN: I had to move the enclosed csb_repeat outside this class,
* since it's part of the C API. Compiling as C++ would enclose it.
// CVC: Mike comment seems to apply only when the conversion to C++
// was being done. It's almost impossible that a repeating structure of
// the compiler scratch block be available to outsiders.
class CompilerScratch : public pool_alloc<type_csb>
CompilerScratch(MemoryPool& p, size_t len)
: /*csb_blr(0),
csb_rpt(p, len)
static CompilerScratch* newCsb(MemoryPool& p, size_t len)
{ return FB_NEW(p) CompilerScratch(p, len); }
int nextStream(bool check = true)
if (csb_n_stream >= MAX_STREAMS && check)
ERR_post(isc_too_many_contexts, 0);
return csb_n_stream++;
const UCHAR* csb_blr;
const UCHAR* csb_running;
jrd_nod* csb_node;
ExternalAccessList csb_external; /* Access to outside procedures/triggers to be checked */
AccessItemList csb_access; /* Access items to be checked */
vec<jrd_nod*>* csb_variables; /* Vector of variables, if any */
ResourceList csb_resources; /* Resources (relations and indexes) */
NodeStack csb_dependencies; /* objects this request depends upon */
Firebird::Array<RecordSource*> csb_fors; /* stack of fors */
Firebird::Array<jrd_nod*> csb_exec_sta; // Array of exec_into nodes
Firebird::Array<jrd_nod*> csb_invariants; /* stack of invariant nodes */
Firebird::Array<jrd_node_base*> csb_current_nodes; /* RecordSelExpr's and other invariant candidates within whose scope we are */
RecordSelExpr* csb_current_rse; /* this holds the RecordSelExpr currently being processed;
unlike the current_rses stack, it references any expanded view RecordSelExpr */
jrd_nod* csb_async_message; /* asynchronous message to send to request */
USHORT csb_n_stream; /* Next available stream */
USHORT csb_msg_number; /* Highest used message number */
SLONG csb_impure; /* Next offset into impure area */
USHORT csb_g_flags;
MemoryPool& csb_pool; /* Memory pool to be used by csb */
Firebird::MapBlrToSrc* csb_map_blr2src; // mapping between blr offsets and source text position
struct csb_repeat
// We must zero-initialize this one
: csb_stream(0),
csb_cardinality(0.0f), // TMN: Non-natural cardinality?!
UCHAR csb_stream; /* Map user context to internal stream */
UCHAR csb_view_stream; /* stream number for view relation, below */
USHORT csb_flags;
USHORT csb_indices; /* Number of indices */
jrd_rel* csb_relation;
Firebird::MetaName* csb_alias; /* SQL alias name for this instance of relation */
jrd_prc* csb_procedure;
jrd_rel* csb_view; /* parent view */
IndexDescAlloc* csb_idx; /* Packed description of indices */
jrd_nod* csb_message; /* Msg for send/receive */
Format* csb_format; /* Default Format for stream */
UInt32Bitmap* csb_fields; /* Fields referenced */
float csb_cardinality; /* Cardinality of relation */
jrd_nod* csb_plan; /* user-specified plan for this relation */
UCHAR* csb_map; /* Stream map for views */
RecordSource** csb_rsb_ptr; /* point to rsb for nod_stream */
typedef csb_repeat* rpt_itr;
typedef const csb_repeat* rpt_const_itr;
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<csb_repeat, 5> csb_rpt;
const int csb_internal = 1; // "csb_g_flag" switch
const int csb_get_dependencies = 2; // we are retrieving dependencies
const int csb_ignore_perm = 4; // ignore permissions checks
const int csb_blr_version4 = 8; // the BLR is of version 4
const int csb_pre_trigger = 16; // this is a BEFORE trigger
const int csb_post_trigger = 32; // this is an AFTER trigger
const int csb_validation = 64; // we're in a validation expression (RDB hack)
const int csb_active = 1; // stream is active
const int csb_used = 2; // context has already been defined (BLR parsing only)
const int csb_view_update = 4; // view update w/wo trigger is in progress
const int csb_trigger = 8; // NEW or OLD context in trigger
const int csb_no_dbkey = 16; // stream doesn't have a dbkey
const int csb_store = 32; // we are processing a store statement
const int csb_modify = 64; // we are processing a modify
// Obsolete: was used for PC_ENGINE
//const int csb_compute = 128; // compute cardinality for this stream
const int csb_erase = 256; // we are processing an erase
const int csb_unmatched = 512; // stream has conjuncts unmatched by any index
const int csb_update = 1024; // erase or modify for relation
const int csb_made_river = 2048; // stream has been included in a river
// Exception condition list
struct xcp_repeat {
SSHORT xcp_type;
SLONG xcp_code;
class PsqlException : public pool_alloc_rpt<xcp_repeat, type_xcp>
SLONG xcp_count;
xcp_repeat xcp_rpt[1];
const int xcp_sql_code = 1;
const int xcp_gds_code = 2;
const int xcp_xcp_code = 3;
const int xcp_default = 4;
class StatusXcp {
void clear();
void init(const ISC_STATUS*);
void copyTo(ISC_STATUS*) const;
bool success() const;
SLONG as_gdscode() const;
SLONG as_sqlcode() const;
// must correspond to the size of RDB$EXCEPTIONS.RDB$MESSAGE
// minus size of vary::vary_length (USHORT) since RDB$MESSAGE
// declared as varchar
const int XCP_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 1023 - sizeof(USHORT);
} //namespace Jrd
#endif // JRD_EXE_H