mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-01-23 06:03:02 +01:00
asfernandes ed0e0daeb3 - External Engines implementation.
- Plugins API.

- Feature CORE-2700 - UDR (User Defined Routines) Engine - C++ API supporting functions, triggers and stored procedures.
- Feature CORE-2470 - Support for alternate format of strings literals.
- Feature CORE-2310 - DDL triggers.
- Feature CORE-2312 - PSQL Packages.
- Feature CORE-1209 - CONTINUE statement.
- Feature CORE-1180 - DDL syntax to change (not) nullable state of columns.
- Feature CORE-2090 - Support OVER () clause with current aggregate functions.

- Fixed CORE-2699 - Common table expression context could be used with parameters.

- Introduce ODS 12.0.

- Work in progress in type-safe parser.
- Refactor some DDL commands (procedures and triggers) from DYN to DdlNodes.
- Refactor virtual tables to use a class hierarchy instead of namespaces. This is basic thing, not based on the changes done in Vulcan. Window functions is based on this work.
- Refactor COMMENT ON and DROP FUNCTION from DYN to DdlNodes. COMMENT ON do not use GDML anymore, it uses DSQL with PreparedStatement class.
- Refactor EXECUTE BLOCK to StmtNodes.
- Refactor the IUDF to SysFunctions. That eliminates RDB$GET_CONTEXT and RDB$SET_CONTEXT from RDB$FUNCTIONS.
2009-10-21 00:42:38 +00:00

152 lines
6.2 KiB

@echo off
set ERRLEV=0
:: Set env vars
@call setenvvar.bat
@if errorlevel 1 (call :ERROR Executing setenvvar.bat failed & goto :EOF)
:: verify that boot was run before
@if not exist %FB_GEN_DIR%\gpre_boot.exe (goto :HELP_BOOT & goto :EOF)
@call set_build_target.bat %*
@echo Building %FB_OBJ_DIR%
call compile.bat %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2 make_all_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log
if errorlevel 1 call :ERROR build failed - see make_all_%FB_TARGET_PLATFORM%.log for details
@if "%ERRLEV%"=="1" (
@goto :EOF
) else (
@call :MOVE
@goto :EOF
@echo Copying files to output
@del %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\bin\*.exp 2>nul
@del %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\bin\*.lib 2>nul
@rmdir /q /s %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\intl 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\help 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\lib 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32 2>nul
@mkdir %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\plugins 2>nul
for %%v in ( icuuc30 icudt30 icuin30 ) do (
@copy %FB_ICU_SOURCE_BIN%\%%v.dll %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\bin\* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\intl\* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\intl >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\udf\* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\system32\* %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\system32 >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\plugins\fbtrace.dll %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\plugins\fbtrace.dll >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\firebird\plugins\udr_engine.dll %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\plugins\udr_engine.dll >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\fbclient\fbclient.lib %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\lib\fbclient_ms.lib >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\temp\%FB_OBJ_DIR%\ib_util\ib_util.lib %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\lib\ib_util_ms.lib >nul
for %%v in ( btyacc gbak_embed gpre_boot gpre_embed isql_embed ) do (
@del %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin\%%v.exe >nul
:: Firebird.conf, etc
@copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\firebird.msg %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% > nul
:: The line @UDF_COMMENT@ should be deleted from the target file.
findstr /V "@UDF_COMMENT@" %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\firebird.conf.in > %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\firebird.conf
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\fbintl.conf %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\intl >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\utilities\ntrace\fbtrace.conf %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\IPLicense.txt %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\builds\install\misc\IDPLicense.txt %FB_OUTPUT_DIR% >nul
@copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\SECURITY2.FDB %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\security2.fdb >nul
@copy %FB_GEN_DIR%\dbs\HELP.fdb %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\help\help.fdb >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\ChangeLog %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\ChangeLog.txt >nul
@copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\doc\WhatsNew %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\doc\WhatsNew.txt >nul
:: Don't use this ibase.h unless you have to - we build it better in BuildExecutableInstall.bat
:: This variation doesn't clean up the license templates, and processes the component files in
:: a different order to that used in the production version. However, this version doesn't
:: have a dependancy upon sed while the production one does.
echo #pragma message("Non-production version of ibase.h.") > %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
echo #pragma message("Using raw, unprocessed concatenation of header files.") >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\ibase_header.txt >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\types_pub.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\dsc_pub.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\dsql\sqlda_pub.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\ibase.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\inf_pub.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\consts_pub.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\blr.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
type %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\gen\iberror.h >> %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp
sed -f %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\misc\headers.sed < %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp > %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.h
del %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include\ibase.tmp > nul
:: Additional headers
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\ib_util.h %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include > nul
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\jrd\perf.h %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include >nul
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\include\gen\iberror.h %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\include > nul
:: UDF
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\ib_udf.sql %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf > nul
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\ib_udf2.sql %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf > nul
copy %FB_ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\fbudf\fbudf.sql %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\udf > nul
:: Installers
@copy %FB_INSTALL_SCRIPTS%\install_super.bat %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy %FB_INSTALL_SCRIPTS%\install_classic.bat %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy %FB_INSTALL_SCRIPTS%\uninstall.bat %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
:: MSVC runtime
if %MSVC_VERSION% == 9 (
@copy "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcr90.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\msvcp90.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy "%VS90COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
) else (
if %MSVC_VERSION% == 8 (
@copy "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\msvcr80.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\msvcp80.dll" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@copy "%VS80COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\redist\%FB_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Microsoft.VC80.CRT\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest" %FB_OUTPUT_DIR%\bin >nul
@goto :EOF
@echo You must run make_boot.bat before running this script
@goto :EOF
@echo An error occurred while running make_all.bat -
@echo %*
set ERRLEV=1
cancel_script > nul 2>&1
::End of ERROR
@goto :EOF