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* PROGRAM: JRD Access Method
* MODULE: extvms.c
* DESCRIPTION: External file access
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
#include "firebird.h"
#include "../jrd/jrd.h"
#include "../jrd/req.h"
#include "../jrd/val.h"
#include "../jrd/exe.h"
#include "../jrd/rse.h"
#include "../jrd/ext.h"
#include "gen/codes.h"
#include "../jrd/tra.h"
#include "../jrd/ods.h"
#include "../jrd/btr.h"
#include "../jrd/all_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/err_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/evl_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/ext_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/met_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/opt_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/vio_proto.h"
#include rms
#define DEFAULT_FILE ".dat"
#define MAX_KEYS 20
static struct FAB fab;
static struct RAB rab;
static BOOLEAN check_sort(NOD, IDX *, USHORT);
static BOOLEAN compare(UCHAR *, UCHAR *, USHORT);
static int compare_segment(NOD, UCHAR *, DSC *);
static int connect(EXT, USHORT);
static void disconnect(EXT);
static void expand_format(FMT, FMT);
static SLONG find_field(FMT, USHORT, USHORT, USHORT);
static int get_dbkey(RSB);
static int get_indexed(RSB);
static USHORT get_key_segment(NOD, UCHAR *, DSC *);
static BOOLEAN get_sequential(RSB);
static BOOLEAN match_index(FMT, struct XABKEY *, IDX *);
static int open_indexed(RSB);
static int open_sequential(RSB);
static void position_by_rfa(EXT, USHORT *);
static void set_flags(REL, REC);
static void set_missing(REL, REC);
void EXT_close(RSB rsb)
* E X T _ c l o s e
* Functional description
* Close a record stream for an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
REL relation;
EXT file;
JRD_REQ request;
RPB *rpb;
int status;
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
if ((rab.rab$w_isi = rpb->rpb_ext_isi) &&
rpb->rpb_ext_isi != file->ext_isi) {
rpb->rpb_ext_isi = 0;
void EXT_erase(RPB * rpb, int *transaction)
* E X T _ e r a s e
* Functional description
* Update an external file.
REL relation;
EXT file;
int status;
if (rpb->rpb_stream_flags & RPB_s_refetch)
IBERROR(180); /* msg 180 can't reposition for update after sort for RMS */
relation = rpb->rpb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
rab.rab$w_isi = rpb->rpb_ext_isi;
rab.rab$l_rop = 0;
position_by_rfa(file, &rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey);
status = sys$delete(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$delete",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_delete_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
EXT EXT_file(REL relation, TEXT * file_name, SLONG * description)
* E X T _ f i l e
* Functional description
* Create a file block for external file access.
TDBB tdbb;
DBB dbb;
int status;
EXT file;
IDX *index;
STR string;
FMT format;
UCHAR index_buffer[MAX_KEYS * sizeof(IDX)];
struct XABSUM summary;
struct XABKEY *key, *end, **ptr, keys[MAX_KEYS];
UCHAR *lognam;
dbb = tdbb->tdbb_database;
/* Allocate and fill out an external file block. Get the
external format and flesh it out using the internal
format. */
l = strlen(file_name);
relation->rel_file = file = FB_NEW_RPT(dbb->dbb_permanent, l) ext();
strcpy(file->ext_filename, file_name);
format = file->ext_format = MET_format(tdbb, relation, 0);
expand_format(format, MET_current(tdbb, relation));
/* Groan -- time to check in with RMS. We're going to start
by formatting and openning a FAB (file access block). Rather
than cart the full FAB around, just save the "ifi" (internal
FAB identifier) for later use. To avoid an extra DISPLAY
operation, allocate and link in a summary XAB (extended
attribute block) to determine the number of indices for an
indexed file. */
fab = cc$rms_fab;
fab.fab$l_dna = DEFAULT_FILE;
fab.fab$b_dns = sizeof(DEFAULT_FILE) - 1;
fab.fab$l_fna = file->ext_filename;
fab.fab$b_fns = l;
/* this was put in for Healthdyne; if the logical name is defined and
if it says "READONLY", then we open the file read only. if the
logical name is defined and it is not READONLY, then let there be
an error. */
if (lognam = getenv("GDS_RMSACCESS")) {
if (strcmp(lognam, "READONLY") == 0)
fab.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_GET;
fab.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_DEL | FAB$M_GET | FAB$M_PUT | FAB$M_UPD;
fab.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_MSE | FAB$M_SHRGET | FAB$M_SHRPUT |
fab.fab$l_xab = &summary;
summary = cc$rms_xabsum;
status = sys$open(&fab);
fab.fab$l_xab = NULL;
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$open",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_open_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
/* If this is an indexed file, process keys. For each known key,
allocate a format a temporary key definition XAB. Link the
whole herd of XABs to the FAB and do an RMS DISPLAY operation
to get key definitions. For each key, try to match it against
the external format by datatype, offset, and length. If we can't
match the key, ignore it */
if (fab.fab$b_org == FAB$C_IDX) {
ptr = (struct XABKEY *) &fab.fab$l_xab;
for (key = keys, end = key + summary.xab$b_nok; key < end; key++) {
*key = cc$rms_xabkey;
key->xab$b_ref = key - keys;
*ptr = key;
ptr = &key->xab$l_nxt;
status = sys$display(&fab);
fab.fab$l_xab = NULL;
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$display",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_access_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
index = (IDX *) index_buffer;
for (key = keys; key < end; key++)
if (match_index(format, key, index)) {
index = (IDX *) (index->idx_rpt + index->idx_count);
if (l = (UCHAR *) index - index_buffer) {
string = FB_NEW_RPT(tdbb->tdbb_default, l) str();
MOVE_FAST(index_buffer, string->str_data, l);
file->ext_indices = string->str_data;
/* Set up an internal stream for the file. Since RMS supports
multiple streams for ISAM files, each indexed stream will
allocate separate connections for their stream. */
rab = cc$rms_rab;
rab.rab$l_fab = &fab;
file->ext_isi = connect(file, 0);
file->ext_ifi = fab.fab$w_ifi;
file->ext_file_type = fab.fab$b_org;
return file;
void EXT_fini(REL relation)
* E X T _ f i n i
* Functional description
* Close the file associated with a relation.
EXT file;
int status;
file = relation->rel_file;
if (fab.fab$w_ifi = file->ext_ifi) {
status = sys$close(&fab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$close",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_close_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
file->ext_ifi = 0;
int EXT_get(RSB rsb)
* E X T _ g e t
* Functional description
* Get a record from an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
if (tdbb->tdbb_request->req_flags & req_abort)
return FALSE;
switch (rsb->rsb_type) {
case rsb_ext_sequential:
return get_sequential(rsb);
case rsb_ext_indexed:
return get_indexed(rsb);
case rsb_ext_dbkey:
return get_dbkey(rsb);
IBERROR(181); /* msg 181 external access type not implemented */
void EXT_modify(RPB * old_rpb, RPB * new_rpb, int *transaction)
* E X T _ m o d i f y
* Functional description
* Update an external file.
REL relation;
EXT file;
JRD_REQ request;
REC record;
FMT format;
int offset, status;
if (old_rpb->rpb_stream_flags & RPB_s_refetch)
IBERROR(180); /* msg 180 cannot reposition for update after sort for RMS */
record = new_rpb->rpb_record;
relation = new_rpb->rpb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
format = record->rec_format;
set_missing(old_rpb->rpb_relation, record);
offset = FLAG_BYTES(format->fmt_count);
rab.rab$w_isi = old_rpb->rpb_ext_isi;
rab.rab$l_rop = 0;
position_by_rfa(file, &old_rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey);
rab.rab$l_rbf = record->rec_data + offset;
rab.rab$w_rsz = record->rec_length - offset;
status = sys$update(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$update",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_write_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
EXT_open(RSB rsb)
* E X T _ o p e n
* Functional description
* Open a record stream for an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
REL relation;
JRD_REQ request;
RPB *rpb;
REC record;
FMT format;
EXT file;
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
if (!(record = rpb->rpb_record) || !(format = record->rec_format)) {
format = MET_current(tdbb, relation);
record = VIO_record(tdbb, rpb, format, request->req_pool);
switch (rsb->rsb_type) {
case rsb_ext_sequential:
return open_sequential(rsb);
case rsb_ext_indexed:
return open_indexed(rsb);
case rsb_ext_dbkey:
file = relation->rel_file;
rpb->rpb_ext_isi = file->ext_isi;
IBERROR(181); /* msg 181 external access type not implemented */
RSB EXT_optimize(OPT opt, SSHORT stream, NOD * sort_ptr)
* E X T _ o p t i m i z e
* Functional description
* Compile and optimize a record selection expression into a
* set of record source blocks (rsb's).
TDBB tdbb;
CSB csb;
REL relation;
RSB rsb;
NOD dbkey, inversion;
EXT file;
IDX *idx;
SSHORT i, size;
opt::opt_repeat * tail, *opt_end;
csb_repeat *csb_tail;
/* Start by chasing around finding pointers to the various
data structures */
csb = opt->opt_csb;
csb_tail = &csb->csb_rpt[stream];
relation = csb_tail->csb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
dbkey = inversion = NULL;
/* Check for a dbkey retrieval. If we find it, ignore everything
else */
for (tail = opt->opt_rpt, opt_end = tail + opt->opt_count;
tail < opt_end; tail++)
if (!(tail->opt_flags & opt_used) &&
(dbkey = OPT_make_dbkey(opt, tail->opt_conjunct, stream)))
/* If there are booleans availables and indices to optimize
against, go at it */
if (!dbkey && opt->opt_count && (idx = file->ext_indices))
for (i = 0; i < file->ext_index_count; i++) {
if (OPT_match_index(opt, stream, idx) &&
opt->opt_rpt[0].opt_lower) {
inversion = OPT_make_index(tdbb, opt, relation, idx);
if (check_sort(*sort_ptr, idx, stream))
*sort_ptr = NULL;
idx = idx->idx_rpt + idx->idx_count;
/* Depending on whether or not an index was selected build either
and external indexed or an external sequential record stream
block */
if (dbkey) {
rsb = FB_NEW_RPT(tdbb->tdbb_default, 1) rsb();
rsb->rsb_type = rsb_ext_dbkey;
rsb->rsb_count = 1;
size = sizeof(struct irsb_index);
rsb->rsb_arg[0] = (RSB) dbkey;
else if (inversion) {
rsb = FB_NEW_RPT(tdbb->tdbb_default, 1) rsb();
rsb->rsb_type = rsb_ext_indexed;
rsb->rsb_count = 1;
size = sizeof(struct irsb_index);
rsb->rsb_arg[0] = (RSB) inversion;
else {
rsb = FB_NEW(tdbb->tdbb_default) rsb();
rsb->rsb_type = rsb_ext_sequential;
size = sizeof(struct irsb);
/* Finish filling out the record stream block and allocate some
space in the impure area of the request for stream state information */
rsb->rsb_stream = stream;
rsb->rsb_relation = relation;
rsb->rsb_impure = CMP_impure(csb, size);
return rsb;
void EXT_ready(REL relation)
* E X T _ r e a d y
* Functional description
* Open an external file.
void EXT_store(RPB * rpb, int *transaction)
* E X T _ s t o r e
* Functional description
* Update an external *
REL relation;
REC record;
FMT format;
EXT file;
int status;
USHORT offset;
relation = rpb->rpb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
record = rpb->rpb_record;
format = record->rec_format;
set_missing(relation, record);
offset = FLAG_BYTES(format->fmt_count);
rab.rab$w_isi = file->ext_isi;
rab.rab$l_rbf = record->rec_data + offset;
rab.rab$w_rsz = record->rec_length - offset;
rab.rab$l_rop = 0;
if (file->ext_file_type == FAB$C_IDX)
rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY;
else if (!(file->ext_flags & EXT_eof)) {
rab.rab$l_rop |= RAB$M_EOF;
file->ext_isi = connect(file, 0);
rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ;
file->ext_flags |= EXT_eof;
status = sys$put(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$put",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_write_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
void EXT_trans_commit(TRA transaction)
* E X T _ t r a n s _ c o m m i t
* Functional description
* Checkin at transaction commit time.
void EXT_trans_prepare(TRA transaction)
* E X T _ t r a n s _ p r e p a r e
* Functional description
* Checkin at transaction prepare time.
void EXT_trans_rollback(TRA transaction)
* E X T _ t r a n s _ r o l l b a c k
* Functional description
* Checkin at transaction rollback time.
void EXT_trans_start(TRA transaction)
* E X T _ t r a n s _ s t a r t
* Functional description
* Checkin at start transaction time.
static BOOLEAN check_sort(NOD sort, IDX * index, USHORT stream)
* c h e c k _ s o r t
* Functional description
* Check a sort node against an index to see if the
* sort is totally redundant.
NOD field, *ptr, *end;
idx::idx_repeat * tail;
/* If there is no sort, or there are more keys than
index segments, we obviously can optimize anything */
if (!sort || sort->nod_count > index->idx_count)
return FALSE;
/* For each sort key, make sure the key matches the index segment,
and that the sort is ascending */
for (ptr = sort->nod_arg, end = ptr + sort->nod_count, tail =
index->idx_rpt; ptr < end; ptr++, tail++) {
field = *ptr;
if (field->nod_type != nod_field ||
(USHORT) field->nod_arg[e_fld_stream] != stream ||
(USHORT) field->nod_arg[e_fld_id] != tail->idx_field ||
ptr[sort->nod_count]) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static BOOLEAN compare(UCHAR * string1, UCHAR * string2, USHORT length)
* c o m p a r e
* Functional description
* Compare two strings for equality.
if (*string1++ != *string2++)
return 1;
while (--length);
return 0;
static int compare_segment(NOD node, UCHAR * buffer, DSC * target)
* c o m p a r e _ s e g m e n t
* Functional description
* Compare field in record against upper bound. Return
* comparison.
DSC *source, desc;
source = EVL_expr(tdbb, node);
desc = *target;
desc.dsc_address = (ULONG) desc.dsc_address + buffer;
return MOV_compare(&desc, source);
static int connect(EXT file, USHORT key)
* c o n n e c t
* Functional description
* Connect RAB and report any errors.
int status;
rab.rab$w_isi = 0;
rab.rab$b_krf = key;
status = sys$connect(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$connect",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_access_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
return rab.rab$w_isi;
static void disconnect(EXT file)
* d i s c o n n e c t
* Functional description
* Disconnect rab and check status.
int status;
status = sys$disconnect(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$disconnect",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_close_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
static void expand_format(FMT external, FMT internal)
* e x p a n d _ f o r m a t
* Functional description
* Merge internal and external formats -- if external info
* is missing, default from internal.
* Note: this doesn't yet handle datatypes supported in external
* files but not internally.
DSC *idesc, *edesc, *end;
SLONG offset;
/* For now, more or less ignore external type declarations */
offset = 0;
for (idesc = internal->fmt_desc, edesc = external->fmt_desc,
end = edesc + external->fmt_count; edesc < end; edesc++, idesc++) {
*edesc = *idesc;
edesc->dsc_address = (UCHAR *) offset;
offset += edesc->dsc_length;
external->fmt_length = offset;
static SLONG find_field(
FMT format, USHORT type, USHORT offset, USHORT length)
* f i n d _ f i e l d
* Functional description
* Given a format block and the offset and length of a
* field, find the field id. If we can't identify the
* field, return -1.
DSC *desc, *end;
for (n = 0, desc = format->fmt_desc, end = desc + format->fmt_count;
desc < end; desc++, n++)
if ((int) desc->dsc_address == offset && desc->dsc_length == length)
switch (type) {
case XAB$C_IN2:
if (desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_short)
return n;
case XAB$C_IN4:
if (desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_long)
return n;
case XAB$C_IN8:
if (desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_timestamp ||
desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_quad) return n;
case XAB$C_BN8:
if (desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_timestamp)
return n;
case XAB$C_STG:
if (desc->dsc_dtype == dtype_text)
return n;
return -1;
static get_dbkey(RSB rsb)
* g e t _ d b k e y
* Functional description
* Get a record from an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
JRD_REQ request;
REL relation;
EXT file;
RPB *rpb;
REC record;
DSC *desc;
NOD node;
FMT format;
int status;
SSHORT offset;
IRSB_EXT impure;
/* Chase down misc pointers */
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
impure = (UCHAR *) request + rsb->rsb_impure;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
record = rpb->rpb_record;
format = record->rec_format;
/* If this isn't the first time thru its the last time thru */
if (!(impure->irsb_flags & irsb_first))
return FALSE;
/* Evaluate expression */
node = (NOD) rsb->rsb_arg[0];
desc = EVL_expr(tdbb, node->nod_arg[0]);
offset = FLAG_BYTES(format->fmt_count);
rab.rab$w_isi = rpb->rpb_ext_isi;
rab.rab$l_ubf = record->rec_data + offset;
rab.rab$w_usz = record->rec_length - offset;
/* If the rab is shared and has been moved, reposition it */
position_by_rfa(file, desc->dsc_address);
impure->irsb_flags &= ~irsb_first;
file->ext_flags &= ~EXT_eof;
if (status == RMS$_EOF)
return FALSE;
set_flags(relation, record);
MOVE_FAST(rab.rab$w_rfa, &rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa));
MOVE_FAST(rab.rab$w_rfa, file->ext_dbkey, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa));
return TRUE;
static get_indexed(RSB rsb)
* g e t _ i n d e x e d
* Functional description
* Get a record from an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
NOD node, *ptr, *end;
EXT file;
IRB retrieval;
REL relation;
FMT format;
IDX *index;
JRD_REQ request;
RPB *rpb;
UCHAR key_buffer[256], *p;
int status, result;
IRSB_EXT impure;
idx::idx_repeat * segment;
/* Start by finding the signficant data structures for the stream. These
are mainly used to initialize the stream at some particular key value */
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
format = file->ext_format;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
impure = (UCHAR *) request + rsb->rsb_impure;
node = rsb->rsb_arg[0];
retrieval = (IRB) node->nod_arg[e_idx_retrieval];
index = &retrieval->irb_desc;
/* If this is the first time through on this stream, and a lower
value is present, position the RMS stream with a keyed access.
In theory, this could have been done in "open_indexed", but
it is a little more convenient to do it here */
if (impure->irsb_flags & irsb_first)
if (retrieval->irb_lower_count) {
p = key_buffer;
segment = index->idx_rpt;
for (ptr = retrieval->irb_value, end =
ptr + retrieval->irb_lower_count; ptr < end;
ptr++, segment++) p +=
get_key_segment(*ptr, p,
format->fmt_desc + segment->idx_field);
rab.rab$b_krf = index->idx_id;
rab.rab$l_kbf = key_buffer;
rab.rab$b_ksz = p - key_buffer;
rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY;
rab.rab$l_rop =
(retrieval->irb_generic & irb_equality) ? 0 : RAB$M_KGE;
status = sys$find(&rab);
file->ext_flags &= ~EXT_eof;
if (status == RMS$_EOF || status == RMS$_RNF)
return FALSE;
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$find",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_read_err,
gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
/* Do an RMS sequential get on the stream. If it comes back
EOF, we're done */
if (!get_sequential(rsb))
return FALSE;
/* Check record against upper bound. If we pass it, we're done.
Note: this code ignores issues of inclusive/exclusive upper
bound. Since the full boolean will be applied anyway, the only
danger is processing a few extraneous records. */
segment = index->idx_rpt;
for (ptr = retrieval->irb_value + index->idx_count,
end = ptr + retrieval->irb_upper_count; ptr < end; ptr++, segment++) {
result =
compare_segment(*ptr, rab.rab$l_ubf,
format->fmt_desc + segment->idx_field);
if (result < 0)
if (result > 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static USHORT get_key_segment(NOD node, UCHAR * buffer, DSC * target)
* g e t _ k e y _ s e g m e n t
* Functional description
* Given a data descriptor, key buffer and description,
* build an RMS key segment. This is basically trivial
* as SLONG as the RMS data type matches the internal data
* type.
DSC *source, desc;
source = EVL_expr(tdbb, node);
desc = *target;
desc.dsc_address = buffer;
MOV_move(source, &desc);
return desc.dsc_length;
static BOOLEAN get_sequential(RSB rsb)
* g e t _ s e q u e n t i a l
* Functional description
* Get a record from an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
JRD_REQ request;
REL relation;
EXT file;
RPB *rpb;
REC record;
FMT format;
int status;
SSHORT offset;
IRSB_EXT impure;
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
impure = (UCHAR *) request + rsb->rsb_impure;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
record = rpb->rpb_record;
format = record->rec_format;
offset = FLAG_BYTES(format->fmt_count);
rab.rab$w_isi = rpb->rpb_ext_isi;
rab.rab$l_ubf = record->rec_data + offset;
rab.rab$w_usz = record->rec_length - offset;
/* If the rab is shared and has been moved, reposition it */
if (rpb->rpb_ext_isi == file->ext_isi &&
!(impure->irsb_flags & irsb_first) &&
compare(file->ext_dbkey, &rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa)))
position_by_rfa(file, &rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey);
rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ;
status = sys$get(&rab);
impure->irsb_flags &= ~irsb_first;
file->ext_flags &= ~EXT_eof;
if (status == RMS$_EOF)
return FALSE;
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$get",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_read_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
set_flags(relation, record);
MOVE_FAST(rab.rab$w_rfa, &rpb->rpb_ext_dbkey, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa));
/* If we're using the shared stream, save the current dbkey to
determine whether repositioning will be required next time
thru */
if (rpb->rpb_ext_isi == file->ext_isi)
MOVE_FAST(rab.rab$w_rfa, file->ext_dbkey, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa));
return TRUE;
static BOOLEAN match_index(FMT format, struct XABKEY *xab, IDX * idx)
* m a t c h _ i n d e x
* Functional description
* Try to match RMS key against fields. If success, build
* internal index description and return TRUE. Otherwise
* return FALSE.
int n, dtype;
UCHAR *size, *end;
USHORT *position;
idx::idx_repeat * tail;
size = &xab->xab$b_siz;
end = size + xab->xab$b_nsg;
position = &xab->xab$w_pos;
tail = idx->idx_rpt;
for (; size < end; size++, position++, tail++) {
if ((n = find_field(format, xab->xab$b_dtp, *position, *size)) < 0)
return FALSE;
tail->idx_field = n;
tail->idx_itype = xab->xab$b_dtp;
idx->idx_count = xab->xab$b_nsg;
idx->idx_selectivity = .01;
idx->idx_flags = 0;
idx->idx_id = xab->xab$b_ref;
return TRUE;
static open_indexed(RSB rsb)
* o p e n _ i n d e x e d
* Functional description
* Open a record stream for an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
REL relation;
EXT file;
JRD_REQ request;
RPB *rpb;
NOD node;
IRB retrieval;
IDX *index;
int status;
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
node = (NOD) rsb->rsb_arg[0];
retrieval = (IRB) node->nod_arg[e_idx_retrieval];
index = &retrieval->irb_desc;
/* Create internal RMS rab (irab) for stream. Connect
temporary shared rab, then save internal rab number */
fab.fab$w_ifi = file->ext_ifi;
rpb->rpb_ext_isi = connect(file, index->idx_id);
static open_sequential(RSB rsb)
* o p e n _ s e q u e n t i a l
* Functional description
* Open a record stream for an external file.
TDBB tdbb;
REL relation;
EXT file;
JRD_REQ request;
RPB *rpb;
int status;
relation = rsb->rsb_relation;
file = relation->rel_file;
request = tdbb->tdbb_request;
rpb = &request->req_rpb[rsb->rsb_stream];
if (file->ext_file_type == FAB$C_IDX) {
fab.fab$w_ifi = file->ext_ifi;
rpb->rpb_ext_isi = connect(file, 0);
else {
file->ext_flags &= ~EXT_eof;
rpb->rpb_ext_isi = rab.rab$w_isi = file->ext_isi;
status = sys$ib_rewind(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$ib_rewind",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_access_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
static void position_by_rfa(EXT file, USHORT * rfa)
* p o s i t i o n _ b y _ r f a
* Functional description
* Position file to specific RFA.
int status;
MOVE_FAST(rfa, rab.rab$w_rfa, sizeof(rab.rab$w_rfa));
rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_RFA;
file->ext_flags &= ~EXT_eof;
status = sys$get(&rab);
if (!(status & 1))
gds_arg_string, "sys$get by RFA",
gds_arg_string, file->ext_filename,
isc_arg_gds, isc_io_access_err, gds_arg_vms, status, 0);
static void set_flags(REL relation, REC record)
* s e t _ f l a g s
* Functional description
* Set missing flags for a record.
FMT format;
LIT literal;
DSC *desc_ptr, desc;
FLD field, *field_ptr;
SSHORT l, offset, i;
format = record->rec_format;
field_ptr = relation->rel_fields->vec_object;
desc_ptr = format->fmt_desc;
for (i = 0; i < format->fmt_count; i++, field_ptr++, desc_ptr++) {
SET_NULL(record, i);
if (!desc_ptr->dsc_length || !(field = *field_ptr))
if (literal = field->fld_missing_value) {
desc = *desc_ptr;
desc.dsc_address = record->rec_data + (int) desc.dsc_address;
if (!MOV_compare(&literal->lit_desc, &desc))
CLEAR_NULL(record, i);
static void set_missing(REL relation, REC record)
* s e t _ m i s s i n g
* Functional description
* Set missing values for MODIFY/STORE.
FMT format;
FLD *field_ptr, field;
LIT literal;
DSC desc, *desc_ptr;
USHORT i, l, offset;
format = record->rec_format;
field_ptr = relation->rel_fields->vec_object;
desc_ptr = format->fmt_desc;
for (i = 0; i < format->fmt_count; i++, field_ptr++, desc_ptr++)
if ((field = *field_ptr) &&
!field->fld_computation &&
(l = desc_ptr->dsc_length) && TEST_NULL(record, i)) {
p = record->rec_data + (int) desc_ptr->dsc_address;
if (literal = field->fld_missing_value) {
desc = *desc_ptr;
desc.dsc_address = p;
MOV_move(&literal->lit_desc, &desc);
else {
offset = (desc_ptr->dsc_dtype == dtype_text) ? ' ' : 0;
*p++ = offset;
while (--l);