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* PROGRAM: JRD access method
* MODULE: dsc2.h
* DESCRIPTION: Definitions associated with descriptors.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* 2002.04.16 Paul Beach - HP10 Define changed from -4 to (-4) to make it
* compatible with the HP Compiler
#ifndef JRD_DSC_H
#define JRD_DSC_H
#include "../jrd/gdsassert.h"
// Descriptor format
// This run-time structure is stored in RDB$FORMATS.RDB$DESCRIPTORS.
// Any modification to this structure is tantamount to an ODS change.
// See MET_format() and make_format() in MET.EPP for enlightenment.
struct dsc
typedef UCHAR dtype_t;
typedef SCHAR scale_t;
typedef USHORT length_t;
typedef SSHORT sub_type_t;
typedef USHORT flags_t;
typedef UCHAR* address_t;
: dsc_dtype(0),
explicit dsc(const dtype_t dtype) :
dsc_dtype(dtype), dsc_scale(0), dsc_length(0), dsc_sub_type(0),
dsc_flags(0), dsc_address(0)
dsc(const dtype_t dtype, const scale_t scale, const length_t length = 0,
const address_t address = 0) :
dsc_dtype(dtype), dsc_scale(scale), dsc_length(length), dsc_sub_type(0),
dsc_flags(0), dsc_address(address)
dtype_t dsc_dtype;
scale_t dsc_scale;
length_t dsc_length;
sub_type_t dsc_sub_type;
flags_t dsc_flags;
address_t dsc_address; // Used either as offset in a message or as a pointer
// CVC: Some proposed functionality. Unused for now. To be enhanced.
// Ugly macros should be the last resort in a C++ project.
dtype_t getDataType() const {return dsc_dtype;}
scale_t getRawScale() const {return dsc_scale;}
length_t getRawLength() const {return dsc_length;} // bytes
sub_type_t getRawSubType() const {return dsc_sub_type;}
flags_t getRawFlags() const {return dsc_flags;}
address_t getRawAddress() {return dsc_address;} // this is not const for now!
const char* getCharAddress() const {return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(dsc_address);}
// Is there any data?
bool isVarNull() const;
bool isUnknown() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
// These depend on the dtype
sub_type_t getTextType() const;
sub_type_t getCharset() const;
sub_type_t getCollate() const;
length_t getTextLen(bool validate) const; // bytes, not characters
bool isDscEquiv(const dsc* d2) const;
bool isText() const;
bool isDate() const; //date, time, timestamp
bool isBlob() const;
bool isBinaryBlob() const;
bool isTextBlob() const;
bool isMetadataBlob() const;
bool isReservedBlob() const;
bool isUserDefinedBlob() const;
bool isExact() const;
bool isSqlNumeric() const;
bool isSqlDecimal() const;
bool isApprox() const;
bool isANumber() const;
// These are mostly for dsql/make.cpp & jrd/cmp.cpp.
// Not sure if GPRE can be integrated.
bool canNegate() const;
bool canAverage() const;
bool canDivide() const;
bool canMultiply() const;
//bool mayExactMulDivFit(const dsc& d2) const;
// Some conversion routines that assume NULL is tested separately.
address_t asUText();
const address_t asUText() const;
char* asText();
const char* asText() const;
BYTE asByte() const;
SSHORT asSShort() const;
USHORT asUShort() const;
SLONG asSLong() const;
ULONG asULong() const;
GDS_QUAD asQuad() const;
float asReal() const;
double asDouble() const;
GDS_DATE asSqlDate() const;
GDS_TIME asSqlTime() const;
GDS_TIMESTAMP asSqlTimestamp() const;
// The Blob id is basically two unsigned long's.
//bid asBlobId() const;
//bid asArrayId() const;
SINT64 asSBigInt() const;
FB_UINT64 asUBigInt() const;
typedef dsc DSC;
// Data types
// WARNING: if you add another manifest constant to this group, then you
// must add another entry to the array compare_priority in jrd/cvt2.cpp.
// Note that dtype_null actually means that we do not yet know the
// dtype for this descriptor. A nice cleanup item would be to globally
// change it to dtype_unknown. --chrisj 1999-02-17
// Name changed on 2003.12.17 by CVC.
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_unknown = 0;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_text = 1;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_cstring = 2;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_varying = 3;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_packed = 6;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_byte = 7;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_short = 8;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_long = 9;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_quad = 10;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_real = 11;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_double = 12;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_d_float = 13;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_sql_date = 14;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_sql_time = 15;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_timestamp = 16;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_blob = 17;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_array = 18;
const dsc::dtype_t dtype_int64 = 19;
const dsc::dtype_t DTYPE_TYPE_MAX = 20;
// In DSC_*_result tables, DTYPE_CANNOT means that the two operands
// cannot participate together in the requested operation.
// Historical alias definition
const UCHAR dtype_date = dtype_timestamp;
const UCHAR dtype_aligned = dtype_varying;
const UCHAR dtype_any_text = dtype_varying;
const UCHAR dtype_min_comp = dtype_packed;
const UCHAR dtype_max_comp = dtype_d_float;
// values for dsc_flags
// Note: DSC_null is only reliably set for local variables (blr_variable)
const dsc::flags_t DSC_null = 1;
// This seems a legacy flag for the ASCII-only engine prior to v3.2J.
// dsc has no sub type specified
const dsc::flags_t DSC_no_subtype = 2;
// not stored. instead, is derived from metadata primarily to flag
// SQLDA (in DSQL)
const dsc::flags_t DSC_nullable = 4;
inline bool dsc::isVarNull() const
return dsc_flags & DSC_null;
inline bool dsc::isUnknown() const
return !dsc_dtype || dsc_dtype >= DTYPE_TYPE_MAX;
inline bool dsc::isEmpty() const
return !dsc_address;
// Overload text typing information into the dsc_sub_type field.
// See intl.h for definitions of text types
inline dsc::sub_type_t dsc::getTextType() const
if (isText())
return dsc_sub_type;
if (isBlob())
return dsc_scale | (dsc_flags & 0xFF00);
return 0; // throw an exception?
//#define DSC_GET_CHARSET(dsc) (((dsc)->dsc_sub_type) & 0x00FF)
//#define DSC_GET_COLLATE(dsc) (((dsc)->dsc_sub_type) >> 8)
inline dsc::sub_type_t dsc::getCharset() const
if (isText())
return dsc_sub_type & 0x00FF;
if (isBlob())
return dsc_scale;
return 0; // throw an exception?
inline dsc::sub_type_t dsc::getCollate() const
if (isText())
return dsc_sub_type >> 8;
if (isBlob())
return dsc_flags >> 8;
return 0; // throw an exception?
// Notice this struct assumes that UCHAR + SCHAR + USHORT == SLONG
// Hence, beware of the alignment used by the HW.
struct alt_dsc
SLONG dsc_combined_type; // dtype + scale + length
SSHORT dsc_sub_type;
USHORT dsc_flags; // Not currently used
dsc::address_t* addr; // Not currently used
//#define DSC_EQUIV(d1,d2) ((((alt_dsc*) d1)->dsc_combined_type == ((alt_dsc*) d2)->dsc_combined_type) &&
// ((DSC_GET_CHARSET (d1) == DSC_GET_CHARSET (d2)) || d1->dsc_dtype > dtype_any_text))
inline bool dsc::isDscEquiv(const dsc* d2) const
fb_assert(sizeof(alt_dsc) == sizeof(dsc)); // may fail with different alignment!
const alt_dsc* v1 = reinterpret_cast<const alt_dsc*>(this);
const alt_dsc* v2 = reinterpret_cast<const alt_dsc*>(d2);
return v1->dsc_combined_type == v2->dsc_combined_type &&
(this->getDataType() > dtype_any_text || getCharset() == d2->getCharset());
// Reversed the OR condition in case getCharset() throws an exception for > dtype_any_text
// NOTE: For types <= dtype_any_text the dsc_sub_type field defines
// the text type
//#define TEXT_LEN(d) ((d->dsc_dtype == dtype_text) ? d->dsc_length : (d->dsc_dtype == dtype_cstring) ? d->dsc_length - 1 : d->dsc_length - sizeof(USHORT))
// Don't use validate=true if you have a cstring with MBCS because it
// may detect prematurely a null terminator in a multi-byte character.
dsc::length_t dsc::getTextLen(bool validate) const
fb_assert(dsc_dtype <= dtype_any_text);
if (validate) {
length_t len, len2;
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_text:
len = len2 = dsc_length;
case dtype_cstring:
len = dsc_length - 1;
//len2 = strlen(getCharAddress());
// strlen might crash on bad data; we only test up to len
for (len2 = 0; len2 < len && dsc_address[len2]; ++len2); // no body
case dtype_varying:
len = dsc_length - sizeof(USHORT);
len2 = asUShort(); // equivalent to vary->vary_length
len = len2 = 0; // throw an exception?
if (len2 < len)
return len2;
return len;
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_text: return dsc_length;
case dtype_cstring: return dsc_length - 1;
case dtype_varying: return dsc_length - sizeof(USHORT);
default: return 0; // ????? throw an exception?
// Text subtypes, distinct from character sets & collations
// They are used exclusively by ini.epp and fields.h.
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_text_type_none = 0; // Normal text
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_text_type_fixed = 1; // strings can contain null bytes
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_text_type_binary = 1; // synonym for the prior
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_text_type_metadata = 3; // string represents system metadata
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_text_type_unicode = 3; // synonym for the prior
// Exact numeric subtypes: with ODS >= 10, these apply when dtype
// is short, long, or int64/longlong. Borland didn't reuse the quad type.
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_num_type_none = 0; // defined as SMALLINT or INTEGER or BIGINT
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_num_type_numeric = 1; // defined as NUMERIC(n,m)
const dsc::sub_type_t dsc_num_type_decimal = 2; // defined as DECIMAL(n,m)
// Date type information
//#define DTYPE_IS_TEXT(d) (((d) >= dtype_text) && ((d) <= dtype_varying))
//#define DTYPE_IS_DATE(t) (((t) >= dtype_sql_date) && ((t) <= dtype_timestamp))
inline bool dsc::isText() const
return dsc_dtype >= dtype_text && dsc_dtype <= dtype_varying;
inline bool dsc::isDate() const
return dsc_dtype >= dtype_sql_date && dsc_dtype <= dtype_timestamp;
// DTYPE_IS_BLOB includes both BLOB and ARRAY since array's are implemented over blobs.
//#define DTYPE_IS_BLOB(d) (((d) == dtype_blob) || ((d) == dtype_array))
inline bool dsc::isBlob() const
return dsc_dtype == dtype_blob || dsc_dtype == dtype_array;
inline bool dsc::isBinaryBlob() const
return isBlob() && dsc_sub_type == isc_blob_untyped;
inline bool dsc::isTextBlob() const
return isBlob() && dsc_sub_type == isc_blob_text;
inline bool dsc::isMetadataBlob() const
return isBlob()
&& dsc_sub_type >= isc_blob_blr
&& dsc_sub_type < isc_blob_max_predefined_subtype;
inline bool dsc::isReservedBlob() const
return isBlob() && dsc_sub_type >= isc_blob_max_predefined_subtype;
inline bool dsc::isUserDefinedBlob() const
return isBlob() && dsc_sub_type < isc_blob_untyped;
// Exact numeric?
//#define DTYPE_IS_EXACT(d) (((d) == dtype_int64) ||
// ((d) == dtype_long) ||
// ((d) == dtype_short))
inline bool dsc::isExact() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_int64:
case dtype_long:
case dtype_short:
return true;
return false;
inline bool dsc::isSqlNumeric() const
return isExact() && dsc_sub_type == dsc_num_type_numeric;
inline bool dsc::isSqlDecimal() const
return isExact() && dsc_sub_type == dsc_num_type_decimal;
// Floating point types?
//#define DTYPE_IS_APPROX(d) (((d) == dtype_double) ||
// ((d) == dtype_real))
inline bool dsc::isApprox() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_real:
case dtype_double:
return true;
return false;
// Beware, this is not SQL numeric(p, s), but a test for number data types
// Strangely, the original macro doesn't test for VMS even though
// the dtype_d_float follows dtype_double.
//#define DTYPE_IS_NUMERIC(d) ((((d) >= dtype_byte) &&
// ((d) <= dtype_d_float)) ||
// ((d) == dtype_int64))
// To avoid confusion, the new function was renamed.
inline bool dsc::isANumber() const
return dsc_dtype >= dtype_byte
&& dsc_dtype <= dtype_double
|| dsc_dtype == dtype_int64;
// Dubious function's check.
//#define NUMERIC_SCALE(desc) ((DTYPE_IS_TEXT((desc).dsc_dtype)) ? 0 : (desc).dsc_scale)
inline dsc::scale_t numeric_scale(const dsc& desc)
return desc.isText() ? 0 : desc.getRawScale();
// Macros defining what operations are legal on data types
inline bool dsc::canNegate() const {return isANumber();}
inline bool dsc::canAverage() const {return isANumber();}
inline bool dsc::canDivide() const {return isANumber();}
inline bool dsc::canMultiply() const {return isANumber();}
// It's not a guarantee that it fits.
// It's only an exercise, not to be taken as useful or accurate.
// Notice the decimal places are considered only rounding.
/* Should be moved to dsc.cpp since it's not inline.
bool dsc::mayExactMulDivFit(const dsc& d2) const
if (isVarNull() || d2.isVarNull() || !isExact() || !d2.isExact())
return false;
const int sc = dsc_scale + d2.dsc_scale;
if (sc > 19)
return false;
ISC_INT64 v1 = asSBigInt(), v2 = d2.asSBigInt();
for (int s1 = dsc_scale; s1 < 0; ++s1) {
if (s1 == -1 && v1 % 10 >= 5)
v1 += 10;
v1 /= 10;
for (int s2 = d2.dsc_scale; s2 < 0; ++s2) {
if (s2 == -1 && v2 % 10 >= 5)
v2 += 10;
v2 /= 10;
// Overflow prone.
ISC_INT64 res = v1 * v2, sb = v1 ^ v2;
if ((res ^ sb) < 0)
return false;
int c = 0;
while (res != 0) {
res /= 10;
return c + sc < 19; // approx
// Conversion routines.
// asUText() and asText don't attempt to represent as a string the content
// of non-text dtypes.
// Warning: always call getTextLength() before retrieving CHAR and VARCHAR,
// as the pointer returned doesn't point to a null terminated string!!!
inline dsc::address_t dsc::asUText()
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_text:
case dtype_cstring:
return dsc_address;
case dtype_varying:
return dsc_address + sizeof(UCHAR); // equivalent to vary->vary_data
return 0;
inline const dsc::address_t dsc::asUText() const
return asUText();
inline char* dsc::asText()
return reinterpret_cast<char*>(asUText());
inline const char* dsc::asText() const
return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(asUText());
inline BYTE dsc::asByte() const
if (dsc_dtype == dtype_byte)
return dsc_address[0];
return 0;
inline SSHORT dsc::asSShort() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return *reinterpret_cast<SSHORT*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline USHORT dsc::asUShort() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return *reinterpret_cast<USHORT*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline SLONG dsc::asSLong() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return asSShort();
case dtype_long:
return *reinterpret_cast<SLONG*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline ULONG dsc::asULong() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return asUShort();
case dtype_long:
return *reinterpret_cast<ULONG*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline GDS_QUAD dsc::asQuad() const
if (dsc_dtype != dtype_quad)
GDS_QUAD aux_quad = {0, 0};
return aux_quad;
return *reinterpret_cast<GDS_QUAD*>(dsc_address);
inline float dsc::asReal() const
if (dsc_dtype == dtype_real)
return *reinterpret_cast<float*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline double dsc::asDouble() const
if (dsc_dtype == dtype_double)
return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline GDS_DATE dsc::asSqlDate() const
if (dsc_dtype == dtype_sql_date)
return *reinterpret_cast<GDS_DATE*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline GDS_TIME dsc::asSqlTime() const
if (dsc_dtype == dtype_sql_time)
return *reinterpret_cast<GDS_TIME*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline GDS_TIMESTAMP dsc::asSqlTimestamp() const
if (dsc_dtype != dtype_timestamp)
GDS_TIMESTAMP aux_tt = {0, 0};
return aux_tt;
return *reinterpret_cast<GDS_TIMESTAMP*>(dsc_address);
//inline bid asBlobId() const
// if (dsc_dtype != dtype_blob)
// {
// bid aux_bid = {0, 0}
// return aux_bid;
// }
// return *reinterpret_cast<bid*>(dsc_address);
//inline bid asArrayId() const
// if (dsc_dtype != dtype_array)
// {
// bid aux_bid = {0, 0}
// return aux_bid;
// }
// return *reinterpret_cast<bid*>(dsc_address);
inline SINT64 dsc::asSBigInt() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return asSShort();
case dtype_long:
return asSLong();
case dtype_int64:
return *reinterpret_cast<SINT64*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
inline FB_UINT64 dsc::asUBigInt() const
switch (dsc_dtype) {
case dtype_byte:
return asByte();
case dtype_short:
return asUShort();
case dtype_long:
return asULong();
case dtype_int64:
return *reinterpret_cast<FB_UINT64*>(dsc_address);
return 0;
#endif // JRD_DSC_H