mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-01-25 05:23:02 +01:00
2007-01-04 13:26:02 +00:00

75 lines
1.9 KiB

:: This bat sets the environment values
:: ROOT_PATH dos format path of the main directory
:: DB_PATH unix format path of the main directory
:: VS_VER VisualStudio version (msvc6|msvc7|msvc8)
:: SERVER_NAME server needed to connect to firebird (could include port)
:: Example : localhost/3051
:: (Note - SERVER_NAME is almost deprecated - it is only used by
:: make_examples.bat
@echo off
@SET SERVER_NAME=localhost
@set PLATFORM=win32
@cd ..\..
@for /f "delims=" %%a in ('@cd') do (set ROOT_PATH=%%a)
@cd %~dp0
@for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('@echo %ROOT_PATH:\=/%') do (set DB_PATH=%%a)
@vcexpress /? >nul 2>nul
@if not errorlevel 9009 ((set MSVC_VERSION=8) & (set VS_VER=msvc8) & (set VS_VER_EXPRESS=1) & (goto :END))
@for /f "delims=." %%a in ('@devenv /?') do (
@for /f "tokens=6" %%b in ("%%a") do ((set MSVC_VERSION=%%b) & (set VS_VER=msvc%%b) & (goto :END))
@msdev /? >nul 2>nul
@if not errorlevel 9009 ((set MSVC_VERSION=6) & (set VS_VER=msvc6) & (goto :END))
@echo ERROR:
@echo A working version of Visual Studio cannot be found
@echo on your current path.
@echo You need MS Visual Studio 6, 7 or 8 to build Firebird
@echo from these batch files.
@echo Perhaps you need to run something like:
@echo %%VS71COMNTOOLS%%\vsvars32.bat
@echo or
@echo %%VS80COMNTOOLS%%\vsvars32.bat
@echo depending on the version of Visual Studio.
:: set errorlevel
@exit /B 1
@echo Setting Environment Variables thus...
@echo vs_ver=%VS_VER%
@echo vs_ver_express=%VS_VER_EXPRESS%
@echo platform=%PLATFORM%
@echo msvc_version=%MSVC_VERSION%
@echo db_path=%DB_PATH%
@echo root_path=%ROOT_PATH%
@echo server_name=%SERVER_NAME%
@echo (End of %0)
@exit /B 0