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* PROGRAM: JRD access method
* MODULE: jrd.h
* DESCRIPTION: Common descriptions
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* 2002.10.28 Sean Leyne - Code cleanup, removed obsolete "DecOSF" port
* 2002.10.29 Sean Leyne - Removed obsolete "Netware" port
#ifndef JRD_JRD_H
#define JRD_JRD_H
#include "../jrd/gdsassert.h"
#include "../jrd/common.h"
#include "../jrd/dsc.h"
#include "../jrd/all.h"
#include "../jrd/btn.h"
#include "../jrd/all.h"
#include "../jrd/jrd_proto.h"
#include "../jrd/val.h"
#if defined(UNIX) && defined(SUPERSERVER)
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "../common/classes/fb_string.h"
#include "../common/classes/MetaName.h"
#include "../common/classes/array.h"
#include "../common/classes/objects_array.h"
#include "../common/classes/stack.h"
#include "../common/classes/timestamp.h"
#include "../common/classes/GenericMap.h"
#include "../jrd/RandomGenerator.h"
#include "../jrd/os/guid.h"
#include "../jrd/sbm.h"
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
#define DEBUG if (debug) DBG_supervisor(debug);
//#define VIO_DEBUG // remove this for production build
#else // PROD
#define DEBUG
#undef VIO_DEBUG
#define BUGCHECK(number) ERR_bugcheck (number, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define CORRUPT(number) ERR_corrupt (number)
#define IBERROR(number) ERR_error (number)
#define BLKCHK(blk, type) if (MemoryPool::blk_type(blk) != (USHORT) (type)) BUGCHECK (147)
/* DEV_BLKCHK is used for internal consistency checking - where
* the performance hit in production build isn't desired.
* (eg: scatter this everywhere)
* This causes me a problem DEV_BLKCHK fails when the data seems valid
* After talking to John this could be because the memory is from the local
* stack rather than the heap. However I found to continue I needed to
* turn it off by dfining the macro to be empty. But In thinking about
* it I think that it would be more helful for a mode where these extra
* DEV checks just gave warnings rather than being fatal.
* MOD 29-July-2002
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
#define DEV_BLKCHK(blk,type)
//#define DEV_BLKCHK(blk, type) if (blk) {BLKCHK (blk, type);}
#define DEV_BLKCHK(blk, type) // nothing
// Thread data block / IPC related data blocks
#include "../jrd/ThreadData.h"
#include "../jrd/isc.h"
// recursive mutexes
#include "../jrd/thd.h"
// Definition of block types for data allocation in JRD
#include "../jrd/jrd_blks.h"
#include "../include/fb_blk.h"
#include "../jrd/blb.h"
// Definition of DatabasePlugins
#include "../jrd/flu.h"
#include "../jrd/pag.h"
#include "../jrd/RuntimeStatistics.h"
// Error codes
#include "../include/gen/iberror.h"
class str;
class CharSetContainer;
struct dsc;
struct thread;
struct mod;
namespace Jrd {
const int HASH_SIZE = 509;
// fwd. decl.
//class vec;
template <typename T> class vec;
class thread_db;
class Attachment;
class jrd_tra;
class jrd_req;
class Lock;
class jrd_file;
class Format;
class jrd_nod;
class BufferControl;
class BackupManager;
class SparseBitmap;
class BlockingThread;
class jrd_rel;
class ExternalFile;
class ViewContext;
class IndexBlock;
class IndexLock;
class ArrayField;
class BlobFilter;
class PageControl;
class Symbol;
class UserId;
struct sort_context;
class TxPageCache;
class RecordSelExpr;
class SecurityClass;
class vcl;
class Shadow;
class TextType;
class jrd_prc;
class Parameter;
class jrd_fld;
// The database block, the topmost block in the metadata
// cache for a database
// Relation trigger definition
class Trigger {
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<UCHAR, 128> blr; // BLR code
bid dbg_blob_id; // RDB$DEBUG_INFO
jrd_req* request; // Compiled request. Gets filled on first invocation
bool compile_in_progress;
bool sys_trigger;
UCHAR type; // Trigger type
USHORT flags; // Flags as they are in RDB$TRIGGERS table
jrd_rel* relation; // Trigger parent relation
Firebird::MetaName name; // Trigger name
void compile(thread_db*); // Ensure that trigger is compiled
void release(thread_db*); // Try to free trigger request
explicit Trigger(MemoryPool& p) : blr(p), name(p)
{ dbg_blob_id.clear(); }
typedef Firebird::ObjectsArray<Trigger> trig_vec;
class Database : private pool_alloc<type_dbb>
typedef int (*crypt_routine) (const char*, void*, int, void*);
static Database* newDbb(MemoryPool& p) {
return FB_NEW(p) Database(p);
// The deleteDbb function MUST be used to delete a Database object.
// The function hides some tricky order of operations. Since the
// memory for the vectors in the Database is allocated out of the Database's
// permanent memory pool, the entire delete() operation needs
// to complete _before_ the permanent pool is deleted, or else
// risk an aborted engine.
static void deleteDbb(Database* toDelete)
if (toDelete == 0)
JrdMemoryPool *perm = toDelete->dbb_permanent;
// Memory pool destruction below decrements memory statistics for
// SuperServer situated in database block we are about to deallocate
// right now.
Firebird::MemoryStats temp_stats;
delete toDelete;
Database* dbb_next; // Next database block in system
Attachment* dbb_attachments; // Active attachments
BufferControl* dbb_bcb; // Buffer control block
vec<jrd_rel*>* dbb_relations; // relation vector
vec<jrd_prc*>* dbb_procedures; // scanned procedures
FB_GUID dbb_guid; // dbb instance identifier
Lock* dbb_instance_lock; // dbb instance lock
Lock* dbb_lock; // granddaddy lock
jrd_tra* dbb_sys_trans; // system transaction
// jrd_file* dbb_file; // files for I/O operations
Shadow* dbb_shadow; // shadow control block
Lock* dbb_shadow_lock; // lock for synchronizing addition of shadows
//SLONG dbb_shadow_sync_count; // to synchronize changes to shadows
Lock* dbb_retaining_lock; // lock for preserving commit retaining snapshot
Lock* dbb_monitor_lock; // lock for monitoring purposes
PageManager dbb_page_manager;
vcl* dbb_t_pages; // pages number for transactions
vcl* dbb_gen_id_pages; // known pages for gen_id
BlobFilter* dbb_blob_filters; // known blob filters
trig_vec* dbb_triggers[DB_TRIGGER_MAX];
DatabaseModules modules; // external function/filter modules
Firebird::Mutex* dbb_mutexes; // Database block mutexes
REC_MUTX_T dbb_sp_rec_mutex; // Recursive mutex for accessing/updating stored procedure metadata
//SLONG dbb_sort_size; // Size of sort space per sort, unused for now
UATOM dbb_ast_flags; // flags modified at AST level
ULONG dbb_flags;
USHORT dbb_ods_version; // major ODS version number
USHORT dbb_minor_version; // minor ODS version number
USHORT dbb_minor_original; // minor ODS version at creation
USHORT dbb_page_size; // page size
USHORT dbb_dp_per_pp; // data pages per pointer page
USHORT dbb_max_records; // max record per data page
USHORT dbb_max_idx; // max number of indexes on a root page
USHORT dbb_use_count; // active count of threads
USHORT dbb_shutdown_delay; // seconds until forced shutdown.
// Set in shut.cpp but not tested yet.
USHORT dbb_prefetch_sequence; // sequence to pace frequency of prefetch requests
USHORT dbb_prefetch_pages; // prefetch pages per request
Firebird::PathName dbb_filename; // filename string
Firebird::PathName dbb_database_name; // database ID (file name or alias)
Firebird::string dbb_encrypt_key; // encryption key
JrdMemoryPool* dbb_permanent;
JrdMemoryPool* dbb_bufferpool;
typedef JrdMemoryPool* pool_ptr;
typedef Firebird::Array<pool_ptr> pool_vec_type;
pool_vec_type dbb_pools; // pools
vec<jrd_req*>* dbb_internal; // internal requests
vec<jrd_req*>* dbb_dyn_req; // internal dyn requests
SLONG dbb_oldest_active; // Cached "oldest active" transaction
SLONG dbb_oldest_transaction; // Cached "oldest interesting" transaction
SLONG dbb_oldest_snapshot; // Cached "oldest snapshot" of all active transactions
SLONG dbb_next_transaction; // Next transaction id used by NETWARE
SLONG dbb_attachment_id; // Next attachment id for ReadOnly DB's
SLONG dbb_page_incarnation; // Cache page incarnation counter
ULONG dbb_page_buffers; // Page buffers from header page
event_t dbb_writer_event[1]; // Event to wake up cache writer
event_t dbb_writer_event_init[1]; // Event for initialization cache writer
event_t dbb_writer_event_fini[1]; // Event for finalization cache writer
event_t dbb_reader_event[1]; // Event to wake up cache reader
event_t dbb_gc_event[1]; // Event to wake up garbage collector
event_t dbb_gc_event_init[1]; // Event for initialization garbage collector
event_t dbb_gc_event_fini[1]; // Event for finalization garbage collector
BlockingThread* dbb_free_btbs; // Unused BlockingThread blocks
ULONG dbb_current_id; // Generator of dbb-local ids
Firebird::MemoryStats dbb_memory_stats;
SLONG dbb_reads;
SLONG dbb_writes;
SLONG dbb_fetches;
SLONG dbb_marks;
RuntimeStatistics dbb_stats;
SLONG dbb_last_header_write; // Transaction id of last header page physical write
SLONG dbb_flush_cycle; // Current flush cycle
SLONG dbb_sweep_interval; // Transactions between sweep
SLONG dbb_lock_owner_handle; // Handle for the lock manager
USHORT unflushed_writes; // unflushed writes
time_t last_flushed_write; // last flushed write time
crypt_routine dbb_encrypt; // External encryption routine
crypt_routine dbb_decrypt; // External decryption routine
class blb_map *dbb_blob_map; // mapping of blobs for REPLAY
struct log *dbb_log; // log file for REPLAY
Firebird::Array<CharSetContainer*> dbb_charsets; // intl character set descriptions
TxPageCache* dbb_tip_cache; // cache of latest known state of all transactions in system
vcl* dbb_pc_transactions; // active precommitted transactions
BackupManager *dbb_backup_manager; // physical backup manager
Firebird::TimeStamp dbb_creation_date; // creation date
Firebird::MetaName, UserFunction*> > > dbb_functions; // User defined functions
ULONG generateId()
return ++dbb_current_id;
// returns true if primary file is located on raw device
bool onRawDevice();
explicit Database(MemoryPool& p)
: dbb_page_manager(p),
dbb_pools(p, 4),
pool_ptr* itr = dbb_pools.begin();
while (itr != dbb_pools.end())
if (*itr && *itr == dbb_bufferpool)
dbb_bufferpool = 0;
if (*itr && *itr != dbb_permanent)
itr = JrdMemoryPool::deletePool(*itr);
if (dbb_bufferpool)
// temporary measure to avoid unstable state of lock file -
// this is anyway called in ~Database(), and in theory should be private
void destroyIntlObjects(); // defined in intl.cpp
// The delete operators are no-oped because the Database memory is allocated from the
// Database's own permanent pool. That pool has already been released by the Database
// destructor, so the memory has already been released. Hence the operator
// delete no-op.
void operator delete(void *mem) {}
void operator delete[](void *mem) {}
Database(const Database&); // no impl.
const Database& operator =(const Database&) { return *this; }
// bit values for dbb_flags
const ULONG DBB_damaged = 0x1L;
const ULONG DBB_exclusive = 0x2L; // Database is accessed in exclusive mode
const ULONG DBB_bugcheck = 0x4L; // Bugcheck has occurred
const ULONG DBB_garbage_collector = 0x8L; // garbage collector thread exists
const ULONG DBB_gc_active = 0x10L; // ... and is actively working.
const ULONG DBB_gc_pending = 0x20L; // garbage collection requested
const ULONG DBB_force_write = 0x40L; // Database is forced write
const ULONG DBB_no_reserve = 0x80L; // No reserve space for versions
const ULONG DBB_DB_SQL_dialect_3 = 0x100L; // database SQL dialect 3
const ULONG DBB_read_only = 0x200L; // DB is ReadOnly (RO). If not set, DB is RW
const ULONG DBB_being_opened_read_only = 0x400L; // DB is being opened RO. If unset, opened as RW
const ULONG DBB_not_in_use = 0x800L; // Database to be ignored while attaching
const ULONG DBB_lck_init_done = 0x1000L; // LCK_init() called for the database
const ULONG DBB_sweep_in_progress = 0x2000L; // A database sweep operation is in progress
const ULONG DBB_security_db = 0x4000L; // ISC security database
const ULONG DBB_suspend_bgio = 0x8000L; // Suspend I/O by background threads
const ULONG DBB_being_opened = 0x10000L; // database is being attached to
const ULONG DBB_gc_cooperative = 0x20000L; // cooperative garbage collection
const ULONG DBB_gc_background = 0x40000L; // background garbage collection by gc_thread
const ULONG DBB_no_fs_cache = 0x80000L; // Not using file system cache
// dbb_ast_flags
const UATOM DBB_blocking = 0x1L; // Exclusive mode is blocking
const UATOM DBB_get_shadows = 0x2L; // Signal received to check for new shadows
const UATOM DBB_assert_locks = 0x4L; // Locks are to be asserted
const UATOM DBB_shutdown = 0x8L; // Database is shutdown
const UATOM DBB_shut_attach = 0x10L; // no new attachments accepted
const UATOM DBB_shut_tran = 0x20L; // no new transactions accepted
const UATOM DBB_shut_force = 0x40L; // forced shutdown in progress
const UATOM DBB_shutdown_locks = 0x80L; // Database locks release by shutdown
const UATOM DBB_shutdown_full = 0x100L; // Database fully shut down
const UATOM DBB_shutdown_single = 0x200L; // Database is in single-user maintenance mode
const UATOM DBB_monitor_off = 0x400L; // Database has the monitoring lock released
// Database attachments
const int DBB_read_seq_count = 0;
const int DBB_read_idx_count = 1;
const int DBB_update_count = 2;
const int DBB_insert_count = 3;
const int DBB_delete_count = 4;
const int DBB_backout_count = 5;
const int DBB_purge_count = 6;
const int DBB_expunge_count = 7;
const int DBB_max_count = 8;
// Database mutexes
const int DBB_MUTX_dyn = 0; // Dynamic ddl
const int DBB_MUTX_clone = 1; // Request cloning
const int DBB_MUTX_cmp_clone = 2; // Compiled request cloning
const int DBB_MUTX_flush_count = 3; // flush count/time
const int DBB_MUTX_max = 4;
// Flags to indicate normal internal requests vs. dyn internal requests
const int IRQ_REQUESTS = 1;
const int DYN_REQUESTS = 2;
// Errors during validation - will be returned on info calls
// CVC: It seems they will be better in a header for val.cpp that's not val.h
const int VAL_PAG_WRONG_TYPE = 0;
const int VAL_PAG_CHECKSUM_ERR = 1;
const int VAL_PAG_DOUBLE_ALLOC = 2;
const int VAL_PAG_IN_USE = 3;
const int VAL_PAG_ORPHAN = 4;
const int VAL_BLOB_CORRUPT = 6;
const int VAL_BLOB_TRUNCATED = 7;
const int VAL_REC_CHAIN_BROKEN = 8;
const int VAL_DATA_PAGE_LINE_ERR = 10;
const int VAL_INDEX_PAGE_CORRUPT = 11;
const int VAL_P_PAGE_LOST = 12;
const int VAL_REC_DAMAGED = 14;
const int VAL_REC_BAD_TID = 15;
const int VAL_REC_WRONG_LENGTH = 17;
const int VAL_INDEX_ROOT_MISSING = 18;
const int VAL_TIP_LOST = 19;
const int VAL_TIP_LOST_SEQUENCE = 20;
const int VAL_TIP_CONFUSED = 21;
const int VAL_REL_CHAIN_ORPHANS = 22;
const int VAL_INDEX_MISSING_ROWS = 23;
const int VAL_INDEX_ORPHAN_CHILD = 24;
const int VAL_INDEX_CYCLE = 25;
const int VAL_MAX_ERROR = 26;
struct DSqlCacheItem
Lock* lock;
bool locked;
bool obsolete;
// the attachment block; one is created for each attachment to a database
class Attachment : public pool_alloc<type_att>
explicit Attachment(Database* dbb) :
, att_dsql_cache(*dbb->dbb_permanent)
/* Attachment()
: att_database(0),
att_counts[0] = 0;
Database* att_database; // Parent databasea block
Attachment* att_next; // Next attachment to database
Attachment* att_blocking; // Blocking attachment, if any
UserId* att_user; // User identification
jrd_tra* att_transactions; // Transactions belonging to attachment
jrd_tra* att_dbkey_trans; // transaction to control db-key scope
jrd_req* att_requests; // Requests belonging to attachment
sort_context* att_active_sorts; // Active sorts
Lock* att_id_lock; // Attachment lock (if any)
SLONG att_attachment_id; // Attachment ID
SLONG att_lock_owner_handle; // Handle for the lock manager
SLONG att_event_session; // Event session id, if any
SecurityClass* att_security_class; // security class for database
SecurityClass* att_security_classes; // security classes
vcl* att_counts[DBB_max_count];
RuntimeStatistics att_stats;
ULONG att_flags; // Flags describing the state of the attachment
SSHORT att_charset; // user's charset specified in dpb
// The following data member is set but never used, so the DPB to set the location of a
// customized firebird.msg file doesn't work; the only way is to use an env var.
Firebird::PathName att_lc_messages; // attachment's preference for message natural language
Lock* att_long_locks; // outstanding two phased locks
vec<Lock*>* att_compatibility_table; // hash table of compatible locks
vcl* att_val_errors;
Firebird::PathName att_working_directory; // Current working directory is cached
Firebird::PathName att_filename; // alias used to attach the database
Firebird::TimeStamp att_timestamp; // Connection date and time
Firebird::StringMap att_context_vars; // Context variables for the connection
Firebird::string att_network_protocol; // Network protocol used by client for connection
Firebird::string att_remote_address; // Protocol-specific addess of remote client
SLONG att_remote_pid; // Process id of remote client
Firebird::PathName att_remote_process; // Process name of remote client
RandomGenerator att_random_generator; // Random bytes generator
Lock* att_temp_pg_lock; // temporary pagespace ID lock
Firebird::string, DSqlCacheItem> > > att_dsql_cache; // DSQL cache locks
bool locksmith() const;
// Attachment flags
const ULONG ATT_no_cleanup = 1; // Don't expunge, purge, or garbage collect
const ULONG ATT_shutdown = 2; // attachment has been shutdown
//const ULONG ATT_shutdown_notify = 4; // attachment has notified client of shutdown
const ULONG ATT_shutdown_manager = 8; // attachment requesting shutdown
const ULONG ATT_lck_init_done = 16; // LCK_init() called for the attachment
const ULONG ATT_exclusive = 32; // attachment wants exclusive database access
const ULONG ATT_attach_pending = 64; // Indicate attachment is only pending
const ULONG ATT_exclusive_pending = 128; // Indicate exclusive attachment pending
const ULONG ATT_gbak_attachment = 256; // Indicate GBAK attachment
const ULONG ATT_notify_gc = 1024; // Notify garbage collector to expunge, purge ..
const ULONG ATT_disable_notify_gc = 2048; // Temporarily perform own garbage collection
const ULONG ATT_garbage_collector = 4096; // I'm a garbage collector
const ULONG ATT_NO_CLEANUP = (ATT_no_cleanup | ATT_notify_gc);
const ULONG ATT_NO_CLEANUP = ATT_no_cleanup;
const ULONG ATT_cancel_raise = 8192; // Cancel currently running operation
const ULONG ATT_cancel_disable = 16384; // Disable cancel operations
const ULONG ATT_gfix_attachment = 32768; // Indicate a GFIX attachment
const ULONG ATT_gstat_attachment = 65536; // Indicate a GSTAT attachment
const ULONG ATT_no_db_triggers = 131072; // Don't execute database triggers
// Procedure block
class jrd_prc : public pool_alloc<type_prc>
USHORT prc_id;
USHORT prc_flags;
USHORT prc_inputs;
USHORT prc_defaults;
USHORT prc_outputs;
jrd_nod* prc_input_msg; // It's set once by met.epp and never used.
jrd_nod* prc_output_msg;
Format* prc_input_fmt;
Format* prc_output_fmt;
Format* prc_format;
vec<Parameter*>* prc_input_fields; // vector of field blocks
vec<Parameter*>* prc_output_fields; // vector of field blocks
prc_t prc_type; // procedure type
jrd_req* prc_request; // compiled procedure request
USHORT prc_use_count; // requests compiled with procedure
SSHORT prc_int_use_count; // number of procedures compiled with procedure, set and
// used internally in the MET_clear_cache procedure
// no code should rely on value of this field
// (it will usually be 0)
Lock* prc_existence_lock; // existence lock, if any
Firebird::MetaName prc_security_name; // security class name for procedure
Firebird::MetaName prc_name; // ascic name
USHORT prc_alter_count; // No. of times the procedure was altered
explicit jrd_prc(MemoryPool& p) : prc_security_name(p), prc_name(p) {}
// prc_flags
const USHORT PRC_scanned = 1; // Field expressions scanned
const USHORT PRC_system = 2; // Set in met.epp, never tested.
const USHORT PRC_obsolete = 4; // Procedure known gonzo
const USHORT PRC_being_scanned = 8; // New procedure needs dependencies during scan
//const USHORT PRC_blocking = 16; // Blocking someone from dropping procedure
const USHORT PRC_create = 32; // Newly created. Set in met.epp, never tested or disabled.
const USHORT PRC_being_altered = 64; // Procedure is getting altered
// This flag is used to make sure that MET_remove_procedure
// does not delete and remove procedure block from cache
// so dfw.epp:modify_procedure() can flip procedure body without
// invalidating procedure pointers from other parts of metadata cache
const USHORT PRC_check_existence = 128; // Existence lock released
const USHORT MAX_PROC_ALTER = 64; // No. of times an in-cache procedure can be altered
// Parameter block
class Parameter : public pool_alloc<type_prm>
USHORT prm_number;
dsc prm_desc;
jrd_nod* prm_default_value;
Firebird::MetaName prm_name; // asciiz name
explicit Parameter(MemoryPool& p) : prm_name(p) { }
// Index block to cache index information
class IndexBlock : public pool_alloc<type_idb>
IndexBlock* idb_next;
jrd_nod* idb_expression; // node tree for index expression
jrd_req* idb_expression_request; // request in which index expression is evaluated
dsc idb_expression_desc; // descriptor for expression result
Lock* idb_lock; // lock to synchronize changes to index
USHORT idb_id;
// general purpose vector
template <class T, USHORT TYPE = type_vec>
class vec_base : protected pool_alloc<TYPE>
typedef typename Firebird::Array<T>::iterator iterator;
typedef typename Firebird::Array<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
static vec_base* newVector(MemoryPool& p, int len)
return FB_NEW(p) vec_base<T, TYPE>(p, len);
static vec_base* newVector(MemoryPool& p, const vec_base& base)
return FB_NEW(p) vec_base<T, TYPE>(p, base);
// CVC: This should be size_t instead of ULONG for maximum portability.
ULONG count() const { return v.getCount(); }
T& operator[](size_t index) { return v[index]; }
const T& operator[](size_t index) const { return v[index]; }
iterator begin() { return v.begin(); }
iterator end() { return v.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return v.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return v.end(); }
void clear() { v.clear(); }
//void prepend(int n) { v.insert(v.begin(), n); }
// T* memPtr() { return &*(v.begin()); }
T* memPtr() { return &v[0]; }
void resize(size_t n, T val = T()) { v.resize(n, val); }
void operator delete(void* mem) { MemoryPool::globalFree(mem); }
vec_base(MemoryPool& p, int len)
: v(p, len) { v.resize(len); }
vec_base(MemoryPool& p, const vec_base& base)
: v(p) { v = base.v; }
Firebird::Array<T> v;
template <typename T>
class vec : public vec_base<T, type_vec>
static vec* newVector(MemoryPool& p, int len)
return FB_NEW(p) vec<T>(p, len);
static vec* newVector(MemoryPool& p, const vec& base)
return FB_NEW(p) vec<T>(p, base);
static vec* newVector(MemoryPool& p, vec* base, int len)
if (!base)
base = FB_NEW(p) vec<T>(p, len);
else if (len > (int) base->count())
return base;
vec(MemoryPool& p, int len) : vec_base<T, type_vec>(p, len) {}
vec(MemoryPool& p, const vec& base) : vec_base<T, type_vec>(p, base) {}
class vcl : public vec_base<SLONG, type_vcl>
static vcl* newVector(MemoryPool& p, int len)
return FB_NEW(p) vcl(p, len);
static vcl* newVector(MemoryPool& p, const vcl& base)
return FB_NEW(p) vcl(p, base);
static vcl* newVector(MemoryPool& p, vcl* base, int len)
if (!base)
base = FB_NEW(p) vcl(p, len);
else if (len > (int) base->count())
return base;
vcl(MemoryPool& p, int len) : vec_base<SLONG, type_vcl>(p, len) {}
vcl(MemoryPool& p, const vcl& base) : vec_base<SLONG, type_vcl>(p, base) {}
//#define TEST_VECTOR(vector, number) ((vector && number < vector->count()) ?
// (*vector)[number] : NULL)
// Transaction element block
struct teb {
Attachment** teb_database;
int teb_tpb_length;
UCHAR* teb_tpb;
typedef teb TEB;
// Blocking Thread Block
class BlockingThread : public pool_alloc<type_btb>
BlockingThread* btb_next;
thread* btb_thread_id;
// Window block for loading cached pages into
// CVC: Apparently, the only possible values are HEADER_PAGE==0 and LOG_PAGE==2
// and reside in ods.h, although I watched a place with 1 and others with members
// of a struct.
struct win {
PageNumber win_page;
Ods::pag* win_buffer;
exp_index_buf* win_expanded_buffer;
class BufferDesc* win_bdb;
SSHORT win_scans;
USHORT win_flags;
// explicit win(SLONG wp) : win_page(wp), win_flags(0) {}
explicit win(const PageNumber& wp) : win_page(wp), win_flags(0) {}
win(const USHORT pageSpaceID, const SLONG pageNum) :
win_page(pageSpaceID, pageNum), win_flags(0) {}
typedef win WIN;
// This is a compilation artifact: I wanted to be sure I would pick all old "win"
// declarations at the top, so "win" was built with a mandatory argument in
// the constructor. This struct satisfies a single place with an array. The
// alternative would be to initialize 16 elements of the array with 16 calls
// to the constructor: win my_array[n] = {win(-1), ... (win-1)};
// When all places are changed, this class can disappear and win's constructor
// may get the default value of -1 to "wp".
struct win_for_array: public win
win_for_array() : win(DB_PAGE_SPACE, -1) {}
// win_flags
const USHORT WIN_large_scan = 1; // large sequential scan
const USHORT WIN_secondary = 2; // secondary stream
const USHORT WIN_garbage_collector = 4; // garbage collector's window
const USHORT WIN_garbage_collect = 8; // scan left a page for garbage collector
// Thread specific database block
class thread_db : public ThreadData
JrdMemoryPool* tdbb_default;
void setDefaultPool(JrdMemoryPool* p)
tdbb_default = p;
friend class Firebird::SubsystemContextPoolHolder <Jrd::thread_db, JrdMemoryPool>;
Database* database;
Attachment* attachment;
jrd_tra* transaction;
jrd_req* request;
RuntimeStatistics *reqStat, *traStat, *attStat, *dbbStat;
explicit thread_db(ISC_STATUS* status)
: ThreadData(ThreadData::tddDBB)
tdbb_default = 0;
database = 0;
attachment = 0;
transaction = 0;
request = 0;
tdbb_quantum = 0;
tdbb_flags = 0;
tdbb_temp_attid = tdbb_temp_traid = 0;
reqStat = traStat = attStat = dbbStat = RuntimeStatistics::getDummy();
tdbb_status_vector = status;
tdbb_status_vector[0] = isc_arg_gds;
tdbb_status_vector[1] = FB_SUCCESS;
tdbb_status_vector[2] = isc_arg_end;
ISC_STATUS* tdbb_status_vector;
SSHORT tdbb_quantum; // Cycles remaining until voluntary schedule
USHORT tdbb_flags;
SLONG tdbb_temp_attid; // current temporary table scope
SLONG tdbb_temp_traid; // current temporary table scope
#if defined(UNIX) && defined(SUPERSERVER)
sigjmp_buf tdbb_sigsetjmp;
JrdMemoryPool* getDefaultPool()
return tdbb_default;
Database* getDatabase()
return database;
const Database* getDatabase() const
return database;
void setDatabase(Database* val)
database = val;
dbbStat = val ? &val->dbb_stats : RuntimeStatistics::getDummy();
Attachment* getAttachment()
return attachment;
const Attachment* getAttachment() const
return attachment;
void setAttachment(Attachment* val)
attachment = val;
attStat = val ? &val->att_stats : RuntimeStatistics::getDummy();
jrd_tra* getTransaction()
return transaction;
const jrd_tra* getTransaction() const
return transaction;
void setTransaction(jrd_tra* val);
jrd_req* getRequest()
return request;
const jrd_req* getRequest() const
return request;
void setRequest(jrd_req* val);
void bumpStats(const RuntimeStatistics::StatType index)
// tdbb_flags
const USHORT TDBB_sweeper = 1; // Thread sweeper or garbage collector
const USHORT TDBB_no_cache_unwind = 2; // Don't unwind page buffer cache
const USHORT TDBB_prc_being_dropped = 4; // Dropping a procedure
const USHORT TDBB_backup_write_locked = 8; // BackupManager has write lock on LCK_backup_database
const USHORT TDBB_stack_trace_done = 16; // PSQL stack trace is added into status-vector
const USHORT TDBB_shutdown_manager = 32; // Server shutdown thread
const USHORT TDBB_deferred = 64; // deferred work performed now
const USHORT TDBB_sys_error = 128; // error shouldn't be handled by the looper
const USHORT TDBB_verb_cleanup = 256; // verb cleanup is in progress
class ThreadContextHolder
explicit ThreadContextHolder(ISC_STATUS* status = NULL)
: context(status ? status : local_status)
thread_db* operator->()
return &context;
operator thread_db*()
return &context;
// copying is prohibited
ThreadContextHolder(const ThreadContextHolder&);
ThreadContextHolder& operator= (const ThreadContextHolder&);
ISC_STATUS_ARRAY local_status;
thread_db context;
// duplicate context of firebird string to store in jrd_nod::nod_arg
inline char* stringDup(MemoryPool& p, const Firebird::string& s)
char* rc = (char*) p.allocate(s.length() + 1, 0
, __FILE__, __LINE__
strcpy(rc, s.c_str());
return rc;
inline char* stringDup(MemoryPool& p, const char* s, size_t l)
char* rc = (char*) p.allocate(l + 1, 0
, __FILE__, __LINE__
memcpy(rc, s, l);
rc[l] = 0;
return rc;
inline char* stringDup(MemoryPool& p, const char* s)
if (! s)
return 0;
return stringDup(p, s, strlen(s));
// Used in string convsersion calls
typedef Firebird::HalfStaticArray<UCHAR, 256> MoveBuffer;
} //namespace Jrd
// Lock levels
#include "../lock/lock.h"
// Random string block -- as long as impure areas don't have
// constructors and destructors, the need this varying string
class VaryingString : public pool_alloc_rpt<SCHAR, type_str>
USHORT str_length;
UCHAR str_data[2]; // one byte for ALLOC and one for the NULL
// Threading macros
/* Define JRD_get_thread_data off the platform specific version.
* If we're in DEV mode, also do consistancy checks on the
* retrieved memory structure. This was originally done to
* track down cases of no "PUT_THREAD_DATA" on the NLM.
* This allows for NULL thread data (which might be an error by itself)
* If there is thread data,
* AND it is tagged as being a thread_db.
* AND it has a non-NULL database field,
* THEN we validate that the structure there is a database block.
* Otherwise, we return what we got.
* We can't always validate the database field, as during initialization
* there is no database set up.
#include "../jrd/thd.h"
#if defined(DEV_BUILD)
#include "../jrd/err_proto.h"
inline Jrd::thread_db* JRD_get_thread_data() {
ThreadData* p1 = ThreadData::getSpecific();
if (p1 && p1->getType() == ThreadData::tddDBB)
Jrd::thread_db* p2 = (Jrd::thread_db*)p1;
if (p2->getDatabase() && MemoryPool::blk_type(p2->getDatabase()) != type_dbb)
return (Jrd::thread_db*) p1;
inline void CHECK_TDBB(const Jrd::thread_db* tdbb) {
fb_assert(tdbb && (tdbb->getType() == ThreadData::tddDBB) &&
(!tdbb->getDatabase() ||
MemoryPool::blk_type(tdbb->getDatabase()) == type_dbb));
inline void CHECK_DBB(const Jrd::Database* dbb) {
fb_assert(dbb && MemoryPool::blk_type(dbb) == type_dbb);
#else // PROD_BUILD
inline Jrd::thread_db* JRD_get_thread_data() {
return (Jrd::thread_db*) ThreadData::getSpecific();
inline void CHECK_DBB(const Jrd::Database* dbb) {
inline void CHECK_TDBB(const Jrd::thread_db* tdbb) {
inline Jrd::Database* GET_DBB() {
return JRD_get_thread_data()->getDatabase();
* macros used to set thread_db and Database pointers when there are not set already *
inline void SET_TDBB(Jrd::thread_db* &tdbb) {
if (tdbb == NULL) {
tdbb = JRD_get_thread_data();
inline void SET_DBB(Jrd::Database* &dbb) {
if (dbb == NULL) {
dbb = GET_DBB();
// global variables for engine
extern int debug;
namespace Jrd {
typedef Firebird::SubsystemContextPoolHolder <Jrd::thread_db, JrdMemoryPool>
#endif // JRD_JRD_H