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* PROGRAM: Dynamic SQL runtime support
* MODULE: dsql.h
* DESCRIPTION: General Definitions for V4 DSQL module
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
* 2001.11.26 Claudio Valderrama: include udf_arguments and udf_flags
* in the udf struct, so we can load the arguments and check for
* collisions between dropping and redefining the udf concurrently.
* This closes SF Bug# 409769.
* 2002.10.29 Nickolay Samofatov: Added support for savepoints
* 2004.01.16 Vlad Horsun: added support for default parameters and
* EXECUTE BLOCK statement
* Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
#ifndef DSQL_DSQL_H
#define DSQL_DSQL_H
#include "../jrd/common.h"
#include "../jrd/RuntimeStatistics.h"
#include "../jrd/val.h" // Get rid of duplicated FUN_T enum.
#include "../jrd/Database.h"
#include "../common/classes/array.h"
#include "../common/classes/GenericMap.h"
#include "../common/classes/MetaName.h"
#include "../common/classes/stack.h"
#include "../common/classes/auto.h"
#ifdef DEV_BUILD
// This macro enables DSQL tracing code
#define DSQL_DEBUG
// generic block used as header to all allocated structures
#include "../include/fb_blk.h"
#include "../dsql/sym.h"
// Context aliases used in triggers
const char* const OLD_CONTEXT = "OLD";
const char* const NEW_CONTEXT = "NEW";
const char* const TEMP_CONTEXT = "TEMP";
namespace Jrd
class Database;
class Attachment;
class jrd_tra;
class jrd_req;
class blb;
struct bid;
class BlockNode;
class dsql_blb;
class dsql_ctx;
class dsql_msg;
class dsql_str;
class dsql_nod;
class dsql_intlsym;
typedef Firebird::Stack<dsql_ctx*> DsqlContextStack;
typedef Firebird::Stack<const dsql_str*> DsqlStrStack;
typedef Firebird::Stack<dsql_nod*> DsqlNodStack;
namespace Firebird
class MetaName;
// remaining node definitions for local processing
/// Include definition of descriptor
#include "../jrd/dsc.h"
namespace Jrd {
//! generic data type used to store strings
class dsql_str : public pool_alloc_rpt<char, dsql_type_str>
enum Type
TYPE_SIMPLE = 0, // '...'
TYPE_ALTERNATE, // q'{...}'
TYPE_HEXA, // x'...'
const char* str_charset; // ASCIIZ Character set identifier for string
Type type;
ULONG str_length; // length of string in BYTES
char str_data[2]; // one for ALLOC and one for the NULL
// blocks used to cache metadata
// Database Block
class dsql_dbb : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_dbb>
Firebird::MetaName, class dsql_rel*> > > dbb_relations; // known relations in database
Firebird::QualifiedName, class dsql_prc*> > > dbb_procedures; // known procedures in database
Firebird::QualifiedName, class dsql_udf*> > > dbb_functions; // known functions in database
Firebird::MetaName, class dsql_intlsym*> > > dbb_charsets; // known charsets in database
Firebird::MetaName, class dsql_intlsym*> > > dbb_collations; // known collations in database
SSHORT, dsql_intlsym*> > > dbb_charsets_by_id; // charsets sorted by charset_id
MemoryPool& dbb_pool; // The current pool for the dbb
Database* dbb_database;
Attachment* dbb_attachment;
dsql_str* dbb_dfl_charset;
bool dbb_no_charset;
bool dbb_read_only;
USHORT dbb_db_SQL_dialect;
USHORT dbb_ods_version; // major ODS version number
USHORT dbb_minor_version; // minor ODS version number
explicit dsql_dbb(MemoryPool& p)
: dbb_relations(p),
MemoryPool* createPool()
return dbb_database->createPool();
void deletePool(MemoryPool* pool)
//! Relation block
class dsql_rel : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_rel>
explicit dsql_rel(MemoryPool& p)
: rel_name(p),
class dsql_fld* rel_fields; // Field block
//dsql_rel* rel_base_relation; // base relation for an updatable view
Firebird::MetaName rel_name; // Name of relation
Firebird::MetaName rel_owner; // Owner of relation
USHORT rel_id; // Relation id
USHORT rel_dbkey_length;
USHORT rel_flags;
// rel_flags bits
enum rel_flags_vals {
REL_new_relation = 1, // relation exists in sys tables, not committed yet
REL_dropped = 2, // relation has been dropped
REL_view = 4, // relation is a view
REL_external = 8, // relation is an external table
REL_creating = 16 // we are creating the bare relation in memory
class dsql_fld : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_fld>
explicit dsql_fld(MemoryPool& p)
: fld_type_of_name(p),
dsql_fld* fld_next; // Next field in relation
dsql_rel* fld_relation; // Parent relation
class dsql_prc* fld_procedure; // Parent procedure
dsql_nod* fld_ranges; // ranges for multi dimension array
dsql_nod* fld_character_set; // null means not specified
dsql_nod* fld_sub_type_name; // Subtype name for later resolution
USHORT fld_flags;
USHORT fld_id; // Field in in database
USHORT fld_dtype; // Data type of field
FLD_LENGTH fld_length; // Length of field
USHORT fld_element_dtype; // Data type of array element
USHORT fld_element_length; // Length of array element
SSHORT fld_scale; // Scale factor of field
SSHORT fld_sub_type; // Subtype for text & blob fields
USHORT fld_precision; // Precision for exact numeric types
USHORT fld_character_length; // length of field in characters
USHORT fld_seg_length; // Segment length for blobs
SSHORT fld_dimensions; // Non-zero means array
SSHORT fld_character_set_id; // ID of field's character set
SSHORT fld_collation_id; // ID of field's collation
SSHORT fld_ttype; // ID of field's language_driver
Firebird::string fld_type_of_name; // TYPE OF
dsql_str* fld_type_of_table; // TYPE OF table name
bool fld_explicit_collation; // COLLATE was explicit specified
bool fld_not_nullable; // NOT NULL was explicit specified
bool fld_full_domain; // Domain name without TYPE OF prefix
Firebird::string fld_name;
Firebird::MetaName fld_source;
// values used in fld_flags
enum fld_flags_vals {
FLD_computed = 1,
FLD_national = 2, // field uses NATIONAL character set
FLD_nullable = 4,
FLD_system = 8
//! database/log/cache file block
class dsql_fil : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_fil>
SLONG fil_length; // File length in pages
SLONG fil_start; // Starting page
dsql_str* fil_name; // File name
//dsql_fil* fil_next; // next file
//SSHORT fil_shadow_number; // shadow number if part of shadow
//SSHORT fil_manual; // flag to indicate manual shadow
//SSHORT fil_partitions; // number of log file partitions
//USHORT fil_flags;
//! Stored Procedure block
class dsql_prc : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_prc>
explicit dsql_prc(MemoryPool& p)
: prc_name(p),
dsql_fld* prc_inputs; // Input parameters
dsql_fld* prc_outputs; // Output parameters
Firebird::QualifiedName prc_name; // Name of procedure
Firebird::MetaName prc_owner; // Owner of procedure
SSHORT prc_in_count;
SSHORT prc_def_count; // number of inputs with default values
SSHORT prc_out_count;
USHORT prc_id; // Procedure id
USHORT prc_flags;
bool prc_private; // Packaged private procedure
// prc_flags bits
enum prc_flags_vals {
PRC_new_procedure = 1, // procedure is newly defined, not committed yet
PRC_dropped = 2 // procedure has been dropped
//! User defined function block
class dsql_udf : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_udf>
explicit dsql_udf(MemoryPool& p)
: udf_name(p), udf_arguments(p)
USHORT udf_dtype;
SSHORT udf_scale;
SSHORT udf_sub_type;
USHORT udf_length;
SSHORT udf_character_set_id;
//USHORT udf_character_length;
USHORT udf_flags;
Firebird::QualifiedName udf_name;
Firebird::Array<dsc> udf_arguments;
bool udf_private; // Packaged private function
// udf_flags bits
enum udf_flags_vals {
UDF_new_udf = 1, // udf is newly declared, not committed yet
UDF_dropped = 2 // udf has been dropped
// Variables - input, output & local
//! Variable block
class dsql_var : public pool_alloc_rpt<SCHAR, dsql_type_var>
dsql_fld* var_field; // Field on which variable is based
//USHORT var_flags; // Reserved
//dsql_var_type var_type; // Too cumbersome to compile the right data type.
int var_type; // Input, output or local var.
USHORT var_msg_number; // Message number containing variable
USHORT var_msg_item; // Item number in message
USHORT var_variable_number; // Local variable number
TEXT var_name[2];
// Symbolic names for international text types
// (either collation or character set name)
//! International symbol
class dsql_intlsym : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_intlsym>
explicit dsql_intlsym(MemoryPool& p)
: intlsym_name(p)
Firebird::MetaName intlsym_name;
USHORT intlsym_type; // what type of name
USHORT intlsym_flags;
SSHORT intlsym_ttype; // id of implementation
SSHORT intlsym_charset_id;
SSHORT intlsym_collate_id;
USHORT intlsym_bytes_per_char;
// values used in intlsym_flags
enum intlsym_flags_vals {
INTLSYM_dropped = 1 // intlsym has been dropped
// Forward declaration.
class dsql_par;
// Request information
class dsql_req : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_req>
explicit dsql_req(MemoryPool& p)
: req_pool(p),
MemoryPool& req_pool;
dsql_req* req_parent; // Source request, if cursor update
dsql_req* req_sibling; // Next sibling request, if cursor update
dsql_req* req_offspring; // Cursor update requests
dsql_dbb* req_dbb; // DSQL attachment
jrd_tra* req_transaction; // JRD transaction
dsql_nod* req_ddl_node; // Store metadata request
dsql_blb* req_blob; // Blob info for blob requests
jrd_req* req_request; // JRD request
dsql_msg* req_send; // Message to be sent to start request
dsql_msg* req_receive; // Per record message to be received
dsql_par* req_eof; // End of file parameter
dsql_par* req_dbkey; // Database key for current of
dsql_par* req_rec_version; // Record Version for current of
dsql_par* req_parent_rec_version; // parent record version
dsql_par* req_parent_dbkey; // Parent database key for current of
REQ_TYPE req_type; // Type of request
ULONG req_flags; // generic flag
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<BLOB_PTR, 1024> req_blr_data;
Firebird::RefStrPtr req_sql_text;
// Execution state
Firebird::Array<UCHAR*> req_msg_buffers;
dsql_sym* req_cursor; // Cursor symbol, if any
blb* req_blb; // JRD blob
ULONG req_inserts; // records processed in request
ULONG req_deletes;
ULONG req_updates;
ULONG req_selects;
Firebird::AutoPtr<Jrd::RuntimeStatistics> req_fetch_baseline; // State of request performance counters when we reported it last time
SINT64 req_fetch_elapsed; // Number of clock ticks spent while fetching rows for this request since we reported it last time
SINT64 req_fetch_rowcount; // Total number of rows returned by this request
bool req_traced; // request is traced via TraceAPI
// Request should never be destroyed using delete.
// It dies together with it's pool in release_request().
// To avoid posix warning about missing public destructor declare
// MemoryPool as friend class. In fact IT releases request memory!
friend class Firebird::MemoryPool;
class CompiledStatement : public dsql_req
explicit CompiledStatement(MemoryPool& p)
: dsql_req(p),
// Request should never be destroyed using delete.
// It dies together with its pool in release_request().
// begin - member functions that should be private
void append_uchar(UCHAR byte)
void append_ushort(USHORT val)
append_uchar(val >> 8);
void append_ulong(ULONG val)
append_ushort(val >> 16);
void append_cstring(UCHAR verb, const char* string);
void append_meta_string(const char* string);
void append_raw_string(const char* string, USHORT len);
void append_raw_string(const UCHAR* string, USHORT len);
void append_string(UCHAR verb, const char* string, USHORT len);
void append_string(UCHAR verb, const Firebird::MetaName& name);
void append_string(UCHAR verb, const Firebird::string& name);
void append_number(UCHAR verb, SSHORT number);
void begin_blr(UCHAR verb);
void end_blr();
void append_uchars(UCHAR byte, int count);
void append_ushort_with_length(USHORT val);
void append_ulong_with_length(ULONG val);
void append_file_length(ULONG length);
void append_file_start(ULONG start);
void generate_unnamed_trigger_beginning( bool on_update_trigger,
const char* prim_rel_name,
const dsql_nod* prim_columns,
const char* for_rel_name,
const dsql_nod* for_columns);
void begin_debug();
void end_debug();
void put_debug_src_info(USHORT, USHORT);
void put_debug_variable(USHORT, const TEXT*);
void put_debug_argument(UCHAR, USHORT, const TEXT*);
void append_debug_info();
// end - member functions that should be private
void addCTEs(dsql_nod* list);
dsql_nod* findCTE(const dsql_str* name);
void clearCTEs();
void checkUnusedCTEs() const;
// hvlad: each member of recursive CTE can refer to CTE itself (only once) via
// CTE name or via alias. We need to substitute this aliases when processing CTE
// member to resolve field names. Therefore we store all aliases in order of
// occurrence and later use it in backward order (since our parser is right-to-left).
// We also need to repeat this process if main select expression contains union with
// recursive CTE
void addCTEAlias(const dsql_str* alias)
const dsql_str* getNextCTEAlias()
return *(--req_curr_cte_alias);
void resetCTEAlias()
req_curr_cte_alias = req_cte_aliases.end();
bool isPsql() const
return psql;
void setPsql(bool value)
psql = value;
dsql_rel* req_relation; // relation created by this request (for DDL)
dsql_prc* req_procedure; // procedure created by this request (for DDL)
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<BLOB_PTR, 128> req_debug_data;
DsqlContextStack req_main_context;
DsqlContextStack* req_context;
DsqlContextStack req_union_context; // Save contexts for views of unions
DsqlContextStack req_dt_context; // Save contexts for views of derived tables
class dsql_ctx* req_outer_agg_context; // agg context for outer ref
ULONG req_base_offset; // place to go back and stuff in blr length
USHORT req_context_number; // Next available context number
USHORT req_derived_context_number; // Next available context number for derived tables
USHORT req_scope_level; // Scope level for parsing aliases in subqueries
//USHORT req_message_number; // Next available message number
USHORT req_loop_level; // Loop level
DsqlStrStack req_labels; // Loop labels
USHORT req_cursor_number; // Cursor number
DsqlNodStack req_cursors; // Cursors
USHORT req_in_select_list; // now processing "select list"
USHORT req_in_where_clause; // processing "where clause"
USHORT req_in_group_by_clause; // processing "group by clause"
USHORT req_in_having_clause; // processing "having clause"
USHORT req_in_order_by_clause; // processing "order by clause"
USHORT req_error_handlers; // count of active error handlers
USHORT req_client_dialect; // dialect passed into the API call
USHORT req_in_outer_join; // processing inside outer-join part
dsql_str* req_alias_relation_prefix; // prefix for every relation-alias.
DsqlNodStack req_hidden_vars; // hidden variables
USHORT req_hidden_vars_number; // next hidden variable number
Firebird::MetaName req_package; // package being defined
DsqlNodStack req_curr_ctes; // current processing CTE's
class dsql_ctx* req_recursive_ctx; // context of recursive CTE
USHORT req_recursive_ctx_id; // id of recursive union stream context
BlockNode* blockNode;
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<dsql_nod*, 4> req_ctes; // common table expressions
Firebird::HalfStaticArray<const dsql_str*, 4> req_cte_aliases; // CTE aliases in recursive members
const dsql_str* const* req_curr_cte_alias;
bool psql;
class PsqlChanger
PsqlChanger(CompiledStatement* aStatement, bool value)
: statement(aStatement),
// copying is prohibited
PsqlChanger(const PsqlChanger&);
PsqlChanger& operator =(const PsqlChanger&);
CompiledStatement* statement;
const bool oldValue;
// values used in req_flags
enum req_flags_vals {
REQ_cursor_open = 0x00001,
REQ_save_metadata = 0x00002,
REQ_prepared = 0x00004, // Set in DSQL_prepare but never checked
REQ_procedure = 0x00008,
REQ_trigger = 0x00010,
REQ_orphan = 0x00020,
REQ_no_batch = 0x00040,
REQ_blr_version4 = 0x00080,
REQ_blr_version5 = 0x00100,
REQ_block = 0x00200,
REQ_selectable = 0x00400,
REQ_CTE_recursive = 0x00800,
REQ_dsql_upd_or_ins = 0x01000,
REQ_returning_into = 0x02000,
REQ_in_auto_trans_block = 0x04000
// Blob
class dsql_blb : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_blb>
dsql_par* blb_blob_id; // Parameter to hold blob id
dsql_par* blb_segment; // Parameter for segments
dsql_nod* blb_from;
dsql_nod* blb_to;
dsql_msg* blb_open_in_msg; // Input message to open cursor
dsql_msg* blb_open_out_msg; // Output message from open cursor
dsql_msg* blb_segment_msg; // Segment message
//! Transaction block
class dsql_tra : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_tra>
dsql_tra* tra_next; // Next open transaction
//! Implicit (NATURAL and USING) joins
class ImplicitJoin : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_imp_join>
dsql_nod* value;
dsql_ctx* visibleInContext;
//! Context block used to create an instance of a relation reference
class dsql_ctx : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_ctx>
explicit dsql_ctx(MemoryPool& p)
: ctx_main_derived_contexts(p),
dsql_req* ctx_request; // Parent request
dsql_rel* ctx_relation; // Relation for context
dsql_prc* ctx_procedure; // Procedure for context
dsql_nod* ctx_proc_inputs; // Procedure input parameters
class dsql_map* ctx_map; // Map for aggregates
dsql_nod* ctx_rse; // Sub-rse for aggregates
dsql_ctx* ctx_parent; // Parent context for aggregates
const TEXT* ctx_alias; // Context alias (can include concatenated derived table alias)
const TEXT* ctx_internal_alias; // Alias as specified in query
USHORT ctx_context; // Context id
USHORT ctx_recursive; // Secondary context id for recursive UNION (nobody referred to this context)
USHORT ctx_scope_level; // Subquery level within this request
USHORT ctx_flags; // Various flag values
USHORT ctx_in_outer_join; // req_in_outer_join when context was created
DsqlContextStack ctx_main_derived_contexts; // contexts used for blr_derived_expr
DsqlContextStack ctx_childs_derived_table; // Childs derived table context
Firebird::MetaName, ImplicitJoin*> > > ctx_imp_join; // Map of USING fieldname to ImplicitJoin
dsql_ctx& operator=(dsql_ctx& v)
ctx_request = v.ctx_request;
ctx_relation = v.ctx_relation;
ctx_procedure = v.ctx_procedure;
ctx_proc_inputs = v.ctx_proc_inputs;
ctx_map = v.ctx_map;
ctx_rse = v.ctx_rse;
ctx_parent = v.ctx_parent;
ctx_alias = v.ctx_alias;
ctx_context = v.ctx_context;
ctx_recursive = v.ctx_recursive;
ctx_scope_level = v.ctx_scope_level;
ctx_flags = v.ctx_flags;
ctx_in_outer_join = v.ctx_in_outer_join;
return *this;
bool getImplicitJoinField(const Firebird::MetaName& name, dsql_nod*& node);
// Flag values for ctx_flags
const USHORT CTX_outer_join = 0x01; // reference is part of an outer join
const USHORT CTX_system = 0x02; // Context generated by system (NEW/OLD in triggers, check-constraint, RETURNING)
const USHORT CTX_null = 0x04; // Fields of the context should be resolved to NULL constant
const USHORT CTX_returning = 0x08; // Context generated by RETURNING
const USHORT CTX_recursive = 0x10; // Context has secondary number (ctx_recursive) generated for recursive UNION
//! Aggregate/union map block to map virtual fields to their base
//! TMN: NOTE! This datatype should definitely be renamed!
class dsql_map : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_map>
dsql_map* map_next; // Next map in item
dsql_nod* map_node; // Value for map item
USHORT map_position; // Position in map
// Message block used in communicating with a running request
class dsql_msg : public Firebird::PermanentStorage
dsql_msg(MemoryPool& p)
: PermanentStorage(p),
Firebird::Array<dsql_par*> msg_parameters; // Parameter list
USHORT msg_number; // Message number
USHORT msg_buffer_number; // Message buffer number (used instead of msg_number for blob msgs)
USHORT msg_length; // Message length
USHORT msg_parameter; // Next parameter number
USHORT msg_index; // Next index into SQLDA
// Parameter block used to describe a parameter of a message
class dsql_par : public pool_alloc<dsql_type_par>
dsql_msg* par_message; // Parent message
dsql_par* par_null; // Null parameter, if used
dsql_nod* par_node; // Associated value node, if any
dsql_ctx* par_dbkey_ctx; // Context of internally requested dbkey
dsql_ctx* par_rec_version_ctx; // Context of internally requested record version
const TEXT* par_name; // Parameter name, if any
const TEXT* par_rel_name; // Relation name, if any
const TEXT* par_owner_name; // Owner name, if any
const TEXT* par_rel_alias; // Relation alias, if any
const TEXT* par_alias; // Alias, if any
dsc par_desc; // Field data type
dsc par_user_desc; // SQLDA data type
USHORT par_parameter; // BLR parameter number
USHORT par_index; // Index into SQLDA, if appropriate
/*! \var unsigned DSQL_debug
\brief Debug level
0 No output
1 Display output tree in PASS1_statment
2 Display input tree in PASS1_statment
4 Display ddl BLR
8 Display BLR
16 Display PASS1_rse input tree
32 Display SQL input string
64 Display BLR in dsql/prepare
> 256 Display yacc parser output level = DSQL_level>>8
// CVC: Enumeration used for the COMMENT command.
ddl_database, ddl_domain, ddl_relation, ddl_view, ddl_procedure, ddl_trigger,
ddl_udf, ddl_blob_filter, ddl_exception, ddl_generator, ddl_index, ddl_role,
ddl_charset, ddl_collation, ddl_package, ddl_schema,
//, ddl_sec_class
class CStrCmp
static int greaterThan(const char* s1, const char* s2)
return strcmp(s1, s2) > 0;
typedef Firebird::SortedArray<const char*,
Firebird::EmptyStorage<const char*>, const char*,
Firebird::DefaultKeyValue<const char*>,
} // namespace
// macros for error generation
extern unsigned DSQL_debug;
#endif // DSQL_DSQL_H