mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird.git synced 2025-02-01 15:20:39 +01:00
robocop 22742ccdd7 Tweak DYN to solve several issues:
- Allow to set and drop defaults for table's fields (as it has been possible with domains).
- Stop people from setting a default value for array types.
- Close checking holes that allowed people to change from scalar types to array types and vice/versa.
- Improve some error messages.
2005-08-14 05:48:20 +00:00

200 lines
10 KiB

* PROGRAM: JRD Access Method
* MODULE: drq.h
* DESCRIPTION: Registry of persistent internal DYN requests
* Note:
* drq_e_l_idx/109 and drq_l_idx_seg/110 are not used any more. The usage of
* drq_e_l_idx and drq_l_idx_seg in the past is as the following:
* ...
* ...
* ...
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
#ifndef JRD_DRQ_H
#define JRD_DRQ_H
#define DYN_REQUEST(drt) (*dbb->dbb_dyn_req)[drt]
const int drq_l_prot_mask = 0; /* lookup protection mask */
const int drq_l_user_name = 1; /* lookup user name */
const int drq_s_rel_con = 2; /* store relation constraints */
const int drq_s_chk_con = 3; /* store check constraints */
const int drq_s_ref_con = 4; /* store ref constraints */
const int drq_f_nxt_con = 5; /* find next relation constraint name */
const int drq_f_nxt_fld = 6; /* find next field name */
const int drq_f_nxt_idx = 7; /* find next index name */
const int drq_f_nxt_trg = 8; /* find next trigger name */
const int drq_c_unq_nam = 9; /* check for unique field names */
const int drq_e_rel_con = 10; /* erase relation constraints */
const int drq_n_idx_seg = 11; /* count index segments */
const int drq_c_dup_con = 12; /* check for duplicate contraint */
const int drq_l_intg_con = 13; /* lookup an integrity constraint */
const int drq_s_dims = 14; /* store dimensions */
const int drq_s_files = 15; /* store files */
const int drq_s_filters = 16; /* store filters */
const int drq_s_gens = 17; /* store generators */
const int drq_s_funcs = 18; /* store functions */
const int drq_s_func_args = 19; /* store function arguments */
const int drq_s_gfields = 20; /* store global fields */
const int drq_s_lfields = 21; /* store local fields */
const int drq_s_gfields2 = 22; /* store global fields */
const int drq_s_rels = 23; /* store relations */
const int drq_l_rel_name = 24; /* lookup relation name */
const int drq_l_view_rels = 25; /* lookup relations in view */
const int drq_s_usr_prvs = 26; /* store user privileges */
const int drq_s_classes = 27; /* store security classes */
const int drq_s_sql_lfld = 28; /* store sql fields */
const int drq_s_sql_gfld = 29; /* store sql fields */
const int drq_s_triggers = 30; /* store triggers */
const int drq_s_trg_msgs = 31; /* store trigger messages */
const int drq_s_view_rels = 32; /* store view relations */
const int drq_e_dims = 33; /* erase dimensions */
const int drq_e_filters = 34; /* erase filters */
const int drq_e_func_args = 35; /* erase functions */
const int drq_e_funcs = 36; /* erase function arguments */
const int drq_l_fld_src = 37; /* lookup a field source */
const int drq_e_gfields = 38; /* erase global fields */
const int drq_e_indices = 39; /* erase indices */
const int drq_e_idx_segs = 40; /* erase index segments */
const int drq_l_dep_flds = 41; /* lookup field referenced by view */
const int drq_e_lfield = 42; /* erase a local field */
const int drq_e_rel_con2 = 43; /* erase relation constraints */
const int drq_e_rel_idxs = 44; /* erase indices */
const int drq_e_rel_flds = 45; /* erase relation fields */
const int drq_e_view_rels = 46; /* erase view relations */
const int drq_e_relation = 47; /* erase relation */
const int drq_e_rel_con3 = 48; /* erase relation constraints */
const int drq_e_usr_prvs = 49; /* erase user privileges on relation */
const int drq_e_shadow = 50; /* erase shadow */
const int drq_e_trg_msgs = 51; /* erase trigger messages */
const int drq_e_trigger = 52; /* erase trigger */
const int drq_l_view_rel2 = 53; /* lookup relations in view */
const int drq_m_rel_flds = 54; /* modify relation fields */
const int drq_e_trg_msg = 55; /* erase trigger message */
const int drq_e_class = 56; /* erase security class */
const int drq_l_grant1 = 57; /* lookup grant */
const int drq_l_grant2 = 58; /* lookup grant */
const int drq_s_grant = 59; /* store grant */
const int drq_l_fld_src2 = 60; /* lookup a field source */
const int drq_m_database = 61; /* modify database */
const int drq_m_gfield = 62; /* modify global field */
const int drq_m_index = 63; /* modify index */
const int drq_m_lfield = 64; /* modify local field */
const int drq_m_relation = 65; /* modify relation */
const int drq_m_trigger = 66; /* modify trigger */
const int drq_m_trg_msg = 67; /* modify trigger message */
const int drq_e_grant1 = 68; /* erase grant */
const int drq_e_grant2 = 69; /* erase grant */
const int drq_s_indices = 70; /* store indices */
const int drq_l_lfield = 71; /* lookup local field */
const int drq_s_idx_segs = 72; /* store index segments */
const int drq_l_unq_idx = 73; /* lookup a unique index */
const int drq_l_primary = 74; /* lookup a primary something */
const int drq_e_trg_msgs2 = 75; /* erase trigger messages */
const int drq_e_trigger2 = 76; /* erase trigger */
const int drq_s_prcs = 77; /* store procedure */
const int drq_l_prc_name = 78; /* lookup procedure name */
const int drq_s_prc_usr_prvs = 79; /* store procedure priviledges */
const int drq_s_prms = 80; /* store parameters */
const int drq_e_prcs = 81; /* erase procedure */
const int drq_e_prms = 82; /* erase all of procedure's parameters */
const int drq_s_prm_src = 83; /* store parameter global field */
const int drq_s_intl_info = 84; /* store RDB$CHARACTER_FIELDS */
const int drq_m_prcs = 85; /* modify procedure */
const int drq_s_log_files = 86; /* store log files */
const int drq_s_cache = 87; /* store cache */
const int drq_e_prm = 88; /* erase a procedure parameter */
const int drq_s_xcp = 89; /* store an exception */
const int drq_m_xcp = 90; /* modify an exception */
const int drq_e_prc_prvs = 91; /* erase user privileges on procedure */
const int drq_e_prc_prv = 92; /* erase procedure's privileges */
const int drq_e_trg_prv = 93; /* erase trigger's privileges */
const int drq_d_log = 94; /* drop log */
const int drq_d_cache = 95; /* drop cache */
const int drq_l_log_files = 96; /* lookup log files */
const int drq_l_cache = 97; /* lookup cache */
const int drq_e_sec_class = 98; /* delete security classes */
const int drq_l_gfield = 99; /* lookup global field */
const int drq_g_nxt_con = 100; /* generate next relation constraint name */
const int drq_g_nxt_fld = 101; /* generate next field name */
const int drq_g_nxt_idx = 102; /* generate next index name */
const int drq_g_nxt_trg = 103; /* generate next trigger name */
const int drq_l_fld_pos = 104; /* lookup max field position */
const int drq_e_xcp = 105; /* drop an exception */
const int drq_d_gfields = 106; /* drop an global field for procedure param */
const int drq_l_shadow = 107; /* look up a shadow set */
const int drq_l_files = 108; /* look up for defined files */
const int drq_e_l_idx = 109; /* erase indices defined on a local field */
const int drq_l_idx_seg = 110; /* Lookup index segments */
const int drq_e_l_gfld = 111; /* erase global field for a local fields */
const int drq_gcg1 = 112; /* grantor_can_grant */
const int drq_gcg2 = 113; /* grantor_can_grant */
const int drq_gcg3 = 114; /* grantor_can_grant */
const int drq_gcg4 = 115; /* grantor_can_grant */
const int drq_gcg5 = 116; /* grantor_can_grant */
const int drq_l_view_idx = 117; /* table is view? */
const int drq_role_gens = 118; /* store SQL role */
const int drq_get_role_nm = 119; /* get SQL role */
const int drq_get_role_au = 120; /* get SQL role auth */
const int drq_del_role_1 = 121; /* delete SQL role from rdb$user_privilege */
const int drq_drop_role = 122; /* delete SQL role from rdb$roles */
const int drq_get_rel_owner = 123; /* get the owner of any relations */
const int drq_get_user_priv = 124; /* get the grantor of user privileges or
the user who was granted the privileges */
const int drq_g_rel_constr_nm= 125; /* get relation constraint name */
const int drq_e_rel_const = 126; /* erase relation constraints */
const int drq_e_gens = 127; /* erase generators */
const int drq_s_f_class = 128; /* set the security class name for a field */
const int drq_s_u_class = 129; /* find a unique security class name for a field */
const int drq_l_difference = 130; /* Look up a backup difference file */
const int drq_s_difference = 131; /* Store backup difference file */
const int drq_d_difference = 132; /* Delete backup difference file */
const int drq_l_fld_src3 = 133; /* lookup a field source */
const int drq_e_fld_prvs = 134; /* erase user privileges on relation field */
const int drq_e_view_prv = 135; /* erase view's privileges */
const int drq_m_chset = 136; // modify charset
const int drq_m_coll = 137; // modify collation
const int drq_m_bfil = 138; // modify blob filter
const int drq_m_fun = 139; // modify udf
const int drq_m_gen = 140; // modify generator
const int drq_m_prm = 141; // modify procedure's parameter
const int drq_m_rol = 142; // modify sql role
const int drq_m_view = 143; // modify view
const int drq_s_colls = 144; /* store collations */
const int drq_l_colls = 145; /* lookup collations */
const int drq_dom_is_array = 146; // lookup domain to see if it's an array
const int drq_MAX = 147;
#endif /* JRD_DRQ_H */