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* MODULE: sort.h
* DESCRIPTION: Sort package definitions
* The contents of this file are subject to the Interbase Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at http://www.Inprise.com/IPL.html
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code was created by Inprise Corporation
* and its predecessors. Portions created by Inprise Corporation are
* Copyright (C) Inprise Corporation.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
#ifndef JRD_SORT_H
#define JRD_SORT_H
#include "../jrd/common.h"
#include "../jrd/fil.h"
#include "../jrd/jrd_blks.h"
#include "../include/fb_blk.h"
namespace Jrd {
// Forward declaration
struct sort_work_file;
class SortMem;
class Attachment;
struct irsb_sort;
struct merge_control;
/* SORTP is used throughout sort.c as a pointer into arrays of
longwords(32 bits). For 16 bit Windows, this must be a huge pointer.
Use this definition whenever doing pointer arithmetic, as
interbase variables (eg. scb->scb_longs) are in 32 - bit longwords. */
typedef ULONG SORTP;
/* since the first part of the record contains a back_pointer, whose
size depends on the platform (ie 16, 32 or 64 bits.).
This pointer data_type is defined by platform specific sort_ptr_t.
typedef IPTR sort_ptr_t;
// # of 32 bit longs in a pointer (ie 1 on 32 bit machines 2 on 64 bit)
#define LONGS_PER_POINTER (sizeof (SLONG*) / sizeof (SLONG))
// the size of sr_bckptr in # of 32 bit longwords
#define PREV_RUN_RECORD(record) (((SORTP *) record - scb->scb_longs))
#define NEXT_RUN_RECORD(record) (((SORTP *) record + scb->scb_longs))
/* a macro to goto the key_id part of a particular record.
Pls. refer to the SR structure in sort.h for an explanation of
the record structure . */
#define KEYOF(record) ((SORTP *)(((SR*)record)->sr_sort_record.sort_record_key))
/* macro to point to the next/previous record for sorting.
still using scb_longs as we cannot do record++ */
//#define PREV_RECORD(record) ((SR*)((SORTP *) record + scb->scb_longs))
#define NEXT_RECORD(record) ((SR*)((SORTP *) record - scb->scb_longs))
/* structure containing the key and data part of the sort record,
the back pointer is not written to the disk, this is how the records
look in the run files. */
struct sort_record
ULONG sort_record_key[1];
/* Sorting key. Mangled by diddle_key to
compare using ULONG word compares (size
is rounded upwards if necessary).
Min length of 1 ULONG, max indeterminate
For current sort, length is stored as
Keys are created by BTR_* routines as
sequences of ULONG - this representation
cannot be easily changed. */
/* sort_record_data is here to explain the sort record.
To get to the data part of a record add scb->scb_key_length to a pointer
pointing to the start of the sort_record_key.
ULONG sort_record_data [1];
Data values, not part of key,
that are pumped through sort.
Min length of 0, max indeterminate,
byte data, but starts on ULONG boundary and
rounded up to ULONG size
Sizeof sr_data array would be
(scb_longs - scb_key_length)*sizeof(ULONG) -
const ULONG MAX_SORT_RECORD = 65535; /* bytes */
/* the record struct actually contains the keyids etc, and the back_pointer
which points to the sort_record structure. */
typedef struct sr
sort_record** sr_bckptr; /* Pointer back to sort list entry */
sort_record sr_sort_record;
} SR;
/* scb_longs includes the size of sr_bckptr. */
/* The sort memory pool is laid out as follows during sorting:
struct sort_memory {
struct sr *records [X1];
ULONG empty [X2];
struct sr data [X1];
We pack items into sort_memory, inserting the first pointer into
records [0], and the first data value into data[X1-1]; Continuing
until we are out of records to sort or memory.
(eg: X1*(sizeof(struct sr*) + scb->scb_longs) + X2*sizeof(ULONG) == MAX_MEMORY
/* Sort key definition block */
struct sort_key_def
UCHAR skd_dtype; /* Data type */
UCHAR skd_flags; /* Flags */
USHORT skd_length; /* Length if string */
USHORT skd_offset; /* Offset from beginning */
USHORT skd_vary_offset; /* Offset to varying/cstring length */
/* skd_dtype */
const int SKD_long = 1;
const int SKD_ulong = 2;
const int SKD_short = 3;
const int SKD_ushort = 4;
const int SKD_text = 5;
const int SKD_float = 6;
const int SKD_double = 7;
const int SKD_quad = 8;
const int SKD_timestamp1 = 9; /* Timestamp as Float */
const int SKD_bytes = 10;
const int SKD_d_float = 11;
const int SKD_varying = 12; /* non-international */
const int SKD_cstring = 13; /* non-international */
const int SKD_sql_time = 14;
const int SKD_sql_date = 15;
const int SKD_timestamp2 = 16; /* Timestamp as Quad */
const int SKD_int64 = 17;
/* Historical alias for pre V6 code */
const int SKD_date = SKD_timestamp1;
/* skd_flags */
const UCHAR SKD_ascending = 0; /* default initializer */
const UCHAR SKD_descending = 1;
//const UCHAR SKD_insensitive = 2;
const UCHAR SKD_binary = 4;
/* Run/merge common block header */
struct run_merge_hdr
SSHORT rmh_type;
merge_control* rmh_parent;
// rmh_type
const int RMH_TYPE_RUN = 0;
const int RMH_TYPE_MRG = 1;
/* Run control block */
struct run_control
run_merge_hdr run_header;
run_control* run_next; /* Next (actually last) run */
ULONG run_records; /* Records (remaining) in run */
ULONG run_max_records; /* total number of records in run */
USHORT run_depth; /* Number of "elementary" runs */
sort_work_file* run_sfb; /* Run sort file block */
ULONG run_seek; /* Offset in file of run */
ULONG run_size; /* Length of run in work file */
ULONG run_cached; /* amount of cached data from run file */
sort_record* run_record; /* Next record in run */
SORTP* run_buffer; /* Run buffer */
SORTP* run_end_buffer; /* End of buffer */
ULONG run_buff_alloc; /* ALlocated buffer flag */
/* Merge control block */
struct merge_control
run_merge_hdr mrg_header;
sort_record* mrg_record_a;
run_merge_hdr* mrg_stream_a;
sort_record* mrg_record_b;
run_merge_hdr* mrg_stream_b;
/* Work file space control block */
struct work_file_space
work_file_space* wfs_next;
ULONG wfs_position; /* Starting position of free space */
ULONG wfs_size; /* Length of free space */
/* Sort work file control block */
struct sort_work_file
sort_work_file* sfb_next;
int sfb_file; /* File descriptor */
TEXT* sfb_file_name; /* ALLOC: File name for deletion */
ULONG sfb_file_size; /* Real size of the work file */
work_file_space* sfb_file_space; /* ALLOC: Available space in work file */
work_file_space* sfb_free_wfs; /* ALLOC: Free space in work file */
dir_list* sfb_dls; /* Place where file is created */
SortMem* sfb_mem;
/* Sort Context Block */
// Context or Control???
// Used by SORT_init
typedef bool (*FPTR_REJECT_DUP_CALLBACK)(const UCHAR*, const UCHAR*, void*);
struct sort_context
sort_context* scb_next; /* Next known sort in system */
SORTP *scb_memory; /* ALLOC: Memory for sort */
SORTP *scb_end_memory; /* End of memory */
ULONG scb_size_memory; /* Bytes allocated */
SR *scb_last_record; /* Address of last record */
sort_record** scb_first_pointer; /* Memory for sort */
sort_record** scb_next_pointer; /* Address for next pointer */
SORTP **scb_last_pointer; /* Address for last pointer in block */
//USHORT scb_length; // Record length. Unused.
USHORT scb_longs; /* Length of record in longwords */
ULONG scb_keys; /* Number of keys */
ULONG scb_key_length; /* Key length */
ULONG scb_unique_length; /* Unique key length, used when duplicates eliminated */
ULONG scb_records; /* Number of records */
//UINT64 scb_max_records; // Maximum number of records to store . Unused.
sort_work_file* scb_sfb; /* ALLOC: List of scratch files, if open */
run_control* scb_runs; /* ALLOC: Run on scratch file, if any */
merge_control* scb_merge; /* Top level merge block */
run_control* scb_free_runs; /* ALLOC: Currently unused run blocks */
SORTP* scb_merge_space; /* ALLOC: memory space to do merging */
ULONG scb_flags; /* see flag bits below */
ISC_STATUS *scb_status_vector; /* Status vector for errors */
FPTR_REJECT_DUP_CALLBACK scb_dup_callback; /* Duplicate handling callback */
void* scb_dup_callback_arg; /* Duplicate handling callback arg */
//dir_list* scb_dls; // Unused
merge_control* scb_merge_pool; /* ALLOC: pool of merge_control blocks */
Attachment* scb_attachment; /* back pointer to attachment */
irsb_sort* scb_impure; /* back pointer to request's impure area */
sort_key_def scb_description[1];
/* flags as set in scb_flags */
const int scb_initialized = 1;
const int scb_sorted = 2; /* stream has been sorted */
#define SCB_LEN(n_k) (sizeof (sort_context) + (SLONG)(n_k) * sizeof (sort_key_def))
} //namespace Jrd
#endif // JRD_SORT_H