mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 10:40:38 +01:00
196 lines
5.9 KiB
196 lines
5.9 KiB
::@echo off
:: Set env vars
@call setenvvar.bat
@if errorlevel 1 (goto :EOF)
:: verify that boot was run before
@if not exist %ROOT_PATH%\gen\gpre_boot.exe (goto :HELP_BOOT & goto :EOF)
:: Read input values
@set DBG=
@set DBG_DIR=release
@set CLEAN=/build
@if "%1"=="DEBUG" ((set DBG=TRUE) && (set DBG_DIR=debug))
@if "%2"=="DEBUG" ((set DBG=TRUE) && (set DBG_DIR=debug))
@if "%1"=="CLEAN" (set CLEAN=/REBUILD)
@if "%2"=="CLEAN" (set CLEAN=/REBUILD)
::Uncomment this to build intlemp
::set FB2_INTLEMP=1
@if "%DBG%"=="" (call :RELEASE) else (call :DEBUG)
@call :MOVE
@call :MOVE2
@goto :EOF
@echo Building empbuild.fdb
@copy /y %ROOT_PATH%\output\bin\isql.exe %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\ > nul
@copy /y %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\*.sql %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\ > nul
@copy /y %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\*.inp %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\ > nul
:: Here we must use cd because isql does not have an option to set a base directory
@cd %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples
@echo Creating empbuild.fdb...
@del empbuild.fdb 2> nul
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\isql -i empbld.sql
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
@echo Creating intlbuild.fdb...
@del intlbuild.fdb 2> nul
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\isql -i intlbld.sql
@cd %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32
@echo path = %DB_PATH%/gen/examples
@echo Preprocessing empbuild.e...
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\gpre_embed.exe -r -m -n -z %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\empbuild.e %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\empbuild.c -b %DB_PATH%/gen/examples/
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
@echo Preprocessing intlbld.e...
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\gpre_embed.exe -r -m -n -z %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\intlbld.e %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlbld.c -b %DB_PATH%/gen/examples/
@goto :EOF
@echo Building release
if "%VS_VER%"=="msvc6" (
@msdev %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2.dsw /MAKE "empbuild - Win32 Release" "intlbld - Win32 Release" %CLEAN% /OUT examples.log
) else (
@devenv %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2_Examples.sln %CLEAN% release /project empbuild /OUT empbuild.log
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
@devenv %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2_Examples.sln %CLEAN% release /project intlbuild /OUT intlbuild.log
@goto :EOF
@echo Building debug
if "%VS_VER%"=="msvc6" (
@msdev %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2.dsw /MAKE "empbuild - Win32 Debug" "intlbld - Win32 Debug" %CLEAN% /OUT examples.log
) else (
@devenv %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2_Examples.sln %CLEAN% debug /project empbuild /OUT empbuild.log
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
@devenv %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32\%VS_VER%\Firebird2_Examples.sln %CLEAN% debug /project intlbuild /OUT intlbld.log
@goto :EOF
@rmdir /q /s %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples 2>nul
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\api
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\build_unix
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\build_win32
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\dyn
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\include
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\stat
@mkdir %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\udf
@echo Moving files to output directory
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples > nul
@ren %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\readme readme.txt > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\api\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\api > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\build_unix\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\build_unix > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\build_win32\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\build_win32 > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\dyn\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\dyn > nul
:: @copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\empbuild\employe2.sql %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\include\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\include > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\stat\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\stat > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\examples\udf\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\udf > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\ib_udf* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\udf > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\src\extlib\fbudf\* %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\udf > nul
:: @copy %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\empbuild.c %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild\ > nul
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\temp\%DBG_DIR%\examples\empbuild.exe %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\empbuild.exe > nul
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
if "%VS_VER%"=="msvc6" (
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\temp\%DBG_DIR%\examples\intlbld.exe %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlbuild.exe > nul
) else (
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\temp\%DBG_DIR%\examples\intlbuild.exe %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlbuild.exe > nul
@goto :EOF
:: only to test if it works
@echo Building employee.fdb
:: Here we must use cd because isql does not have an option to set a base directory
:: and empbuild.exe uses isql
@cd %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples
@del %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\employee.fdb 2>nul
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\empbuild.exe %DB_PATH%/gen/examples/employee.fdb
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
@echo Building intlemp.fdb
@del %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlemp.fdb 2>nul
@del isql.tmp 2>nul
@echo s;intlemp.fdb;%SERVER_NAME%:%ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlemp.fdb;g > isql.tmp
@%ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlbuild.exe %DB_PATH%/gen/examples/intlemp.fdb
@cd %ROOT_PATH%\builds\win32
@goto :EOF
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\employee.fdb %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild\ > nul
if defined FB2_INTLEMP (
if exist %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlemp.fdb (
@copy %ROOT_PATH%\gen\examples\intlemp.fdb %ROOT_PATH%\output\examples\empbuild\ > nul
@goto :EOF
@echo You must run make_boot.bat before running this script
@goto :EOF
@echo Error - %*
cancel_script > nul 2>&1
::End of ERROR
@goto :EOF