2024-01-20 18:27:52 +01:00
ID : issue - 3218
ISSUE : 3218
TITLE : Optimizer fails applying stream - local predicates before merging [ CORE2832 ]
We evaluate number of records in rdb $ relation_fields for which corresponding rows in rdb $ relations have ID < 10.
This value ( ' cnt_chk ' ) must be equal to the number of indexed reads for this table when we run test query ( ' chk_sql ' ) .
Before fix number of indexed reads in rdb $ relation_fields was equal to the TOTAL number of rows in this table .
FBTEST : bugs . gh_3218
[ 20.01 .2024 ] pzotov
Confirmed problem on 5.0 .0 .442 : number of indexed reads was equal to the total count of records in rdb $ relation_fields .
Checked on 6.0 .0 .218 , 5.0 .1 .1318 .
2025-01-18 16:04:48 +01:00
[ 18.01 .2025 ] pzotov
Resultset of cursor that executes using instance of selectable PreparedStatement must be stored
in some variable in order to have ability close it EXPLICITLY ( before PS will be freed ) .
Otherwise access violation raises during Python GC and pytest hangs at final point ( does not return control to OS ) .
This occurs at least for : Python 3.11 .2 / pytest : 7.4 .4 / firebird . driver : 1.10 .6 / Firebird . Qa : 0.19 .3
The reason of that was explained by Vlad , 26.10 .24 17 : 42 ( " oddities when use instances of selective statements " ) .
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from pathlib import Path
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import pytest
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from firebird . qa import *
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from firebird . driver import DatabaseError
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init_sql = """
set term ^ ;
create or alter procedure sp_get_relations returns (
rdb $ relation_id type of column rdb $ relations . rdb $ relation_id ,
rdb $ relation_name type of column rdb $ relations . rdb $ relation_name
) as
rdb $ relation_id ,
rdb $ relation_name
from rdb $ relations
rdb $ relation_id ,
rdb $ relation_name
suspend ;
set term ; ^
commit ;
db = db_factory ( init = init_sql )
act = python_act ( ' db ' )
def replace_leading ( source , char = " # " ) :
stripped = source . lstrip ( )
return char * ( len ( source ) - len ( stripped ) ) + stripped
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=5.0 ' )
def test_1 ( act : Action , capsys ) :
with act . db . connect ( ) as con :
cur = con . cursor ( )
cur . execute ( " select rdb$relation_id from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = upper( ' rdb$relation_fields ' ) " )
rf_rel_id = None
for r in cur :
rf_rel_id = r [ 0 ]
assert rf_rel_id
cur . execute ( " select count(iif(r.rdb$relation_id < 10, 1, null)) cnt_chk, count(*) as cnt_all from rdb$relation_fields rf left join rdb$relations r on rf.rdb$relation_name = r.rdb$relation_name and r.rdb$relation_id < 10 " )
cnt_chk , cnt_all = cur . fetchall ( ) [ 0 ] [ : 2 ]
result_map = { }
chk_sql = ' select 1 from sp_get_relations r join rdb$relation_fields f on f.rdb$relation_name = r.rdb$relation_name where r.rdb$relation_id < 10 '
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ps , rs = None , None
try :
ps = cur . prepare ( chk_sql )
# ::: NB ::: 'ps' returns data, i.e. this is SELECTABLE expression.
# We have to store result of cur.execute(<psInstance>) in order to
# close it explicitly.
# Otherwise AV can occur during Python garbage collection and this
# causes pytest to hang on its final point.
# Explained by hvlad, email 26.10.24 17:42
rs = cur . execute ( ps )
2024-01-20 18:27:52 +01:00
tabstat1 = [ p for p in con . info . get_table_access_stats ( ) if p . table_id == rf_rel_id ]
cur . fetchall ( )
tabstat2 = [ p for p in con . info . get_table_access_stats ( ) if p . table_id == rf_rel_id ]
print ( ' \n ' . join ( [ replace_leading ( s ) for s in ps . detailed_plan . split ( ' \n ' ) ] ) ) # explained plan, with preserving indents by replacing leading spaces with '#'
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idx_reads = ( tabstat2 [ 0 ] . indexed if tabstat2 [ 0 ] . indexed else 0 )
if tabstat1 :
idx_reads - = ( tabstat1 [ 0 ] . indexed if tabstat1 [ 0 ] . indexed else 0 )
print ( ' Result: ' )
if idx_reads == 0 or idx_reads > cnt_chk :
print ( f ' POOR! Number of records in rdb$relation_fields: 1) to be filtered: { cnt_chk } , 2) total: { cnt_all } . Number of indexed_reads: { idx_reads } ' )
else :
print ( ' Acceptable. ' )
2024-01-20 18:27:52 +01:00
2025-01-18 16:04:48 +01:00
except DatabaseError as e :
print ( e . __str__ ( ) )
print ( e . gds_codes )
finally :
if rs :
if ps :
ps . free ( )
2024-01-20 18:27:52 +01:00
act . expected_stdout = """
Select Expression
####-> Nested Loop Join (inner)
########-> Filter
############-> Procedure "SP_GET_RELATIONS" as "R" Scan
########-> Filter
############-> Table "RDB$RELATION_FIELDS" as "F" Access By ID
################-> Bitmap
####################-> Index "RDB$INDEX_4" Range Scan (full match)
Result :
Acceptable .
act . stdout = capsys . readouterr ( ) . out
assert act . clean_stdout == act . clean_expected_stdout