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2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
ID: issue-4221
ISSUE: 4221
TITLE: Server crashes on preparing empty query when trace is enabled
Crash can be reproduced if FB 2.5.0 or 2.5.1 runs in Classic or SuperClassic mode (Super not affected).
Steps to reproduce:
0. Prepare trace configuration and launch user trace session;
1. Prepare script for ISQL (execute block with empty statement to be executed using ES);
2. Launch ISQL and give this script to it;
3, Launch then Python, make connection to DB and run it it execute_immediate() with empty statement as arg.
FB crashed at this point.
::: NOTES :::
A. If Firebird is running in SuperClassic mode then Python code gets exception with message related to crash
('Error writing to connection'). and we can check them in exception instance content.
But if FB runs as Classic Server then no such message will be received!
Because of this, we have to check difference between 'old' and 'new' content of firebird.log.
This difference must NOT contain messages like:
* "Uncommitted work may have been lost" or
* "Error writing data to the connection."
If no such messages in the FB log difference then we can assume that test PASSES.
Otherwise we must suspect that FB crashed (every such message will be shown in that case).
B. Error stack can differ in some versions of FB!
* FB 3.x and 4.x contain three lines (which was also in FB
1 Error while executing SQL statement:
2 - SQLCODE: -104
3 - Unexpected end of command
* FB 5.x (up to also had three lines before builds with date less thjan 12-nov-2021.
But after gh-6966 was fixed (5b7d0c7a64cf9873534acfffeb997718bab89800 ) error stack content returned
to proper look and contain five lines:
1 Error while executing SQL statement:
2 - SQLCODE: -104
>>> 3 - Dynamic SQL Error <<<
>>> 4 - SQL error code = -104 <<<
5 - Unexpected end of command - ...
Because of this, we have to check only presence of lines with "SQLCODE: -104" and "Unexpected end of command"
for FB of major versions 3.x and 4.x (gh-6966 was NOT fixed for them!).
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
import pytest
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
from firebird.qa import *
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
db = db_factory()
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
act_1 = python_act('db')
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
expected_stdout = """
Status vector is EXPECTED.
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-25 22:55:48 +01:00
@pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: Not IMPLEMENTED')
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
def test_1(act_1: Action):
2022-01-25 22:55:48 +01:00
pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2021-12-31 12:06:51 +01:00
# test_script_1
# import os
# import re
# import difflib
# import subprocess
# import time
# from fdb import services
# from subprocess import Popen
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# # Obtain engine version:
# engine = str(db_conn.engine_version) # convert to text because 'float' object has no attribute 'startswith'
# db_file = db_conn.database_name
# # do NOT: db_conn.close()
# #---------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close(file_handle):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb'):
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if os.path.isfile( f_names_list[i]):
# os.remove( f_names_list[i] )
# if os.path.isfile( f_names_list[i]):
# print('ERROR: can not remove file ' + f_names_list[i])
# #--------------------------------------------
# def svc_get_fb_log( engine, f_fb_log ):
# import subprocess
# if engine.startswith('2.5'):
# get_firebird_log_key='action_get_ib_log'
# else:
# get_firebird_log_key='action_get_fb_log'
# subprocess.call( [ context['fbsvcmgr_path'],
# "localhost:service_mgr",
# 'user', user_name, 'password', user_password,
# get_firebird_log_key
# ]
# ,stdout=f_fb_log
# ,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
# )
# return
# #--------------------------------------------
# txt25 = '''# Trace config, format for 2.5. Generated auto, do not edit!
# <database %[\\\\\\\\/]bugs.core_3884.fdb>
# enabled true
# time_threshold 0
# </database>
# '''
# # 1) Header contains `database` clause in different format vs FB 2.5: its data must be enclosed with '{' '}'
# # 2) Name and value must be separated by EQUALITY sign ('=') in FB-3 trace.conf, otherwise we get runtime error:
# # element "<. . .>" have no attribute value set
# txt30 = '''# Trace config, format for 3.0. Generated auto, do not edit!
# database=%[\\\\\\\\/]bugs.core_3884.fdb
# {
# enabled = true
# time_threshold = 0
# log_statement_finish = true
# }
# '''
# f_trc_cfg=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_3884.cfg'), 'w')
# if engine.startswith('2.5'):
# f_trc_cfg.write(txt25)
# else:
# f_trc_cfg.write(txt30)
# f_trc_cfg.close()
# # ##############################################################
# # S T A R T T R A C E i n S E P A R A T E P R O C E S S
# # ##############################################################
# f_trc_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_3884.log'), "w")
# f_trc_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_3884.err'), "w")
# p_trace = Popen( [ context['fbsvcmgr_path'],
# 'localhost:service_mgr',
# 'user', user_name, 'password', user_password,
# 'action_trace_start',
# 'trc_cfg', f_trc_cfg.name
# ]
# ,stdout=f_trc_log,stderr=f_trc_err
# )
# # Wait! Trace session is initialized not instantly!
# time.sleep(1.1)
# # ####################################################
# # G E T A C T I V E T R A C E S E S S I O N I D
# # ####################################################
# # Save active trace session info into file for further parsing it and obtain session_id back (for stop):
# f_trc_lst = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trace_3884.lst'), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['fbsvcmgr_path'],
# 'localhost:service_mgr',
# 'user', user_name, 'password', user_password,
# 'action_trace_list'
# ]
# ,stdout=f_trc_lst
# )
# flush_and_close( f_trc_lst )
# trcssn=0
# with open( f_trc_lst.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# i=1
# if 'Session ID' in line:
# for word in line.split():
# if i==3:
# trcssn=word
# i=i+1
# break
# # Result: `trcssn` is ID of active trace session. Now we have to terminate it:
# f_fblog_before=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_3884_fblog_before.txt'), 'w')
# svc_get_fb_log( engine, f_fblog_before )
# flush_and_close( f_fblog_before )
# #.............................................................................
# sql_cmd=''' set term ^;
# execute block as
# begin
# execute statement '';
# end
# ^
# '''
# f_sql_chk = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_3884_run.sql'), 'w')
# f_sql_chk.write(sql_cmd)
# flush_and_close( f_sql_chk )
# f_sql_log = open( ''.join( (os.path.splitext(f_sql_chk.name)[0], '.log' ) ), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-q', '-i', f_sql_chk.name ], stdout = f_sql_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
# flush_and_close( f_sql_log )
# #--------------------------------------
# crash_pattern = re.compile('Error\\s+(reading|writing)\\s+data.*\\s+connection', re.IGNORECASE)
# # Error while executing SQL statement:
# # - SQLCODE: -104
# # - Unexpected end of command
# # Error while executing SQL statement:
# # - SQLCODE: -104
# # - Dynamic SQL Error
# # - SQL error code = -104
# # - Unexpected end of command
# required_patterns = (
# re.compile('SQLCODE:\\s+-104', re.IGNORECASE)
# ,re.compile('Unexpected\\s+end\\sof\\s+command', re.IGNORECASE)
# )
# try:
# db_conn.execute_immediate('')
# except Exception,e:
# match_list = [ p.search(e[0]) for p in required_patterns ]
# if crash_pattern.search(e[0]):
# print('### CRASH DETECTED ###')
# print(e[0])
# elif min(match_list):
# # True ==> every pattern from required_patterns
# # presents in the Status vector ==> test PASSED.
# print('Status vector is EXPECTED.')
# else:
# print('Status vector is UNEXPECTED:')
# print(e[0])
# finally:
# db_conn.close()
# f_fblog_after=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_3884_fblog_after.txt'), 'w')
# svc_get_fb_log( engine, f_fblog_after )
# flush_and_close( f_fblog_after )
# oldfb=open(f_fblog_before.name, 'r')
# newfb=open(f_fblog_after.name, 'r')
# difftext = ''.join(difflib.unified_diff(
# oldfb.readlines(),
# newfb.readlines()
# ))
# oldfb.close()
# newfb.close()
# f_diff_txt=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_3884_fblog_diff.txt'), 'w')
# f_diff_txt.write(difftext)
# flush_and_close( f_diff_txt )
# #IMAGE-PC1 (Client) Fri Nov 12 15:40:31 2021
# # REMOTE INTERFACE/gds__detach: Unsuccesful detach from database.
# # Uncommitted work may have been lost
# #IMAGE-PC1 Fri Nov 12 15:42:11 2021
# # Unable to complete network request to host "Image-PC1".
# # Error writing data to the connection.
# fblog_crash_patterns = (
# crash_pattern
# ,re.compile('Uncommitted\\s+work\\s+.*\\s+lost', re.IGNORECASE)
# )
# match2some = False
# with open( f_diff_txt.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line.startswith('+'):
# match2some = filter( None, [ p.search(line) for p in fblog_crash_patterns ] )
# if match2some:
# print( 'UNEXPECTED DIFF in the firebird.log: ' + line.strip() )
# #.............................................................................
# # ####################################################
# # S E N D R E Q U E S T T R A C E T O S T O P
# # ####################################################
# if trcssn>0:
# #########################
# ### C R U C I A L ###
# #########################
# # We must stay idle here at least 1.1 second before ask fbsbcmgr to stop trace.
# # The reason is that fbsvcmgr make query to FB services only one time per second.
# # If we do not take delay here then test can fail with (most often) empty log
# # or its log can look incompleted.
# # See letter from Vlad, 04-mar-2021 13:02 (subj: "Test core_6469 on Linux...").
# ###############
# time.sleep(1.1)
# ###############
# f_trc_stop_log=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trc_3884_stop.log'), "w")
# f_trc_stop_err=open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_trc_3884_stop.err'), "w")
# subprocess.call( [ context['fbsvcmgr_path'],
# 'localhost:service_mgr',
# 'user', user_name, 'password', user_password,
# 'action_trace_stop',
# 'trc_id', trcssn
# ]
# ,stdout=f_trc_stop_log
# ,stderr=f_trc_stop_err
# )
# flush_and_close( f_trc_stop_log )
# flush_and_close( f_trc_stop_err )
# p_trace.terminate()
# flush_and_close( f_trc_log )
# flush_and_close( f_trc_err )
# #########
# time.sleep(1)
# cleanup( [i.name for i in (f_trc_cfg, f_trc_log, f_trc_err, f_trc_lst, f_trc_stop_log, f_trc_stop_err, f_sql_chk, f_sql_log, f_fblog_before, f_fblog_after, f_diff_txt) ] )