2022-09-20 20:25:28 +02:00
ID : issue - 6932
ISSUE : https : / / github . com / FirebirdSQL / firebird / issues / 6932
TITLE : GTT ' s pages are not released while dropping it
We create GTT and add some data in it ; file ' fb_table_* ' will appear in < GTT_DIR > after this .
We have to obtain size of this file and invoke os . path . getsize ( ) . Result will be NON - zero , despite that Windows
' dir ' command shows that this file has size 0. We initialize list ' gtt_size_list ' and save this size in it as
' initial ' element ( with index 0 ) .
After this , we make loop for < ITER_COUNT > iterations and do on each of them :
* drop GTT ;
* create GTT ( with new name ) ;
2022-09-20 20:27:08 +02:00
* add some data into just created GTT ;
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* get GTT file size and add it to the list for further analysis ( see ' gtt_size_list.append(...) ' )
Finally , we scan list ' gtt_size_list ' ( starting from 2 nd element ) and evaluate DIFFERENCE between size of GTT file
that was obtained on Nth and ( N - 1 ) th iterations . MEDIAN value of this difference must be ZERO .
FBTEST : bugs . core_6932
[ 20.06 .2022 ] pzotov
Confirmed bug on 3.0 .6 .33301 ; 5.0 .0 .169 .
[ 20.09 .2022 ] pzotov
1. One need to be sure that firebird . conf does NOT contain DatabaseAccess = None .
2. Test uses pre - created databases . conf which has alias defined by variable REQUIRED_ALIAS .
Database file for that alias must NOT exist in the QA_root / files / qa / subdirectory : it will be created here .
Content of databases . conf must be taken from $ QA_ROOT / files / qa - databases . conf ( one need to replace
it before every test session ) .
Discussed with pcisar , letters since 30 - may - 2022 13 : 48 , subject :
" new qa, core_4964_test.py: strange outcome when use... shutil.copy() // comparing to shutil.copy2() "
3. Value of REQUIRED_ALIAS must be EXACTLY the same as alias specified in the pre - created databases . conf
( for LINUX this equality is case - sensitive , even when aliases are compared ! )
4. Test exploits ability to get folder where GTT files are created by querying config parameter ' TempTableDirectory ' .
This parameter has PER - DATABASE nature , so we can explicitly define it for pre - created alias in the databases . conf .
Particularly , we can use the same directory as temp database which is used here also as known pre - defined alias
with known folder .
Unfortunately , we can NOT be sure that in case if TempTableDirectory is undefined than engine always will use
values of FIREBIRD_TMP , TEMP and TMP ( it was encountered occasinally 20.09 .2022 on FB 3. x , 4. x and 5. x ) .
Because of this , test can be perfomed only on 4. x and above .
5. BEFORE this ticket was fixed , size of GTT grew noticeably only for the first ~ 10 iterations .
This is example how size was changed ( in percents ) :
For big numbers of ITER_COUNT values quickly tend to zero .
AFTER this ticket was resolved , GTT file size is changed only for 2 nd iteration ( and not in every measure ) , for ~ 6 % .
All rest changes ( starting from 3 rd measure ) must be zero .
6. Test implemented for Windows only : there is no ability to get name of GTT file on Linux
because all such files marked as deleted immediately after creation .
Checked on WINDOWS builds : 3.0 .8 .33535 , 4.0 .1 .2692 , 5.0 .0 .730 ( SS / CS )
import time
import os
import sys
import glob
import pytest
from firebird . qa import *
from firebird . driver import TPB , Isolation
def median ( lst ) :
n = len ( lst )
s = sorted ( lst )
return ( sum ( s [ n / / 2 - 1 : n / / 2 + 1 ] ) / 2.0 , s [ n / / 2 ] ) [ n % 2 ] if n else None
REQUIRED_ALIAS = ' tmp_gh_6932_alias '
db = db_factory ( filename = ' # ' + REQUIRED_ALIAS )
act = python_act ( ' db ' )
FB_GTT_PATTERN = ' fb_table_* '
expected_stdout_gtt_size_median = " GTT file size remains the same. "
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=4 ' )
@pytest.mark.platform ( ' Windows ' )
def test_1 ( act : Action , capsys ) :
GTT_DIR = ' '
GTT_CREATE_TABLE = " recreate global temporary table gtt_ %(gtt_name_idx)s (s varchar(1000) unique) on commit preserve rows "
GTT_ADD_RECORDS = " insert into gtt_ %(gtt_name_idx)s select lpad( ' ' , 1000, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) from rdb$types,rdb$types rows 5000 "
GTT_DROP_TABLE = " drop table gtt_ %(gtt_prev_idx)s "
custom_tpb = TPB ( lock_timeout = 0 )
with act . db . connect ( ) as con :
tx1 = con . transaction_manager ( default_tpb = custom_tpb . get_buffer ( ) )
tx1 . begin ( )
cur = tx1 . cursor ( )
cur . execute ( " select coalesce(g.rdb$config_value, ' ' ) from rdb$database r left join rdb$config g on upper(g.rdb$config_name) = upper( ' TempTableDirectory ' ) " )
for r in cur :
GTT_DIR = r [ 0 ]
assert GTT_DIR , ' ### ABEND ### Could not get directory where GTT data are stored. '
act . reset ( )
gtt_dir_init = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( GTT_DIR , FB_GTT_PATTERN ) )
gtt_name_idx = 0
cur . execute ( GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals ( ) )
tx1 . commit ( )
cur . execute ( GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals ( ) )
tx1 . commit ( )
gtt_dir_curr = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( GTT_DIR , FB_GTT_PATTERN ) )
fresh_gtt_files_list = list ( set ( gtt_dir_curr ) - set ( gtt_dir_init ) )
assert len ( fresh_gtt_files_list ) == 1 , f ' ### ABEND ### Exactly one GTT file must be seen in folder { GTT_DIR } '
gtt_new_file = fresh_gtt_files_list [ 0 ]
gtt_size_list = [ ( 0 , os . path . getsize ( gtt_new_file ) ) ]
for gtt_name_idx in range ( 1 , ITER_COUNT ) :
# print('Iter No %d' % gtt_name_idx)
gtt_prev_idx = gtt_name_idx - 1
cur . execute ( GTT_DROP_TABLE % locals ( ) )
tx1 . commit ( )
cur . execute ( GTT_CREATE_TABLE % locals ( ) )
tx1 . commit ( )
cur . execute ( GTT_ADD_RECORDS % locals ( ) )
tx1 . commit ( )
gtt_size_list . append ( ( gtt_name_idx , os . path . getsize ( gtt_new_file ) ) )
size_changes_percent_list = [ ]
for k in range ( 1 , len ( gtt_size_list ) ) :
size_changes_percent_list . append ( 100.00 * gtt_size_list [ k ] [ 1 ] / gtt_size_list [ k - 1 ] [ 1 ] - 100 )
median_size_change_percent = median ( size_changes_percent_list )
if median_size_change_percent == 0 :
print ( expected_stdout_gtt_size_median )
else :
print ( ' GTT file size UNEXPECTEDLY INCREASED. Check percentage: ' )
for p in size_changes_percent_list :
print ( ' {:.2f} ' . format ( p ) )
act . stdout = capsys . readouterr ( ) . out
act . expected_stdout = expected_stdout_gtt_size_median
assert act . clean_stdout == act . clean_expected_stdout
act . reset ( )