2024-11-07 14:12:20 +01:00
ID : issue - 7304
ISSUE : 7304
TITLE : Events in system attachments ( like garbage collector ) are not traced
Test changes sweep interval to some low value ( see SWEEP_GAP ) and runs TX_COUNT transactions which
lead difference between OST and OIT to exceed given sweep interval . These transactions are performed
by ISQL which is launched as child process . SQL script uses table with record that is locked at the
beginning of script and execute block with loop of TX_COUNT statements which insert new records .
After this loop finish , we make ISQL to hang by forcing it to update first record ( see LOCKED_ROW ) .
Then we change DB state to full shutdown and wait until ISQL will be terminated .
At this point database has sweep gap that is enough to run auto sweep at first connection to DB .
Finally , we bring DB online and start trace with log_sweep = true and log_transactions = true .
Doing connection and wait about 2. .3 seconds cause auto sweep to be started and completed .
This must be reflected in the trace .
If ServerMode = ' Super ' and ParallelWorkers > = 2 and MaxParallelWorkers > = ParallelWorkers
then trace log will contain folloing five lines related to worker ( s ) activity :
< DBFILE > ( ATT_ . . . , < Worker > , NONE , < internal > ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 1 ]
< DBFILE > ( ATT_ . . . , < Worker > , NONE , < internal > ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [ 2 ]
This is the only difference that can be observed for snapshots before and after fix
( i . e . BEFORE fix trace had no such lines but all other data about sweep * did * present ) .
Test checks that trace log contains TWO lines with ' <worker> ' , see above [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] .
JIRA : CORE - 2668
FBTEST : bugs . core_2668
[ 07.11 .2024 ] pzotov
2025-01-18 11:12:21 +01:00
Confirmed absense of lines marked as " <Worker> " in the trace log for snapshot 5.0 .0 .731 ( 15.09 .2022 ) .
2024-11-07 14:12:20 +01:00
Checked on 5.0 .0 .733 ( 16.09 .2022 ) ; 5.0 .2 .1553 , 6.0 .0 .515
2025-01-18 11:12:21 +01:00
[ 18.01 .2025 ] pzotov
Resultset of cursor that executes using instance of selectable PreparedStatement must be stored
in some variable in order to have ability close it EXPLICITLY ( before PS will be freed ) .
Otherwise access violation raises .
This occurs at least for : Python 3.11 .2 / pytest : 7.4 .4 / firebird . driver : 1.10 .6 / Firebird . Qa : 0.19 .3
The reason of that was explained by Vlad , letter 26.10 .24 17 : 42
( subject : " oddities when use instances of selective statements " ) :
* line ' cur1.execute(ps1) ' creates a new cursor but looses reference on it ;
* but this cursor is linked with instance of ps1 which * has * reference on that cursor ;
* call ' ps1.free() ' delete this anonimous cursor but Python runtime
( or - maybe - code that makes connection cleanup ) does not know about it
and tries to delete this anon cursor AGAIN when code finishes ' with ' block .
This attempt causes AV .
2024-11-07 14:12:20 +01:00
import time
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime as dt
import re
from pathlib import Path
from difflib import unified_diff
from firebird . driver import DatabaseError , tpb , Isolation , TraLockResolution , DbWriteMode , ShutdownMode , ShutdownMethod
import pytest
from firebird . qa import *
db = db_factory ( )
act = python_act ( ' db ' , substitutions = [ ( ' \\ (ATT_ \\ d+ ' , ' (ATT_N ' ) ] )
### SETTINGS ###
TX_COUNT = 150
WATCH_FOR_PTN = re . compile ( r ' \ (ATT_ \ d+, \ s+<Worker>, \ s+NONE, \ s+<internal> \ ) ' , re . IGNORECASE )
tmp_sql = temp_file ( ' tmp_2668.sql ' )
tmp_log = temp_file ( ' tmp_2668.log ' )
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=5.0.0 ' )
def test_1 ( act : Action , tmp_sql : Path , tmp_log : Path , capsys ) :
if act . vars [ ' server-arch ' ] != ' SuperServer ' :
pytest . skip ( " Applies only to SuperServer " )
with act . db . connect ( ) as con :
cur = con . cursor ( )
sql = """
cast ( max ( iif ( g . rdb $ config_name = ' ParallelWorkers ' , g . rdb $ config_value , null ) ) as int ) as cfg_par_workers
, cast ( max ( iif ( g . rdb $ config_name = ' MaxParallelWorkers ' , g . rdb $ config_value , null ) ) as int ) as cfg_max_par_workers
from rdb $ database
left join rdb $ config g on g . rdb $ config_name in ( ' ParallelWorkers ' , ' MaxParallelWorkers ' )
cur . execute ( sql )
cfg_par_workers , cfg_max_par_workers = cur . fetchone ( )
assert cfg_par_workers > = 2 and cfg_max_par_workers > = cfg_par_workers , " Server must be configured for parallel work. Check values of ParallelWorkers and MaxParallelWorkers "
test_script = f """
set echo on ;
set bail on ;
connect ' {act.db.dsn} ' user { act . db . user } password ' {act.db.password} ' ;
recreate table test ( id int primary key ) ;
insert into test ( id ) values ( { LOCKED_ROW } ) ;
commit ;
set transaction read committed WAIT ;
update test set id = id where id = { LOCKED_ROW } ;
set term ^ ;
execute block as
declare n int = { TX_COUNT } ;
declare v_role varchar ( 31 ) ;
while ( n > 0 ) do
in autonomous transaction do
insert into test ( id ) values ( : n )
returning : n - 1 into n ;
v_role = left ( replace ( uuid_to_char ( gen_uuid ( ) ) , ' - ' , ' ' ) , 31 ) ;
execute statement ( ' update test /* ' | | ascii_char ( 65 ) | | ' */ set id = id where id = ? ' ) ( { LOCKED_ROW } )
on external
' localhost: ' | | rdb $ get_context ( ' SYSTEM ' , ' DB_NAME ' )
as user ' {act.db.user} ' password ' {act.db.password} ' role v_role
with autonomous transaction ;
when any do
set term ; ^
set heading off ;
select ' -- shutdown me now -- ' from rdb $ database ;
tmp_sql . write_text ( test_script )
with act . connect_server ( ) as srv :
### reduce SWEEEP interval ###
srv . database . set_sweep_interval ( database = act . db . db_path , interval = SWEEP_GAP )
srv . database . set_write_mode ( database = act . db . db_path , mode = DbWriteMode . ASYNC )
with open ( tmp_log , ' w ' ) as f_log :
p_work_sql = subprocess . Popen ( [ act . vars [ ' isql ' ] , ' -q ' , ' -i ' , str ( tmp_sql ) ] , stdout = f_log , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT )
chk_mon_sql = """
select 1
from mon $ attachments a
join mon $ statements s
using ( mon $ attachment_id )
a . mon $ attachment_id < > current_connection
and cast ( s . mon $ sql_text as varchar ( 8192 ) ) containing ' /* A */ '
found_in_mon_tables = False
with act . db . connect ( ) as con_watcher :
custom_tpb = tpb ( isolation = Isolation . SNAPSHOT , lock_timeout = - 1 )
tx_watcher = con_watcher . transaction_manager ( custom_tpb )
cur_watcher = tx_watcher . cursor ( )
ps = cur_watcher . prepare ( chk_mon_sql )
i = 0
da = dt . now ( )
while True :
2025-01-18 11:12:21 +01:00
# ::: NB ::: 'ps' returns data, i.e. this is SELECTABLE expression.
# We have to store result of cur.execute(ps) in order to close it
# *explicitly* otherwise AV can occur when Python collects garbage.
# Explained by hvlad, email 26.10.24 17:42
rs = cur_watcher . execute ( ps )
2024-11-07 14:12:20 +01:00
mon_result = - 1
for r in cur_watcher :
mon_result = r [ 0 ]
2025-01-18 11:12:21 +01:00
2024-11-07 14:12:20 +01:00
tx_watcher . commit ( )
db = dt . now ( )
diff_ms = ( db - da ) . seconds * 1000 + ( db - da ) . microseconds / / 1000
if mon_result == 1 :
found_in_mon_tables = True
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
ps . free ( )
assert found_in_mon_tables , f ' Could not find attachment in mon$ tables for { MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_PID_APPEARS_MS } ms. '
try :
### f u l l s h u t d o w n D B ###
srv . database . shutdown ( database = act . db . db_path , mode = ShutdownMode . FULL ,
method = ShutdownMethod . FORCED , timeout = 0 )
finally :
p_work_sql . terminate ( )
# < with open(tmp_log,'w') as f_log
srv . database . bring_online ( database = act . db . db_path )
trace_options = \
' time_threshold = 0 '
, ' log_initfini = false '
, ' log_connections = true '
, ' log_transactions = true '
, ' log_errors = true '
, ' log_sweep = true '
with act . trace ( db_events = trace_options , encoding = ' utf8 ' , encoding_errors = ' utf8 ' ) :
with act . db . connect ( ) as con_for_sweep_start :
time . sleep ( 2 )
for line in act . trace_log :
if WATCH_FOR_PTN . search ( line ) :
print ( WATCH_FOR_PTN . search ( line ) . group ( ) )
act . expected_stdout = """
( ATT_N , < Worker > , NONE , < internal > )
( ATT_N , < Worker > , NONE , < internal > )
act . stdout = capsys . readouterr ( ) . out
assert act . clean_stdout == act . clean_expected_stdout