2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
# id: bugs.core_1518
# title: Adding a non-null restricted column to a populated table renders the table inconsistent
# decription:
# tracker_id: CORE-1518
# min_versions: ['3.0']
# versions: 3.0
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird . qa import db_factory , isql_act , Action
# version: 3.0
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = [ ]
init_script_1 = """
- - Tests that manipulates with NULL fields / domains and check results :
- - CORE - 1518 Adding a non - null restricted column to a populated table renders the table inconsistent
- - CORE - 4453 ( Regression : NOT NULL constraint , declared in domain , does not work )
- - CORE - 4725 ( Inconsistencies with ALTER DOMAIN and ALTER TABLE with DROP NOT NULL and PRIMARY KEYs )
- - CORE - 4733 ( Command " Alter table <T> alter TYPE <C> <DOMAIN_WITH_NOT_NULL " does not verifies data in column < C > and makes incorrect assignments in < C > to ZERO / JULIAN_DATE / ASCII ( 0 ) for types INT , TIMESTAMP and VARCHAR )
create domain dm_nn int not null ;
create table test ( c1 int ) ;
commit ;
insert into test ( c1 ) values ( null ) ;
commit ;
db_1 = db_factory ( page_size = 4096 , sql_dialect = 3 , init = init_script_1 )
test_script_1 = """
- - Source sample in the ticket :
- - create table dyd ( c1 integer ) , insert one record with value = 1.
- - alter table dyd add c2 integer not null == > did not raise exception but should .
- - All these statements should produce exception in 3.0 :
alter table test alter c1 set not null ;
alter table test alter c1 type dm_nn ;
alter table test add c2 int not null ; - - this also check for core - 2696 ( " alter table " command can add a field which has " not null " definition )
alter table test add c3 dm_nn ;
- - still passed on 3.0 ( does not verifies old data on new check condition ) :
- - alter table test add constraint test_nn check ( c1 is not null ) ; - - : ( ( (
act_1 = isql_act ( ' db_1 ' , test_script_1 , substitutions = substitutions_1 )
expected_stderr_1 = """
Statement failed , SQLSTATE = 22006
unsuccessful metadata update
- Cannot make field C1 of table TEST NOT NULL because there are NULLs present
Statement failed , SQLSTATE = 22006
unsuccessful metadata update
- Cannot make field C1 of table TEST NOT NULL because there are NULLs present
Statement failed , SQLSTATE = 22006
unsuccessful metadata update
- Cannot make field C2 of table TEST NOT NULL because there are NULLs present
Statement failed , SQLSTATE = 22006
unsuccessful metadata update
- Cannot make field C3 of table TEST NOT NULL because there are NULLs present
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=3.0 ' )
2021-04-28 12:42:11 +02:00
def test_1 ( act_1 : Action ) :
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
act_1 . expected_stderr = expected_stderr_1
act_1 . execute ( )
assert act_1 . clean_expected_stderr == act_1 . clean_stderr