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2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
ID: tabloid.oltp-emul-30-compiler-check
TITLE: Compiler check. Test ability to compile source code of OLTP-EMUL test.
FBTEST: functional.tabloid.oltp_emul_30_compiler_check
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
substitutions = [('start at .*', 'start at'), ('finish at .*', 'finish at')]
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
db = db_factory()
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
test_script = """
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
-- This test was created only for daily checking of FB compiler: there were several times
-- in the past when DDL of OLTP-EMUL test could not be compiled because of regressions.
-- Discuss with dimitr: letter for 11-apr-2016 15:34.
-- ##############################
-- Begin of script oltp30_DDL.sql
-- ##############################
-- ::: nb-1 ::: Required FB version: 3.0 and above.
-- ::: nb-2 ::: Use '-nod' switch when run this script from isql
set term ^;
execute block as
execute statement 'recreate exception ex_exclusive_required ''At least one concurrent connection detected.''';
when any do begin end
execute statement 'recreate exception ex_not_suitable_fb_version ''This script requires at least Firebird 3.x version''';
when any do begin end
set term ;^
set bail on;
set autoddl off;
set list on;
select 'oltp30_DDL.sql start at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
set term ^;
execute block as
if ( rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '2.' ) then
exception ex_not_suitable_fb_version;
-- NB. From doc/README.monitoring_tables:
-- columns MON$REMOTE_PID and MON$REMOTE_PROCESS contains non-NULL values
-- only if the client library has version 2.1 or higher
-- column MON$REMOTE_PROCESS can contain a non-pathname value
-- if an application has specified a custom process name via DPB
if ( exists( select * from mon$attachments a
where a.mon$attachment_id<>current_connection
and a.mon$remote_protocol is not null
) then
exception ex_exclusive_required;
set term ;^
-- ############################################################################
-- ######################### C L E A N I N G #############################
-- ############################################################################
-- 1. Separate EB for devastation views with preserving their column names
-- (otherwise can get ISC error 336397288. invalid request BLR at offset 2. context not defined (BLR error).)
-- see letter to dimitr, 29.03.2014 22:43
set term ^;
execute block as
declare stt varchar(8190);
declare ref_name varchar(31);
declare tab_name varchar(31);
declare view_ddl varchar(8190);
declare c_view cursor for (
a as(
select rf.rdb$relation_name view_name, rf.rdb$field_position fld_pos, trim(rf.rdb$field_name) fld_name
--rf.rdb$field_name fld_name
from rdb$relation_fields rf
join rdb$relations rr
on rf.rdb$relation_name=rr.rdb$relation_name
coalesce(rf.rdb$system_flag,0)=0 and coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0 and rr.rdb$relation_type=1
select view_name,
cast( 'create or alter view '||trim(view_name)||' as select '
||list( fld_pos||' '||trim(lower( fld_name )) )
||' from rdb$database' as varchar(8190)
) view_ddl
from a
group by view_name
open c_view;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_view into tab_name, stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_view;
set term ;^
-- 2. Removing all objects from database is they exists:
set term ^;
execute block as
declare stt varchar(512);
declare ref_name varchar(31);
declare tab_name varchar(31);
--declare view_ddl varchar(8190);
declare c_trig cursor for
(select rt.rdb$trigger_name
from rdb$triggers rt
where coalesce(rt.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_view cursor for
(select rr.rdb$relation_name
from rdb$relations rr
where rr.rdb$relation_type=1 and coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_func cursor for
(select rf.rdb$function_name
from rdb$functions rf
where coalesce(rf.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_proc cursor for
(select rp.rdb$procedure_name
from rdb$procedures rp
where coalesce(rp.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_excp cursor for
(select re.rdb$exception_name
from rdb$exceptions re
where coalesce(re.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_fk cursor for
(select rc.rdb$constraint_name, rc.rdb$relation_name
from rdb$relation_constraints rc
where rc.rdb$constraint_type ='FOREIGN KEY'
declare c_tabs cursor for -- fixed tables and GTTs
(select rr.rdb$relation_name
from rdb$relations rr
where rr.rdb$relation_type in(0,4,5) and coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
-- todo: what about external tables ?
declare c_doms cursor for -- domains
(select rf.rdb$field_name
from rdb$fields rf
where coalesce(rf.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
and rf.rdb$field_name not starting with 'RDB$'
declare c_coll cursor for -- collations
(select rc.rdb$collation_name
from rdb$collations rc
where coalesce(rc.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_gens cursor for -- generators
(select rg.rdb$generator_name
from rdb$generators rg
where coalesce(rg.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
declare c_role cursor for -- roles
(select rr.rdb$role_name
from rdb$roles rr
where coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
-- ################ D R O P T R I G G E R S ################
open c_trig;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_trig into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop trigger '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_trig;
-- ######### Z A P F U N C S & P R O C S ##########
-- not needed views has been already "zapped", see above separate EB
open c_func;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_func into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'create or alter function '||stt||' returns int as begin return 1; end';
execute statement (:stt);
close c_func;
open c_proc;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_proc into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'create or alter procedure '||stt||' as begin end';
execute statement (:stt);
close c_proc;
-- ###################### D R O P O B J E C T S ######################
open c_view;---------------------- d r o p v i e w s ---------------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_view into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop view '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_view;
open c_func; -------------------- d r o p f u c t i o n s ----------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_func into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop function '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_func;
open c_proc; ----------------- d r o p p r o c e d u r e s ---------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_proc into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop procedure '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_proc;
open c_excp; ----------------- d r o p e x c e p t i o n s ---------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_excp into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop exception '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_excp;
open c_fk; ----------- d r o p r e f. c o n s t r a i n t s ------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_fk into ref_name, tab_name;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'alter table '||tab_name||' drop constraint '||ref_name;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_fk;
open c_tabs; ----------- d r o p t a b l e s ------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_tabs into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop table '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_tabs;
open c_doms; ------------------- d r o p d o m a i n s -------------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_doms into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop domain '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_doms;
open c_coll; --------------- d r o p c o l l a t i o n s -----------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_coll into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop collation '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_coll;
open c_gens; ----------------- d r o p s e q u e n c e s -----------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_gens into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop sequence '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_gens;
open c_role; -------------------- d r o p r o l e s ----------------------
while (1=1) do
fetch c_role into stt;
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
stt = 'drop role '||stt;
execute statement (:stt);
close c_role;
set term ;^
-- ######################### C R E A T I N G #############################
create sequence g_common;
create sequence g_doc_data;
create sequence g_perf_log;
create sequence g_init_pop;
create sequence g_qdistr;
create sequence g_success_counter; -- used in .bat / .sh for displaying estimated performance value
create sequence g_stop_test; -- serves as signal to self-stop every ISQL attachment its job
-- create collations:
create collation name_coll for utf8 from unicode case insensitive;
create collation nums_coll for utf8 from unicode case insensitive 'NUMERIC-SORT=1';
-- create exceptions
recreate exception ex_context_var_not_found 'required context variable(s): @1 - not found or has invalid value';
recreate exception ex_bad_working_mode_value 'db-level trigger TRG_CONNECT: no found rows for settings.working_mode=''@1'', correct it!';
recreate exception ex_bad_argument 'argument @1 passed to unit @2 is invalid';
recreate exception ex_test_cancellation 'test_has_been_cancelled (either by adding text into external text file ''stoptest'' or by changing value of sequence ''g_stop_test'' to non-zero)';
recreate exception ex_record_not_found 'required record not found, datasource: @1, key: @2';
recreate exception ex_cant_lock_semaphore_record 'can`t lock record in SEMAPHORES table for serialization';
recreate exception ex_cant_lock_row_for_qdistr 'can`t lock any row in `qdistr`: optype=@1, ware_id=@2, qty_required=@3';
recreate exception ex_cant_find_row_for_qdistr 'no rows found for FIFO-distribution: optype=@1, rows in tmp$shopping_cart=@2';
recreate exception ex_no_doc_found_for_handling 'no document found for handling in datasource = ''@1'' with id=@2';
recreate exception ex_no_rows_in_shopping_cart 'shopping_cart is empty, check source ''@1''';
recreate exception ex_not_all_storned_rows_removed 'at least one storned row found in ''qstorned'' table, doc=@1'; -- 4debug, 27.06.2014
recreate exception ex_neg_remainders_encountered 'at least one neg. remainder, ware_id: @1, info: @2'; -- 4debug, 27.06.2014
recreate exception ex_mism_doc_data_qd_qs 'at least one mismatch btw doc_data.id=@1 and qdistr+qstorned: qty=@2, qd_cnt=@3, qs_cnt=@4'; -- 4debug, 07.08.2014
recreate exception ex_orphans_qd_qs_found 'at least one row found for DELETED doc id=@1, snd_id=@2: @3.id=@4';
recreate exception ex_can_not_lock_any_record 'no records could be locked in datasource = ''@1'' with ID >= @2.';
recreate exception ex_can_not_select_random_id 'no id @1 @2 in @3 found within scope @4 ... @5'; -- @1 is '>=' or '<='; @2 = random_selected_value; @3 = data source; @4 = min; @5 = max
recreate exception ex_snapshot_isolation_required 'operation must run only in TIL = SNAPSHOT.';
recreate exception ex_read_committed_isolation_req 'operation must run only in TIL = READ COMMITTED.';
recreate exception ex_nowait_or_timeout_required 'transaction must start in NO WAIT mode or with LOCK_TIMEOUT.';
recreate exception ex_update_operation_forbidden 'update operation not allowed on table @1';
recreate exception ex_delete_operation_forbidden 'delete operation not allowed on table @1 when user-data exists';
recreate exception ex_debug_forbidden_operation 'debug: operation not allowed';
-- create domains
-- ::: NB::: 08.06.2014:
-- not null constraints were taken out due to http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-4453
create domain dm_dbkey as char(8) character set octets; -- do NOT: not null; -- for variables stored rdb$db_key
create domain dm_ids as smallint; -- IDs for operations and document states (will be assigned explicitly in 'oltp_main_filling.sql' to small values)
create domain dm_idb as bigint; -- not null; -- all IDs
create domain dm_ctxns as varchar(16) character set utf8 check( value in ('','USER_SESSION','USER_TRANSACTION', 'SYSTEM'));
create domain dm_ctxnv as varchar(80) character set none; -- m`on$context_variables.m`on$variable_name
create domain dm_dbobj as varchar(31) character set unicode_fss;
create domain dm_setting_value as varchar(160) character set utf8 collate name_coll; -- special for settings.value field (long lists can be there)
create domain dm_mcode as varchar(3) character set utf8 collate name_coll; -- optypes.mcode: mnemonic for operation
create domain dm_name as varchar(80) character set utf8 collate name_coll; -- character set utf8 not null collate name_coll; -- name of wares, contragents et al
create domain dm_nums as varchar(20) character set utf8 collate nums_coll; -- character set utf8 not null collate nums_coll; -- original (manufacturer) numbers
create domain dm_qty as numeric(12,3) check(value>=0); -- not null check(value>=0);
create domain dm_qtz as numeric(12,3) default 0 check(value>=0); -- default 0 not null check(value>=0);
create domain dm_cost as numeric(12,2); -- temply dis 15.05.2014 for DEBUG! uncomment later: not null check(value>=0);
create domain dm_vals as numeric(12,2); -- numeric(12,2) not null; -- money_turnover_log.costXXXX, can be < 0
create domain dm_aux as double precision;
create domain dm_sign as smallint default 0 check(value in(-1, 1, 0)) ; -- smallint default 0 not null check(value in(-1, 1, 0)) ;
create domain dm_account_type as varchar(1) character set utf8 NOT null check( value in('1','2','i','o','c','s') ); -- incoming; outgoing; payment
create domain dm_unit varchar(80);
create domain dm_info varchar(255);
create domain dm_stack varchar(512);
-- Remote address to be written into perf_log, mon_log.
-- Size should be enough to fit IPv6 and port number or even port text mnemona!
-- See: http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/ip/ports04000.htm
-- See also reply from dimitr, letter 11-jan-2016 16:04 (subj: "SOS. M`ON$REMOTE_ADDRESS, ...")
-- Fixed in http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62802 (only port numbers will serve as "suffixes")
create domain dm_ip varchar(255);
---- aux table for auto stop running attaches:
--recreate table ext_stoptest external 'stoptest.txt' (
-- s char(2)
-- ************** G L O B A L T E M P. T A B L E S *****************
recreate global temporary table tmp$shopping_cart(
id dm_idb, -- = ware_id
snd_id bigint, -- nullable! ref to invoice in case when create reserve doc (one invoice for each reserve; 03.06.2014)
qty numeric(12,3) not null,
optype_id bigint,
snd_optype_id bigint,
rcv_optype_id bigint,
storno_sub smallint default 1, -- see table rules_for_qistr.storno_sub
qty_bak numeric(12,3) default 0, -- debug
dup_cnt int default 0, -- debug
cost_purchase dm_cost, -- for sp_sp_fill_shopping_cart when create client order
cost_retail dm_cost,
constraint tmp_shopcart_unq unique(id, snd_id) using index tmp_shopcart_unq
) on commit delete rows;
-- 08.01.2015, see sp make_qty_storno, investigatin perf. for NL vs MERGE
--create index tmp_shopcart_rcv_op on tmp$shopping_cart(rcv_optype_id);
recreate global temporary table tmp$dep_docs(
base_doc_id dm_idb,
dependend_doc_id dm_idb,
dependend_doc_state dm_idb,
dependend_doc_dbkey dm_dbkey,
dependend_doc_agent_id dm_idb,
-- 29.07.2014 (4 misc debug)
ware_id dm_idb,
base_doc_qty dm_qty,
dependend_doc_qty dm_qty,
constraint tmp_dep_docs_unq unique(base_doc_id, dependend_doc_id) using index tmp_dep_docs_unq
) on commit delete rows;
recreate global temporary table tmp$result_set(
snd_id bigint,
id bigint,
storno_sub smallint,
qdistr_id bigint,
qdistr_dbkey dm_dbkey,
doc_id bigint,
optype_id bigint,
oper varchar(80),
base_doc_id bigint,
doc_data_id bigint,
ware_id bigint,
qty numeric(12,3),
cost_purchase numeric(12,2),
cost_retail numeric(12,2),
qty_clo numeric(12,3),
qty_clr numeric(12,3),
qty_ord numeric(12,3),
qty_sup numeric(12,3),
qty_inc numeric(12,3),
qty_avl numeric(12,3),
qty_res numeric(12,3),
qty_out numeric(12,3),
cost_inc numeric(12,2),
cost_out numeric(12,2),
qty_acn numeric(12,3),
cost_acn numeric(12,2),
state_id bigint,
agent_id bigint,
dts_edit timestamp,
dts_open timestamp,
dts_fix timestamp,
dts_clos timestamp,
state bigint
) on commit delete rows;
create index tmp_result_set_ware_doc on tmp$result_set(ware_id, doc_id);
create index tmp_result_set_doc on tmp$result_set(doc_id);
-- for materializing temp results in some report SPs:
recreate global temporary table tmp$perf_mon(
unit dm_name,
cnt_all int,
cnt_ok int,
cnt_err int,
err_prc numeric(6,2),
ok_min_ms int,
ok_max_ms int,
ok_avg_ms int,
cnt_deadlock int,
cnt_upd_conf int,
cnt_lk_confl int,
cnt_user_exc int,
cnt_chk_viol int,
cnt_no_valid int,
cnt_unq_viol int,
cnt_fk_viol int,
cnt_stack_trc int, -- 335544842, 'stack_trace': appears at the TOP of stack in 3.0 SC (strange!)
cnt_zero_gds int, -- core-4565 (gdscode=0 in when-section! 3.0 SC only)
cnt_other_exc int,
first_done timestamp,
last_done timestamp,
rollup_level smallint,
dts_beg timestamp,
dts_end timestamp
) on commit delete rows;
recreate global temporary table tmp$idx_recalc(
tab_name dm_dbobj,
idx_name dm_dbobj,
idx_stat_befo double precision,
idx_stat_afte double precision,
idx_stat_diff computed by( idx_stat_afte - idx_stat_befo ),
constraint tmp_idx_recalc_idx_name_unq unique(idx_name)
) on commit preserve rows;
recreate global temporary table tmp$mon_log( -- used in tmp_random_run.sql
unit dm_unit
,fb_gdscode int
,att_id bigint default current_connection
,trn_id bigint
,pg_reads bigint
,pg_writes bigint
,pg_fetches bigint
,pg_marks bigint
,rec_inserts bigint
,rec_updates bigint
,rec_deletes bigint
,rec_backouts bigint
,rec_purges bigint
,rec_expunges bigint
,rec_seq_reads bigint
,rec_idx_reads bigint
---------- counters avaliable only in FB 3.0, since rev. 59953 --------------
,rec_rpt_reads bigint -- <<< since rev. 60005, 27.08.2014 18:52
,bkv_reads bigint -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
-- since rev. 59953, 05.08.2014 08:46:
,frg_reads bigint
,rec_locks bigint
,rec_waits bigint
,rec_confl bigint
,mem_used bigint
,mem_alloc bigint
,stat_id bigint
,server_pid bigint
,mult dm_sign
,add_info dm_info
,dts timestamp default 'now'
,rowset bigint -- for grouping records that related to the same measurement
) on commit preserve rows;
-- 29.08.2014: for identifying troubles by analyzing results per each table:
recreate global temporary table tmp$mon_log_table_stats( -- used in tmp_random_run.sql
unit dm_unit
,fb_gdscode int
,att_id bigint default current_connection
,trn_id bigint
,table_id smallint
,table_name dm_dbobj -- filled in SP srv_fill_mon
,rec_inserts bigint
,rec_updates bigint
,rec_deletes bigint
,rec_backouts bigint
,rec_purges bigint
,rec_expunges bigint
,rec_seq_reads bigint
,rec_idx_reads bigint
,rec_rpt_reads bigint
,bkv_reads bigint
,frg_reads bigint
,rec_locks bigint
,rec_waits bigint
,rec_confl bigint
,stat_id bigint
,mult dm_sign
,rowset bigint -- for grouping records that related to the same measurement
) on commit preserve rows;
-- Used only when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1:
-- stores INITIAL source code of sp_get_random_id as basis for generation
-- of new DB object with this name which almost fully excludes running of
-- dynamic SQL statements for getting random selection of IDs:
recreate global temporary table tmp$autogen$source(
line_no int,
text varchar(8190),
line_type varchar(10)
) on commit delete rows;
-- Used only when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1: library of known
-- views which names should be written explicitly in new sp_get_random_id code:
recreate global temporary table tmp$autogen$rand$calls(
view_name_for_find varchar(31)
,view_name_for_min_id varchar(31)
,view_name_for_max_id varchar(31)
) on commit delete rows;
-- ************ D E B U G T A B L E S (can be taken out after) **********
-- moved out, see oltp_misc_debug.sql
-- (this script will be involved only when config parameter create_with_debug_objects = 1)
-- **************** A P P L I C A T I O N T A B L E S *****************
-- Some values which are constant during app work, definitions for worload modes:
-- Values from 'svalue' field will be stored in session-level CONTEXT variables
-- with names defined in field 'mcode' ('C_CUSTOMER_DOC_MAX_ROWS' etc):
recreate table settings(
working_mode varchar(20) character set utf8,
mcode dm_name, -- mnemonic code
context varchar(16) default 'USER_SESSION',
svalue dm_setting_value,
init_on varchar(20) default 'connect', -- read this value in context var in trg_connect; 'db_prepare' ==> not needed in runtime
description dm_info,
constraint settings_unq unique(working_mode, mcode) using index settings_mode_code,
constraint settings_valid_ctype check(context in(null,'USER_SESSION','USER_TRANSACTION'))
-- lookup table: types of operations
recreate table optypes(
id dm_ids constraint pk_optypes primary key using index pk_optypes
,mcode dm_mcode -- mnemonic code
,name dm_name
,m_qty_clo dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "clients order"
,m_qty_clr dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "REFUSED clients order"
,m_qty_ord dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "stock order"
,m_qty_sup dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "unclosed invoices from supplier"
,m_qty_avl dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "avaliable to be reserved"
,m_qty_res dm_sign -- how this op. affects on remainder "in reserve for some customer"
,m_cost_inc computed by(iif(m_qty_avl=1,1,0)) -- see field invnt_saldo.cost_inc
,m_cost_out computed by(iif(m_qty_res=-1,1,0)) -- see field invnt_saldo.cost_out
,m_cust_debt dm_sign -- auxiliary field: affect on mutual settlements with customer
,m_supp_debt dm_sign -- auxiliary field: affect on mutual settlements with supplier
-- kind of this operation: 'i' = incoming; 'o' = outgoing; 'p' = payment
,acn_type dm_account_type -- need for FIFO distribution
,multiply_rows_for_fifo dm_sign default 0
,end_state bigint -- (todo later) state of document after operation is completed (-1 = "not changed")
-- operation can not change both cost_INC and cost_OUT:
,constraint optypes_mcode_unq unique(mcode) using index optypes_mcode_unq
,constraint optype_mutual_inc_out check( abs(m_cost_inc)+abs(m_cost_out) < 2 )
,constraint optype_mult_pay_only check(
m_supp_debt=1 and m_cost_inc=1
m_cust_debt=1 and m_cost_out=1
m_supp_debt<=0 and m_cust_debt <=0 and (m_cost_inc=0 and m_cost_out=0)
-- Definitions for "value_to_rows" distributions for operations when it's needed:
recreate table rules_for_qdistr(
mode dm_name -- 'new_doc_only' (rcv='clo'), 'distr_only' (snd='clo', rcv='res'), 'distr+new_doc' (all others)
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- nullable: there is no 'sender' for client order operation (this is start of business chain)
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids -- nullable: there is no 'receiver' for reserve write-off (this is end of business chain)
,storno_sub smallint -- NB: for rcv_optype_id=3300 there will be TWO records: 1 (snd_op=2100) and 2 (snd_op=1000)
,constraint rules_for_qdistr_unq unique(snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id) using index rules_for_qdistr_unq
-- 10.09.2014: investigate performance vs sp_rules_for_qdistr; result: join with TABLE wins.
create index rules_for_qdistr_rcvop on rules_for_qdistr(rcv_optype_id);
-- create tables without ref. constraints
-- doc headers:
recreate table doc_list(
id dm_idb
,optype_id dm_ids
,agent_id dm_idb
,state_id dm_ids
,base_doc_id bigint -- id of document that is 'base' for current (stock order => incoming invoice etc)
,cost_purchase dm_cost default 0 -- total in PURCHASING cost; can be ZERO for payment from customers
,cost_retail dm_cost default 0 -- total in RETAIL cost; can be zero OUR PAYMENT to suppliers
,acn_type dm_account_type
,dts_open timestamp default 'now'
,dts_fix timestamp -- when changes of CONTENT of this document became disabled
,dts_clos timestamp -- when ALL changes of this doc. became disabled
,constraint pk_doc_list primary key(id) using index pk_doc_list
,constraint dts_clos_greater_than_open check(dts_clos is null or dts_clos > dts_open)
create descending index doc_list_id_desc on doc_list(id); -- need for quick select random doc
-- doc detailization (child for doc_list):
recreate table doc_data(
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb
,ware_id dm_idb
,qty dm_qty
,cost_purchase dm_cost
,cost_retail dm_cost default 0
,dts_edit timestamp -- last modification timestamp; do NOT use `default 'now'` here!
-- PK will be removed from this table if setting 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' does NOT containing
-- word ',PK,'. See statements in EB at the ending part of oltp_main_filling.sql:
,constraint pk_doc_data primary key(id) using index pk_doc_data
,constraint doc_data_doc_ware_unq unique(doc_id, ware_id) using index doc_data_doc_ware_unq
,constraint doc_data_qty_cost_both check ( qty>0 and cost_purchase>0 and cost_retail>0 or qty = 0 and cost_purchase = 0 and cost_retail=0 )
create descending index doc_data_id_desc on doc_data(id); -- get max in fn_g`et_random_id; 04.06.2014
-- Cost turnovers "log", by contragents + doc_id + operation types
-- (will be agregated in sp_make_cost_storno, with serialized access to this SP)
-- (NB: *not* all operations add rows in this table)
recreate table money_turnover_log(
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb
,agent_id dm_idb
,optype_id dm_ids
,cost_purchase dm_vals -- can be < 0 when deleting records in doc_xxx
,cost_retail dm_vals -- can be < 0 when deleting records in doc_xxx
,dts timestamp default 'now'
-- 27.09.2015: refactored SP srv_make_money_saldo
create index money_turnover_log_agent_optype on money_turnover_log(agent_id, optype_id);
-- Result of data aggregation of table money_turnover_log in sp_make_cost_storno
-- This table is updated only in 'serialized' mode by SINGLE attach at a time.
recreate table money_saldo(
agent_id dm_idb constraint pk_money_saldo primary key using index pk_money_saldo,
cost_purchase dm_vals,
cost_retail dm_vals
-- lookup table: reference of wares (full price list of manufacturer)
-- This table is filled only once, at the test PREPARING phase, see oltp_data_filling.sql
recreate table wares(
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_wares primary key using index pk_wares
,group_id dm_idb
,numb dm_nums -- original manufacturer number, provided by supplier (for testing SIMILAR TO perfomnace)
,name dm_name -- name of ware (for testing SIMILAR TO perfomnace)
,price_purchase dm_cost -- we buy from supplier (non fixed price, can vary - sp_client_order)
,price_retail dm_cost -- we sale to customers (non fixed price, can vary - see sp_client_order)
-- business logic contraint: all wares must have unique numbers:
,constraint wares_numb_unq unique(numb)
using index wares_numb_unq
-- aux. index for randomly selecting during emulating create docs:
create descending index wares_id_desc on wares(id);
-- aux table to check performance of similar_to (when search for STRINGS instead of IDs):
recreate table phrases(
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_phrases primary key using index pk_phrases
,pattern dm_name
,name dm_name
,constraint phrases_unq unique(pattern) using index phrases_unq
--,constraint fk_words_wares_id foreign key (wares_id) references wares(id)
create index phrases_name on phrases(name);
create descending index phrases_id_desc on phrases(id);
-- catalog of views which are used in sp_get_random_id (4debug)
recreate table z_used_views( name dm_dbobj, constraint z_used_views_unq unique(name) using index z_used_views_unq);
-- Inventory registry (~agg. matview: how many wares do we have currently)
-- related 1-to-1 to table `wares`; updated periodically and only in "SERIALIZED manner", see s`rv_make_invnt_saldo
recreate table invnt_saldo(
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_invnt_saldo primary key using index pk_invnt_saldo
,qty_clo dm_qty default 0 -- amount that clients ordered us
,qty_clr dm_qty default 0 -- amount that was REFUSED by clients (s`p_cancel_client_order)
,qty_ord dm_qty default 0 -- amount that we ordered (sent to supplier)
,qty_sup dm_qty default 0 -- amount that supplier sent to us (specified in incoming doc)
,qty_avl dm_qty default 0 -- amount that is avaliable to be taken (after finish checking of incoming doc)
,qty_res dm_qty default 0 -- amount that is reserved for customers (for further sale)
,qty_inc dm_qty default 0 -- total amount of incomings
,qty_out dm_qty default 0 -- total amount of outgoings
,cost_inc dm_cost default 0 -- total cost of incomings (total on closed incoming docs)
,cost_out dm_cost default 0 -- total cost of outgoings (total on closed outgoing docs)
,qty_acn computed by(qty_avl+qty_res) -- amount "on hand" as it seen by accounter
,cost_acn computed by ( cost_inc - cost_out ) -- total cost "on hand"
,dts_edit timestamp default 'now' -- last modification timestamp
,constraint invnt_saldo_acn_zero check (NOT (qty_acn = 0 and cost_acn<>0 or qty_acn<>0 and cost_acn=0 ))
-- Result of "value_to_rows" transformation of AMOUNTS (integers) in doc_data:
-- when we write doc_data.qty=5 then 5 rows with snd_qty=1 will be added to QDistr
-- (these rows will be moved from this table to QStorned during every storning
-- operation, see s`p_make_qty_storno):
recreate table qdistr(
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb -- denorm for speed, also 4debug
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_data.id of "sender"
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_doc_id bigint -- 30.12.2014, always null, for some debug views
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_id bigint -- nullable! ==> doc_data.id of "receiver"
,rcv_qty numeric(12,3)
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,dts timestamp default 'now'
-- 21.09.2015: DDL of indices for QDistr table depends on config parameter 'separ_qd_idx' (0 or 1),
-- definition of index key(s) see in 'oltp_create_with_split_heavy_tabs_0.sql' (for non-splitted QDistr) or in
-- 'oltp_create_with_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql' (when table QDistr is replaced with XQD* tables).
-- ................................................................................................
-- ::: nb ::: PK on this table will be REMOVED at the end of script 'oltp_main_filling.sql'
-- if setting 'LOG_PK_VIOLATION' = '0' and 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' not containing ',PK,'
alter table qdistr add constraint pk_qdistr primary key(id) using index pk_qdistr;
-- 22.05.2014: storage for records which are removed from Qdistr when they are 'storned'
-- (will be returned back into qdistr when cancel operation or delete document, see s`p_kill_qty_storno):
recreate table qstorned(
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb -- denorm for speed
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_data.id of "sender"
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_doc_id dm_idb -- 30.12.2014, for enable to remove PK on doc_data, see S`P_LOCK_DEPENDENT_DOCS
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_id dm_idb
,rcv_qty dm_qty
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,dts timestamp default 'now'
create index qstorned_doc_id on qstorned(doc_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_lock_dependent_docs
create index qstorned_snd_id on qstorned(snd_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_kill_qty_storno
create index qstorned_rcv_id on qstorned(rcv_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_kill_qty_storno
-- ::: nb ::: PK on this table will be REMOVED at the end of script 'oltp_main_filling.sql'
-- if setting 'LOG_PK_VIOLATION' = '0' and 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' not containing ',PK,'
alter table qstorned add constraint pk_qdstorned primary key(id) using index pk_qdstorned;
-- Result of "value_to_rows" transformation of COSTS in doc_list
-- for payment docs and when we change document state in:
-- s`p_add_invoice_to_stock, s`p_reserve_write_off, s`p_cancel_adding_invoice, s`p_cancel_write_off
recreate table pdistr(
-- ::: nb ::: PK on this table will be REMOVED at the end of script 'oltp_main_filling.sql'
-- if setting 'LOG_PK_VIOLATION' = '0' and 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' not containing ',PK,'
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_pdistr primary key using index pk_pdistr
,agent_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_list.id of "sender"
,snd_cost dm_qty
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,constraint pdistr_snd_op_diff_rcv_op check( snd_optype_id is distinct from rcv_optype_id )
create index pdistr_snd_id on pdistr(snd_id); -- for fast seek when emul cascade deleting in s`p_kill_cost_storno
-- 09.09.2014: attempt to speed-up random choise of non-paid realizations and invoices
-- plus reduce number of doc_list IRs (see v_r`andom_find_non_paid_*, v_min_non_paid_*, v_max_non_paid_*)
create index pdistr_sndop_rcvop_sndid_asc on pdistr (snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, snd_id); -- see plan in V_MIN_NON_PAID_xxx
create descending index pdistr_sndop_rcvop_sndid_desc on pdistr (snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, snd_id); -- see plan in V_MAX_NON_PAID_xxx
create index pdistr_agent_id on pdistr(agent_id); -- confirmed, 16.09.2014: see s`p_make_cost_storno
-- Storage for records which are removed from Pdistr when they are 'storned'
-- (will returns back into Pdistr when cancel operation - see sp_k`ill_cost_storno):
recreate table pstorned(
-- ::: nb ::: PK on this table will be REMOVED at the end of script 'oltp_main_filling.sql'
-- if setting 'LOG_PK_VIOLATION' = '0' and 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' not containing ',PK,'
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_pstorned primary key using index pk_pstorned
,agent_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_list.id of "sender"
,snd_cost dm_cost
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_id dm_idb
,rcv_cost dm_cost
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,constraint pstorned_snd_op_diff_rcv_op check( snd_optype_id is distinct from rcv_optype_id )
create index pstorned_snd_id on pstorned(snd_id); -- confirmed, 16.09.2014: see s`p_kill_cost_storno
create index pstorned_rcv_id on pstorned(rcv_id); -- confirmed, 16.09.2014: see s`p_kill_cost_storno
-- Definitions for "value-to-rows" COST distribution:
recreate table rules_for_pdistr(
mode dm_name -- 'new_doc_only' (rcv='clo'), 'distr_only' (snd='clo', rcv='res'), 'distr+new_doc' (all others)
,snd_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rows_to_multiply int default 10 -- how many rows to create when new doc of 'snd_optype_id' is created
,constraint rules_for_pdistr_unq unique(snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id) using index rules_for_pdistr_unq
-- lookup table: doc_states of documents (filled manually, see oltp_main_filling.sql)
recreate table doc_states(
id dm_ids constraint pk_doc_states primary key using index pk_doc_states
,mcode dm_name -- mnemonic code
,name dm_name
,constraint doc_states_mcode_unq unique(mcode) using index doc_states_mcode_unq
,constraint doc_states_name_unq unique(name) using index doc_states_name_unq
-- lookup table: contragents:
recreate table agents(
id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_agents primary key using index pk_agents
,name dm_name
,is_customer dm_sign default 1
,is_supplier dm_sign default 0
,is_our_firm dm_sign default 0 -- for OUR orders to supplier (do NOT make reserves after add invoice for such docs)
,constraint agents_mutual_excl check( bin_xor( is_our_firm, bin_or(is_customer, is_supplier) )=1 )
,constraint agents_name_unq unique(name) using index agents_name_unq
-- aux. index for randomly selecting during emulating create docs:
create descending index agents_id_desc on agents(id);
create index agents_is_supplier on agents(is_supplier);
create index agents_is_our_firm on agents(is_our_firm);
-- groups of wares (filled only once before test, see oltp_data_filling.sql)
recreate table ware_groups(
id dm_idb constraint pk_ware_groups primary key using index pk_ware_groups
,name dm_name
,descr blob
,constraint ware_groups_name_unq unique(name) using index ware_groups_name_unq
-- Tasks like 'make_total_saldo' which should be serialized, i.e. run only
-- in 'SINGLETONE mode' (no two attaches can run such tasks at the same time);
-- Filled in oltp_main_filling.sql
recreate table semaphores(
id dm_idb constraint pk_semaphores primary key using index pk_semaphores
,task dm_name
,constraint semaphores_task_unq unique(task) using index semaphores_task_unq
-- Log for all changes in doc_data.qty (including DELETION of rows from doc_data).
-- Only INSERTION is allowed to this table for 'common' business operations.
-- Fields qty_diff & cost_diff can be NEGATIVE when document is removed ('cancelled')
-- Aggregating and deleting rows from this table - see s`rv_make_invnt_saldo
recreate table invnt_turnover_log(
ware_id dm_idb
,qty_diff numeric(12,3) -- can be < 0 when cancelling document
,cost_diff numeric(12,2) -- can be < 0 when cancelling document
,doc_list_id bigint
,doc_pref dm_mcode
,doc_data_id bigint
,optype_id dm_ids
,id dm_idb not null -- FB 3.x: do NOT `generated by default as identity`, we use bulk-getting new IDs (or trigger with gen_id) instead
,dts_edit timestamp default 'now' -- last modification timestamp
,att_id int default current_connection
,trn_id int default current_transaction
-- finally dis 09.01.2015, not needed for this table: ,constraint pk_invnt_turnover_log primary key(id) using index pk_invnt_turnover_log
create index invnt_turnover_log_ware_dd_id on invnt_turnover_log(ware_id, doc_data_id);
-- Aux. table for random choise of app. unit to be performed and overall perfomance report.
-- see script %tmpdir% mp_random_run.sql which is auto generated by 1run_oltp_emul.bat:
recreate table business_ops(
unit dm_unit,
sort_prior int unique,
info dm_info,
mode dm_name,
kind dm_name,
random_selection_weight smallint,
constraint bo_unit unique(unit) using index bo_unit_unq
create index business_ops_rnd_wgth on business_ops(random_selection_weight); -- 23.07.2014
-- standard Firebird error list with descriptions:
recreate table fb_errors(
fb_sqlcode int,
fb_gdscode int,
fb_mnemona varchar(31),
fb_errtext varchar(100),
constraint fb_errors_gds_code_unq unique(fb_gdscode) using index fb_errors_gds_code
-- 28.10.2015: source for view z_estimated_perf_per_minute, see oltp_isql_run_worker.bat (.sh):
-- data of estimated overall performance value with detalization to one minute, useful for
-- finding proper value of config parameter 'warm_time'. Values in the field SUCCESS_COUNT are
-- result of total count of business ops that SUCCESSFUL finished, see auto-generated script
-- $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql:
-- v_success_ops_increment = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', 'BUSINESS_OPS_CNT') as int);
-- result = gen_id( g_success_counter, v_success_ops_increment );
-- Context variable 'BUSINESS_OPS_CNT' is incremented by 1 on every invokation of each unit
-- that implements BUSINESS action: client order, order to supplier, etc, -- see table business_ops
recreate table perf_estimated(
minute_since_test_start int,
success_count numeric(12,2),
att_id int default current_connection,
dts timestamp default 'now'
create index perf_est_minute_since_start on perf_estimated (minute_since_test_start);
-- Log of parsing ISQL statistics
recreate table perf_isql_stat(
trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,isql_current bigint
,isql_delta bigint
,isql_max bigint
,isql_elapsed numeric(12,3)
,isql_reads bigint
,isql_writes bigint
,isql_fetches bigint
,sql_state varchar(5)
create index perf_isql_stat_trn on perf_isql_stat(trn_id);
-- 23.12.2015 Log of parsed trace for ISQL session #1
recreate table trace_stat(
unit dm_unit
,dts_end timestamp
,success smallint
,elapsed_ms int
,reads bigint
,writes bigint
,fetches bigint
,marks bigint
--create index trace_stat_dts_end on trace_stat(dts_end);
--create index trace_stat_unit_dts on trace_stat(unit, dts_end);
-- Log for performance and errors (filled via autonom. tx if exc`eptions occur)
recreate table perf_log(
id dm_idb -- value from sequence where record has been added into GTT tmp$perf_log
--,id2 bigint -- value from sequence where record has been written from tmp$perf_log into fixed table perf_log (need for debug)
,unit dm_unit -- name of executed SP
,exc_unit char(1) -- was THIS unit the place where exception raised ? yes ==> '#'
,fb_gdscode int -- how did finish this unit (0 = OK)
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,att_id int default current_connection
,elapsed_ms bigint -- do not make it computed_by, updating occur in single point (s`p_add_to_perf_log)
,info dm_info -- info for debug
,exc_info dm_info -- info about exception (if occured)
,stack dm_stack
,ip dm_ip -- rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','CLIENT_ADDRESS'); for IPv6: 'FF80:0000:0000:0000:0123:1234:ABCD:EF12' - enough 39 chars
,dts_beg timestamp default 'now' -- current_timestamp
,dts_end timestamp
,aux1 double precision -- for srv_recalc_idx_stat: new value of index statistics
,aux2 double precision -- for srv_recalc_idx_stat: difference after recalc idx stat
,dump_trn bigint default current_transaction
-- finally dis 09.01.2015, not needed for this table: create index perf_log_id on perf_log(id);
create descending index perf_log_dts_beg_desc on perf_log(dts_beg);
create descending index perf_log_unit on perf_log(unit, elapsed_ms);
-- 4 some analysis, added 25.06.2014:
-- dis 20.08.2014: create index perf_log_att on perf_log(att_id);
create descending index perf_log_trn_desc on perf_log(trn_id); -- descending - for fast access to last actions, e.g. of srv_mon_idx
-- 20.08.2014:
create index perf_log_gdscode on perf_log(fb_gdscode);
-- Table to store single record for every *start* point of any app. unit.
-- When unit finishes NORMALLY (without exc.) this record is removed to fixed
-- storage (perf_log). Otherwise this table will serve as source to 'transfer'
-- uncommitted data to fixed perf_log via autonom. tx and session-level contexts
-- This results all such uncommitted data to be saved even in case of exc`eption.
recreate global temporary table tmp$perf_log(
id dm_idb
,id2 bigint -- == gen_id(g_perf_log, 0) at the end of unit (when doing update)
,unit dm_unit
,exc_unit char(1)
,fb_gdscode int
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,att_id int default current_connection
,elapsed_ms bigint
,info dm_info
,exc_info dm_info
,stack dm_stack
,ip dm_ip
,dts_beg timestamp default 'now' -- current_timestamp
,dts_end timestamp
,aux1 double precision
,aux2 double precision
,dump_trn bigint default current_transaction
) on commit delete rows;
create index tmp$perf_log_unit_trn_dts_end on tmp$perf_log(unit, trn_id, dts_end);
-- introduced 09.08.2014, for checking mon$-tables stability: gather stats
-- Also used when context 'traced_units' is not empty (see s`p_add_to_perf_log).
-- see mail: SF.net SVN: firebird:[59967] firebird/trunk/src/jrd
-- (dimitr: Better (methinks) synchronization for the monitoring stuff)
recreate table mon_log(
unit dm_unit
,fb_gdscode int
,elapsed_ms int -- added 08.09.2014
,trn_id bigint
,add_info dm_info
,rec_inserts bigint
,rec_updates bigint
,rec_deletes bigint
,rec_backouts bigint
,rec_purges bigint
,rec_expunges bigint
,rec_seq_reads bigint
,rec_idx_reads bigint
---------- counters avaliable only in FB 3.0, since rev. 59953 --------------
,rec_rpt_reads bigint -- <<< since rev. 60005, 27.08.2014 18:52
,bkv_reads bigint -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
-- since rev. 59953, 05.08.2014 08:46:
,frg_reads bigint
-- optimal values for (letter by dimitr 27.08.2014 21:30):
-- bkv_per_rec_reads = 1.0...1.2
-- frg_per_rec_reads = 0.01...0.1 (better < 0.01), depending on record width; increase page size if high value
,bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt computed by ( 1.00 * bkv_reads / nullif((rec_seq_reads + rec_idx_reads + rec_rpt_reads),0) )
,frg_per_seq_idx_rpt computed by ( 1.00 * frg_reads / nullif((rec_seq_reads + rec_idx_reads + rec_rpt_reads),0) )
,rec_locks bigint
,rec_waits bigint
,rec_confl bigint
,pg_reads bigint
,pg_writes bigint
,pg_fetches bigint
,pg_marks bigint
,mem_used bigint
,mem_alloc bigint
,server_pid bigint
,remote_pid bigint
,stat_id bigint
,dump_trn bigint default current_transaction
,ip dm_ip
,usr dm_dbobj
,remote_process dm_info
,rowset bigint -- for grouping records that related to the same measurement
,att_id bigint
,id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_mon_log primary key using index pk_mon_log
,dts timestamp default 'now'
,sec int
create descending index mon_log_rowset_desc on mon_log(rowset);
create index mon_log_gdscode on mon_log(fb_gdscode);
create index mon_log_unit on mon_log(unit);
create index mon_log_dts on mon_log(dts); -- 26.09.2015, for SP srv_mon_stat_per_units
-- 29.08.2014
recreate table mon_log_table_stats(
unit dm_unit
,fb_gdscode int
,trn_id bigint
,table_name dm_dbobj
,rec_inserts bigint
,rec_updates bigint
,rec_deletes bigint
,rec_backouts bigint
,rec_purges bigint
,rec_expunges bigint
,rec_seq_reads bigint
,rec_idx_reads bigint
,rec_rpt_reads bigint
,bkv_reads bigint
,frg_reads bigint
,bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt computed by ( 1.00 * bkv_reads / nullif((rec_seq_reads + rec_idx_reads + rec_rpt_reads),0) )
,frg_per_seq_idx_rpt computed by ( 1.00 * frg_reads / nullif((rec_seq_reads + rec_idx_reads + rec_rpt_reads),0) )
,rec_locks bigint
,rec_waits bigint
,rec_confl bigint
,stat_id bigint
,rowset bigint -- for grouping records that related to the same measurement
,table_id smallint
,is_system_table smallint
,rel_type smallint
,att_id bigint default current_connection
,id dm_idb generated by default as identity constraint pk_mon_log_table_stats primary key using index pk_mon_log_table_stats
,dts timestamp default 'now'
create descending index mon_log_table_stats_rowset on mon_log_table_stats(rowset);
create index mon_log_table_stats_gdscode on mon_log_table_stats(fb_gdscode);
create index mon_log_table_stats_tn_unit on mon_log_table_stats(table_name, unit);
create index mon_log_table_stats_dts on mon_log_table_stats(dts); -- 26.09.2015, for SP srv_mon_stat_per_tables
-- # # # # # F O R E I G N K E Y S # # # # #
-- create ref constraints (NB: must be defined AFTER creation parent tables with PK/UK)
-- ::: NB ::: See about cascades caution:
-- sql.ru/forum/1081231/kaskadnoe-udalenie-pochemu-trigger-tablicy-detali-ne-vidit-master-zapisi?hl=
alter table doc_list
add constraint fk_doc_list_agents foreign key (agent_id) references agents(id)
alter table doc_data
add constraint fk_doc_data_doc_list foreign key (doc_id) references doc_list(id)
on delete cascade
using index fk_doc_data_doc_list
alter table wares
add constraint fk_wares_ware_groups foreign key (group_id) references ware_groups(id)
-- do NOT: alter table money_turnover_log add constraint fk_money_turnover_log_doc_list foreign key (doc_id) references doc_list(id);
-- (documents can be deleted but it mean that NEW record in money_turnover_log appear with cost < 0!)
-- dis 28.01.2015 0135, no need:
--alter table money_turnover_log
-- add constraint fk_money_turnover_log_agents foreign key (agent_id) references agents(id)
set term ^;
------- "S y s t e m" f u n c s & s t o r e d p r o c s --------
------------ P S Q L S t o r e d F u n c t i o n s -----------------
-- As of current FB-3.x state, deterministic function can use internal 'cache'
-- only while some query is running. Its result is RE-CALCULATED every time when
-- 1) running new query with this func; 2) encounter every new call inside PSQL
-- see sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=951736&msg=12787923
create or alter function fn_infinity returns bigint deterministic as
return 9223372036854775807;
end -- fn_infinity
create or alter function fn_is_lock_trouble(a_gdscode int) returns boolean
-- lock_conflict, concurrent_transaction, deadlock, update_conflict
return a_gdscode in (335544345, 335544878, 335544336,335544451 );
^ -- fn_is_lock_trouble
create or alter function fn_is_validation_trouble(a_gdscode int) returns boolean
-- 335544558 check_constraint Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2.
-- 335544347 not_valid Validation error for column @1, value "@2".
return a_gdscode in ( 335544347,335544558 );
^ -- fn_is_validation_trouble
create or alter function fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(a_gdscode int) returns boolean
-- if table has unique constraint: 335544665 unique_key_violation (violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "T1_XY" on table "T1")
-- if table has only unique index: 335544349 no_dup (attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "T2_XY")
return a_gdscode in ( 335544665,335544349 );
^ -- fn_is_uniqueness_trouble
create or alter function fn_halt_sign(a_gdscode int) returns dm_sign
declare function fn_halt_on_severe_error() returns dm_name deterministic as
return rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS');
declare result dm_sign = 0;
if ( a_gdscode = 0 ) then result =1; -- 3.x SC & CS trouble, core-4565!
-- refactored 13.08.2014 - see setting 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS' (oltp_main_filling.sql)
if ( result = 0 and fn_halt_on_severe_error() containing 'CK' ) then
result = iif( a_gdscode
in ( 335544347 -- not_valid Validation error for column @1, value "@2".
,335544558 -- check_constraint Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2.
if (result = 0 and fn_halt_on_severe_error() containing 'PK' ) then
result = iif( a_gdscode
in ( 335544665 -- unique_key_violation (violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "T1_XY" on table "T1")
,335544349 -- no_dup (attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "T2_XY") - without UNQ constraint
if (result = 0 and fn_halt_on_severe_error() containing 'FK' ) then
result = iif( a_gdscode
in ( 335544466 -- violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint @1 on table @2
,335544838 -- Foreign key reference target does not exist (when attempt to ins/upd in DETAIL table FK-field with value for which parent ID has been changed or deleted - even in uncommitted concurrent Tx)
,335544839 -- Foreign key references are present for the record (when attempt to upd/del in PARENT table PK-field and rows in DETAIL (no-cascaded!) exists for old value)
if ( result = 0 and fn_halt_on_severe_error() containing 'ST' ) then
result = iif( a_gdscode = 335544842, 1, 0); -- trouble in 3.0 SC only: this error appears at the TOP of stack and this prevent following job f Tx
return result; -- 1 ==> force test to be stopped itself
^ -- fn_halt_sign
create or alter function fn_remote_process returns varchar(255) deterministic as
return rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_PROCESS');
create or alter function fn_remote_address returns dm_ip deterministic as
return rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','CLIENT_ADDRESS');
create or alter function fn_is_snapshot returns boolean deterministic as
fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert'
rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ISOLATION_LEVEL') is not distinct from upper('SNAPSHOT');
------ stored functions for caching data from DOC_STATES table: --------
-- ::: NB ::: as of current FB-3 state, deterministic function will re-calculate
-- it's result on EVERY NEW call of the SAME statement inside the same transaction.
-- www.sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1081535&msg=15694407
-- Also such repeating work will be done on every function call from trigger or SP.
-- So instead of access to table it's better to return value of context variable
-- which has been defined once (at 1st call of this determ. function).
create or alter function fn_doc_open_state returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key type of dm_name = 'DOC_OPEN_STATE';
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for documents state where any changes enabled:
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_OPEN_STATE');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt='select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:x';
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'DOC_STATES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_OPEN_STATE', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_doc_open_state
create or alter function fn_doc_fix_state returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key type of dm_name = 'DOC_FIX_STATE';
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for documents state where no change except payment enabled:
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_FIX_STATE');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt='select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:x';
--select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:v_key into v_id;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'DOC_STATES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_FIX_STATE', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_doc_fix_state
create or alter function fn_doc_clos_state returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key type of dm_name = 'DOC_CLOS_STATE';
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for documents state where ALL changes disabled:
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_CLOS_STATE');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt='select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:x';
--select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:v_key into v_id;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'DOC_STATES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_CLOS_STATE', v_id);
return v_id;
end -- fn_doc_clos_state
create or alter function fn_doc_canc_state returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key type of dm_name = 'DOC_CANC_STATE';
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for documents state where ALL changes disabled:
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_CANC_STATE');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt='select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:x';
--select s.id from doc_states s where s.mcode=:v_key into v_id;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'DOC_STATES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_DOC_CANC_STATE', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_doc_canc_state
------ stored functions for caching data from OPTYPES table: --------
create or alter function fn_oper_order_by_customer returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "client's order".
-- Raises ex`ception if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_ORDER_BY_CUSTOMER');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_clo = :x and o.m_qty_clr = 0';
v_key = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_ORDER_BY_CUSTOMER', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_order_by_customer
create or alter function fn_oper_cancel_customer_order returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "client's order".
-- Raises ex`ception if it can`t be found.
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_clr = :x';
v_key = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', v_key );
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_cancel_customer_order
create or alter function fn_oper_order_for_supplier returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "add to stock order, sent to supplier".
-- Raises ex`ception if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_ORDER_FOR_SUPPLIER');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_ord = :x';
v_key = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', v_key );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_ORDER_FOR_SUPPLIER', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_order_for_supplier
create or alter function fn_oper_invoice_get returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key1 dm_sign;
declare v_key2 dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "get invoice from supplier" (invoice need to be checked)
-- Raises ex`ception if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_INVOICE_GET');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_ord=:x and o.m_qty_sup=:y';
v_key1 = -1;
v_key2 = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key1, y := :v_key2 ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_ord=-1 and m_qty_sup=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_INVOICE_GET', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_invoice_get
create or alter function fn_oper_invoice_add returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_key1 dm_sign;
declare v_key2 dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "invoice checked and accepted" (added to avaliable remainders)
-- Raises exc`eption if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_INVOICE_ADD');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_avl=:x';
v_key = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_sup=-1 and m_qty_avl=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_INVOICE_ADD', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_invoice_add
create or alter function fn_oper_retail_reserve returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key1 dm_sign;
declare v_key2 dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "retail selling - reserve for customer".
-- Raises exc`eption if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_RETAIL_RESERVE');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_avl=:x and o.m_qty_res=:y';
v_key1 = -1;
v_key2 = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key1, y := :v_key2 ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_avl=-1 and m_qty_res=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_RETAIL_RESERVE', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_retail_reserve
create or alter function fn_oper_retail_realization returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key1 dm_sign;
declare v_key2 dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "retail selling - write-off (realization)".
-- Raises exc`eption if it can`t be found.
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_qty_res=:x and o.m_cost_out=:y';
v_key1 = -1;
v_key2 = 1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key1, y := :v_key2 ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_res=-1 and m_cost_out=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_RETAIL_REALIZATION', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_retail_realization
create or alter function fn_oper_pay_to_supplier returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "incoming - we pay to supplier for wares".
-- Raises exc`eption if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_PAY_TO_SUPPLIER');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_supp_debt=:x';
v_key = -1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_res=-1 and m_cost_out=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_PAY_TO_SUPPLIER', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_pay_to_supplier
create or alter function fn_oper_pay_from_customer returns int deterministic as
declare v_id type of dm_idb = null;
declare v_key dm_sign;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
-- find id for operation "accept payment for sold wares (target transfer)".
-- Raises exc`eption if it can`t be found.
v_id=rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER');
if (v_id is null) then begin
v_stt = 'select o.id from optypes o where o.m_cust_debt=:x';
v_key = -1;
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :v_key ) into v_id;
if (v_id is null) then
exception ex_record_not_found using( 'OPTYPES', 'm_qty_res=-1 and m_cost_out=1' );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'FN_OPER_PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER', v_id);
return v_id;
^ -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer
create or alter function fn_mcode_for_oper(a_oper_id dm_idb) returns dm_mcode deterministic
declare v_mnemonic_code type of dm_mcode;
-- returns mnemonic code for operation ('ORD' for stock order, et al)
v_mnemonic_code = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','OPER_MCODE_'||:a_oper_id);
if (v_mnemonic_code is null) then begin
select o.mcode from optypes o where o.id = :a_oper_id into v_mnemonic_code;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','OPER_MCODE_'||:a_oper_id, v_mnemonic_code);
return v_mnemonic_code;
^ -- fn_mcode_for_oper
create or alter function fn_get_stack(
a_halt_due_to_error smallint default 0
returns dm_stack
declare v_call_stack dm_stack;
declare function fn_internal_stack_disabled returns boolean deterministic as
return ( coalesce(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','ENABLE_MON_QUERY'),0) = 0 );
declare v_line dm_stack;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'fn_get_stack';
-- :: NB ::
-- 1. currently building of stack stack IGNORES procedures which are
-- placed b`etween top-level SP and 'this' unit. See:
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1109867&msg=16422390
-- (resolved, see: ChangeLog, issue "2014-08-12 10:21 hvlad")
-- 2. mon$call_stack is UNAVALIABLE if some SP is called from trigger and
-- this trigger, in turn, fires IMPLICITLY due to cascade FK.
-- 13.08.2014: still UNRESOLVED. See:
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1109867&msg=16438071
-- 3. Deadlocks trouble when heavy usage of monitoring was resolved only
-- in FB-3, approx. 09.08.2014, see letter to dimitr 11.08.2014 11:56
if ( fn_remote_process() NOT containing 'IBExpert'
and a_halt_due_to_error = 0
and fn_internal_stack_disabled()
) then
with recursive
r as (
select 1 call_level,
c.mon$statement_id as stt_id,
c.mon$call_id as call_id,
c.mon$object_name as obj_name,
c.mon$object_type as obj_type,
c.mon$source_line as src_row,
c.mon$source_column as src_col
-- NB, 13.08.2014: unavaliable record if SP is called from:
-- 1) trigger which is fired by CASCADE
-- 2) dyn SQL (ES)
-- see:
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1109867&msg=16438071
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1109867&msg=16442098
from mon$call_stack c
where c.mon$caller_id is null
select r.call_level+1,
from mon$call_stack c
join r
on c.mon$caller_id = r.call_id
,b as(
select h.call_level,
--count(*)over() cnt
from r h
join mon$statements s
on s.mon$statement_id = h.stt_id
where s.mon$attachment_id = current_connection
select obj_name, obj_type, src_row, src_col, call_level
from b
-- where k < cnt -- <<< do NOT include THIS sp name in call_stack
order by call_level -- ::: NB :::
as cursor c
v_line = trim(c.obj_name)||'('||c.src_row||':'||c.src_col||') ==> ';
if ( char_length(v_call_stack) + char_length(v_line) >= 512 )
if ( v_call_stack NOT containing v_line and v_line NOT containing v_this||'(' )
v_call_stack = v_call_stack || v_line;
if ( v_call_stack > '' ) then
v_call_stack = substring( v_call_stack from 1 for char_length(v_call_stack)-5 );
return v_call_stack;
^ -- fn_get_stack
-- STUB, will be redefined when config parameter 'use_external_to_stop'
-- has some non-empty value of [path+]file of external table that will serve
-- as mean to stop test from outside (i.e. this parameter is UNcommented)
create or alter view v_stoptest as
select 1 as need_to_stop
from rdb$database
where 1 = 0
create or alter procedure sp_stoptest
returns(need_to_stop smallint) as
need_to_stop = sign( gen_id(g_stop_test, 0) );
if ( need_to_stop = 0 and exists( select * from v_stoptest ) )
need_to_stop = -1;
if ( need_to_stop <> 0 ) then
-- "+1" => test_time expired, normal finish;
-- "-1" ==> outside command to premature stop test by adding line into
-- text file defined by 'ext_stoptest' table or running temp
-- batch file %tmpdir%stoptest.tmp.bat (1stoptest.tmp.sh)
create or alter procedure sp_halt_on_error(
a_char char(1) default '1',
a_gdscode bigint default null,
a_trn_id bigint default null,
a_need_to_stop smallint default null
) as
declare v_curr_trn bigint;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_need_to_stop smallint;
-- Adding single character + LF into external table (text file) 'stoptest.txt'
-- when test is needed to stop (either due to test_time expiration or because of
-- encountering some critical errors like PK/FK violations or negative amount remainders).
-- Input argument a_char:
-- '1' ==> call from SP_ADD_TO_ABEND_LOG: unexpected test finish due to PK/FK violation,
-- and also call from SRV_FIND_QD_QS_MISM when founding mismatches between total
-- sum of doc_data amounts and count of rows in QDistr + QStorned.
-- '2' ==> call from SP_CHECK_TO_STOP_WORK: expected test finish due to test_time expired.
-- In this case argument a_gdscode = -1 and we do NOT need to evaluate call stack.
-- '5' ==> call from SRV_CHECK_NEG_REMAINDERS: unexpected test finish due to encountering
-- negative remainder of some ware_id. NB: context var 'QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET' should
-- have value N for which result of bin_and( N, 2 ) will be 1 in order this checkto be done.
if ( (a_need_to_stop < 0 or gen_id(g_stop_test, 0) <= 0) and fn_remote_process() NOT containing 'IBExpert' )
v_curr_trn = coalesce(a_trn_id, current_transaction);
-- "-1" ==> decision to premature stop all ISQL sessions by issuing EXTERNAl command
-- (either running $tmpdir/1stoptest.tmp.sh or adding line into external file 'stoptest.txt')
v_need_to_stop = coalesce( :a_need_to_stop, (select p.need_to_stop from sp_stoptest p rows 1) );
v_dummy = gen_id( g_stop_test, 2147483647);
in autonomous transaction do
-- set elapsed_ms = -1 to skip this record from srv_mon_perf_detailed output:
insert into perf_log(
) values(
,fn_get_stack( iif(:a_gdscode>=0, 1, 0) ) -- pass '1' to force write call_stack into perf_log if this is NOT expected test finish
,iif( -- write info for reporting state of how test finished:
:a_gdscode >= 0, 'ABNORMAL: GDSCODE='||coalesce(:a_gdscode,'<?>')
,iif( :v_need_to_stop < 0
-- moved here from sp_check_to_stop_work: avoid excessive start auton. Tx!
update perf_log p set p.info = 'closed'
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' and p.info containing 'active'
order by dts_beg desc -- "+0" ?
rows 1;
when any do
-- NOP --
^ -- sp_halt_on_error
create or alter procedure sp_flush_tmpperf_in_auton_tx(
a_starter dm_unit, -- name of module which STARTED job, = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY')
a_context_rows_cnt int, -- how many 'records' with context vars need to be processed
a_gdscode int default null
declare i smallint;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_curr_tx int;
declare v_exc_unit type of column perf_log.exc_unit;
declare v_stack dm_stack;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_remote_addr dm_ip;
-- Flushes all data from context variables with names 'PERF_LOG_xxx'
-- which have been set in sp_f`lush_perf_log_on_abend for saving uncommitted
-- data in tmp$perf_log in case of error. Frees namespace USER_SESSION from
-- all such vars (allowing them to store values from other records in tmp$perf_log)
-- Called only from sp_abend_flush_perf_log
v_curr_tx = current_transaction;
v_remote_addr = fn_remote_address(); -- out from loop (seems that recalc on every iteration + cost of savepoint when call this fn)
-- 13.08.2014: we have to get full call_stack in AUTONOMOUS trn!
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1109867&msg=16422273
in autonomous transaction do -- ***** A U T O N O M O U S T x, due to call fn_get_stack *****
-- 11.01.2015: decided to profile this:
insert into perf_log(unit, dts_beg, trn_id, ip)
values( 't$perf-abend:' || :a_starter,
returning rdb$db_key into v_dbkey; -- will return to this row after loop
while (i < a_context_rows_cnt) do
v_exc_unit = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_XUNI');
if ( v_exc_unit = '#' ) then -- ==> call from unit <U> where exception occured (not from callers of <U>)
v_stack = fn_get_stack( fn_halt_sign(a_gdscode) );
v_stack = null;
insert into perf_log(
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_ID'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_UNIT'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_GDS'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_INFO'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_XNFO'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_BEG'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_END'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_MS'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_AUX1'),
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_AUX2'),
-- free space for new context vars which can be set on later iteration:
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_ID', null); -- 1
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_UNIT', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_GDS', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_INFO', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_XUNI', null); -- 5
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_XNFO', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_BEG', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_END', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_MS', null);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_AUX1', null); -- 10
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :i ||'_AUX2', null);
i = i + 1;
end -- while (i < a_context_rows_cnt)
update perf_log g
set info = 'gds='|| :a_gdscode||', autonomous Tx: ' ||:i||' rows',
dts_end = 'now',
elapsed_ms = datediff( millisecond from dts_beg to cast('now' as timestamp) ),
aux1 = :i
where g.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey;
end -- in autonom. tx
^ -- sp_flush_tmpperf_in_auton_tx
create or alter procedure sp_flush_perf_log_on_abend(
a_starter dm_unit, -- name of module which STARTED job, = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY')
a_unit dm_unit, -- name of module where trouble occured
a_gdscode int default null,
a_info dm_info default null, -- additional info for debug
a_exc_info dm_info default null, -- user-def or standard ex`ception description
a_aux1 dm_aux default null,
a_aux2 dm_aux default null
declare v_cnt smallint;
declare v_dts timestamp;
declare v_info dm_info = '';
declare v_ctx_lim smallint; -- max number of context vars which can be put in one 'batch'
declare c_max_context_var_cnt int = 1000; -- limitation of Firebird: not more than 1000 context variables
declare c_std_user_exc int = 335544517; -- std FB code for user defined exceptions
declare c_gen_inc_step_pf int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for perf_log (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_pf int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_pf and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_pf dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_pf)
declare v_pf_new_id dm_idb;
-- called only if ***ABEND*** occurs (from sp`_add_to_abend_log)
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', 'DONE_FLUSH_PERF_LOG_ON_ABEND') is NOT null )
exit; -- we already done this (just after unit where exc`exption occured)
v_ctx_lim = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'CTX_LIMIT_FOR_FLUSH_PERF_LOG') as smallint );
if ( v_ctx_lim is null ) then
-- First, calculate (approx) avaliable limit for creating new ctx vars:
-- limitation of Firebird: not more than 1000 context variables; take twise less than this limit
select :c_max_context_var_cnt - sum(c)
from (
select count(*) c
from settings s
where s.working_mode in(
union all
select count(*) from optypes -- look at fn_oper_xxx stored funcs
union all
select count(*) from doc_states -- look at fn_doc_xxx_state stored funcs
union all
select count(*) from rules_for_qdistr -- look at sp_cache_rules_for_distr('QDISTR')
union all
select count(*) from rules_for_pdistr -- look at sp_cache_rules_for_distr('PDISTR')
into v_ctx_lim;
-- Get number of ROWS from tmp$perf_log to start flush data after reaching it:
-- "0.8*" - to be sure that we won`t reach limit;
-- "/12" - number of context vars for each record of tmp$perf_log (see below)
v_ctx_lim = cast( (0.8 * v_ctx_lim) / 12.0 as smallint);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'CTX_LIMIT_FOR_FLUSH_PERF_LOG', v_ctx_lim);
c_gen_inc_step_pf = v_ctx_lim; -- value to increment IDs in PERF_LOG at one call of gen_id
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = c_gen_inc_step_pf;
-- Perform `transfer` from tmp$perf_log to 'fixed' perf_log table
-- in auton. tx, saving fields data in context vars:
v_cnt = 0;
v_dts = 'now';
,coalesce( fb_gdscode, :a_gdscode, :c_std_user_exc ) as fb_gdscode
,exc_unit -- '#' ==> exception occured in the module with name = tmp$perf_log.unit
,iif( exc_unit is not null, coalesce( exc_info, :a_exc_info), null ) as exc_info -- fill exc_info only for unit where exc`eption really occured (NOT for unit that calls this 'problem' unit)
,coalesce(dts_end, :v_dts) as dts_end
,iif(unit = :a_unit, coalesce(aux1, :a_aux1), aux1) as aux1
,iif(unit = :a_unit, coalesce(aux2, :a_aux2), aux2) as aux2
from tmp$perf_log g
-- ::: NB ::: CORE-4483: "Changed data not visible in WHEN-section if exception occured inside SP that has been called from this code"
-- We have to save data from tmp$perf_log for ALL units that are now in it!
as cursor c
if ( v_cnt < v_ctx_lim ) then
-- there is enough place in namespace to create new context vars
-- instead of starting auton. tx (performance!)
v_info = coalesce(c.info, '');
-- Some unit (e.g. ) could run several times and exc`eption could occured
-- in Nth call of that unit (N >= 2). We must add :a_info to v_info
-- *ONLY* if processed record in tmp$perf_log relates to that Nth call
-- of unit (where exc`ption occured).
-- Sample: sp_cancel_adding_invoice => create list of dependent
-- docs, lock all of them, and then for each of these docs (reserves):
-- sp_cancel_reserve => trigger doc_list_aiud => sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
if (c.unit = a_unit
c.exc_unit is NOT null
) then
v_info = left(v_info || trim(iif( v_info>'', '; ', '')) || coalesce(a_info,''), 255);
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_pf = c_gen_inc_step_pf ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_pf = gen_id( g_perf_log, :c_gen_inc_step_pf );
v_pf_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_pf - ( c_gen_inc_step_pf - v_gen_inc_iter_pf );
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = v_gen_inc_iter_pf + 1;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_ID', v_pf_new_id); -- 1
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_UNIT', c.unit); -- 2
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_GDS', c.fb_gdscode ); -- 3
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_INFO', v_info); -- 4
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_XUNI', c.exc_unit); -- 5
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_XNFO', c.exc_info); -- 6
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_BEG', c.dts_beg); -- 7
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_END', c.dts_end); -- 8
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_MS', datediff(millisecond from c.dts_beg to c.dts_end));
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_AUX1', c.aux1); -- 10
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'PERF_LOG_'|| :v_cnt ||'_AUX2', c.aux2); -- 11
v_cnt = v_cnt + 1;
else -- it's time to "flush" data from context vars to fixed table pref_log using auton tx
-- namespace usage should be reduced ==> flush data from context vars
execute procedure sp_flush_tmpperf_in_auton_tx(a_starter, v_cnt, a_gdscode);
v_cnt = 0;
end -- cursor for all rows of tmp$perf_log
if (v_cnt > 0) then
-- flush (again!) to perf_log data from rest of context vars (v_cnt now can be >0 and < c_limit):
execute procedure sp_flush_tmpperf_in_auton_tx( a_starter, v_cnt, a_gdscode);
-- create new ctx in order to prevent repeat of transfer on next-level stack:
^ -- sp_flush_perf_log_on_abend
-- STUBS for two SP, they will be defined later, need in s`p_add_to_perf_log (30.08.2014)
create or alter procedure srv_fill_mon(a_rowset bigint default null) returns(rows_added int) as
^ -- srv_fill_mon (stub!)
create or alter procedure srv_fill_tmp_mon(
a_rowset dm_idb,
a_ignore_system_tables smallint default 1,
a_unit dm_unit default null,
a_info dm_info default null,
a_gdscode int default null
rows_added int
as begin
^ -- srv_fill_tmp_mon (stub!)
create or alter procedure srv_log_mon_for_traced_units(
a_unit dm_unit,
a_gdscode integer default null,
a_info dm_info default null
declare v_rowset bigint;
declare v_dummy bigint;
if (
--rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '3.' -- new mon counters were introduced only in 3.0!
--and fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert'
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_MON_QUERY') = 1
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','TRACED_UNITS') containing ','||a_unit||',' -- this is call from some module which we want to analyze
) then
-- Gather all avaliable mon info about caller module: add pair of row sets
-- (for beg and end) and then calculate DIFFERENCES of mon. counters with
-- logging in tables `mon_log` and `mon_log_table_stats`.
-- NOT work in 2.5 due to bulk of deadlocks when intensive monitoring using
v_rowset = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','MON_ROWSET_'||a_unit);
if ( v_rowset is null ) then
-- define context var which will identify rowset field
-- in mon_log and mon_log_table_stats:
-- (this value is ised after call app. unit):
v_rowset = gen_id(g_common,1);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','MON_ROWSET_'||a_unit, v_rowset);
-- gather mon$ tables: add FIRST row to GTT tmp$mon_log,
-- all counters will be written as NEGATIVE values
in autonomous transaction do
select count(*)
from srv_fill_tmp_mon
:v_rowset -- :a_rowset
,1 -- :a_ignore_system_tables
,:a_unit -- :a_unit
into v_dummy;
else -- add second row to GTT, all counters will be written as POSITIVE values:
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','MON_ROWSET_'||a_unit, null);
in autonomous transaction do -- NB: add in AT both when v_abend = true / false, otherwise records in tmp$mon$log_* remains when rollback (01.09.2014)
select count(*)
from srv_fill_tmp_mon
(:v_rowset -- :a_rowset
,1 -- :a_ignore_system_tables
) into v_dummy;
-- TOTALLING mon counters for this unit:
-- insert into mon_log(...)
-- select sum(...) from tmp$mon_log t
-- where t.rowset = :a_rowset group by t.rowset
select count(*) from srv_fill_mon( :v_rowset )
into v_dummy;
end -- engine = '3.x' and remote_process containing 'IBExpert' and ctx TRACED_UNITS containing ',<a_unit>,'
^ -- srv_log_mon_for_traced_units
create or alter procedure sp_add_perf_log (
a_is_unit_beginning dm_sign,
a_unit dm_unit,
a_gdscode integer default null,
a_info dm_info default null,
a_aux1 dm_aux default null,
a_aux2 dm_aux default null
) as
declare v_curr_tx bigint;
declare v_dts timestamp;
declare v_save_dts_beg timestamp;
declare v_save_dts_end timestamp;
declare v_save_gtt_cnt int;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_unit dm_unit;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare c_gen_inc_step_pf int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for perf_log (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_pf int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_pf and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_pf dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_pf)
declare v_pf_new_id dm_idb;
-- Registration of all STARTs and FINISHes (both normal and failed)
-- for all application SPs and some service units:
v_curr_tx = current_transaction;
v_dts = cast('now' as timestamp);
-- Gather all avaliable mon info about caller module if its name belongs
-- to list specified in `TRACED_UNITS` context var: add pair of row sets
-- (for beg and end) and then calculate DIFFERENCES of mon. counters with
-- logging in tables `mon_log` and `mon_log_table_stats`.
execute procedure srv_log_mon_for_traced_units( a_unit, a_gdscode, a_info );
if ( not exists(select * from tmp$perf_log) ) then
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY', a_unit);
a_is_unit_beginning = 1;
if ( a_is_unit_beginning = 1 ) then -- this is call from ENTRY of :a_unit
insert into tmp$perf_log(
-- save info about last started unit (which can raise exc):
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_UNIT', a_unit);
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_BEG', v_dts);
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_INFO', v_info);
else -- a_is_unit_beginning = 0 ==> this is _NORMAL_ finish of :a_unit (i.e. w/o exception)
update tmp$perf_log t set
info = left(coalesce( info, '' ) || coalesce( trim(iif( info>'', '; ', '') || :a_info), ''), 255),
dts_end = :v_dts,
-- dis 12.01.2015, not need more: id2 = gen_id(g_perf_log, 1), -- 4 debug! 28.09.2014
elapsed_ms = datediff(millisecond from dts_beg to :v_dts),
aux1 = :a_aux1,
aux2 = :a_aux2
where -- Bitmap Index "TMP$PERF_LOG_UNIT_TRN" Range Scan (full match)
t.unit = :a_unit
and t.trn_id = :v_curr_tx
and dts_end is NULL -- we are looking for record that was added at the BEG of this unit call
if ( a_unit = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY') ) then
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = c_gen_inc_step_pf;
-- Finish of top-level unit (which start business op.):
-- MOVE *ALL* data currently stored in GTT tmp$perf_log to fixed table perf_log
v_save_dts_beg = 'now'; -- for logging time and number of moved records
v_save_gtt_cnt = 0;
from tmp$perf_log g
as cursor ct
do begin
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_pf = c_gen_inc_step_pf ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_pf = gen_id( g_perf_log, :c_gen_inc_step_pf );
v_pf_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_pf - ( c_gen_inc_step_pf - v_gen_inc_iter_pf );
v_gen_inc_iter_pf = v_gen_inc_iter_pf + 1;
insert into perf_log(
,unit, exc_unit
,fb_gdscode, trn_id, att_id, elapsed_ms
,info, exc_info, stack
,ip, dts_beg, dts_end
,aux1, aux2
) values (
,ct.unit, ct.exc_unit
,ct.fb_gdscode, ct.trn_id, ct.att_id, ct.elapsed_ms
,ct.info, ct.exc_info, ct.stack
,ct.ip, ct.dts_beg, ct.dts_end
,ct.aux1, ct.aux2
v_save_gtt_cnt = v_save_gtt_cnt + 1;
delete from tmp$perf_log where current of ct;
end -- end of loop moving rows from GTT tmp$perf_log to fixed perf_log
v_save_dts_end = 'now';
-- Add info about timing and num. of record (tmp$ --> fixed):
insert into perf_log(
unit, info, dts_beg, dts_end, elapsed_ms, ip, aux1)
values( iif( :v_gen_inc_iter_pf < :c_gen_inc_step_pf, :v_pf_new_id+1, gen_id( g_perf_log, 1 ) ),
'ok saved '||:v_save_gtt_cnt||' rows',
datediff( millisecond from :v_save_dts_beg to :v_save_dts_end ),
end -- a_unit = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY')
end -- a_is_unit_beginning = 0
^ -- sp_add_perf_log
create or alter procedure sp_upd_in_perf_log(
a_unit dm_unit,
a_gdscode int default null,
a_info dm_info default null
) as
-- need in case when we want to update info in just added row
-- (e.g. info about selected doc etc)
update tmp$perf_log t set
t.fb_gdscode = coalesce(t.fb_gdscode, :a_gdscode),
t.info = coalesce( t.info, '' ) || coalesce( trim(iif( t.info>'', '; ', '') || :a_info), '')
t.unit = :a_unit
and t.trn_id = current_transaction
and t.dts_end is NULL
and coalesce(t.info,'') NOT containing coalesce(trim(:a_info),'');
^ -- sp_upd_in_perf_log
-- stub, will be overwritten, see below:
create or alter procedure zdump4dbg(
a_doc_list_id bigint default null,
a_doc_data_id bigint default null,
a_ware_id bigint default null
) as begin
-- ::: NB ::: This SP is overwritten in script 'oltp_misc_debug.sql' which
-- is called ONLY if config parameter 'create_with_debug_objects' is set to 1.
-- Open oltpNN_config.*** file and change this parameter if you want this
-- proc and some other aux tables (named with "Z_" prefix) to be created.
^ -- zdump4dbg (STUB!)
create or alter procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
a_exc_info dm_info,
a_gdscode int default null,
a_info dm_info default null,
a_caller dm_unit default null,
a_halt_due_to_error smallint default 0 -- 1 ==> forcely extract FULL STACK ignoring settings, because of error + halt test
) as
declare v_last_unit dm_unit;
declare v_last_info dm_info;
declare v_last_beg timestamp;
declare v_last_end timestamp;
-- SP for register info about e`xception occured in application module.
-- When each module starts, it call sp_add_to_perf_log and creates record in
-- perf_log table for this event. If some e`xception occurs in that module
-- than code jumps into when_any section with call of this SP.
-- Now we have to call sp_add_to_perf_log with special argument ('!abend!')
-- signalling that all data from GTT tmp$perf_log should be saved now via ATx.
if ( a_gdscode is NOT null and nullif(a_exc_info, '') is null ) then -- this is standard error
select f.fb_mnemona
from fb_errors f
where f.fb_gdscode = :a_gdscode
into a_exc_info;
-- For displaying in ISQL session logs:
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO', left( coalesce(a_exc_info, 'no-mnemona'), 255));
v_last_unit = rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_UNIT');
if ( a_caller = v_last_unit ) then
-- CORE-4483. "Changed data not visible in WHEN-section if exception
-- occured inside SP that has been called from this code" ==> last record
-- in tmp$perf_log that has been added in SP_ADD_PERF_LOG which has been
-- called at the START point of this SP CALLER, will be backed out (REMOVED!)
-- when exception occurs later in the intermediate point of caller, so
-- HERE we get tmp$perf_log WITHOUT last record!
-- 10.01.2015: replaced 'update' with 'update or insert': record in
-- tmp$perf_log can be 'lost' in case of exc in caller before we come
-- in this SP (sp_cancel_client_order => sp_lock_selected_doc).
v_last_beg = rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_BEG');
v_last_end = cast('now' as timestamp);
v_last_info = rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_INFO');
update tmp$perf_log t
fb_gdscode = :a_gdscode,
info = :a_info, -- coalesce( :v_last_info, '<null-1>'),
exc_unit = '#', -- exc_unit: direct CALLER of this SP is the SOURCE of raised exception
dts_end = :v_last_end,
elapsed_ms = datediff(millisecond from :v_last_beg to :v_last_end)
t.unit = rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_UNIT')
and t.trn_id = current_transaction
and dts_end is NULL; -- index key: UNIT,TRN_ID,DTS_END
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
insert into tmp$perf_log(
) values (
,:a_info --- coalesce( :v_last_info, '<null-2>')
,'#' -- ==> module :a_caller IS the source of raised exception
,datediff(millisecond from :v_last_beg to :v_last_end)
-- before 10.01.2015:
-- update tmp$perf_log set ... where t.unit = :a_caller and and t.trn_id = current_transaction and dts_end is NULL;
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','TPLOG_LAST_UNIT', null);
-- Save uncommitted data from tmp$perf_log to perf_log (via autonom. tx):
-- NB: All records in GTT tmp$perf_log are visible ONLY at the "deepest" point
-- when exc` occured. If SP_03 add records to tmp$perf_log and then raises exc
-- then all its callers (SP_00==>SP_01==>SP_02) will NOT see these record because
-- these changes will be rolled back when exc. comes into these caller.
-- So, we must flush records from GTT to fixed table only in the "deepest" point,
-- i.e. just in that SP where exc raises.
execute procedure sp_flush_perf_log_on_abend(
rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','LOG_PERF_STARTED_BY'), -- unit which start this job
a_info, -- info for analysis
a_exc_info -- info about user-defined or standard e`xception which occured now
end -- a_caller = v_last_unit
-- ######################## H A L T T E S T ######################
if ( a_halt_due_to_error = 1 ) then
execute procedure sp_halt_on_error('1', a_gdscode);
if ( fn_halt_sign(a_gdscode)=1 ) then -- 27.07.2014 1003
execute procedure zdump4dbg;
-- #####################################################################
^ -- sp_add_to_abend_log
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_check_ctx(
ctx_nmspace_01 dm_ctxns,
ctx_varname_01 dm_ctxnv,
ctx_nmspace_02 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_02 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_03 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_03 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_04 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_04 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_05 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_05 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_06 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_06 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_07 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_07 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_08 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_08 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_09 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_09 dm_ctxnv = '',
ctx_nmspace_10 dm_ctxns = '',
ctx_varname_10 dm_ctxnv = ''
declare msg varchar(512) = '';
-- Check for each non-empty pair that corresponding context variable
-- EXISTS in it's namespace. Raises exception and pass to it list of pairs
-- which does not exists.
if (ctx_nmspace_01>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_01), upper(ctx_varname_01) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||upper(ctx_nmspace_01)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_01),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_02>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_02), upper(ctx_varname_02) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_02)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_02),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_03>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_03), upper(ctx_varname_03) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_03)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_03),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_04>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_04), upper(ctx_varname_04) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_04)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_04),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_05>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_05), upper(ctx_varname_05) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_05)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_05),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_06>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_06), upper(ctx_varname_06) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_06)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_06),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_07>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_07), upper(ctx_varname_07) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_07)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_07),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_08>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_08), upper(ctx_varname_08) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_08)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_08),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_09>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_09), upper(ctx_varname_09) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_09)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_09),'''null''');
if (ctx_nmspace_10>'' and rdb$get_context( upper(ctx_nmspace_10), upper(ctx_varname_10) ) is null ) then
msg = msg||iif(msg='', '', '; ')||upper(ctx_nmspace_10)||':'||coalesce(upper(ctx_varname_10),'''null''');
if (msg<>'') then
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log( left( msg, 255 ), null, '', 'sp_check_ctx' );
exception ex_context_var_not_found using( msg );
end -- sp_check_ctx
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout as
declare msg varchar(255);
declare function fn_internal() returns int deterministic as
return rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'LOCK_TIMEOUT');
if ( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert' ) then exit; -- 4debug
-- Must be called from all SPs which are at 'top' level of data handling.
-- Checks that current Tx is running with NO WAIT or LOCK_TIMEOUT.
-- Otherwise raises error
if ( fn_internal() < 0 ) then -- better than call every time rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'LOCK_TIMEOUT') up to 4 times!
msg = 'NO WAIT or LOCK_TIMEOUT required!';
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log( msg, null, null, 'sp_check_nowait_or_timeout' );
exception ex_nowait_or_timeout_required;
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_check_to_stop_work as
declare v_dts_beg timestamp;
declare v_dts_end timestamp;
declare v_need_to_stop smallint;
-- Must be called from all SPs which are at 'top' level of data handling.
-- Checks that special external *TEXT* file is EMPTY, otherwise raise exc.
-- Script tmp_random_run.sql (generated by 1run_oltp_emul.bat) contains
-- 'set bail on' before each call of application unit, so if here we raise
-- ex`ception EX_TEST_CANCELLATION than script tmp_random_run.sql will be
-- cancelledthis immediatelly. The word "EX_TEST_CANCELLATION" will appear
-- in .err file - log of errors for each ISQL session.
-- Batch `oltp_isql_run_worker.bat` checks .err file for this word and if it
-- is found there - all the batch will be finished via "goto test_canc" + exit
if ( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert' ) then exit; -- 4debug; 23.07.2014
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_END') is null ) then
-- this record is added in 1run_oltp_emul.bat before FIRST attach
-- will begin it's work:
select p.dts_beg, p.dts_end
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' and p.info containing 'active'
order by dts_beg + 0 desc -- !! 24.09.2014, speed !! (otherwise dozen fetches!)
rows 1
into v_dts_beg, v_dts_end;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_BEG', v_dts_beg);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_END', coalesce(v_dts_end, dateadd(3 hour to current_timestamp) ) );
v_dts_end = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_END');
v_need_to_stop = null;
select p.need_to_stop from sp_stoptest p rows 1 into v_need_to_stop;
if ( cast('now' as timestamp) > v_dts_end -- NORMAL finish because of test_time expiration
v_need_to_stop < 0 -- External force all ISQL sessions PREMATURE be stopped itself (either by running $tmpdir/1stoptest.tmp batch or by adding line to 'stoptest.txt')
execute procedure sp_halt_on_error('2', -1, current_transaction, :v_need_to_stop);
exception ex_test_cancellation; -- E X C E P T I O N: C A N C E L T E S T
^ -- sp_check_to_stop_work
create or alter procedure sp_init_ctx
declare v_name type of dm_name;
declare v_context type of column settings.context;
declare v_value type of dm_setting_value;
declare v_counter int = 0;
declare msg varchar(255);
-- Called from db-level trigger on CONNECT. Reads table 'settings' and
-- assigns values to context variables (in order to avoid further DB scans).
-- On Classic installed on *nix one may get exception on connect to database
-- with following text:
-- Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 2F000
-- Error while parsing procedure SP_INIT_CTX's BLR
-- -Error while parsing procedure SP_ADD_TO_ABEND_LOG's BLR
-- -Error while parsing procedure SP_FLUSH_PERF_LOG_ON_ABEND's BLR
-- -I/O error during "open O_CREAT" operation for file ""
-- -Error while trying to create file
-- This exception is caused by TRG_CONNECT trigger on database connect event.
-- When this trigger calls SP_INIT_CTX, which then can attempt to add data
-- into GTT table TMP$PERF_LOG. File which must store data for this GTT
-- is created in the folder defined by FIREBIRD_TMP env. variable.
-- Exception will occur when this folder is undefined xinetd daemon has
-- no rights to create files in it.
-- SOLUTION: check script /etc/init.d/xinetd - it should contain text like:
-- #########
-- FIREBIRD_TMP = /tmp/firebird
-- export FIREBIRD_TMP, ...
if (rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','WORKING_MODE') is null) then
(select s.svalue
from settings s
where s.working_mode = 'INIT' and s.mcode = 'WORKING_MODE')
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','WORKING_MODE') is not null
exists (select * from settings s
where s.working_mode = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','WORKING_MODE')
) then
-- initializes all needed context variables (scan `setting` table)
select upper(s.mcode), upper(s.context), s.svalue
from settings s
where s.context in('USER_SESSION','USER_TRANSACTION')
( s.working_mode = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','WORKING_MODE')
and s.init_on = 'connect' -- 03.09.2014: exclude 'C_NUMBER_OF_AGENTS', 'C_WARES_MAX_ID' - need only in init db building
s.working_mode = 'COMMON'
v_name, v_context, v_value
do begin
rdb$set_context(v_context, v_name, v_value);
v_counter = v_counter + 1;
if (v_counter = 0 and exists (select * from settings s) ) then
msg = 'Context variable ''WORKING_MODE'' is invalid.';
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log( msg, null, null, 'sp_init_ctx' );
exception ex_bad_working_mode_value
using ( coalesce( '>'||rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','WORKING_MODE')||'<', '<null>') );
-- "-db-level trigger TRG_CONNECT: no found rows for settings.working_mode='>****<', correct it!"
^ -- sp_init_ctx
-- STUB! Redefinition see in file oltp_misc_debug.sql
create or alter procedure z_remember_view_usage (
a_view_for_search dm_dbobj,
a_view_for_min_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_view_for_max_id dm_dbobj default null
) as
declare i smallint;
declare v_ctxn dm_ctxnv;
declare v_name dm_dbobj;
^ -- z_remember_view_usage (STUB!)s
create or alter procedure sp_get_random_id (
a_view_for_search dm_dbobj,
a_view_for_min_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_view_for_max_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_raise_exc dm_sign default 1, -- raise exc`eption if no record will be found
a_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign default 0, -- 17.07.2014 (for some views where document is taken into processing and will be REMOVED from scope of this view after Tx is committed)
a_find_using_desc_index dm_sign default 0, -- 11.09.2014: if 1, then query will be: "where id <= :a order by id desc"
a_count_to_generate int default 1 -- 09.10.2015: how many values to generate and return as resultset (to reduce number of ES preparing)
returns (
id_selected bigint
declare i smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare id_min double precision;
declare id_max double precision;
declare v_rows int;
declare id_random bigint;
declare msg dm_info;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_get_random_id';
declare v_ctxn dm_ctxnv;
declare v_name dm_dbobj;
declare fn_internal_max_rows_usage int;
-- Selects random record from view <a_view_for_search>
-- using select first 1 id from ... where id >= :id_random order by id.
-- Aux. parameters:
-- # a_view_for_min_id and a_view_for_max_id -- separate views that
-- might be more effective to find min & max LIMITS than scan using a_view_for_search.
-- # a_raise_exc (default=1) - do we raise exc`eption if record not found.
-- # a_can_skip_order_clause (default=0) - can we SKIP including of 'order by' clause
-- in statement which will be passed to ES ? (for some cases we CAN do it for efficiency)
-- # a_find_using_desc_index - do we construct ES for search using DESCENDING index
-- (==> it will use "where id <= :r order by id DESC" rather than "where id >= :r order by id ASC")
-- [only when TIL = RC] Repeats <fn_internal_retry_count()> times if result is null
-- (possible if bounds of IDs has been changed since previous call)
v_this = trim(a_view_for_search);
-- max difference b`etween min_id and max_id to allow scan random id via
-- select id from <a_view_for_search> rows :x to :y, where x = y = random_int
fn_internal_max_rows_usage = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','RANDOM_SEEK_VIA_ROWS_LIMIT') as int);
-- Use either stub or non-empty executing code (depends on was 'oltp_dump.sql' compiled or no):
-- save fact of usage views in the table `z_used_views`:
execute procedure z_remember_view_usage(a_view_for_search, a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_max_id);
a_view_for_min_id = coalesce( a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_search );
a_view_for_max_id = coalesce( a_view_for_max_id, a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_search );
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN' ) is null
rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX' ) is null
) then
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_min_id );
-- v`iew z_get_min_max_id may be used to see average, min and max elapsed time
-- of this sttm:
v_stt='select min(id)-0.5 from '|| a_view_for_min_id;
execute statement (:v_stt) into id_min; -- do via ES in order to see statistics in the TRACE!
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_min_id, null, 'id_min='||coalesce(id_min,'<?>') );
if ( id_min is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_min_id> is NOT empty
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_max_id );
-- v`iew z_get_min_max_id may be used to see average, min and max elapsed time
-- of this sttm:
v_stt='select max(id)+0.5 from '|| a_view_for_max_id;
execute statement (:v_stt) into id_max; -- do via ES in order to see statistics in the TRACE!
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_max_id, null, 'id_max='||coalesce(id_max,'<?>') );
if ( id_max is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_max_id> is NOT empty
-- Save values for subsequent calls of this func in this tx (minimize DB access)
-- (limit will never change in SNAPSHOT and can change with low probability in RC):
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN', :id_min);
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX', :id_max);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
-- when difference b`etween id_min and id_max is not too high, we can simple count rows:
execute statement 'select count(*) from '||a_view_for_search into v_rows;
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_search)||'_COUNT', v_rows );
end -- id_max is NOT null
end -- id_min is NOT null
else begin
-- minimize database access! Performance on 10'000 loops: 1485 ==> 590 ms
id_min=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN' ) as double precision);
id_max=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX' ) as double precision);
v_rows=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_search)||'_COUNT') as int);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
v_stt='select id from '||a_view_for_search||' rows :x to :y'; -- ::: nb ::: `ORDER` clause not needed here!
-- 17.07.2014: for some cases it is ALLOWED to query random ID without "ORDER BY"
-- clause because this ID will be handled in such manner that it will be REMOVED
-- after this handling from the scope of view! Samples of such cases are:
-- sp_cancel_supplier_order, sp_cancel_supplier_invoice, sp_cancel_customer_reserve
v_stt='select id from '
||iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0, ' where id >= :x', ' where id <= :x');
if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 0 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0, ' order by id ', ' order by id desc');
v_stt = v_stt || ' rows 1';
i = a_count_to_generate;
while ( i > 0 ) do
id_selected = null;
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
id_random = ceiling( rand() * v_rows );
execute statement (:v_stt) (x := id_random, y := id_random) into id_selected;
id_random = cast( id_min + rand() * (id_max - id_min) as bigint);
execute statement (:v_stt) (x := id_random) into id_selected;
if ( id_selected is null and coalesce(a_raise_exc, 1) = 1 ) then
v_info = 'view: '||:a_view_for_search;
if ( id_min is NOT null ) then
v_info = v_info || ', id_min=' || id_min || ', id_max='||id_max;
v_info = v_info || ' - EMPTY';
v_info = v_info ||', id_rnd='||coalesce(id_random,'<null>');
-- 'no id @1 @2 in @3 found within scope @4 ... @5'; -- @1 is '>=' or '<='; @2 = random_selected_value; @3 = data source; @4 = min; @5 = max
exception ex_can_not_select_random_id
iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0,'>=','<=')
i = i - 1;
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_get_random_id
create or alter procedure sp_lock_selected_doc(
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
a_view_for_search dm_dbobj, -- 'v_reserve_write_off',
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null
) as
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey = null;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_exc_info dm_info;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_lock_selected_doc';
-- Seeks selected id in doc_list with checking existence
-- of this ID in a_view_for_search (if need).
-- Raises exc if not found, otherwise tries to lock ID in doc_list
v_info = 'doc_id='||coalesce(doc_list_id, '<?>')||', src='||a_view_for_search;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
v_stt =
'select rdb$db_key from doc_list'
||' where '
||' id = :x'
||' and ( :y is null' -- ==> doc_list_id was defined via sp_get_random_id
||' or'
||' exists( select id from '||a_view_for_search||' v where v.id = :x )'
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id, y := :a_selected_doc_id ) into v_dbkey;
if ( v_dbkey is null ) then
-- no document found for handling in datasource = ''@1'' with id=@2';
exception ex_no_doc_found_for_handling using( a_view_for_search, :doc_list_id );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO','doc='||v_id||': try to lock'); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
select id from doc_list h
where h.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey
for update with lock
into v_id; -- trace rows: deadlock; update conflicts with conc.; 335544878 conc tran number is ...; at proc <this>
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO','doc='||v_id||': captured Ok'); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log( '', gdscode, v_info, v_this );
exception; -- all number of retries exceeded: raise concurrent_transaction OR deadlock
^ -- sp_lock_selected_doc
create or alter procedure sp_cache_rules_for_distr( a_table dm_dbobj )
mode dm_name,
snd_optype_id bigint,
rcv_optype_id bigint,
rows_to_multiply int
declare v_ctx_prefix type of dm_ctxnv;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare i int;
declare v_mode dm_name;
declare v_snd_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_rows_to_multiply int;
if ( upper(coalesce(a_table,'')) not in ( upper('QDISTR'), upper('PDISTR') ) )
exception ex_bad_argument using( coalesce(a_table,'<null>'), 'sp_cache_rules_for_distr' ); -- 'argument @1 passed to unit @2 is invalid';
-- cache records from rules_for_Qdistr and rules_for_Pdistr in context variables
-- for fast output of them (without database access)
v_ctx_prefix = 'MEM_TABLE_'||upper(a_table)||'_'; -- 'MEM_TABLE_QDISTR' or 'MEM_TABLE_PDISTR'
v_stt='select mode, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id' || iif( upper(a_table)=upper('QDISTR'),', storno_sub',', rows_to_multiply ' )
||' from rules_for_'||a_table;
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||'CNT') is null ) then
i = 1;
execute statement( v_stt )
into v_mode, v_snd_optype_id, v_rcv_optype_id, v_rows_to_multiply
do begin
,rpad( v_mode ,80,' ')
|| coalesce( cast(v_snd_optype_id as char(18)), rpad('', 18,' ') )
|| coalesce( cast(v_rcv_optype_id as char(18)), rpad('', 18,' ') )
|| coalesce( cast(v_rows_to_multiply as char(10)), rpad('', 10,' ') )
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||'CNT', i);
i = i+1;
i = 1;
while ( i <= cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||'CNT') as int) )
do begin
mode = trim( substring( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||i) from 1 for 80 ) );
snd_optype_id = cast( nullif(trim(substring( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||i) from 81 for 18 )), '') as dm_idb);
rcv_optype_id = cast( nullif(trim(substring( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||i) from 99 for 18 )), '') as dm_idb);
rows_to_multiply = cast( nullif(trim(substring( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctx_prefix||i) from 117 for 10 )), '') as int);
i = i+1;
^ -- sp_cache_rules_for_distr
create or alter procedure sp_rules_for_qdistr
mode dm_name,
snd_optype_id bigint,
rcv_optype_id bigint,
storno_sub smallint -- 28.07.2014
) as
select p.mode,p.snd_optype_id, p.rcv_optype_id,
p.rows_to_multiply -- 28.07.2014
from sp_cache_rules_for_distr('QDISTR') p
into mode, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id,
storno_sub -- 28.07.2014
^ -- sp_rules_for_qdistr
create or alter procedure sp_rules_for_pdistr
snd_optype_id bigint,
rcv_optype_id bigint,
rows_to_multiply int
select p.snd_optype_id, p.rcv_optype_id, p.rows_to_multiply
from sp_cache_rules_for_distr('PDISTR') p
into snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, rows_to_multiply
^ -- sp_rules_for_pdistr
set term ;^
-- STUB, need for sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr; will be redefined after (see below):
create or alter view v_our_firm as select 1 id from rdb$database
-- Views for usage in procedure s~p_multiply_rows_for_qdistr.
-- Their definition will be REPLACED with 'select * from XQD_1000_1200' and
-- 'select * from XQD_1000_3300' if config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs' = 1
create or alter view v_qdistr_multiply_1 as
select * from qdistr
create or alter view v_qdistr_multiply_2 as
select * from qdistr
-- 07.09.2015: probe to replace ES in all cases of fn_get_rand_id:
create or alter view name$to$substutite$min$id$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
create or alter view name$to$substutite$max$id$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
create or alter view name$to$substutite$search$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
-- Updatable views (one-to-one data projections) for handling rows in heavy loaded
-- tables QDistr/QStorned (or in XQD_*, XQS_* when config par. create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1):
-- See usage in SP_KILL_QSTORNO_RET_QS2QD and also in redirection procedures that
-- can be replaced when 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1':
-- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_wroff, sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_reserve,
-- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_invoice, sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_supp_order
create or alter view v_qdistr_source_1 as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qdistr_source_2 as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qdistr_target_1 as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qdistr_target_2 as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qstorned_target_1 as
select *
from qstorned
create or alter view v_qstorned_target_2 as
select *
from qstorned
create or alter view v_qdistr_name_for_del as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qdistr_name_for_ins as
select *
from qdistr
create or alter view v_qstorno_name_for_del as
select *
from qstorned
create or alter view v_qstorno_name_for_ins as
select *
from qstorned
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr(
a_doc_list_id dm_idb,
a_optype_id dm_idb,
a_clo_for_our_firm dm_idb,
a_qty_sum dm_qty
) as
declare c_gen_inc_step_qd int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_qd int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_qd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_qd dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_qd)
declare v_doc_data_id dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_qty_for_distr dm_qty;
declare v_purchase_for_distr type of dm_cost;
declare v_retail_for_distr type of dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare n_rows_to_add int;
declare v_qty_for_one_row type of dm_qty;
declare v_qty_acc type of dm_qty;
declare v_purchase_acc type of dm_cost;
declare v_retail_acc type of dm_cost;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr';
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
-- Performs "value-to-rows" filling of QDISTR table: add rows which
-- later will be "storned" (removed from qdistr to qstorned)
v_info = 'dh='||a_doc_list_id||', q_sum='||a_qty_sum;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_qd = (1 + a_qty_sum) * iif(a_clo_for_our_firm=1, 1, 2) + 1;
-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page):
v_gen_inc_last_qd = gen_id( g_qdistr, :c_gen_inc_step_qd );
-- Cursor: how many distributions must be done for this doc if it is "sender" ?
-- =2 for customer order (if agent <> our firm!!):
-- it will be storned by stock order
-- and later by customer reserve
-- =1 for all other operations:
select r.rcv_optype_id, c.snd_id, c.id as ware_id, c.qty, c.cost_purchase, c.cost_retail, r.storno_sub
from rules_for_qdistr r
cross join tmp$shopping_cart c
r.snd_optype_id = :a_optype_id
and (
:a_clo_for_our_firm = 0
-- do NOT multiply rows for rcv_op = 'RES' if current doc = client order for OUR firm!
:a_clo_for_our_firm = 1 and r.rcv_optype_id <> 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve()
into v_rcv_optype_id, v_doc_data_id, v_ware_id, v_qty_for_distr, v_purchase_for_distr, v_retail_for_distr, v_storno_sub
v_qty_acc = 0;
v_purchase_acc = 0;
v_retail_acc = 0;
n_rows_to_add = ceiling( v_qty_for_distr );
while( n_rows_to_add > 0 ) do
v_qty_for_one_row = iif( n_rows_to_add > v_qty_for_distr, n_rows_to_add - v_qty_for_distr, 1 );
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
insert into v_qdistr_multiply_1 (
:v_gen_inc_last_qd - ( :c_gen_inc_step_qd - :v_gen_inc_iter_qd ), -- iter=1: 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...; iter=100: 12345 - (100-100)
:v_purchase_for_distr * :v_qty_for_one_row / :v_qty_for_distr,
:v_retail_for_distr * :v_qty_for_one_row / :v_qty_for_distr
:v_qty_acc + snd_qty,
:v_purchase_acc + snd_purchase,
:v_retail_acc + snd_retail
insert into v_qdistr_multiply_2 (
:v_gen_inc_last_qd - ( :c_gen_inc_step_qd - :v_gen_inc_iter_qd ), -- iter=1: 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...; iter=100: 12345 - (100-100)
:v_purchase_for_distr * :v_qty_for_one_row / :v_qty_for_distr,
:v_retail_for_distr * :v_qty_for_one_row / :v_qty_for_distr
:v_qty_acc + snd_qty,
:v_purchase_acc + snd_purchase,
:v_retail_acc + snd_retail
n_rows_to_add = n_rows_to_add - 1;
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = v_gen_inc_iter_qd + 1;
if ( n_rows_to_add = 0 and
( v_qty_acc <> v_qty_for_distr
or v_purchase_acc <> v_purchase_for_distr
or v_retail_acc <> v_retail_for_distr
) then
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
update v_qdistr_multiply_1 q set
q.snd_qty = q.snd_qty + ( :v_qty_for_distr - :v_qty_acc ),
q.snd_purchase = q.snd_purchase + ( :v_purchase_for_distr - :v_purchase_acc ),
q.snd_retail = q.snd_retail + ( :v_retail_for_distr - :v_retail_acc )
where q.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey;
update v_qdistr_multiply_2 q set
q.snd_qty = q.snd_qty + ( :v_qty_for_distr - :v_qty_acc ),
q.snd_purchase = q.snd_purchase + ( :v_purchase_for_distr - :v_purchase_acc ),
q.snd_retail = q.snd_retail + ( :v_retail_for_distr - :v_retail_acc )
where q.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_qd = c_gen_inc_step_qd ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_qd = gen_id( g_qdistr, :c_gen_inc_step_qd );
end -- while( n_rows_to_add > 0 )
end -- cursor on doc_data cross join rules_for_qdistr
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr
create or alter procedure sp_multiply_rows_for_pdistr(
a_doc_list_id dm_idb,
a_agent_id dm_idb,
a_optype_id dm_idb,
a_cost_for_distr type of dm_cost
) as
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare n_rows_to_add int;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_cost_acc type of dm_cost;
declare v_cost_for_one_row type of dm_cost;
declare v_cost_div int;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_key type of dm_unit;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_multiply_rows_for_pdistr';
declare function fn_internal_min_cost_4_split returns int deterministic as
return cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'C_MIN_COST_TO_BE_SPLITTED' ) as int);
-- Performs "cost-to-rows" filling of PDISTR table: add rows which
-- later will be "storned" (removed from pdistr to pstorned)
v_info = 'dh='||a_doc_list_id||', op='||a_optype_id||', $='||a_cost_for_distr;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
select r.rcv_optype_id, iif( :a_cost_for_distr < fn_internal_min_cost_4_split(), 1, r.rows_to_multiply )
from sp_rules_for_pdistr r
where r.snd_optype_id = :a_optype_id
into v_rcv_optype_id, n_rows_to_add
v_cost_acc = 0;
v_cost_div = round( a_cost_for_distr / n_rows_to_add, -2 ); -- round to handreds
while( v_cost_acc < a_cost_for_distr ) do
v_cost_for_one_row = iif( a_cost_for_distr > v_cost_div, v_cost_div, a_cost_for_distr );
insert into pdistr(
:v_cost_acc + snd_cost
if ( v_cost_acc > a_cost_for_distr ) then
update pdistr p set
p.snd_cost = p.snd_cost + ( :a_cost_for_distr - :v_cost_acc )
where p.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_multiply_rows_for_pdistr
create or alter procedure sp_make_cost_storno(
a_doc_id dm_idb, -- sp_add_invoice_to_stock: invoice_id; sp_reserve_write_off: reserve_id
a_optype_id dm_idb,
a_agent_id dm_idb,
a_cost_diff dm_cost
declare v_pass smallint;
declare not_storned_cost type of dm_cost;
declare v_storned_cost type of dm_cost;
declare v_storned_acc type of dm_cost;
declare v_storned_doc_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_make_cost_storno';
declare v_rows int = 0;
declare v_lock int = 0;
declare v_skip int = 0;
declare v_sign dm_sign;
-- Performs attempt to make storno of:
-- 1) payment docs by cost of stock document which state is changed
-- to "closed"(sp_add_invoice_to_stock or sp_reserve_write_off)
-- 2) old stock documents when adding new payment (sp_pay_from_customer, sp_pay_to_supplier)
-- ::: nb ::: If record in "source" table (pdistr) can`t be locked - SKIP it
-- and try to lock next one (in order to reduce number of lock conflicts)
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_storned_acc = 0;
v_pass = 1;
v_sign = iif( bin_and(current_transaction, 1)=0, 1, -1);
while ( v_pass <= 2 ) do
select r.snd_optype_id -- iif( :v_pass=1, r.snd_optype_id, r.rcv_optype_id )
from sp_rules_for_pdistr r
where iif( :v_pass = 1, r.rcv_optype_id, r.snd_optype_id ) = :a_optype_id
into v_storned_doc_optype_id; -- sp_add_invoice_to_stock ==> v_storned_doc_optype_id = fn_oper_pay_to_supplier()
not_storned_cost = iif( v_pass=1, :a_cost_diff, v_storned_acc);
if ( not_storned_cost <= 0 ) then leave;
p.rdb$db_key as dbkey,
p.snd_cost as cost_to_be_storned,
:a_doc_id as rcv_id
from pdistr p
where p.agent_id = :a_agent_id and p.snd_optype_id = :v_storned_doc_optype_id
order by
p.snd_id+0 -- 23.07.2014: PLAN SORT (P INDEX (PDISTR_AGENT_ID)
,:v_sign * p.id -- attempt to reduce lock conflicts: odd and even Tx handling the same doc must have a chance do not encounter locked rows at all
--order by p.id (wrong if new pdistr.id is generated via sequence when records returns from pstorned)
as cursor c
v_rows = v_rows + 1;
-- 26.10.2015. Additional begin..end block needs for providing DML
-- 'atomicity' of BOTH tables pdistr & pstorned! Otherwise changes
-- can become inconsistent if online validation will catch table-2
-- after this code finish changes on table-1 but BEFORE it will
-- start to change table-2.
-- See CORE-4973 (example of WRONG code which did not used this addi block!)
-- Explicitly lock record; skip to next if it is already locked
-- (see below `when` section: supress all lock_conflict kind exc)
-- benchmark: sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1108762&msg=16393721
update pdistr set id = id where current of c; -- faster than 'where rdb$db_key = ...'
v_storned_cost = minvalue( :not_storned_cost, c.cost_to_be_storned );
-- move into `storage` table *PART* of prepayment that is now storned
-- by just created customer reserve:
-- :: nb :: pstorned PK = (id, rcv_id) - compound!
if ( v_pass = 1 ) then
insert into pstorned(
:v_storned_cost, -- s.cost_to_be_storned,
if ( c.cost_to_be_storned = v_storned_cost ) then
delete from pdistr p where current of c;
-- leave this record for futher storning (it has rest of cost > 0!):
update pdistr p set p.snd_cost = p.snd_cost - :v_storned_cost where current of c;
not_storned_cost = not_storned_cost - v_storned_cost;
v_lock = v_lock + 1;
if ( v_pass = 1 ) then
v_storned_acc = v_storned_acc + v_storned_cost; -- used in v_pass = 2
if ( not_storned_cost <= 0 ) then leave;
end -- atomicity of changes several tables (CORE-4973!)
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble( gdscode ) ) then
-- suppress this exc! we'll skip to next row of pdistr
v_skip = v_skip + 1;
else -- some other ex`ception
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- cursor on pdistr
v_pass = v_pass + 1;
end -- v_pass=1..2
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(
||', pd ('||iif(:v_sign=1,'asc','dec')||'): capt='||:v_lock||', skip='||:v_skip||', scan='||:v_rows
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_make_cost_storno
create or alter procedure sp_kill_cost_storno( a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id dm_idb ) as
declare agent_id dm_idb;
declare snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare snd_id dm_idb;
declare storned_cost dm_cost;
declare rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_msg dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_kill_cost_storno';
declare cs cursor for (
iif(:a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id = s.rcv_id, s.snd_optype_id, s.rcv_optype_id) as snd_optype_id,
iif(:a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id = s.rcv_id, s.snd_id, s.rcv_id) as snd_id,
iif(:a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id = s.rcv_id, s.rcv_cost, s.snd_cost) as storned_cost,
iif(:a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id = s.rcv_id, s.rcv_optype_id, s.snd_optype_id) as rcv_optype_id
from pstorned s
:a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id in (s.rcv_id, s.snd_id)
-- Called from trg D`OC_LIST_AIUD for operations:
-- 1) delete document which cost was storned before (e.g. payment to supplier / from customer)
-- 2) s`p_cancel_adding_invoice, s`p_cancel_write_off (i.e. REVERT state of doc)
-- :a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id = doc
-- 1) which is removed now
-- XOR
-- 2) which operation is cancelled now
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
open cs;
while (1=1) do
fetch cs into agent_id, snd_optype_id, snd_id, storned_cost, rcv_optype_id;
if ( row_count = 0) then leave;
-- ::: nb ::: Revert sequence of these two commands if use `as cursor C`.
-- See CORE-4488 ("Cursor references are not variables, they're not cached
-- when reading. Instead, they represent the current state of the record")
-- 04.08.2014: though no updates in statistics for 'select ... for update with lock' engine DOES them!
-- See benchmark and issue by dimitr:
-- sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1108762&msg=16394591
delete from pstorned where current of cs;
-- insert using variables instead of cursor ref (CORE-4488):
insert into pdistr
( agent_id, snd_optype_id, snd_id, snd_cost, rcv_optype_id )
values( :agent_id, :snd_optype_id, :snd_id, :storned_cost, :rcv_optype_id );
close cs;
delete from pdistr p where p.snd_id = :a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||a_deleted_or_cancelled_doc_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_kill_cost_storno
create or alter procedure srv_log_dups_qd_qs( -- needed only in 3.0, SuperCLASSIC, in sep...oct 2014
a_unit dm_dbobj,
a_gdscode int,
a_inserting_table dm_dbobj,
a_inserting_id type of dm_idb,
a_inserting_info dm_info
declare v_curr_tx bigint;
declare v_get_stt varchar(512);
declare v_put_stt varchar(512);
declare v_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_qty dm_qty;
declare v_snd_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_snd_retail dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_retail dm_cost;
declare v_trn_id dm_idb;
declare v_dts timestamp;
-- 09.10.2014, continuing trouble with PK violations in 3.0 SuperCLASSIC.
-- Add log info using auton Tx when PK violation occurs in QDistr or QStorned.
-- 08.01.2014: replace wrong algorithm that ignored invisible data for auton Tx
v_curr_tx = current_transaction;
v_get_stt = 'select doc_id, ware_id, snd_optype_id, snd_id, snd_qty,'
||'rcv_optype_id, rcv_id, rcv_qty, snd_purchase, snd_retail,'
||' from '|| a_inserting_table ||' q'
||' where q.id = :x';
v_put_stt = 'insert into '
|| iif( upper(a_inserting_table)=upper('QDISTR'), 'ZQdistr', 'ZQStorned' )
||'( id, doc_id, ware_id, snd_optype_id, snd_id, snd_qty,'
||' rcv_optype_id, rcv_id, rcv_qty, snd_purchase, snd_retail,'
||' rcv_purchase, rcv_retail, trn_id, dts, dump_att, dump_trn'
||') values '
||' :rcv_optype_id,:rcv_id,:rcv_qty,:snd_purchase,:snd_retail,'
||' :rcv_purchase,:rcv_retail,:trn_id,:dts,:dump_att,:dump_trn'
execute statement (v_get_stt) ( x := a_inserting_id )
in autonomous transaction do
insert into perf_log( unit, exc_unit, fb_gdscode, trn_id, info, stack )
values ( :a_unit, 'U', :a_gdscode, :v_curr_tx, :a_inserting_info, fn_get_stack( 1 ) );
execute statement ( v_put_stt )
id := a_inserting_id,
doc_id := v_doc_id,
ware_id := v_ware_id,
snd_optype_id := v_snd_optype_id,
snd_id := v_snd_id,
snd_qty := v_snd_qty,
rcv_optype_id := v_rcv_optype_id,
rcv_id := v_rcv_id,
rcv_qty := v_rcv_qty,
snd_purchase := v_snd_purchase,
snd_retail := v_snd_retail,
rcv_purchase := v_rcv_purchase,
rcv_retail := v_rcv_retail,
trn_id := v_trn_id,
dts := v_dts,
dump_att := current_connection,
dump_trn := v_curr_tx
end -- in auton Tx
^ -- srv_log_dups_qd_qs
create or alter procedure sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 0
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_nt and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_nt)
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd';
declare v_call dm_dbobj;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_suffix dm_info;
declare i int = 0;
declare k int = 0;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_doc_optype dm_idb;
declare v_dd_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_dd_cost dm_qty;
declare v_doc_pref dm_mcode;
declare v_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_qty dm_qty;
declare v_snd_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_snd_retail dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_retail dm_cost;
declare v_log_cursor dm_dbobj; -- 4debug only
declare v_ret_cursor dm_dbobj; -- 4debug only
declare v_oper_retail_realization dm_idb;
declare v_old_rcv_optype type of dm_idb;
declare c_dd_rows_for_doc cursor for (
-- used to immediatelly delete record in doc_data when document
-- is to be deleted (avoid scanning doc_data rows in FK-trigger again)
select d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase
from doc_data d
where d.doc_id = :a_doc_id
declare c_qd_rows_for_doc cursor for (
select id
from v_qdistr_name_for_del q -- this name will be replaced with 'autogen_qdNNNN' when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
q.ware_id = :v_dd_ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_old_rcv_optype
and q.snd_id = :v_dd_id
declare c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv cursor for (
,null as rcv_id
,null as rcv_qty
,null as rcv_purchase
,null as rcv_retail
from v_qstorno_name_for_del qs -- this name will be replaced with 'autogen_qdNNNN' when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
where qs.rcv_id = :v_dd_id -- for all cancel ops except sp_cancel_wroff
declare c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd cursor for (
,null as rcv_id
,null as rcv_qty
,null as rcv_purchase
,null as rcv_retail
from v_qstorno_name_for_del qs -- this name will be replaced with 'autogen_qdNNNN' when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
where qs.snd_id = :v_dd_id -- for sp_cancel_wroff
-- Aux SP, called from sp_kill_qty_storno for
-- 1) sp_cancel_wroff (a_deleting = 0!) or
-- 2) all doc removals (sp_cancel_xxx, a_deleting = 1)
v_call = v_this;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call,null);
v_oper_retail_realization = fn_oper_retail_realization();
v_doc_pref = fn_mcode_for_oper(a_old_optype);
select r.rcv_optype_id
from rules_for_qdistr r
r.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and coalesce(r.storno_sub,1) = 1 -- nb: old_op=2000 ==> storno_sub=NULL!
into v_old_rcv_optype;
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
-- only for logging in perf_log.info name of handling cursor:
v_ret_cursor = iif(a_old_optype <> fn_oper_retail_realization(), 'c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv', 'c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd');
-- return from QStorned to QDistr records which were previously moved
-- (when currently deleting doc was created).
-- Use explicitly declared cursor for immediate removing row from doc_data
-- when document is to be deleted:
open c_dd_rows_for_doc;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_dd_rows_for_doc
into v_dd_id, v_dd_ware_id, v_dd_qty, v_dd_cost;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
if ( a_deleting_doc = 1 and a_aux_handling = 0 ) then
v_log_cursor = 'c_qd_rows_for_doc'; -- 4debug
open c_qd_rows_for_doc;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qd_rows_for_doc into v_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
i = i+1; -- total number of processed rows
delete from v_qdistr_name_for_del where current of c_qd_rows_for_doc;
close c_qd_rows_for_doc;
if ( a_old_optype <> v_oper_retail_realization ) then
open c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv; -- from qstorned qs where qs.RCV_id = :v_dd_id
open c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd; -- from qstorned where qs.SND_id = :v_dd_id
v_log_cursor = v_ret_cursor;
while (1=1) do
if ( a_old_optype <> v_oper_retail_realization ) then
fetch c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv into
fetch c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd into
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
i = i+1; -- total number of processed rows
v_suffix = ', id=' || :v_id || ', doc_id=' || :v_doc_id;
-- debug info for logging in srv_log_dups_qd_qs if PK
-- violation will occur on INSERT INTO QDISTR statement
-- (remained for possible analysis):
v_call = v_this || ':try_del_qstorned';
v_info = v_ret_cursor
|| ': try DELETE in qStorned'
|| ' where ' || iif(v_ret_cursor = 'c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv', 'rcv_id =', 'snd_id =') || :v_dd_id
|| v_suffix
-- We can try to delete record in QStorned *before* inserting
-- data in QDistr: all fields from cursor now are in variables.
-- ::: NB ::: (measurements 28.01-05.02.2015)
-- replacing qStorned with "unioned-view" based on N tables
-- and applying "where id = :a" leads to performance DEGRADATION
-- due to need to have index on ID field in each underlying table.
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info, v_id); -- 10.02.2015, debug
if ( a_old_optype <> v_oper_retail_realization ) then
delete from v_qstorno_name_for_del where current of c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv;
delete from v_qstorno_name_for_del where current of c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd;
--execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call);
-- debug info for logging in srv_log_dups_qd_qs if PK
-- violation will occur on INSERT INTO QDISTR statement
-- (remained for possible analysis):
v_info = v_ret_cursor || ': try INSERT in qDistr' || v_suffix;
v_call = v_this || ':try_ins_qdistr';
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info, v_id); -- 10.02.2015, debug
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_RETQS2QD_TRY_INS_QDISTR_ID', v_id);
insert into v_qdistr_name_for_ins(
--rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_RETQS2QD_OK_INS_QDISTR_ID', v_id);
--execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call);
when any do
if ( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- ###############################################
-- PK violation on INSERT INTO QDISTR, log this:
-- ###############################################
-- 12.02.2015: the reason of PK violations is unpredictable order
-- of UNDO, ultimately explained by dimitr, see letters in e-mail.
-- Also: sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1142271&msg=17257984
execute procedure srv_log_dups_qd_qs( -- 09.10.2014: add log info using auton Tx
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- cursor c_ret_qs2qd_by _rcv | _snd
if ( a_old_optype <> v_oper_retail_realization ) then
close c_ret_qs2qd_by_rcv;
close c_ret_qs2qd_by_snd;
-- 20.09.2014: move here from trigger on doc_list
-- (reduce scans of doc_data)
if ( a_aux_handling = 0 ) then
insert into invnt_turnover_log(
id -- explicitly assign this field in order NOT to call gen_id in trigger (use v_gen_... counter instead)
) values (
:v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( :c_gen_inc_step_nt - :v_gen_inc_iter_nt )
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
if ( a_deleting_doc = 1 and a_aux_handling = 0 ) then
delete from doc_data where current of c_dd_rows_for_doc;
end -- cursor on doc_data rows for a_doc_id
close c_dd_rows_for_doc;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
v_info =
'qs->qd: doc='||a_doc_id||', op='||a_old_optype
||', ret_rows='||i
||', cur='||v_ret_cursor
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
v_call = v_this;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call,null,v_info);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
v_info, -- 'qs->qd, doc='||a_doc_id||': try ins qd.id='||coalesce(v_id,'<?>')||', v_dd_id='||coalesce(v_dd_id,'<?>'),
v_call, -- ::: NB ::: do NOT use 'v_this' !! name of last started unit must be actual, see sp_add_to_abend_log!
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
create or alter procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_wroff(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 0
-- This proc serves just as trivial 'redirector' when config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0'.
-- Otherwise it will be OVERWRITTEN: its code will be replaced with one from sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
-- and replacing of 'QDistr' and 'QStorned' sources with appropriate to current cancel operation.
execute procedure sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting_doc );
^ -- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_wroff
create or alter procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_reserve(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 0
-- This proc serves just as trivial 'redirector' when config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0'.
-- Otherwise it will be OVERWRITTEN: its code will be replaced with one from sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
-- and replacing of 'QDistr' and 'QStorned' sources with appropriate to current cancel operation.
execute procedure sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting_doc );
^ -- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_reserve
create or alter procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_res_aux(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 1
-- This proc remains EMPTY when config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0'.
-- Otherwise it will be OVERWRITTEN: its code will be replaced with one from sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
-- and replacing of 'QDistr' and 'QStorned' sources with autogen_qd1000 and autogen_qs1000.
^ -- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_res_aux
create or alter procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_invoice(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 0
-- This proc serves just as trivial 'redirector' when config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0'.
-- Otherwise it will be OVERWRITTEN: its code will be replaced with one from sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
-- and replacing of 'QDistr' and 'QStorned' sources with appropriate to current cancel operation.
execute procedure sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting_doc );
^ -- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_invoice
create or alter procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_supp_order(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_deleting_doc dm_sign,
a_aux_handling dm_sign default 0
-- This proc serves just as trivial 'redirector' when config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0'.
-- Otherwise it will be OVERWRITTEN: its code will be replaced with one from sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd
-- and replacing of 'QDistr' and 'QStorned' sources with appropriate to current cancel operation.
execute procedure sp_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting_doc );
^ -- sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_supp_order
create or alter procedure sp_qd_handle_on_reserve_upd_sts ( -- old name: s~p_kill_qstorno_mov_qd2qs(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb
) as
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_nt and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_nt)
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_qd_handle_on_reserve_upd_sts';
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_curr_tx bigint;
declare i int = 0;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_ware_id dm_qty;
declare v_dd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_dd_cost dm_qty;
declare v_doc_pref dm_mcode;
declare v_old_rcv_optype type of dm_idb;
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_doc_optype dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_qty dm_qty;
declare v_snd_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_snd_retail dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_rcv_retail dm_cost;
declare c_mov_from_qd2qs cursor for (
-- rows which will be MOVED from qdistr to qstorned
from v_qdistr_name_for_del qd -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
qd.ware_id = :v_dd_ware_id
and qd.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and qd.rcv_optype_id = :v_old_rcv_optype
and qd.snd_id = :v_dd_id
-- Aux SP, called from sp_kill_qty_storno ONLY for sp_reserve_write_off
-- (change state of customer reserve to 'waybill' when wares are written-off)
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_doc_pref = fn_mcode_for_oper(a_new_optype);
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
-- return from QStorned to QDistr records which were previously moved
-- (when currently deleting doc was created):
select d.id, r.rcv_optype_id, r.storno_sub, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase
from doc_data d
cross join rules_for_qdistr r
where d.doc_id = :a_doc_id and r.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
into v_dd_id, v_old_rcv_optype, v_storno_sub, v_dd_ware_id, v_dd_qty, v_dd_cost
if ( coalesce(v_storno_sub,1) = 1 ) then
insert into invnt_turnover_log(
id -- explicitly assign this field in order NOT to call gen_id in trigger (use v_gen_... counter instead)
) values (
:v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( :c_gen_inc_step_nt - :v_gen_inc_iter_nt ) -- iter=1: 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...; iter=100: 12345 - (100-100)
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
open c_mov_from_qd2qs; -- from qstorned qs where qs.rcv_id = :v_dd_id
while (1=1) do
fetch c_mov_from_qd2qs into
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
i = i + 1;
-- moved here 16.09.2014: all cursor fields are stored now in variables
delete from v_qdistr_name_for_del where current of c_mov_from_qd2qs;
-- for logging in autonom. Tx if PK violation occurs in subsequent sttmt:
v_info = 'qd->qs, c_mov_from_qd2qs: try ins qStorned.id='||:v_id;
-- S P _ R E S E R V E _ W R I T E _ O F F
-- (FINAL point of ware turnover ==> remove data from qdistr in qstorned)
insert into v_qstorno_name_for_ins ( -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
when any do
if ( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- temply, 09.10.2014 2120: resume investigate trouble with PK violation
execute procedure srv_log_dups_qd_qs(
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- cursor c_mov_from_qd2qs
close c_mov_from_qd2qs;
end -- cursor on doc_data
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
v_info = 'qd->qs, doc='||a_doc_id||', rows='||i;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null,v_info);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'qs->qd, doc='||a_doc_id||': try ins qs.id='||coalesce(v_id,'<?>')||', v_dd_id='||coalesce(v_dd_id,'<?>'||', old_op='||a_old_optype ),
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_qd_handle_on_reserve_upd_sts
create or alter procedure sp_qd_handle_on_cancel_clo (
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb)
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_nt and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_nt)
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_qd_handle_on_cancel_clo';
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_snd_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_rows int = 0;
declare v_dd_qsum int = 0;
declare v_del_sign dm_sign;
declare v_qd_rows int = 0;
declare v_qs_rows int = 0;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_ware_id dm_qty;
declare v_dd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_dd_cost dm_qty;
declare v_doc_pref dm_mcode;
declare v_log_mult dm_sign;
declare v_log_oper dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
declare c_qd_rows_sub_1 cursor for (
select q.id, q.snd_id
from v_qdistr_target_1 q -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
q.ware_id = :v_dd_ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
and q.snd_id = :v_dd_id
declare c_qd_rows_sub_2 cursor for (
select q.id, q.snd_id
from v_qdistr_target_2 q -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
q.ware_id = :v_dd_ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
and q.snd_id = :v_dd_id
declare c_qs_rows_sub_1 cursor for (
select qs.id, qs.snd_id
from v_qstorned_target_1 qs -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
where qs.snd_id = :v_dd_id
declare c_qs_rows_sub_2 cursor for (
select qs.id, qs.snd_id
from v_qstorned_target_2 qs -- this name will be replaced when config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1
where qs.snd_id = :v_dd_id
-- Aux SP, called from sp_kill_qty_storno ONLY for:
-- 1) sp_cancel_client_order; 2) sp_add_invoice_to_stock (apply and cancel)
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
v_info = iif( a_new_optype = fn_oper_cancel_customer_order(), 'DEL', 'UPD' )
|| ' in qdistr, doc='||a_doc_id
|| ', old_op='||a_old_optype
|| iif( a_new_optype <> fn_oper_cancel_customer_order(), ', new_op='||a_new_optype, '');
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
v_log_oper = iif( a_new_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get(), fn_oper_invoice_add(), a_new_optype);
v_log_mult = iif( a_new_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get(), -1, 1);
v_doc_pref = fn_mcode_for_oper(v_log_oper);
v_del_sign = 1; -- iif(a_new_optype = fn_oper_cancel_customer_order(), 1, 0);
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
select r.rcv_optype_id, r.storno_sub
from rules_for_qdistr r
where r.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
--and coalesce(r.storno_sub,1) = 1 -- do NOT! old_op=1000 ==> two rows (storno_sub=1 and 2) - needs to be processed for sp_cancel_client_order
into v_rcv_optype_id, v_storno_sub
select d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase
from doc_data d
where d.doc_id = :a_doc_id
into v_dd_id, v_dd_ware_id, v_dd_qty, v_dd_cost
v_dd_rows = v_dd_rows + 1;
v_dd_qsum = v_dd_qsum + v_dd_qty;
-- 20.09.2014: move here from trigger on doc_list
-- (reduce scans of doc_data)
if ( coalesce(v_storno_sub,1) = 1 ) then
insert into invnt_turnover_log(
id -- explicitly specify this field in order NOT to call gen_id in trigger (use v_gen_... counter instead)
) values (
:v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( :c_gen_inc_step_nt - :v_gen_inc_iter_nt ) -- iter=1: 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...; iter=100: 12345 - (100-100)
,:v_log_mult * :v_dd_qty
,:v_log_mult * :v_dd_cost
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
open c_qd_rows_sub_1;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qd_rows_sub_1 into v_id, v_snd_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qd_rows = v_qd_rows + 1;
delete from v_qdistr_target_1
where current of c_qd_rows_sub_1;
close c_qd_rows_sub_1;
open c_qd_rows_sub_2;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qd_rows_sub_2 into v_id, v_snd_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qd_rows = v_qd_rows + 1;
delete from v_qdistr_target_2
where current of c_qd_rows_sub_2;
close c_qd_rows_sub_2;
open c_qs_rows_sub_1;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qs_rows_sub_1 into v_id, v_snd_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qs_rows = v_qs_rows+1;
delete from v_qstorned_target_1
where current of c_qs_rows_sub_1;
close c_qs_rows_sub_1;
open c_qs_rows_sub_2;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qs_rows_sub_2 into v_id, v_snd_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qs_rows = v_qs_rows+1;
delete from v_qstorned_target_2
where current of c_qs_rows_sub_2;
close c_qs_rows_sub_2;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'dd_qsum='||v_dd_qsum||', rows: dd='||v_dd_rows||', qd='||v_qd_rows||', qs='||v_qs_rows );
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_qd_handle_on_cancel_clo
create or alter procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts (
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb)
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_nt and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_nt)
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts';
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_qd_id dm_idb;
declare v_qd_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_qd_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_qd_snd_id dm_idb;
declare v_qd_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_qd_rcv_doc_id bigint;
declare v_qd_rcv_optype_id bigint;
declare v_qd_rcv_id bigint;
declare v_qd_rcv_qty numeric(12,3);
declare v_qd_snd_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_qd_snd_retail dm_cost;
declare v_qd_rcv_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_qd_rcv_retail dm_cost;
declare v_dd_rows int = 0;
declare v_dd_qsum int = 0;
declare v_qd_rows int = 0;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_ware_id dm_qty;
declare v_dd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_dd_cost dm_qty;
declare v_doc_pref dm_mcode;
declare v_log_mult dm_sign;
declare v_log_oper dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
declare c_qd_rows_for_doc cursor for (
select --q.id, q.snd_id
from v_qdistr_name_for_del q -- name of this datasource will be replaced when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
q.ware_id = :v_dd_ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
and q.snd_id = :v_dd_id
-- Aux SP, called from sp_kill_qty_storno ONLY for
-- sp_add_invoice_to_stock (apply and cancel)
-- #######################
-- Old name: s~p_kill_qstorno_handle_qd4dd
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
v_info = 'UPD in qdistr, doc='||a_doc_id
|| ', old_op='||a_old_optype
|| ', new_op='||a_new_optype;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
v_log_oper = iif( a_new_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get(), fn_oper_invoice_add(), a_new_optype);
v_log_mult = iif( a_new_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get(), -1, 1);
v_doc_pref = fn_mcode_for_oper(v_log_oper);
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt ); -- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
select r.rcv_optype_id, r.storno_sub
from rules_for_qdistr r
where r.snd_optype_id = :a_old_optype
into v_rcv_optype_id, v_storno_sub -- 'v_rcv_optype_id' see in WHERE condition in c_qd_rows_for_doc
select d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase
from doc_data d
where d.doc_id = :a_doc_id
into v_dd_id, v_dd_ware_id, v_dd_qty, v_dd_cost
v_dd_rows = v_dd_rows + 1;
v_dd_qsum = v_dd_qsum + v_dd_qty;
-- 20.09.2014: move here from trigger on doc_list
-- (reduce scans of doc_data)
if ( coalesce(v_storno_sub,1) = 1 ) then
insert into invnt_turnover_log(
id -- explicitly specify this field in order NOT to call gen_id in trigger (use v_gen_... counter instead)
) values (
:v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( :c_gen_inc_step_nt - :v_gen_inc_iter_nt ) -- iter=1: 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...; iter=100: 12345 - (100-100)
,:v_log_mult * :v_dd_qty
,:v_log_mult * :v_dd_cost
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
open c_qd_rows_for_doc;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_qd_rows_for_doc
into -- v_qd_id, v_qd_snd_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qd_rows = v_qd_rows+1;
-- sp_add_invoice_to_stock: apply and cancel
-- #########################################
-- 31.08.2015: replaced 'update qdistr' to del_ins algorithm,
-- so this can be applied later for replacing to 'autogen_qdNNNN'.
delete from v_qdistr_name_for_del where current of c_qd_rows_for_doc; -- name will be replaced when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
insert into v_qdistr_name_for_ins( -- name will be replaced when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
) values(
,:a_new_optype ----------- !!
close c_qd_rows_for_doc;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'dd_qsum='||v_dd_qsum||', rows: dd='||v_dd_rows||', qd='||v_qd_rows );
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts
-- Aux SP that serves just as "redirector" to sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=0'
-- Source of this SP will be replaced to reflect actual value of autogen_qdNNNN when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
create or alter procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_adding (
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb
) as
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
^ -- sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_adding (REDIRECTOR)
-- Aux SP that serves just as "redirector" to sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=0'
-- Source of this SP will be replaced to reflect actual value of autogen_qdNNNN when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'
create or alter procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_reopen (
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb
) as
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_upd_sts( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
^ -- sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_reopen (REDIRECTOR)
create or alter procedure sp_kill_qty_storno (
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_optype dm_idb,
a_new_optype dm_idb,
a_updating dm_sign,
a_deleting dm_sign)
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_kill_qty_storno';
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
-- Called from doc_list_biud for deleting doc or updating with changing it state.
-- 1. For sp_reserve_write_off (FINAL point of ware turnover):
-- remove data from qdistr into qstorned)
-- 2. For CANCEL operations (deleting doc or change its state to "previous"):
-- return storned rows from qstorned to qdistr
-- 3. For sp_add_invoice_to_stock: change IDs in qdistr.snd_op XOR rcv_op to
-- new ID (2000-->2100)
if ( NOT (a_deleting = 1 or a_updating = 1 and a_new_optype is distinct from a_old_optype) )
v_info = 'dh='|| a_doc_id
||' '||iif(a_updating=1,'UPD','DEL')
||iif(a_updating=1, ' old_op='||a_old_optype||' new_op='||a_new_optype, ' op='||a_old_optype);
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this,null, v_info);
if ( a_updating = 1 and a_new_optype is distinct from a_old_optype ) then
---------------- c h a n g e o p t y p e _ i d ------------------
-- see s`p_cancel_client_order; sp_add_invoice_to_stock;
-- sp_reserve_write_off, s`p_cancel_write_off
-- ==> they all change doc_data.optype_id
if ( a_new_optype = fn_oper_cancel_customer_order() ) then
-- S P _ C A N C E L _ C L I E N T _ O R D E R
-- Kill all records for this doc both in QDistr & QStorned
-- delete rows in qdistr for currently cancelled client order:
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_cancel_clo( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, fn_oper_cancel_customer_order() );
else if ( a_old_optype = fn_oper_retail_realization() and a_new_optype = fn_oper_retail_reserve() ) then
-- S P _ C A N C E L _ W R I T E _ O F F
-- return from QStorned to QDistr records which were previously moved
-- (when currently deleting doc was created):
execute procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_wroff( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
-- prev: direct call execute procedure s~p_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
else if ( a_old_optype = fn_oper_retail_reserve() and a_new_optype = fn_oper_retail_realization() ) then
-- S P _ R E S E R V E _ W R I T E _ O F F
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_reserve_upd_sts( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
-- prev: direct call of s~p_kill_qstorno_mov_qd2qs( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype);
else -- all other updates of doc state, except s`p_cancel_write_off
-- update rows in qdistr for currently selected doc (3dr arg <> fn_oper_cancel_cust_order):
if ( a_old_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get() ) then
-- S P _ A D D _ I N V O I C E _ T O _ S T O C K
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_adding( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
else if ( a_old_optype = fn_oper_invoice_add() ) then
-- S P _ C A N C E L _ A D D I N G _ I N V O I C E
execute procedure sp_qd_handle_on_invoice_reopen( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
exception ex_bad_argument using(':a_old_optype='||:a_old_optype, v_this );
-- before: execute procedure s~p_kill_qstorno_handle_qd4dd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_new_optype );
end -- a_updating = 1 and a_new_optype is distinct from a_old_optype
if ( a_deleting = 1 ) then -- all other operations that delete document
-- return from QStorned to QDistr records which were previously moved
-- (when currently deleting doc was created):
if ( :a_old_optype = fn_oper_invoice_get() ) then
execute procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_invoice( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
else if ( :a_old_optype = fn_oper_order_for_supplier() ) then
execute procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_supp_order( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
else if ( :a_old_optype = fn_oper_retail_reserve() ) then
execute procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_res_aux( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
execute procedure sp_ret_qs2qd_on_canc_reserve( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
exception ex_bad_argument using(':a_old_optype='||:a_old_optype, v_this );
-- prev: direct call of s~p_kill_qstorno_ret_qs2qd( :a_doc_id, :a_old_optype, :a_deleting );
end -- a_deleting = 1
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- iif( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode), 1, 0) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_kill_qty_storno
set term ;^
-- View for using in SRV_FIND_QD_QS_MISM as alias of table 'QDistr'.
-- Will be altered in 'oltp_autogen_ddl.sql' when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'.
create or alter view v_qdistr_source as
select *
from qdistr
-- View for using in SRV_FIND_QD_QS_MISM as alias of table 'QStorned'.
-- Will be altered in 'oltp_autogen_ddl.sql' when config 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs=1'.
create or alter view v_qstorned_source as
select *
from qstorned
set term ^;
create or alter procedure srv_find_qd_qs_mism(
a_doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
a_optype_id type of dm_idb,
a_after_deleting_doc dm_sign -- 1==> doc has been deleted, must check orphans only in qdistr+qstorned
) as
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_find_qd_qs_mism';
declare v_gdscode int;
declare v_dd_mismatch_id bigint;
declare v_dd_mismatch_qty dm_qty;
declare v_qd_qs_orphan_src dm_dbobj; -- name of table where orphan row(s) found
declare v_qd_qs_orphan_doc dm_idb;
declare v_qd_qs_orphan_id dm_idb;
declare v_qd_qs_orphan_sid dm_idb;
declare v_qd_sum dm_qty;
declare v_qs_sum dm_qty;
declare v_info dm_info = '';
declare c_chk_violation_code int = 335544558; -- check_constraint
declare v_dh_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_all_qty_sum dm_qty;
declare v_all_qd_sum dm_qty;
declare v_all_qs_sum dm_qty;
declare v_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_rows_handled int;
declare c_qd_qs_orphans cursor for ( -- used after deletion of doc: search for orphans in qd & qs
-- deciced neither add index on qdistr.doc_id nor modify qdistr PK and set its key = {id, doc_id} (performance)
select r.doc_data_id, r.ware_id
from tmp$result_set r -- ::: NB ::: this table must be always filled in SPs which REMOVES (cancel) doc with wares
where r.doc_id = :a_doc_list_id
declare c_dd_qty_match_qd_qs_counts cursor for (
select f.dd_id, f.ware_id, f.dd_qty, f.qd_cnt, f.qs_cnt
from (
select e.dd_id, e.ware_id, e.qty as dd_qty, e.qd_cnt, coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) as qs_cnt
from (
d.id as dd_id
,coalesce(sum(qd.snd_qty),0) qd_cnt
--,iif(:a_optype_id=3400, 3300, :a_optype_id) as snd_optype_id
--,:v_snd_optype_id as snd_optype_id -- core-4927, affected 2.5 only
from doc_data d
left join v_qdistr_source qd on
-- {ware,snd_optype_id,rcv_optype_id} ==> Index Range Scan (full match, since )
-- Full match since 01.09.2015 2355, see:
-- http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62176 (3.0)
-- http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62177 (2.5.5)
qd.ware_id = d.ware_id
-- 07.09.2015. In 2.5, before core-4927 (http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62200):
-- we had to avoid usage of "iif()" for evaluating column that will be involved in
-- JOIN with "unioned" view: it (IIF function) prevented the condition from being
-- pushed into the union for better optimization. This lead to unneccessary index
-- scans of tables from unioned-view that sor sure did not contain req. data.
-- Thus we use here parameter ":v_snd_optype_id" which will be evaluated BEFORE
-- in separate IIF statement:
and qd.snd_optype_id = :v_snd_optype_id
and qd.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
and qd.snd_id = d.id
d.doc_id = :a_doc_list_id
group by d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty
) e
left join v_qstorned_source qs on
-- NB: we can skip this join if previous one produces ERROR in results:
-- sum of amounts in doc_data rows has to be NOT LESS than sum(snd_qty) on qdistr
-- (except CANCELLED client order for which qdistr must NOT contain any row for this doc)
:v_snd_optype_id <> 1100 and e.qty >= e.qd_cnt
:v_snd_optype_id = 1100 and e.qd_cnt = 0
and qs.snd_id = e.dd_id
group by e.dd_id, e.ware_id, e.qty, e.qd_cnt
) f
-- Search for mismatches b`etween doc_data.qty and number of records in
-- v_qdistr + v_qstorned, for all operation. Algorithm for deleted ("cancelled")
-- document differs from document that was just created or updated its state:
-- we need found orphan rows in v_qdistr + v_qstorned when document has been removed
-- (vs. checking sums of doc_data.qty and sum(qty) when doc. is created/updated)
-- Log mismatches if they found and raise exc`eption.
-- ### NB ### GTT tmp$result_set need to be fulfilled with data of doc that
-- is to be deleted, BEFORE this deletion issues. It's bad (strong link between
-- modules) but this is the only way to avoid excessive indexing of v_qdistr & v_qstorned.
v_info = 'dh='||a_doc_list_id||', op='||a_optype_id;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this); -- , null, v_info);
v_dd_mismatch_id = null;
-- This value is used in CURSOR c_dd_qty_match_qd_qs_counts as argument of join:
v_snd_optype_id = iif(:a_optype_id=3400, 3300, :a_optype_id);
select r.rcv_optype_id
from rules_for_qdistr r
where r.snd_optype_id = :a_optype_id and coalesce(r.storno_sub,1)=1
into v_rcv_optype_id;
if ( a_after_deleting_doc = 1 ) then -- call after doc has been deleted: NO rows in doc_data but we must check orphan rows in qd&qs for this doc!
select h.id from doc_list h where h.id = :a_doc_list_id into v_dh_id;
if ( v_dh_id is NOT null or not exists(select * from tmp$result_set) ) then
exception ex_bad_argument using('a_after_deleting_doc', v_this) ; -- 'argument @1 passed to unit @2 is invalid';
v_rows_handled = 0;
open c_qd_qs_orphans;
while ( v_dh_id is null ) do
fetch c_qd_qs_orphans into v_dd_id, v_ware_id; -- get data of doc which have been saved in tmp$result_set
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_rows_handled = v_rows_handled + 1;
select first 1 'v_qdistr' as src, qd.doc_id, qd.snd_id, qd.id
from v_qdistr_source qd
-- {ware,snd_optype_id,rcv_optype_id} ==> Index Range Scan (full match, since )
-- Full match since 01.09.2015 2355, see:
-- http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62176 (3.0)
-- http://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/62177 (2.5.5)
qd.ware_id = :v_ware_id
and qd.snd_optype_id = :v_snd_optype_id
and qd.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
-- This is mandatory otherwise get lot of different docs for the same {ware,snd_optype_id,rcv_optype_id}:
and qd.snd_id = :v_dd_id
into v_qd_qs_orphan_src, v_qd_qs_orphan_doc, v_qd_qs_orphan_sid, v_qd_qs_orphan_id;
if ( v_qd_qs_orphan_id is null ) then -- run 2nd check only if there are NO row in QDistr
select first 1 'v_qstorned' as src, qs.doc_id, qs.snd_id, qs.id
from v_qstorned_source qs
where qs.snd_id = :v_dd_id
into v_qd_qs_orphan_src, v_qd_qs_orphan_doc, v_qd_qs_orphan_sid, v_qd_qs_orphan_id;
if ( v_qd_qs_orphan_id is NOT null ) then
v_info = trim(v_info)
|| ': orphan '||v_qd_qs_orphan_src||'.id='||v_qd_qs_orphan_id
|| ' for deleted doc='||v_qd_qs_orphan_doc
|| ', snd_id='||v_qd_qs_orphan_sid
|| ', ware='||v_ware_id;
close c_qd_qs_orphans;
if ( v_qd_qs_orphan_id is null ) then
v_info = trim(v_info)||': no data in qd+qs for deleted '||v_rows_handled||' rows';
else ------------------ _N O T_ a f t e r d e l e t i n g -------
v_all_qty_sum = 0;
v_all_qd_sum = 0;
v_all_qs_sum = 0;
v_rows_handled = 0;
open c_dd_qty_match_qd_qs_counts;
while ( 1 = 1 ) do
fetch c_dd_qty_match_qd_qs_counts
into v_dd_id, v_ware_id, v_dd_qty, v_qd_sum, v_qs_sum;
-- e.dd_id, e.qty, e.qd_cnt, coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) as qs_cnt
if (row_count = 0) then leave;
v_rows_handled = v_rows_handled + v_qd_sum + v_qs_sum;
v_all_qty_sum = v_all_qty_sum + v_dd_qty; -- total AMOUNT in ALL rows of document
v_all_qd_sum = v_all_qd_sum + v_qd_sum; -- number of rows in QDistr for ALL wares of document
v_all_qs_sum = v_all_qs_sum + v_qs_sum; -- number of rows in v_qstorned for ALL wares of document
if ( a_optype_id <> 1100 and v_dd_qty <> v_qd_sum + v_qs_sum -- error, immediately stop check if so!
a_optype_id = 1100 and v_qd_sum + v_qs_sum > 0 -- it's WRONG when we cancel client order and some rows still exist in qdistr or v_qstorned for this doc!
) then
v_dd_mismatch_id = v_dd_id;
v_dd_mismatch_qty = v_dd_qty;
close c_dd_qty_match_qd_qs_counts;
if ( v_dd_mismatch_id is NOT null ) then
|| ': dd='||v_dd_mismatch_id
|| ', ware='||v_ware_id
|| ', sum_qty='||cast(v_all_qty_sum as int)
|| ', problem_qty='||cast(v_dd_mismatch_qty as int);
if ( a_optype_id <> 1100 ) then
v_info = v_info
|| ' - mism: qd_cnt='||cast(v_qd_sum as int)
|| iif( v_qs_sum >=0, ', qs_cnt='||cast(v_qs_sum as int), ', qs_cnt=n/a');
v_info = v_info
|| ' - no_removal: qd_cnt='||cast(v_qd_sum as int)
|| iif( v_qs_sum >=0, ', qs_cnt='||cast(v_qs_sum as int), ', qs_cnt=n/a');
else -- ok
v_info = trim(v_info)
||', sum_qty='||cast(v_all_qty_sum as int)
||', cnt_qds='||cast((v_all_qd_sum + v_all_qs_sum) as int)
||', rows_handled='||v_rows_handled;
end -- block for NOT after deleting doc
if ( a_after_deleting_doc = 0 and v_dd_mismatch_id is NOT null
a_after_deleting_doc = 1 and v_qd_qs_orphan_id is NOT null
) then
-- dump dirty data:
execute procedure zdump4dbg(:a_doc_list_id); --,:a_doc_data_id);
if ( a_after_deleting_doc = 1) then
exception ex_orphans_qd_qs_found using( a_doc_list_id, v_qd_qs_orphan_sid, v_qd_qs_orphan_src, v_qd_qs_orphan_id );
-- 'at least one row found for DELETED doc id=@1, snd_id=@2: @3.id=@4';
exception ex_mism_doc_data_qd_qs using( v_dd_mismatch_id, v_dd_mismatch_qty, v_qd_sum, v_qs_sum );
-- at least one mismatch btw doc_data.id=@1 and qdistr+v_qstorned: qty=@2, qd_cnt=@3, qs_cnt=@4
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'ok, '||v_info);
when any do
v_gdscode = iif( :v_dd_mismatch_id is null, gdscode, :c_chk_violation_code);
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'MISMATCH, '||v_info,
fn_halt_sign(:v_gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_find_qd_qs_mism
create or alter procedure sp_add_money_log(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_old_mult dm_sign,
a_old_agent_id dm_idb,
a_old_op dm_idb,
a_old_purchase type of dm_cost, -- NB: must allow negative values!
a_old_retail type of dm_cost, -- NB: must allow negative values!
a_new_mult dm_sign,
a_new_agent_id dm_idb,
a_new_op dm_idb,
a_new_purchase type of dm_cost, -- NB: must allow negative values!
a_new_retail type of dm_cost -- NB: must allow negative values!
-- called from trg d`oc_list_aiud for every operation which affects to contragent saldo
if ( a_old_mult <> 0 ) then
insert into money_turnover_log ( -- "log" of all changes in doc_list.cost_xxx
cost_purchase, -- NB: this field must allow negative values!
cost_retail -- NB: this field must allow negative values!
:a_doc_id, -- ref to doc_list
if ( a_new_mult <> 0 ) then
insert into money_turnover_log ( -- "log" of all changes in doc_list.cost_xxx
cost_purchase, -- NB: this field must allow negative values!
cost_retail -- NB: this field must allow negative values!
:a_doc_id, -- ref to doc_list
^ -- sp_add_money_log
create or alter procedure sp_lock_dependent_docs(
a_base_doc_id dm_idb,
a_base_doc_oper_id dm_idb default null -- = (for invoices which are to be 'reopened' - old_oper_id)
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_dependend_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_dependend_doc_state dm_idb;
declare v_catch_bitset bigint;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_list dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_lock_dependent_docs';
v_info = 'base_doc='||a_base_doc_id;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, v_info);
if ( a_base_doc_oper_id is null ) then
select h.optype_id
from doc_list h
where h.id = :a_base_doc_id
into a_base_doc_oper_id;
v_rcv_optype_id = decode(a_base_doc_oper_id,
fn_oper_invoice_add(), fn_oper_retail_reserve(),
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), fn_oper_invoice_get(),
delete from tmp$dep_docs d where d.base_doc_id = :a_base_doc_id;
select x.dependend_doc_id, h.state_id, h.rdb$db_key
-- (added field rcv_doc_id in table qstorned, now can remove join with doc_data!)
from (
-- Checked plan 13.07.2014:
select q.rcv_doc_id dependend_doc_id
from v_qstorned_source q
q.doc_id = :a_base_doc_id -- choosen invoice which is to be re-opened
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_base_doc_oper_id
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
group by 1
) x
join doc_list h on x.dependend_doc_id = h.id
into v_dependend_doc_id, v_dependend_doc_state, v_dbkey
do begin
-- immediatelly try to lock record in order to avoid wast handling
-- of 99 docs and get fault on 100th one!
-- (see s`p_cancel_adding_invoice, s`p_cancel_supplier_order)
v_info = 'try lock dependent doc_id='||v_dependend_doc_id;
select h.rdb$db_key
from doc_list h
where h.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey -- lock_conflict can occur here!
for update with lock
into v_dbkey;
-- NB: BASE_DOC_ID,DEPENDEND_DOC_ID ==> UNIQ index in tmp$dep_docs
insert into tmp$dep_docs( base_doc_id, dependend_doc_id, dependend_doc_state)
values( :a_base_doc_id, :v_dependend_doc_id, :v_dependend_doc_state );
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
-- supress dup ex`ception - it is normal in this case!
if ( NOT fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then exception;
v_catch_bitset = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET') as bigint);
-- See oltp_main_filling.sql for definition of bitset var `QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET`:
-- bit#0 := 1 ==> perform calls of srv_catch_qd_qs_mism in d`oc_list_aiud => sp_add_invnt_log
-- in order to register mismatches b`etween doc_data.qty and total number of rows
-- in qdistr + qstorned for doc_data.id
-- bit#1 := 1 ==> perform calls of SRV_CATCH_NEG_REMAINDERS from INVNT_TURNOVER_LOG_AI
-- (instead of totalling turnovers to `invnt_saldo` table)
-- bit#2 := 1 ==> allow dump dirty data into z-tables for analysis, see sp zdump4dbg, in case
-- when some 'bad exception' occurs (see ctx var `HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS`)
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 7 ) > 0 ) then -- ==> any of bits #0..2 is ON
v_list=left( ( select list(d.dependend_doc_id) from tmp$dep_docs d where d.base_doc_id=:a_base_doc_id ), 255-char_length(v_info)-15);
v_info = 'depDocsLst='|| coalesce(nullif(v_list,''),'<empty>');
v_info = 'depDocsCnt='||( select count(*) from tmp$dep_docs d where d.base_doc_id=:a_base_doc_id );
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, v_info );
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_lock_dependent_docs
-- 29.07.2014: STUB, need for debug view z_invoices_to_be_adopted, will be redefined in oltp30_sp.sql:
create or alter procedure sp_get_clo_for_invoice( a_selected_doc_id dm_idb )
returns (
clo_doc_id type of dm_idb,
clo_agent_id type of dm_idb
as begin
set term ;^
set term ^;
-- several debug proc for catch cases when negative remainders encountered
create or alter procedure srv_check_neg_remainders( -- 28.09.2014, instead s`rv_catch_neg
a_doc_list_id dm_idb,
a_optype_id dm_idb
) as
declare v_id bigint;
declare v_catch_bitset bigint;
declare v_curr_tx bigint;
declare c_chk_violation_code int = 335544558; -- check_constraint
declare v_msg dm_info = '';
declare v_info dm_info = '';
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_check_neg_remainders';
-- called from d`oc_list_aiud
-- #########################
-- See oltp_main_filling.sql for definition of bitset var `QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET`:
-- bit#0 := 1 ==> perform calls of srv_catch_qd_qs_mism in d`oc_list_aiud => sp_add_invnt_log
-- in order to register mismatches b`etween doc_data.qty and total number of rows
-- in qdistr + qstorned for doc_data.id
-- bit#1 := 1 ==> perform calls of SRV_CATCH_NEG_REMAINDERS from INVNT_TURNOVER_LOG_AI
-- (instead of totalling turnovers to `invnt_saldo` table)
-- bit#2 := 1 ==> allow dump dirty data into z-tables for analysis, see sp zdump4dbg, in case
-- when some 'bad exception' occurs (see ctx var `HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS`)
v_catch_bitset = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET') as bigint);
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 2 ) = 0 ) then -- job of this SP meaningless because of totalling
-- do NOT add calls of sp_check_to_stop_work or sp_check_nowait_or_timeout:
-- this SP is called very often!
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_msg ='dh='||:a_doc_list_id || ', op='||fn_mcode_for_oper( :a_optype_id );
v_id = null;
select first 1
|| ', w='||n.ware_id||', dd='||n.dd_id
|| ', neg:'
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_ord<0,' q_ord='||n.qty_ord,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_sup<0,' q_sup='||n.qty_sup,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_avl<0,' q_avl='||n.qty_avl,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_res<0,' q_res='||n.qty_res,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_inc<0,' q_inc='||n.qty_inc,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_out<0,' q_out='||n.qty_out,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_clo<0,' q_clo='||n.qty_clo,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_clr<0,' q_clr='||n.qty_clr,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.qty_acn<0,' q_acn='||n.qty_acn,'' ) )
|| trim( trailing from iif( n.cost_acn<0,' $_acn='||n.cost_acn,'' ) )
from --v_saldo_invnt n
,min(ng.doc_data_id) as dd_id -- no matter min or max
,sum(o.m_qty_clo * ng.qty_diff) qty_clo
,sum(o.m_qty_clr * ng.qty_diff) qty_clr
,sum(o.m_qty_ord * ng.qty_diff) qty_ord
,sum(o.m_qty_sup * ng.qty_diff) qty_sup
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) qty_avl
,sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_res
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.qty_diff) qty_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.qty_diff) qty_out
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) cost_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_out
-- amount "on hand" as it seen by accounter:
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) + sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_acn
-- total cost "on hand" in purchasing prices:
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) - sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_acn
from invnt_turnover_log ng
join optypes o on ng.optype_id=o.id
join doc_data d on ng.ware_id = d.ware_id -- ng.doc_data_id = d.id
where d.doc_id = :a_doc_list_id
--where ng.ware_id = :a_ware_id
group by
) n
n.qty_ord<0 or n.qty_sup<0 or n.qty_avl<0 or n.qty_res<0
or n.qty_inc<0 or n.qty_out<0 or n.qty_clo<0 or n.qty_clr<0
or n.qty_acn<0 or n.cost_acn<0
into v_id, v_info;
if ( v_id is not null) then
v_curr_tx = current_transaction;
in autonomous transaction do
begin -- 26.09.2014 2222, temply
insert into perf_log(
) values (
:v_info, --'ex_neg_remainders_encountered',
:v_this, -- fn_get_stack(),
execute procedure sp_halt_on_error('5', :c_chk_violation_code, :v_curr_tx); -- temply
-- 335544558 check_constraint Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2.
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
1 -- ::: nb ::: force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
-- 4 debug: dump dirty data:
execute procedure zdump4dbg; -- (null, a_doc_data_id, v_id);
exception ex_neg_remainders_encountered using( v_id, v_info ); -- 'at least one remainder < 0, ware_id=@1';
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null, 'ok, '||v_msg);
when any do
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_check_neg_remainders
set term ;^
-- ############################ V I E W S #################################
-- 07.09.2015: probe to replace ES in all cases of fn_get_rand_id:
create or alter view name$to$substutite$min$id$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
create or alter view name$to$substutite$max$id$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
create or alter view name$to$substutite$search$ as select 1 id from rdb$database;
create or alter view v_cancel_client_order as
-- source for random choose client_order document to be cancelled
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 1000 -- fn_oper_order_by_customer
create or alter view v_cancel_supplier_order as
-- Source for random choose supplier order doc to be cancelled
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 1200 -- fn_oper_order_for_supplier
create or alter view v_cancel_supplier_invoice as
-- source for random choose invoice from supplier that will be cancelled
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 2000 -- fn_oper_invoice_get
create or alter view v_add_invoice_to_stock as
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 2000 -- fn_oper_invoice_get
create or alter view v_cancel_adding_invoice as
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 2100 -- fn_oper_invoice_add
create or alter view v_cancel_customer_reserve as
-- source for s`p_cancel_customer_reserve: random take customer reserve
-- and CANCEL it (i.e. DELETE from doc_list)
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve
create or alter view v_reserve_write_off as
-- source for random take customer reserve and make WRITE-OFF (i.e. 'close' it):
select h.id, h.agent_id, h.state_id, h.dts_open, h.dts_clos, h.cost_retail
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve
create or alter view v_cancel_write_off as
-- source for random take CLOSED customer reserve and CANCEL writing-off
-- (i.e. 'reopen' this doc for changes or removing):
select h.id
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 3400 -- fn_oper_retail_realization
create or alter view v_cancel_payment_to_supplier as
-- source for random taking INVOICE with some payment and CANCEL all payments:
select h.id, h.agent_id, h.cost_purchase
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 4000 -- fn_oper_pay_to_supplier
create or alter view v_cancel_customer_prepayment as
select h.id, h.agent_id, h.cost_retail
from doc_list h
h.optype_id = 5000 -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer
create or alter view v_all_customers as
-- source for random taking agent from ALL customers
-- (see sp_customer_prepayment in case when all customer reserve docs are full paid)
select a.id
from agents a
where a.is_customer=1
create or alter view v_all_suppliers as
select a.id
from agents a
where a.is_supplier=1
create or alter view v_our_firm as
select a.id
from agents a
where a.is_our_firm=1
create or alter view v_all_wares as
-- source for random choose ware_id in SP_CLIENT_ORDER => SP_FILL_SHOPPING_CART
-- Plan in 3.0 (checked 06.02.2015):
-- PLAN (C ORDER TMP_SHOPCART_UNQ) // prevent from bitmap building in tmp$shopping_cart for each row of wares!
select a.id
from wares a
where not exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where c.id = a.id order by c.id) -- 19.09.2014
-- 12.09.2014 1920: refactoring v_random_find_xxx views for avl_res, clo_ord and ord_sup
-- use `wares` as driver table instead of scanning qdistr for seach doc_data.id
-- Performance increased from ~1250 up to ~2000 bop / minute (!)
-- ############## A V L => R E S ###############
-- Views for operation 'Create customer reserve from AVALIABLE remainders'
-- #############################################
create or alter view v_random_find_avl_res
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choose ware_id in sp_customer_reserve => sp_fill_shopping_cart:
-- take record from invoice which has been added to stock and add it to set for
-- new customer reserve - from avaliable remainders (not linked with client order)
-- Checked 12.09.2014:
--PLAN (V QDISTR ORDER QDISTR_WARE_SNDOP_RCVOP) -- ::: NB ::: no bitmap here (speed!)
select w.id
from wares w
not exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where c.id = w.id order by c.id)
and exists(
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 2100
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- supress building index bitmap on QDistr!
create or alter view v_min_id_avl_res as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choose ware_id in sp_customer_reserve => sp_fill_shopping_cart:
-- take record from invoice which has been added to stock and add it to set for
-- new customer reserve - from ***AVALIABLE*** remainders (not linked with client order)
select w.id
from wares w
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 2100
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id asc -- ascend, we search for MINIMAL id
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_id_avl_res as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
select w.id
from wares w
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 2100
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id desc -- descend, we search for MAXIMAL id
rows 1
-- ############## C L O => O R D ###############
-- Views for operation 'Create order to SUPPLIER on the basis of CUSTOMER orders'
-- #############################################
create or alter view v_random_find_clo_ord as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
-- Checked 12.09.2014
--PLAN (V QDISTR ORDER QDISTR_WARE_SNDOP_RCVOP) -- ::: NB ::: no bitmap here (speed!)
select w.id
from wares w
not exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where c.id = w.id order by c.id)
and exists(
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000
and q.rcv_optype_id = 1200
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id
create or alter view v_min_id_clo_ord as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
select w.id
from wares w
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000
and q.rcv_optype_id = 1200
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id asc -- ascend, we search for MINIMAL id
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_id_clo_ord as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
select w.id
from wares w
where exists(
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000
and q.rcv_optype_id = 1200
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id desc -- descend, we search for MAXIMAL id
rows 1
-- ############## O R D => S U P ###############
-- Views for operation 'Create invoice from supplier on the basis of OUR orders to him'
-- #############################################
create or alter view v_random_find_ord_sup as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from supplier order to be added into invoice by him
-- Checked 12.09.2014:
--PLAN (V QDISTR ORDER QDISTR_WARE_SNDOP_RCVOP) -- ::: NB ::: no bitmap here (speed!)
select w.id
from wares w
not exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where c.id = w.id order by c.id)
and exists(
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1200 -- fn_oper_order_for_supplier()
and q.rcv_optype_id = 2000
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- supress building index bitmap on QDistr!
create or alter view v_min_id_ord_sup as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
select w.id
from wares w
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1200
and q.rcv_optype_id = 2000
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id asc -- ascend, we search for MINIMAL id
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_id_ord_sup as
-- 08.07.2014. used in dynamic sql in sp_get_random_id, see it's call in sp_fill_shopping_cart
-- source for random choise record from client order to be added into supplier order
select w.id
from wares w
where exists(
select * from qdistr q
q.ware_id = w.id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1200
and q.rcv_optype_id = 2000
-- 3.0 only: supress building index bitmap on QDistr:
order by ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id -- do NOT use this 'order by' in 2.5!
order by w.id desc -- descend, we search for MAXIMAL id
rows 1
-- ############## C L O => R E S ###############
-- Views for operation 'Create reserve based on client order'
-- #############################################
create or alter view v_random_find_clo_res as
-- 08.09.2015: remove join from here, reduce number of IRs at ~1.5x
select h.id
from doc_list h
where h.optype_id = 1000
and exists(
select *
from doc_data d where d.doc_id = h.id
and exists(
select *
from qdistr q
q.ware_id = d.ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000 -- fn_oper_order_by_customer()
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve()
and q.snd_id = d.id
-- prevent from building bitmap, 3.0 only:
order by q.ware_id, q.snd_optype_id, q.rcv_optype_id
order by d.doc_id -- prevent from building bitmap, 3.0 only
create or alter view v_min_id_clo_res as
-- 22.09.2014
-- 05.09.2015
select h.id
from doc_list h
join doc_data d on h.id = d.doc_id
where h.optype_id = 1000
and exists(
select *
from qdistr q
q.ware_id = d.ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000 -- fn_oper_order_by_customer()
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve()
and q.snd_id = d.id
order by q.ware_id, q.snd_optype_id, q.rcv_optype_id
order by h.id
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_id_clo_res as
-- 22.09.2014
-- 05.09.2015
select h.id
from doc_list h
join doc_data d on h.id = d.doc_id
where h.optype_id = 1000
and exists(
select *
from qdistr q
q.ware_id = d.ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = 1000 -- fn_oper_order_by_customer()
and q.rcv_optype_id = 3300 -- fn_oper_retail_reserve()
and q.snd_id = d.id
order by q.ware_id, q.snd_optype_id, q.rcv_optype_id
order by h.id desc
rows 1;
create or alter view v_random_find_non_paid_invoice as
-- 09.09.2014. Used in dynamic SQL in sp_get_random_id, see SP_PAYMENT_COMMON
-- Source for random choose document of accepted invoice (optype=2100)
-- which still has some cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
-- Introduced instead of v_p`distr_non_paid_realization to avoid scans doc_list
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 2100 -- fn_oper_invoice_add()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 4000 -- fn_oper_pay_to_supplier()
create or alter view v_min_non_paid_invoice as
-- 09.09.2014: source for fast get min snd_id (==> doc_list.id) before making
-- random choise of accepted invoice (optype=2100) which still has some
-- cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 2100 -- fn_oper_invoice_add()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 4000 -- fn_oper_pay_to_supplier()
order by
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_non_paid_invoice as
-- 09.09.2014: source for fast get MAX snd_id (==> doc_list.id) before making
-- random choise of accepted invoice (optype=2100) which still has some
-- cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 2100 -- fn_oper_invoice_add()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 4000 -- fn_oper_pay_to_supplier()
order by
p.snd_optype_id desc, p.rcv_optype_id desc, p.snd_id desc
rows 1
create or alter view v_random_find_non_paid_realizn as
-- 09.09.2014. Used in dynamic SQL in sp_get_random_id, see SP_PAYMENT_COMMON
-- Source for random choose document of written-off realization (optype=3400)
-- which still has some cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
-- Introduced instead of v_p`distr_non_paid_realization to avoid scans doc_list
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 3400 -- fn_oper_retail_realization()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 5000 -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer()
create or alter view v_min_non_paid_realizn as
-- 09.09.2014: source for fast get min snd_id (==> doc_list.id) before making
-- random choise of written-off realization (optype=3400) which still has some
-- cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 3400 -- fn_oper_retail_realization()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 5000 -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer()
order by
rows 1
create or alter view v_max_non_paid_realizn as
-- 09.09.2014: source for fast get MAX snd_id (==> doc_list.id) before making
-- random choise of written-off realization (optype=3400) which still has some
-- cost to be paid (==> has records in PDistr)
select p.snd_id as id -- this value match doc_list.id
from pdistr p
p.snd_optype_id = 3400 -- fn_oper_retail_realization()
and p.rcv_optype_id = 5000 -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer()
order by
p.snd_optype_id desc, p.rcv_optype_id desc, p.snd_id desc
rows 1
create or alter view v_saldo_invnt as
-- 21.04.2014
-- ::: NB ::: this view can return NEGATIVE remainders in qty_xxx
-- if parallel attaches call of sp_make_invnt_saldo
-- (because of deleting rows in invnt_turnover_log in this SP)
-- !!! look at table INVNT_SALDO for actual remainders !!!
,sum(o.m_qty_clo * ng.qty_diff) qty_clo
,sum(o.m_qty_clr * ng.qty_diff) qty_clr
,sum(o.m_qty_ord * ng.qty_diff) qty_ord
,sum(o.m_qty_sup * ng.qty_diff) qty_sup
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) qty_avl
,sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_res
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.qty_diff) qty_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.qty_diff) qty_out
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) cost_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_out
-- amount "on hand" as it seen by accounter:
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) + sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_acn
-- total cost "on hand" in purchasing prices:
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) - sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_acn
from invnt_turnover_log ng
join optypes o on ng.optype_id + 0 = o.id + 0 -- ==> for 3.0 only: hash join, reduce number of`optypes` scans!
group by 1
create or alter view v_doc_detailed as
-- Used in all app unit for returning final resultset to client.
-- Also very useful for debugging
h.id doc_id,
o.mcode as oper,
d.id doc_data_id,
coalesce(d.cost_purchase, h.cost_purchase) cost_purchase, -- cost in purchase price
coalesce(d.cost_retail, h.cost_retail) cost_retail, -- cost in retail price
n.qty_clo, -- amount of ORDERED by customer (which we not yet sent to supplier)
n.qty_clr, -- amount of REFUSED by customer
n.qty_ord, -- amount that we have already sent to supplier
n.qty_sup, -- amount in invoices of supplier, in <open> state
n.qty_inc, -- amount of incomings (when invoices were added)
n.qty_avl, -- amount avaliable to be sold (usially - due to refused client orders)
n.qty_res, -- amount in reserve to be sold to customer
n.qty_out, -- amount of written-off
n.cost_inc, -- total cost of incomes, in purchase prices
n.cost_out, -- total cost of outgoings, in purchase prices
s.mcode state
from doc_list h
join optypes o on h.optype_id = o.id
join doc_states s on h.state_id=s.id
left join doc_data d on h.id = d.doc_id
-- ::: NB ::: do NOT remove "left" from here otherwise performance will degrade
-- (FB will not push predicate inside view; 22.04.2014)
LEFT join v_saldo_invnt n on d.ware_id=n.ware_id
--left join sp_saldo_invnt(d.ware_id) n on 1=1 -- speed
-- ### v i e w s f o r m o n i t o r g a t h e r e d d a t a ####
-- Following views are used in 'oltp_isql_run_worker.bat' during its first
-- launched ISQL session makes final report. These views will contain data
-- only when config parameter mon_unit_perf=1.
create or alter view z_mon_stat_per_units as
-- 29.08.2014: data from measuring statistics per each unit
-- (need FB rev. >= 60013: new mon$ counters were introduced, 28.08.2014)
-- 25.01.2015: added rec_locks, rec_confl.
-- 06.02.2015: reorder columns, made all `max` values most-right
,count(*) iter_counts
-------------- speed -------------
,avg(m.elapsed_ms) avg_elap_ms
,avg(1000.00 * ( (m.rec_seq_reads + m.rec_idx_reads + m.bkv_reads ) / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_rec_reads_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( (m.rec_inserts + m.rec_updates + m.rec_deletes ) / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_rec_dmls_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_backouts / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_bkos_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_purges / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_purg_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_expunges / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_xpng_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_fetches / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_fetches_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_marks / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_marks_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_reads / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_reads_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_writes / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_writes_sec
-------------- reads ---------------
,avg(m.rec_seq_reads) avg_seq
,avg(m.rec_idx_reads) avg_idx
,avg(m.rec_rpt_reads) avg_rpt
,avg(m.bkv_reads) avg_bkv
,avg(m.frg_reads) avg_frg
,avg(m.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_bkv_per_rec
,avg(m.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_frg_per_rec
---------- modifications ----------
,avg(m.rec_inserts) avg_ins
,avg(m.rec_updates) avg_upd
,avg(m.rec_deletes) avg_del
,avg(m.rec_backouts) avg_bko
,avg(m.rec_purges) avg_pur
,avg(m.rec_expunges) avg_exp
--------------- io -----------------
,avg(m.pg_fetches) avg_fetches
,avg(m.pg_marks) avg_marks
,avg(m.pg_reads) avg_reads
,avg(m.pg_writes) avg_writes
----------- locks and conflicts ----------
,avg(m.rec_locks) avg_locks
,avg(m.rec_confl) avg_confl
,datediff( minute from min(m.dts) to max(m.dts) ) workload_minutes
--- 06.02.2015 moved here all MAX values, separate them from AVG ones: ---
,max(m.rec_seq_reads) max_seq
,max(m.rec_idx_reads) max_idx
,max(m.rec_rpt_reads) max_rpt
,max(m.bkv_reads) max_bkv
,max(m.frg_reads) max_frg
,max(m.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_bkv_per_rec
,max(m.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_frg_per_rec
,max(m.rec_inserts) max_ins
,max(m.rec_updates) max_upd
,max(m.rec_deletes) max_del
,max(m.rec_backouts) max_bko
,max(m.rec_purges) max_pur
,max(m.rec_expunges) max_exp
,max(m.pg_fetches) max_fetches
,max(m.pg_marks) max_marks
,max(m.pg_reads) max_reads
,max(m.pg_writes) max_writes
,max(m.rec_locks) max_locks
,max(m.rec_confl) max_confl
from mon_log m
group by unit
create or alter view z_mon_stat_per_tables
-- 29.08.2014: data from measuring statistics per each unit+table
-- (new table MON$TABLE_STATS required, see srv_fill_mon, srv_fill_tmp_mon)
-- 25.01.2015: added rec_locks, rec_confl;
-- ::: do NOT add `bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt` and `frg_per_seq_idx_rpt` into WHERE
-- clause with check sum > 0, because they can be NULL, see DDL!
-- 06.02.2015: reorder columns, made all `max` values most-right
,count(*) iter_counts
--------------- reads ---------------
,avg(t.rec_seq_reads) avg_seq
,avg(t.rec_idx_reads) avg_idx
,avg(t.rec_rpt_reads) avg_rpt
,avg(t.bkv_reads) avg_bkv
,avg(t.frg_reads) avg_frg
,avg(t.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_bkv_per_rec
,avg(t.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_frg_per_rec
---------- modifications ----------
,avg(t.rec_inserts) avg_ins
,avg(t.rec_updates) avg_upd
,avg(t.rec_deletes) avg_del
,avg(t.rec_backouts) avg_bko
,avg(t.rec_purges) avg_pur
,avg(t.rec_expunges) avg_exp
----------- locks and conflicts ----------
,avg(t.rec_locks) avg_locks
,avg(t.rec_confl) avg_confl
,datediff( minute from min(t.dts) to max(t.dts) ) elapsed_minutes
--- 06.02.2015 moved here all MAX values, separate them from AVG ones: ---
,max(t.rec_seq_reads) max_seq
,max(t.rec_idx_reads) max_idx
,max(t.rec_rpt_reads) max_rpt
,max(t.bkv_reads) max_bkv
,max(t.frg_reads) max_frg
,max(t.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_bkv_per_rec
,max(t.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_frg_per_rec
,max(t.rec_inserts) max_ins
,max(t.rec_updates) max_upd
,max(t.rec_deletes) max_del
,max(t.rec_backouts) max_bko
,max(t.rec_purges) max_pur
,max(t.rec_expunges) max_exp
,max(t.rec_locks) max_locks
,max(t.rec_confl) max_confl
from mon_log_table_stats t
+ t.rec_idx_reads
+ t.rec_rpt_reads
+ t.bkv_reads
+ t.frg_reads
+ t.rec_inserts
+ t.rec_updates
+ t.rec_deletes
+ t.rec_backouts
+ t.rec_purges
+ t.rec_expunges
+ t.rec_locks
+ t.rec_confl
> 0
group by t.table_name,t.unit
create or alter view z_estimated_perf_per_minute as
-- Do NOT delete! 28.10.2015.
-- This view is used in oltp_isql_run_worker.bat (.sh) when it creates final report.
-- Table PERF_ESTIMATED is filled up by temply created .sql which scans log
-- of 1st ISQL session (which, in turn, makes final report). This log contains
-- rows like this:
-- - where 1st number is estimated performance value and 2nd is datediff(minute)
-- from test start to the moment when each business transaction SUCCESSFULLY finished.
-- Data in this view is performance value in *dynamic* but with detalization per
-- ONE minute, from time when all ISQL sessions start (rather then all other reports
-- which make starting point after database was warmed up).
-- This report can help to find proper value of warm-time in oltpNN_config.
,avg(e.success_count) avg_estimated
,min(e.success_count) / nullif(avg(e.success_count), 0) min_to_avg_ratio
,max(e.success_count) / nullif(avg(e.success_count), 0) max_to_avg_ratio
,count(e.success_count) rows_aggregated
,count(distinct e.att_id) distinct_attachments -- 22.12.2015: helps to ensure that all ISQL sessions were alive in every minute of test work time
from perf_estimated e
where e.minute_since_test_start>0
group by e.minute_since_test_start
--###################### d e b u g v i e w s ############################
create or alter view z_current_test_settings as
-- This view is used in 1run_oltp_emulbat (.sh) to display current settings before test run.
-- Do NOT delete it!
select s.mcode as setting_name, s.svalue as setting_value, 'init' as stype
from settings s
where s.working_mode='INIT' and s.mcode='WORKING_MODE'
select '--- Detalization for WORKING_MODE: ---' as setting_name, '' as setting_value, 'inf1' as stype
from rdb$database
select ' ' || t.mcode as setting_name, t.svalue as setting_value, 'mode' as stype
from settings s
join settings t on s.svalue=t.working_mode
where s.working_mode='INIT' and s.mcode='WORKING_MODE'
select '--- Main test settings: ---' as setting_name, '' as setting_value, 'inf2' as stype
from rdb$database
select setting_name, setting_value, 'main' as stype
from (
select ' ' || s.mcode as setting_name, s.svalue as setting_value
from settings s
and s.mcode
in (
order by setting_name
) x
create or alter view z_settings_pivot as
-- vivid show of all workload settings (pivot rows to separate columns
-- for each important kind of setting). Currently selected workload mode
-- is marked by '*' and displayed in UPPER case, all other - in lower.
-- The change these settings open oltp_main_filling.sql and find EB
-- with 'v_insert_settings_statement' variable
iif(s.working_mode=c.svalue,'* '||upper(s.working_mode), lower(s.working_mode) ) as working_mode
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_wares_max_id'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as wares_cnt
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_customer_doc_max_rows'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as cust_max_rows
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_supplier_doc_max_rows'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as supp_max_rows
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_customer_doc_max_qty'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as cust_max_qty
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_supplier_doc_max_qty'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as supp_max_qty
,cast(max( iif(mcode = upper('c_number_of_agents'), s.svalue, null ) ) as int) as agents_cnt
from settings s
left join (select s.svalue from settings s where s.mcode='working_mode') c on s.working_mode=c.svalue
where s.mcode
in (
group by s.working_mode, c.svalue
order by
iif(s.working_mode starting with 'DEBUG', 0,
iif(s.working_mode starting with 'SMALL', 1,
iif(s.working_mode starting with 'MEDIUM', 2,
iif(s.working_mode starting with 'LARGE', 3,
iif(s.working_mode starting with 'HEAVY', 5,
null) ) ) ) )
nulls last
create or alter view z_qd_indices_ddl as
-- This view is used in 1run_oltp_emulbat (.sh) to display current DDL of QDistr xor XQD* indices.
-- Do NOT delete it!
with recursive
r as (
ri.rdb$relation_name tab_name
,ri.rdb$index_name idx_name
,rs.rdb$field_name fld_name
,rs.rdb$field_position fld_pos
,cast( trim(rs.rdb$field_name) as varchar(512)) as idx_key
from rdb$indices ri
join rdb$index_segments rs using ( rdb$index_name )
left join (
select cast(t.svalue as int) as svalue
from settings t
where t.working_mode='COMMON' and t.mcode='BUILD_WITH_SPLIT_HEAVY_TABS'
) t on 1=1
rs.rdb$field_position = 0
and (
t.svalue = 0 and trim( ri.rdb$relation_name ) is not distinct from 'QDISTR'
t.svalue = 1 and trim( ri.rdb$relation_name ) starts with 'XQD_'
,r.idx_key || ',' || trim(rs.rdb$field_name)
from r
join rdb$indices ri
on r.idx_name = ri.rdb$index_name
join rdb$index_segments rs
ri.rdb$index_name = rs.rdb$index_name
and r.fld_pos +1 = rs.rdb$field_position
select r.tab_name, r.idx_name, max(r.idx_key) as idx_key
from r
group by r.tab_name, r.idx_name
create or alter view z_halt_log as -- upd 28.09.2014
select p.id, p.fb_gdscode, p.unit, p.trn_id, p.dump_trn, p.att_id, p.exc_unit, p.info, p.ip, p.dts_beg, e.fb_mnemona, p.exc_info,p.stack
from perf_log p
join (
select g.trn_id, g.fb_gdscode
from perf_log g
-- 335544558 check_constraint Operation violates CHECK constraint @1 on view or table @2.
-- 335544347 not_valid Validation error for column @1, value "@2".
-- if table has unique constraint: 335544665 unique_key_violation (violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint "T1_XY" on table "T1")
-- if table has only unique index: 335544349 no_dup (attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "T2_XY")
where g.fb_gdscode in ( 0 -- 3.0 SC trouble, core-4565 (gdscode can come in when-section with value = 0!)
,335544347, 335544558 -- not_valid or viol. of check constr.
,335544665, 335544349 -- viol. of UNQ constraint or just unq. index (without binding to unq constr)
,335544466 -- viol. of FOREIGN KEY constraint @1 on table @2
,335544838 -- Foreign key reference target does not exist (when attempt to ins/upd in DETAIL table FK-field with value which doesn`t exists in PARENT)
,335544839 -- Foreign key references are present for the record (when attempt to upd/del in PARENT table PK-field and rows in DETAIL (no-cascaded!) exists for old value)
group by 1,2
) g
on p.trn_id = g.trn_id
left join fb_errors e on p.fb_gdscode = e.fb_gdscode
order by p.id
create or alter view z_agents_tunrover_saldo as
-- 4 misc reports and debug, do not delete: agent turnovers and sums; only in 3.0
m.agent_id, m.doc_id, o.mcode, o.acn_type
,o.m_supp_debt * m.cost_purchase vol_supp
,o.m_cust_debt * m.cost_retail vol_cust
,sum(o.m_supp_debt * m.cost_purchase)over(partition by m.agent_id) sum_supp
,sum(o.m_cust_debt * m.cost_retail )over(partition by m.agent_id) sum_cust
from money_turnover_log m
join optypes o on m.optype_id = o.id
-- create or alter view z_mon_stat_per_units ==> moved in 'oltp_misc_debug.sql'
-- create or alter view z_mon_stat_per_tables ==> moved in 'oltp_misc_debug.sql'
-- ######################## T R I G G E R S ################################
set term ^;
-- not needed in 3.0, see DDL of their `ID` field ('generated as identity'):
--create or alter trigger wares_bi for wares active
--before insert position 0
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common, 1) );
--create or alter trigger phrases_bi for phrases active
--before insert position 0
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common, 1) );
--create or alter trigger agents_bi for agents active
--before insert position 0
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common, 1) );
--create or alter trigger invnt_saldo_bi for invnt_saldo active
--before insert position 0
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common, 1) );
create or alter trigger money_turnover_log_bi for money_turnover_log active before insert position 0 as
new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common, 1) ); -- new.id is NOT null for all docs except payments
^ -- money_turnover_log_bi
create or alter trigger perf_log_bi for perf_log active before insert position 0 as
new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_perf_log, 1) );
^ -- perf_log_bi
-- not needed in 3.0, see DDL of their `ID` field ('generated as identity'):
--create or alter trigger pdistr_bi for pdistr
--active before insert position 0 as
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common,1));
--^ -- pdistr_bi
--create or alter trigger pstorned_bi for pstorned
--active before insert position 0 as
-- new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common,1));
--^ -- pstorned_bi
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter trigger doc_list_biud for doc_list
active before insert or update or delete position 0
declare v_msg dm_info = '';
declare v_info dm_info = '';
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'doc_list_biud';
declare v_affects_on_inventory_balance smallint;
declare v_old_op type of dm_idb;
declare v_new_op type of dm_idb;
if ( inserting ) then
new.id = coalesce(new.id, gen_id(g_common,1));
v_info = 'dh='|| iif(not inserting, old.id, new.id)
|| ', op='||iif(inserting,'INS',iif(updating,'UPD','DEL'))
|| iif(not inserting, ' old='||old.optype_id, '')
|| iif(not deleting, ' new='||new.optype_id, '');
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log( 1, v_this, null, v_info );
if (inserting) then
new.state_id = coalesce(new.state_id, fn_doc_open_state());
-- 'i'=incoming; 'o' = outgoing; 's' = payment to supplier; 'c' = payment from customer
new.acn_type = (select o.acn_type from optypes o where o.id = new.optype_id);
v_msg = v_msg || ' new.id='||new.id||', acn_type='||coalesce(new.acn_type,'<?>');
if ( not deleting ) then
if ( new.state_id <> fn_doc_open_state() ) then
new.dts_fix = coalesce(new.dts_fix, 'now');
new.dts_clos = iif( new.state_id in( fn_doc_clos_state(), fn_doc_canc_state() ), 'now', null);
if ( new.state_id = fn_doc_open_state() ) then -- 31.03.2014
new.dts_fix = null;
new.dts_clos = null;
v_msg = v_msg || ' doc='||old.id||', op='||old.optype_id;
-- add to invnt_turnover_log
-- rows that are 'totalled' in doc_data when make doc content in sp_create_doc_using_fifo
-- (there are multiple rows from qdistr and multiple calls to sp_add_doc_data for each one)
v_old_op=iif(inserting, null, old.optype_id);
v_new_op=iif(deleting, null, new.optype_id);
select max(maxvalue(abs(o.m_qty_clo), abs(o.m_qty_clr), abs(o.m_qty_ord), abs(o.m_qty_sup), abs(o.m_qty_avl), abs(o.m_qty_res))) q_mult_abs_max
from optypes o
where o.id in( :v_old_op, :v_new_op )
into v_affects_on_inventory_balance;
-- 20.09.2014 1825: remove calls of s`p_add_invnt_log to SPs (reduce scans of doc_data)
-- 16.09.2014: moved here from d`oc_data_biud:
if ( v_affects_on_inventory_balance > 0 and (deleting or updating and new.optype_id is distinct from old.optype_id) )
execute procedure sp_kill_qty_storno(
iif( deleting, null, new.optype_id),
iif( updating, 1, 0),
iif( deleting, 1, 0)
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null,v_msg);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'error in '||v_this,
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- doc_list_biud
create or alter trigger doc_list_aiud for doc_list
active after insert or update or delete position 0
declare v_affects_on_monetary_balance smallint;
declare v_affects_on_inventory_balance smallint;
declare v_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_old_op type of dm_idb;
declare v_new_op type of dm_idb;
declare v_old_mult type of dm_sign = null;
declare v_new_mult type of dm_sign = null;
declare v_affects_on_customer_saldo smallint;
declare v_affects_on_supplier_saldo smallint;
declare v_oper_changing_cust_saldo type of dm_idb;
declare v_oper_changing_supp_saldo type of dm_idb;
declare v_cost_diff type of dm_cost;
declare v_msg type of dm_info = '';
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'doc_list_aiud';
declare v_catch_bitset bigint;
-- AFTER trigger on master table (THIS) will fired BEFORE any triggers on detail (doc_data)!
-- www.sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1081231&msg=15685218
v_affects_on_monetary_balance = 1;
v_affects_on_inventory_balance = 1;
v_doc_id=iif(deleting, old.id, new.id);
v_old_op=iif(inserting, null, old.optype_id);
v_new_op=iif(deleting, null, new.optype_id);
v_msg = 'dh='|| iif(not inserting, old.id, new.id)
|| ', op='||iif(inserting,'INS',iif(updating,'UPD','DEL'))
|| iif(not inserting, ' old='||old.optype_id, '')
|| iif(not deleting, ' new='||new.optype_id, '');
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log( 1, v_this , null, v_msg );
iif(m_cust_4old<>0, m_cust_4old, m_supp_4old), -- they are mutually excluded: only ONE can be <> 0
iif(m_cust_4new<>0, m_cust_4new, m_supp_4new), -- they are mutually excluded: only ONE can be <> 0
iif(m_cust_4old<>0, v_old_op, iif(m_cust_4new<>0, v_new_op, 0)) v_oper_changing_cust_saldo,
iif(m_supp_4old<>0, v_old_op, iif(m_supp_4new<>0, v_new_op, 0)) v_oper_changing_supp_saldo,
iif(m_cust_4old<>0 or m_cust_4new<>0, 1, 0) v_affects_on_customer_saldo,
iif(m_supp_4old<>0 or m_supp_4new<>0, 1, 0) v_affects_on_supplier_saldo,
max(iif(o.id=:v_old_op, o.m_cust_debt, null)) m_cust_4old,
max(iif(o.id=:v_old_op, o.m_supp_debt, null)) m_supp_4old,
max(iif(o.id=:v_new_op, o.m_cust_debt, null)) m_cust_4new,
max(iif(o.id=:v_new_op, o.m_supp_debt, null)) m_supp_4new,
max(iif(o.id=:v_old_op, :v_old_op, null)) v_old_op,
max(iif(o.id=:v_new_op, :v_new_op, null)) v_new_op,
max(maxvalue(abs(o.m_qty_clo), abs(o.m_qty_clr), abs(o.m_qty_ord), abs(o.m_qty_sup), abs(o.m_qty_avl), abs(o.m_qty_res))) q_mult_abs_max
from optypes o
where o.id in( :v_old_op, :v_new_op )
if ( v_affects_on_inventory_balance > 0
inserting and new.cost_purchase > 0
and ( new.cost_purchase is distinct from old.cost_purchase
new.optype_id is distinct from old.optype_id
or deleting
) then
v_catch_bitset = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET') as bigint);
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 1 ) <> 0 ) then
-- check that number of rows in qdistr+qstorned exactly equals
-- add to perf_log row with exc. info about mismatch, gds=335544558
execute procedure srv_find_qd_qs_mism( iif(deleting, old.id, new.id), iif(deleting, :v_old_op, :v_new_op), iif(deleting, 1, 0) );
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 2 ) <> 0 ) then
--execute procedure srv_catch_neg_remainders( new.ware_id, new.optype_id, new.doc_list_id, new.doc_data_id, new.qty_diff );
execute procedure srv_check_neg_remainders( iif(deleting, old.id, new.id), iif(deleting, :v_old_op, :v_new_op) );
if ( coalesce(v_old_mult,0)=0 and coalesce(v_new_mult,0)=0
) then -- this op does NOT affect on MONETARY turnovers (of customer or supplier)
v_affects_on_monetary_balance = 0;
if ( v_affects_on_monetary_balance <> 0 ) then
if (
new.cost_purchase is distinct from old.cost_purchase
new.cost_retail is distinct from old.cost_retail
then -- creating new doc or deleting it
if ( v_oper_changing_cust_saldo <> 0 or v_oper_changing_supp_saldo <> 0 ) then
if ( inserting or updating ) then
if ( v_oper_changing_cust_saldo <> 0 ) then
v_cost_diff = new.cost_retail - iif(inserting, 0, old.cost_retail);
v_cost_diff = new.cost_purchase - iif(inserting, 0, old.cost_purchase);
-- 1: add rows for v_cost_diff for being storned further
execute procedure sp_multiply_rows_for_pdistr(
-- 2: storn old docs by v_cost_diff ( fn_oper_pay_to_supplier, fn_oper_pay_from_customer )
execute procedure sp_make_cost_storno( new.id, :v_new_op, new.agent_id, :v_cost_diff );
end -- ins or upd
else --- deleting in doc_list
-- return back records from pstorned to pdistr
-- ::: nb ::: use MERGE instead of insert because partial
-- cost storning (when move PART of cost from pdistr to pstorned)
execute procedure sp_kill_cost_storno( old.id );
end -- deleting
end -- v_oper_changing_cust_saldo<>0 or v_oper_changing_supp_saldo<>0
------------------- add to money_turnover_log ----------------------
execute procedure sp_add_money_log(
iif(not deleting, new.id, old.id),
0, -- v_old_mult,
0, -- old.agent_id,
0, -- v_old_op,
0, -- old.cost_purchase,
0, -- old.cost_retail,
1, -- v_new_mult,
iif(not deleting, new.agent_id, old.agent_id),
iif(not deleting, new.optype_id, old.optype_id), --v_new_op,
iif(not deleting, new.cost_purchase - coalesce(old.cost_purchase,0), -old.cost_purchase), -- new.cost_purchase,
iif(not deleting, new.cost_retail - coalesce(old.cost_retail,0), - old.cost_retail) -- new.cost_retail
-- ########################################
else -- cost_purchase and cost_retail - the same (sp_add_invoice_to_stock; sp_reserve_write_off; s`p_cancel_adding_invoice; s`p_cancel_write_off)
-- ########################################
if (updating) then
if ( --new.agent_id is distinct from old.agent_id -- todo later, not implemented yet
new.optype_id is distinct from old.optype_id
) then
if ( v_oper_changing_cust_saldo <> 0 or v_oper_changing_supp_saldo <> 0 ) then
if ( v_new_op in (v_oper_changing_cust_saldo, v_oper_changing_supp_saldo) ) then
-- F O R W A R D operation: sp_add_invoice_to_stock; sp_reserve_write_off
v_cost_diff = iif( v_oper_changing_cust_saldo <> 0, new.cost_retail, new.cost_purchase );
-- 1: add rows for rest of cost for being storned by further docs
execute procedure sp_multiply_rows_for_pdistr(
-- 2: storn old docs by v_cost_diff (sp_add_invoice_to_stock; sp_reserve_write_off)
execute procedure sp_make_cost_storno( new.id, :v_new_op, new.agent_id, :v_cost_diff );
else -- R E V E R T operation: s`p_cancel_adding_invoice, s`p_cancel_write_off
-- AFTER trigger on master table (THIS) will fired BEFORE any triggers on detail (doc_data)!
-- http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1081231&msg=15685218
-- return back records from pstorned to pdistr
-- ::: nb ::: use MERGE instead of insert because partial
-- cost storning (when move PART of cost from pdistr to pstorned)
execute procedure sp_kill_cost_storno( old.id );
end -- v_new_op in (v_oper_changing_cust_saldo, v_oper_changing_supp_saldo) ==> true / false
end -- ( v_oper_changing_cust_saldo <> 0 or v_oper_changing_supp_saldo <> 0 )
------------------- add to money_turnover_log ----------------------
execute procedure sp_add_money_log(
end -- changes occur in agent_id or optype_id
end -- updating
end -- v_affects_on_monetary_balance <> 0
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'error in '||v_this,
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- doc_list_aiud
set term ;^
set term ^;
-- NOTE: currently tis trigger is created with INactive state.
-- It will be Active at the end of all database building process, see 'oltp_data_filling.sql'
create or alter trigger trg_connect inactive on connect as
execute procedure sp_init_ctx;
if ( rdb$get_context ('SYSTEM', 'NETWORK_PROTOCOL') is null ) then
insert into perf_log(unit, info )
values( 'trg_connect', 'attach using NON-TCP protocol' );
^ -- trg_connect
set term ;^
-- #################### C O R E P R O C s a n d F U N C s ##########
set term ^;
create or alter procedure sp_add_doc_list(
a_gen_id type of dm_idb, -- preliminary obtained from sequence (used in s`p_make_qty_storno)
a_optype_id type of dm_idb,
a_agent_id type of dm_idb,
a_new_state type of dm_idb default null,
a_base_doc_id type of dm_idb default null, -- need only for customer reserve which linked to client order
a_new_cost_purchase type of dm_cost default 0,
a_new_cost_retail type of dm_cost default 0
) returns(
id dm_idb,
dbkey dm_dbkey
-- add single record into doc_list (document header)
insert into doc_list(
id, -- 06.09.2014 2200
coalesce(:a_gen_id, gen_id(g_common,1)),
returning id, rdb$db_key
into id, dbkey;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO','doc='||id||': created Ok'); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat (debug)
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION','INIT_DATA_POP') = 1 )
then -- now we only run INITIAL data filling, see 1run_oltp_emul.bat
-- 18.07.2014: added gen_id to analyze in init data populate script,
-- see 1run_oltp_emul.bat
id = id + 0 * gen_id(g_init_pop, 1);
^ -- sp_add_doc_list
create or alter procedure sp_add_doc_data(
a_doc_id dm_idb,
a_optype_id dm_idb,
a_gen_dd_id dm_idb, -- preliminary calculated ID for new record in doc_data (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
a_gen_nt_id dm_idb, -- preliminary calculated ID for new record in invnt_turnover_log (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
a_ware_id dm_idb,
a_qty type of dm_qty,
a_cost_purchase type of dm_cost,
a_cost_retail type of dm_cost
) returns(
id dm_idb,
dbkey dm_dbkey
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_add_doc_data';
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
-- uncomment if need analyze perormance in mon_log tables
-- + update settings set svalue=',sp_make_qty_storno,sp_add_doc_data,pdetl_add,' where mcode='TRACED_UNITS';
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, 'a_gen_dd_id='||trim(coalesce(a_gen_dd_id||'=>ins','null'))||', a_dbkey: '||trim(iif(a_dbkey is null,'isNull','hasVal=>upd')) );
-- insert single record into doc_data
-- :: NB :: update & "if row_count = 0 ? => insert" is much effective
-- then insert & "when uniq_violation ? => update" (no backouts, less fetches)
if ( a_gen_dd_id is NOT null ) then
insert into doc_data(
returning id, rdb$db_key into id, dbkey;
update doc_data t set
t.qty = t.qty + :a_qty,
t.cost_purchase = t.cost_purchase + :a_cost_purchase,
t.cost_retail = t.cost_retail + :a_cost_retail,
t.dts_edit = 'now'
where t.doc_id = :a_doc_id and t.ware_id = :a_ware_id
returning t.id, t.rdb$db_key into id, dbkey;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
insert into doc_data( doc_id, ware_id, qty, cost_purchase, cost_retail, dts_edit)
values( :a_doc_id, :a_ware_id, :a_qty, :a_cost_purchase, :a_cost_retail, 'now')
returning id, rdb$db_key into id, dbkey;
-- 20.09.2014: move here from trigger on doc_list
-- (reduce scans of doc_data)
if ( :a_qty <> 0 ) then
insert into invnt_turnover_log(
) values (
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
-- uncomment if need analyze perormance in mon_log tables:
--execute procedure sp_add_to_perf_log(v_this,null,'out: id='||id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'out: id='||coalesce(id,'<null>'),
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_add_doc_data
create or alter function fn_get_random_quantity(
a_ctx_max_name dm_ctxnv
returns dm_qty as
declare v_min double precision;
declare v_max double precision;
v_min = 0.5;
v_max = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION',a_ctx_max_name) as int) + 0.5;
return cast( v_min + rand()* (v_max - v_min) as int);
^ -- fn_get_random_quantity
create or alter function fn_get_random_cost(
a_ctx_min_name dm_ctxnv,
a_ctx_max_name dm_ctxnv,
a_make_check_before smallint default 1
returns dm_cost as
declare v_min double precision;
declare v_max double precision;
if (a_make_check_before = 1) then
execute procedure sp_check_ctx(
v_min = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION',a_ctx_min_name) as int) - 0.5;
v_max = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION',a_ctx_max_name) as int) + 0.5;
return cast( v_min + rand()* (v_max - v_min) as dm_cost);
^ -- fn_get_random_cost
create or alter function fn_get_random_customer returns bigint as
return (select id_selected from sp_get_random_id('v_all_customers', null, null, 0) );
create or alter function fn_get_random_supplier returns bigint as
return (select id_selected from sp_get_random_id('v_all_suppliers', null, null, 0) );
^ -- fn_get_random_customer
create or alter procedure sp_make_qty_storno(
a_optype_id dm_idb
,a_agent_id dm_idb
,a_state_id type of dm_idb default null
,a_client_order_id type of dm_idb default null
,a_rows_in_shopcart int default null
,a_qsum_in_shopcart dm_qty default null
returns (
doc_list_id bigint
declare c_gen_inc_step_qd int = 100; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for QDistr (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_qd int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_qd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_qd dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_qd)
declare c_gen_inc_step_dd int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for doc_data (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_dd int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_dd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_dd dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_dd)
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for invnt_turnover_log (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_dd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_dd)
declare v_inserting_table dm_dbobj;
declare v_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_curr_tx bigint;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_dh_new_id bigint;
declare v_dd_new_id bigint;
declare v_nt_new_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_dd_clo_id dm_idb;
declare v_doc_data_purchase_sum dm_cost;
declare v_doc_data_retail_sum dm_cost;
declare v_doc_list_purchase_sum dm_cost;
declare v_doc_list_retail_sum dm_cost;
declare v_doc_list_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_rows_added int;
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
declare v_qty_storned_acc type of dm_qty;
declare v_qty_required type of dm_qty;
declare v_qty_could_storn type of dm_qty;
declare v_snd_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_next_rcv_op type of dm_idb;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_make_qty_storno';
declare v_call dm_dbobj;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_rows int = 0;
declare v_lock int = 0;
declare v_skip int = 0;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_sign dm_sign;
declare v_cq_id dm_idb;
declare v_cq_snd_list_id dm_idb;
declare v_cq_snd_data_id dm_idb;
declare v_cq_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_cq_snd_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_cq_snd_retail dm_cost;
declare v_cq_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_cq_rcv_optype_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_cq_trn_id dm_idb;
declare v_cq_dts timestamp;
declare c_shop_cart cursor for (
from (
cast(null as dm_idb) as dd_clo_id, -- 22.09.2014
from tmp$shopping_cart c
c.snd_id, -- 22.09.2014, for clo_res
from tmp$shopping_cart c
INNER join rules_for_qdistr r
on :a_client_order_id is NOT null
-- only in 3.0: hash join (todo: check perf when NL, create indices)
and c.rcv_optype_id + 0 = r.rcv_optype_id + 0 -- PLAN HASH (R NATURAL, C NATURAL)
and r.storno_sub = 2
) u
order by id, storno_sub
-- 22.09.2014: two separate cursors for diff storno_sub
declare c_make_amount_distr_1 cursor for (
,q.doc_id as snd_list_id
,q.snd_id as snd_data_id
-- 'v_qdistr_source_1' initially this is one-to-one projection of 'QDistr' table.
-- But it can be replaced with 'AUTOGEN_QDnnnn' when config create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1.
from v_qdistr_source_1 q
q.ware_id = :v_ware_id -- find invoices to be storned storning by new customer reserve, and all other ops except storning client orders
and q.snd_optype_id = :v_snd_optype_id
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
order by
+ 0 -- handle docs in FIFO order
,:v_sign * q.id -- attempt to reduce locks: odd and even Tx handles rows in opposite manner (for the same doc) thus have a chance do not encounter locked rows at all
declare c_make_amount_distr_2 cursor for (
,q.doc_id as snd_list_id
,q.snd_id as snd_data_id
-- 'v_qdistr_source_2' initially this is one-to-one projection of 'QDistr' table.
-- But it can be replaced with 'AUTOGEN_QD1000' when config create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1.
from v_qdistr_source_2 q
q.ware_id = :v_ware_id -- find client orders to be storned by new customer reserve
and q.snd_optype_id = :v_snd_optype_id
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id
and q.snd_id = :v_dd_clo_id
order by
+ 0 -- handle docs in FIFO order
,:v_sign * q.id -- attempt to reduce locks: odd and even Tx handles rows in opposite manner (for the same doc) thus have a chance do not encounter locked rows at all
-- Issue about QDistr & QStorned: for each SINGLE record from doc_data with
-- qty=<N> table QDistr initially contains <N> DIFFERENT records (if no storning
-- yet occur for that amount from doc_data).
-- Each storning takes off some records from this set and "moves" them into
-- table QStorned. This SP *does* such storning.
-- Performs attempt to make distribution of AMOUNTS which were added to "sender" docs
-- and then 'multiplied' (added in QDISTR table) using "value-to-rows"
-- algorithm in sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr. If some row is locked now,
-- SUPRESS exc`eption and skip to next one. If required amount can NOT
-- be satisfied, it will be reduced (in tmp$shopping_cart) or even REMOVED
-- at all from tmp$shopping_cart (without raising exc: we must minimize them)
-- ::: NB :::
-- Method: "try_to_lock_src => upd_confl ? skip : {ins_target & del_in_src}"
-- is more than 3 times FASTER than: "ins_tgt => uniq_viol ? skip : del_in_src"
-- (see benchmark in letter to dimitr 26.08.2014 13:00)
-- 01.09.2014: refactored, remove cursor on doc_data (huge values of IDX_READS!)
-- 02.09.2014: move here code block from sp_create_doc_using_fifo, further reduce scans of doc_data
-- 06.09.2014: doc_data: 3 idx_reads per each unique ware_id (one here, two in SP s`rv_find_qd_qs_mism)
select r.rcv_optype_id
from rules_for_qdistr r
where r.snd_optype_id = :a_optype_id
into v_next_rcv_op;
v_call = v_this;
-- doc_list.id must be defined PRELIMINARY, before cursor that handles with qdistr:
v_dh_new_id = gen_id(g_common, 1);
v_info =
||', next_op='||coalesce(v_next_rcv_op,'<?>')
||coalesce(', clo='||a_client_order_id, '');
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info);
v_qty_could_storn = 0;
v_rows_added = 0;
v_doc_list_purchase_sum = 0;
v_doc_list_retail_sum = 0;
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_dd = coalesce( 1 + a_rows_in_shopcart, 20 ); -- adjust value to increment IDs in DOC_DATA at one call of gen_id
v_gen_inc_last_dd = gen_id( g_doc_data, :c_gen_inc_step_dd );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_qd = coalesce( 1 + a_qsum_in_shopcart, 100 ); -- adjust value to increment IDs in QDISTR at one call of gen_id
v_gen_inc_last_qd = gen_id( g_qdistr, :c_gen_inc_step_qd );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_nt = coalesce( 1 + a_rows_in_shopcart, 20 ); -- adjust value to increment IDs in INVNT_TURNOVER_LOG at one call of gen_id
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_sign = iif( bin_and(current_transaction, 1)=0, 1, -1);
-- rules_for_qdistr.storno_sub = 2 - storno data of clo when creating customer RESERVE:
-- mult_rows_only 1000 3300 2
-- Result of cursor c_shop_cart for ware_id=1 when call from sp_customer_reserve:
-- 1 2100 3300 1 1
-- 1 1000 3300 1 2
open c_shop_cart;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_shop_cart
into v_ware_id, v_dd_clo_id, v_snd_optype_id, v_rcv_optype_id, v_qty_required, v_storno_sub;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_qty_could_storn = iif(v_storno_sub=1, 0, v_qty_could_storn);
v_qty_required = iif(v_storno_sub=1, v_qty_required, v_qty_could_storn);
v_dd_dbkey = iif(v_storno_sub=1, null, v_dd_dbkey);
v_dd_new_id = iif(v_storno_sub=1, null, v_dd_new_id);
v_qty_storned_acc = 0; -- how many units will provide required Qty from CURRENT LINE of shopping cart
v_doc_data_purchase_sum = 0;
v_doc_data_retail_sum = 0;
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
open c_make_amount_distr_1;
open c_make_amount_distr_2;
while ( :v_qty_storned_acc < :v_qty_required ) do
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
fetch c_make_amount_distr_1
fetch c_make_amount_distr_2
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
v_info = 'fetch '
||iif( v_storno_sub = 1, 'c_make_amount_distr_1', 'c_make_amount_distr_2')
||', qd.id='||v_cq_id;
v_rows = v_rows + 1; -- total ATTEMPTS to make delete/update in QDistr
-- ### A.C.H.T.U.N.G ###
-- Make increment of `v_gen_inc_iter_**` ALWAYS BEFORE any lock-conflict statements
-- (otherwise duplicates will appear in ID because of suppressing lock-conflict ex`c.)
-- #####################
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
begin -- calculate subsequent value for doc_data.id from previously obtained batch:
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_qd >= c_gen_inc_step_qd ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_qd = gen_id( g_qdistr, :c_gen_inc_step_qd );
if ( v_qty_storned_acc = 0 ) then
-- NO rows could be locked in QDistr (by now) for providing
-- QTY from current line of shopping cart ==> we did not yet
-- inserted row into doc_data with :v_ware_id ==> get subseq.
-- value for :v_dd_new_id from `pool`:
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_dd >= c_gen_inc_step_dd ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_dd = gen_id( g_doc_data, :c_gen_inc_step_dd );
v_dd_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_dd - ( c_gen_inc_step_dd - v_gen_inc_iter_dd );
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = v_gen_inc_iter_dd + 1;
-- 26.10.2015. Additional begin..end block needs for providing DML
-- 'atomicity' of BOTH tables pdistr & pstorned! Otherwise changes
-- can become inconsistent if online validation will catch table-2
-- after this code finish changes on table-1 but BEFORE it will
-- start to change table-2.
-- See CORE-4973 (example of WRONG code which did not used this addi block!)
-- We can place delete sttmt BEFORE insert because of using explicit cursor and
-- fetch old fields data (which is to be moved into QStorned) into declared vars:
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
v_call = v_this || ':try_del_qdsub1';
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info); -- 10.02.2015
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB1_TRY_DEL_QD_ID', v_cq_id);
delete from v_qdistr_source_1 q where current of c_make_amount_distr_1; --- lock_conflict can occur here
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB1_OK_DEL_QD_ID', v_cq_id);
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call);
end -- v_storno_sub = 1
v_call = v_this || ':try_del_qdsub2';
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info);
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB2_TRY_DEL_QD_ID', v_cq_id);
-- When config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs' is 1 then 'v_qdistr_source_2' should be changed to 'XQD_*'
delete from v_qdistr_source_2 q where current of c_make_amount_distr_2; --- lock_conflict can occur here
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB2_OK_DEL_QD_ID', v_cq_id);
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call);
end -- v_storno_sub = 2
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then -- ==> distr_mode containing 'new_doc'
v_inserting_table = 'qdistr';
-- iter=1: v_id = 12345 - (100-1); iter=2: 12345 - (100-2); ...
v_id = v_gen_inc_last_qd - ( c_gen_inc_step_qd - v_gen_inc_iter_qd );
-- debug info for logging in srv_log_dups_qd_qs if PK
-- violation will occur on INSERT INTO QSTORNED statement
-- (remained for possible analysis):
v_call = v_this || ':try_ins_qdsub1';
v_info = v_info || ', try INSERT into QDistr id='||v_id;
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info); -- 10.02.2015, debug
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB1_TRY_INS_QD_ID', v_id);
insert into v_qdistr_target_1 (
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_STSUB1_OK_INS_QD_ID', v_id);
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call);
v_gen_inc_iter_qd = v_gen_inc_iter_qd + 1;
v_info = v_info || ' - ok';
end -- v_storno_sub = 1
v_inserting_table = 'qstorned';
v_id = v_cq_id;
-- debug info for logging in srv_log_dups_qd_qs if PK
-- violation will occur on INSERT INTO QSTORNED statement
-- (remained for possible analysis):
v_info = v_info||', try INSERT into QStorned: id='||:v_id;
v_call = v_this || ':try_ins_qStorn';
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_call, null, v_info); -- 10.02.2015, debug
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_MAKE_QSTORN_TRY_INS_QS_ID', v_id);
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
insert into v_qstorned_target_1 (
doc_id, ware_id, dts, -- do NOT specify field `trn_id` here! 09.10.2014 2120
snd_optype_id, snd_id, snd_qty,
rcv_doc_id, -- 30.12.2014
snd_purchase, snd_retail
) values (
,:v_cq_snd_list_id, :v_ware_id, :v_cq_dts -- dis 09.10.2014 2120: :v_cq_trn_id,
,:v_cq_snd_optype_id, :v_cq_snd_data_id,:v_cq_snd_qty
,:v_dh_new_id -- 30.12.2014
insert into v_qstorned_target_2 (
doc_id, ware_id, dts, -- do NOT specify field `trn_id` here! 09.10.2014 2120
snd_optype_id, snd_id, snd_qty,
rcv_doc_id, -- 30.12.2014
snd_purchase, snd_retail
) values (
,:v_cq_snd_list_id, :v_ware_id, :v_cq_dts -- dis 09.10.2014 2120: :v_cq_trn_id,
,:v_cq_snd_optype_id, :v_cq_snd_data_id,:v_cq_snd_qty
,:v_dh_new_id -- 30.12.2014
v_info = v_info || ' - ok';
v_qty_storned_acc = v_qty_storned_acc + v_cq_snd_qty; -- ==> will be written in doc_data.qty (actual amount that could be gathered)
v_lock = v_lock + 1; -- total number of SUCCESSFULY locked records
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
-- increment sums that will be written into doc_data line:
v_qty_could_storn = v_qty_could_storn + v_cq_snd_qty;
v_doc_data_purchase_sum = v_doc_data_purchase_sum + v_cq_snd_purchase;
v_doc_data_retail_sum = v_doc_data_retail_sum + v_cq_snd_retail;
end -- begin..end for atomicity of changes several tables (CORE-4973!)
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- suppress this kind of exc`eption and
-- skip to next record!
v_skip = v_skip + 1;
-- ###############################################
-- PK violation on INSERT INTO QSTORNED, log this:
-- ###############################################
if ( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- 12.02.2015: the reason of PK violations is unpredictable order
-- of UNDO, ultimately explained by dimitr, see letters in e-mail.
-- Also: sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1142271&msg=17257984
execute procedure srv_log_dups_qd_qs( -- 09.10.2014: add log info using auton Tx
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- cursor on QDistr find rows for storning amount from tmp$shopping_cart for current v_ware_id, and MAKE such storning (move them in QStorned table)
if ( v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
close c_make_amount_distr_1;
close c_make_amount_distr_2;
if ( v_dd_new_id is not null and v_storno_sub = 1 ) then
if ( v_qty_storned_acc > 0 ) then
if (doc_list_id is null) then
-- add new record in doc_list (header)
execute procedure sp_add_doc_list(
returning_values :doc_list_id, :v_doc_list_dbkey;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
v_nt_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( c_gen_inc_step_nt - v_gen_inc_iter_nt );
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
-- single update of doc_data for each ware after scanning N records in qdistr:
-- (remove call of sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr from d`oc_data_aiud):
execute procedure sp_add_doc_data(
:v_dh_new_id -- preliminary defined above
,:v_dd_new_id -- preliminary calculated above (to reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
,:v_nt_new_id -- preliminary calculated above (to reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
returning_values :v_dummy, :v_dd_dbkey;
v_rows_added = v_rows_added + 1;
-- increment sums that will be written into doc header:
v_doc_list_purchase_sum = v_doc_list_purchase_sum + v_doc_data_purchase_sum;
v_doc_list_retail_sum = v_doc_list_retail_sum + v_doc_data_retail_sum;
end -- cursor on tmp$shopping_cart c [join rules_for_qdistr r]
close c_shop_cart;
if ( :doc_list_id is NOT null and v_rows_added > 0) then -- v_lock > 0 ) then
-- single update of doc header (not for every row added in doc_data)
-- Trigger d`oc_list_aiud will call sp_add_invnt_log to add rows to invnt_turnover_log
update doc_list h set
h.cost_purchase = :v_doc_list_purchase_sum,
h.cost_retail = :v_doc_list_retail_sum,
h.dts_fix = iif( :a_state_id = fn_doc_fix_state(), 'now', h.dts_fix)
where h.rdb$db_key = :v_doc_list_dbkey;
end -- ( :doc_list_id is NOT null )
v_info =
||iif(a_optype_id = fn_oper_retail_reserve(), ', clo='||coalesce( a_client_order_id, '<null>'), '')
||', rows in tmp$cart: '||(select count(*) from tmp$shopping_cart);
if ( a_client_order_id is null ) then -- ==> all except call of sp_customer_reserve for client order
exception ex_cant_find_row_for_qdistr using( a_optype_id, (select count(*) from tmp$shopping_cart) );
--'no rows found for FIFO-distribution: optype=@1, rows in tmp$shopping_cart=@2';
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
v_call = v_this;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_call, null, 'dh='||coalesce(:doc_list_id,'<?>')||', qd ('||iif(:v_sign=1,'asc','dec')||'): capt='||v_lock||', skip='||v_skip||', scan='||v_rows||'; dd: add='||v_rows_added );
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_make_qty_storno
create or alter procedure sp_split_into_words(
a_text dm_name,
a_dels varchar(50) default ',.<>/?;:''"[]{}`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|/',
a_special char(1) default ' '
returns (
word dm_name
) as
-- Aux SP, used only in oltp_data_filling.sql to filling table PATTERNS
-- with miscelan combinations of words to be used in SIMILAR TO testing.
with recursive
j as( -- loop #1: transform list of delimeters to rows
select s,1 i, substring(s from 1 for 1) del
select replace(:a_dels,:a_special,'') s
from rdb$database
select s, i+1, substring(s from i+1 for 1)
from j
where substring(s from i+1 for 1)<>''
,d as(
select :a_text s, :a_special sp from rdb$database
,e as( -- loop #2: perform replacing each delimeter to `space`
select d.s, replace(d.s, j.del, :a_special) s1, j.i, j.del
from d join j on j.i=1
select e.s, replace(e.s1, j.del, :a_special) s1, j.i, j.del
from e
-- nb: here 'column unknown: e.i' error will be on old builds of 2.5,
-- e.g: WI-V2.5.2.26540 (letter from Alexey Kovyazin, 24.08.2014 14:34)
join j on j.i = e.i + 1
,f as(
select s1 from e order by i desc rows 1
,r as ( -- loop #3: perform split text into single words
select iif(t.k>0, substring(t.s from t.k+1 ), t.s) s,
iif(t.k>0,position( del, substring(t.s from t.k+1 )),-1) k,
iif(t.k>0,left(t.s, t.k-1),t.s) word
select f.s1 s, d.sp del, position(d.sp, s1) k, 0 i from f cross join d
select iif(r.k>0, substring(r.s from r.k+1 ), r.s) s,
iif(r.k>0,position(r.del, substring(r.s from r.k+1 )),-1) k,
iif(r.k>0,left(r.s, r.k-1),r.s) word
from r
where r.k>=0
select word from r where word>''
^ -- sp_split_into_words
create or alter procedure srv_random_unit_choice(
a_included_modes dm_info default '',
a_included_kinds dm_info default '',
a_excluded_modes dm_info default '',
a_excluded_kinds dm_info default ''
unit dm_name,
sort_prior int,
rnd_weight int,
r double precision,
c int,
n int
) as
declare r_max int;
declare v_last_recalc_idx_dts timestamp;
declare v_last_recalc_idx_minutes_ago int;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_random_unit_choice';
declare c_unit_for_mon_query dm_dbobj = 'srv_fill_mon'; -- do NOT change the name of thios SP!
declare function fn_internal_enable_mon_query returns smallint deterministic as
return ( cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_MON_QUERY') as smallint) );
-- refactored 18.07.2014 (for usage in init data pop)
-- sample: select * from srv_random_unit_choice( '','creation,state_next','','removal' )
-- (will return first randomly choosen record related to creation of document
-- or to changing its state in 'forward' way; excludes all cancellations and change
-- doc states in 'backward')
a_included_modes = coalesce( a_included_modes, '');
a_included_kinds = coalesce( a_included_kinds, '');
a_excluded_modes = coalesce( a_excluded_modes, '');
a_excluded_kinds = coalesce( a_excluded_kinds, '');
select g.dts_beg
from perf_log g where g.unit = 'srv_recalc_idx_stat'
order by g.dts_beg desc rows 1
into v_last_recalc_idx_dts;
-- FB 3.0: on database with size = 101Gb, non-cached:
-- 454 ms, 92 read(s), 95 fetch(es)
-- Table Natural Index
-- ****************************************************
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_BEG')is not null ) then -- see SP_CHECK_TO_STOP_WORK
v_last_recalc_idx_dts = maxvalue(v_last_recalc_idx_dts, cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','PERF_WATCH_BEG') as timestamp) );
v_last_recalc_idx_minutes_ago = coalesce( datediff(minute from v_last_recalc_idx_dts to cast('now' as timestamp)), cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'RECALC_IDX_MIN_INTERVAL') as int ) );
r_max = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'BOP_RND_MAX');
if ( r_max is null ) then
select max( b.random_selection_weight ) from business_ops b into r_max;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'BOP_RND_MAX', r_max);
r = rand() * r_max;
delete from tmp$perf_log p where p.stack = :v_this;
insert into tmp$perf_log(unit, aux1, aux2, stack)
select o.unit, o.sort_prior, o.random_selection_weight, :v_this
from business_ops o
where o.random_selection_weight >= :r
and (fn_internal_enable_mon_query() = 1 or o.unit <> :c_unit_for_mon_query)
and ( -- 27.11.2015: skip call of index statistics recalc if it was done not so far:
o.unit <> 'srv_recalc_idx_stat'
o.unit = 'srv_recalc_idx_stat'
cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'RECALC_IDX_MIN_INTERVAL') as int )
and (:a_included_modes = '' or :a_included_modes||',' containing trim(o.mode)||',' )
and (:a_included_kinds = '' or :a_included_kinds||',' containing trim(o.kind)||',' )
and (:a_excluded_modes = '' or :a_excluded_modes||',' NOT containing trim(o.mode)||',' )
and (:a_excluded_kinds = '' or :a_excluded_kinds||',' NOT containing trim(o.kind)||',' )
c = row_count;
n = cast( 0.5+rand()*(c+0.5) as int );
n = minvalue(maxvalue(1, n),c);
select p.unit, p.aux1, p.aux2
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.aux2 >= :r
order by rand()
rows :n to :n -- get SINGLE row!
into unit, sort_prior, rnd_weight;
delete from tmp$perf_log p where p.stack = :v_this; -- 18.08.2014! cleanup this temply created data!
^ -- srv_random_unit_choice
create or alter procedure srv_diag_pay_distr( -- ::: NB ::: 3.0 only!
a_doc_id dm_idb default null
) returns(
result varchar(3), -- 'ok.' | 'err'
ptab varchar(8),
ptab_id int,
snd_oper dm_mcode,
snd_id dm_idb,
rcv_oper dm_mcode,
rcv_id dm_idb,
ptab_cost dm_cost,
ptab_sum_cost dm_cost,
payment_id dm_idb,
payment_cost dm_cost
iif( iif( h.optype_id=fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), h.cost_retail, h.cost_retail) = sum(ps.cost)over( partition by iif(ps.ptab='pdistr',ps.snd_optype_id,ps.rcv_optype_id)), 'ok.','err' ) result
,cast(ps.ptab as varchar(8)) as ptab
,ps.id as ptab_id
,ps.snd_id as ptab_snd_id
,ps.rcv_id as ptab_rcv_id
,ps.cost as ptab_cost
,sum(ps.cost)over( partition by iif(ps.ptab='pdistr',ps.snd_optype_id,ps.rcv_optype_id)) ptab_sum_cost
--,ps.trn_id as ptab_trn
,h.id as payment_id
,iif( h.optype_id=fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), h.cost_retail, h.cost_retail) as payment_cost
from (
'pdistr' ptab,
so.mcode as snd_oper,
ro.mcode as rcv_oper,
pd.snd_cost cost, -- NOT YET storned value
cast(null as int) as rcv_id
from pdistr pd
--join doc_list h on pd.snd_id = h.id and pd.snd_optype_id = h.optype_id
join optypes so on pd.snd_optype_id=so.id
join optypes ro on pd.rcv_optype_id=ro.id
where (pd.snd_id = :a_doc_id or :a_doc_id is null) -- OR'ed optimization, 3.0 only
so.mcode as snd_oper,
ro.mcode as rcv_oper,
ps.rcv_cost, -- ALREADY STORNED value
from pstorned ps
--join doc_list h on ps.rcv_id = h.id and ps.rcv_optype_id = h.optype_id
join optypes so on ps.snd_optype_id=so.id
join optypes ro on ps.rcv_optype_id=ro.id
where (ps.rcv_id = :a_doc_id or :a_doc_id is null) -- OR'ed optimization, 3.0 only
) ps
join doc_list h on h.id = iif(ps.ptab='pdistr',ps.snd_id,ps.rcv_id)
do suspend;
^ -- srv_diag_pay_distr
create or alter procedure sys_list_to_rows (
A_LST blob sub_type 1 segment size 80,
A_DEL char(1) = ',')
returns (
LINE integer,
EOF integer,
ITEM varchar(8192))
declare pos_ int;
declare noffset int = 1;
declare beg int;
declare buf varchar(30100);
-- Splits blob to lines by single char delimiter.
-- adapted from here:
-- http://www.sql.ru/forum/actualthread.aspx?bid=2&tid=607154&pg=2#6686267
if (a_lst is null) then exit;
while (0=0) do begin
buf = substring(a_lst from noffset for 30100);
pos_ = 1; beg = 1;
while (pos_ <= char_length(buf) and pos_ <= 30000) do begin
if (substring(buf from pos_ for 1) = :a_del) then begin
if (pos_ > beg) then
item = substring(buf from beg for pos_ - beg);
item = ''; --null;
beg = pos_ + 1;
pos_ = pos_ + 1;
if (noffset + pos_ - 2 = char_length(a_lst)) then leave;
noffset = noffset + beg - 1;
if (noffset > char_length(a_lst)) then leave;
if (pos_ > beg) then begin
item = substring(buf from beg for pos_ - beg);
else begin
item = '';
^ -- sys_list_to_rows
create or alter procedure sys_get_proc_ddl (
a_proc varchar(31),
a_mode smallint = 1,
a_include_setterm smallint = 1)
returns (
src varchar(32760))
if ( a_proc is null or
not singular(select * from rdb$procedures p where p.rdb$procedure_name starting with upper(:a_proc))
) then
src = '-- invalid input argument a_proc = ' || coalesce('"'||trim(a_proc)||'"', '<null>');
exception ex_bad_argument using( coalesce('"'||trim(a_proc)||'"', '<null>'), 'sys_get_proc_ddl' );
-- Extracts metadata of STORED PROCSEDURES to be executed as statements in isql.
-- Samples:
-- select src from sys_get_proc_ddl('', 0) -- output all procs with EMPTY body (preparing to update)
-- select src from sys_get_proc_ddl('', 1) -- output all procs with ODIGIN body (finalizing update)
s as(
m.mon$sql_dialect db_dialect
,:a_mode mode -- -1=only SP name and its parameters, 0 = name+parameters+empty body, 1=full text
,:a_include_setterm add_set_term -- 1 => include `set term ^;` clause
,r.rdb$character_set_name db_default_cset
,p.rdb$procedure_name p_nam
,ascii_char(10) d
,replace(cast(p.rdb$procedure_source as blob sub_type 1), ascii_char(13), '') p_src
coalesce(sum(iif(px.rdb$parameter_type=0,1,0))*1000 + sum(iif(px.rdb$parameter_type=1,1,0)),0)
from rdb$procedure_parameters px
where px.rdb$procedure_name = p.rdb$procedure_name
) pq -- cast(pq/1000 as int) = qty of IN-args, mod(pq,1000) = qty of OUT args
from mon$database m -- put it FIRST in the list of sources!
join rdb$database r on 1=1
join rdb$procedures p on 1=1
where p.rdb$procedure_name starting with upper(:a_proc) -- substitute with some name if needed
--select * from s
,r as(
,p.line as i
,p.item as word
,cast(pq/1000 as int) pq_in
,mod(pq,1000) pq_ou
,p.eof k
from s
left join sys_list_to_rows(p_src, d) p on 1=1
--select * from r
,p as(
,pt -- ip=0, op=1
,pp.rdb$field_source ppar_fld_src
,pp.rdb$parameter_name par_name
,pp.rdb$parameter_number par_num
,pp.rdb$parameter_type par_ty
,pp.rdb$null_flag p_not_null -- 1==> not null
,pp.rdb$parameter_mechanism ppar_mechan -- 1=type of (table.column, domain, other...)
,pp.rdb$relation_name ppar_rel_name
,pp.rdb$field_name par_fld
,case f.rdb$field_type
when 7 then 'smallint'
when 8 then 'integer'
when 10 then 'float'
--when 14 then 'char(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / iif(ce.rdb$character_set_name=upper('utf8'),4,1) as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 14 then 'char(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 16 then -- dialect 3 only
case f.rdb$field_sub_type
when 0 then 'bigint'
when 1 then 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 2 then 'decimal(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
else 'unknown'
when 12 then 'date'
when 13 then 'time'
when 27 then -- dialect 1 only
case f.rdb$field_scale
when 0 then 'double precision'
else 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 35 then iif(db_dialect=1, 'date', 'timestamp')
when 37 then 'varchar(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 261 then 'blob sub_type ' || f.rdb$field_sub_type || ' segment size ' || f.rdb$segment_length
else 'unknown'
as fddl
,f.rdb$character_set_id fld_source_cset_id
,f.rdb$collation_id fld_coll_id
,ce.rdb$character_set_name fld_src_cset_name
,co.rdb$collation_name fld_collation
,cast(f.rdb$default_source as varchar(1024)) fld_default_src
,cast(pp.rdb$default_source as varchar(1024)) ppar_default_src -- ppar_default_src
,k -- k=-1 ==> last line of sp
from r
join (
select -2 pt from rdb$database -- 'set term ^;'
union all select -1 from rdb$database -- header stmt: 'create or alter procedure ...('
union all select 0 from rdb$database -- input pars
union all select 5 from rdb$database -- 'returns ('
union all select 10 from rdb$database -- output pars
union all select 20 from rdb$database -- 'as'
union all select 50 from rdb$database -- source code
union all select 100 from rdb$database -- '^set term ;^'
) x on
-- `i`=line of body, 0='begin'
i = 0 and x.pt = -1 -- header
or i =0 and x.pt = 0 and pq_in > 0 -- input args, if exists
or i =0 and x.pt in(5,10) and pq_ou > 0 -- output args, if exists ('returns(' line)
or i =0 and x.pt = 20 -- 'AS'
or pt = 50
or i = 0 and x.pt in(-2, 100) and add_set_term = 1 -- 'set term ^;', final '^set term ;^'
left join rdb$procedure_parameters pp on
r.p_nam = pp.rdb$procedure_name
and (x.pt = 0 and pp.rdb$parameter_type = 0 or x.pt = 10 and pp.rdb$parameter_type = 1)
--x.pt=pp.rdb$parameter_type-- =0 => in, 1=out
left join rdb$fields f on
pp.rdb$field_source = f.rdb$field_name
left join rdb$collations co on
f.rdb$character_set_id = co.rdb$character_set_id
and f.rdb$collation_id = co.rdb$collation_id
left join rdb$character_sets ce on
co.rdb$character_set_id = ce.rdb$character_set_id
--select * from p
,fin as(
when pt=-2 then 'set term ^;'
when pt=100 then '^set term ;^'
when pt=-1 then 'create or alter procedure '||trim(p_nam)||iif(pq_in>0,' (','')
when pt=5 then 'returns ('
when pt=20 then 'AS'
when pt in(0,10) then --in or out argument definition
' '
||trim(par_name)||' '
||lower(trim( iif(nullif(p.ppar_mechan,0) is null, -- ==> parameter is defined with direct reference to base type, NOT like 'type of ...'
iif(ppar_fld_src starting with 'RDB$', p.fddl, ppar_fld_src),
' type of '||coalesce('column '||trim(ppar_rel_name)||'.'||trim(par_fld), ppar_fld_src)
) -- parameter type
||iif(nullif(p.ppar_mechan,0) is not null -- parameter is defined as: "type of column|domain"
ppar_fld_src NOT starting with 'RDB$' -- parameter is defined by DOMAIN: "a_id dm_idb"
nullif(p.fld_src_cset_name,upper('NONE')) is null -- field of non-text type or charset was not specified
--coalesce(p.fld_src_cset_name, p.db_default_cset) is not distinct from p.db_default_cset
,trim(trailing from iif(p.p_not_null=1, ' not null', ''))
,' character set '||trim(p.fld_src_cset_name)
||trim(trailing from iif(p.p_not_null=1, ' not null', ''))
||iif(p.fld_collation is distinct from p.fld_src_cset_name, ' collate '||trim(p.fld_collation), '')
' '||trim(
iif( ppar_fld_src starting with upper('RDB$'), ----- adding "default ..." clause
coalesce(ppar_default_src, fld_default_src), -- this is only for 2.5; on 3.0 default values always are stored in ppar_default_src
||iif(pt=0 and par_num=pq_in-1 or pt=10 and par_num=pq_ou-1,')',',')
when k=-1 then coalesce(nullif(word,'')||';','') -- nb: some sp can finish with empty line!
else word
end word
--,f.rdb$field_type ftyp ,f.rdb$field_length flen,f.rdb$field_scale fdec
from p
left join rdb$fields f on p.ppar_fld_src = f.rdb$field_name
--select * from fin order by p_nam,pt,par_num,i
select --mode,p_nam,
when mode<=0 then
case when pt <50 /*is not null*/ then word
when pt in(-2, 100) and add_set_term = 1 then word
when mode = 0 and i = 0 and pt < 100 then ' begin'||iif(k = -1, ' end','')
when mode = 0 and i = 1 then iif(pq_ou>0, ' suspend;', ' exit;')
when mode = 0 and k = -1 then 'end;' -- last line of body
else word
as varchar(8192)) -- blob can incorrectly displays (?)
as src
--,f.* -- do not! implementation exceeded
from fin f
where mode<=0 and (i in(0,1) or k=-1 /*or pt in(-2, 100) and strm=1*/ ) or mode=1
order by p_nam,pt,par_num,i
into src
^ -- sys_get_proc_ddl
create or alter procedure sys_get_func_ddl (
a_func varchar(31),
a_mode smallint = 1,
a_include_setterm smallint = 1)
returns (
src varchar(32760))
-- Extracts metadata of STORED PROCSEDURES to be executed as statements in isql.
-- Samples:
-- select src from sys_get_proc_ddl('', 0) -- output all procs with EMPTY body (preparing to update)
-- select src from sys_get_proc_ddl('', 1) -- output all procs with ODIGIN body (finalizing update)
s as(
m.mon$sql_dialect db_dialect
,:a_mode mode -- -1=only SP name and its parameters, 0 = name+parameters+empty body, 1=full text
,:a_include_setterm add_set_term -- 1 => include `set term ^;` clause
,r.rdb$character_set_name db_default_cset
,p.rdb$function_name p_nam
,coalesce(p.rdb$deterministic_flag,0) p_det
,ascii_char(10) d
,replace(cast(p.rdb$function_source as blob sub_type 1), ascii_char(13), '') p_src
--coalesce(sum(iif(px.rdb$parameter_type=0,1,0))*1000 + sum(iif(px.rdb$parameter_type=1,1,0)),0)
1000 * count( px.rdb$argument_position ) + 1
from rdb$function_arguments px
where px.rdb$function_name = p.rdb$function_name
and px.rdb$argument_position > 0 -- take in account only INPUT args, because OUT always = 1
) pq -- cast(pq/1000 as int) = qty of IN-args, mod(pq,1000) = qty of OUT args
from mon$database m -- put it FIRST in the list of sources!
join rdb$database r on 1=1
join rdb$functions p on 1=1
where p.rdb$function_name starting with upper(:a_func) -- substitute with some name if needed
--upper( 'fn$get$random$id$subst$names' )-- upper(:a_proc) -- substitute with some name if needed
--select * from s
,r as(
,p.line as i
,p.item as word
,cast(pq/1000 as int) pq_in
,mod(pq,1000) pq_ou
,p.eof k
from s
left join sys_list_to_rows(p_src, d) p on 1=1
-- select * from r
,p as(
,pt -- ip=0, op=1
,pp.rdb$field_source ppar_fld_src
,pp.rdb$argument_name par_name
,pp.rdb$argument_position par_num
-- ?! ,pp.rdb$parameter_type par_ty
,pp.rdb$null_flag p_not_null -- 1==> not null
,pp.rdb$argument_mechanism ppar_mechan -- 1=type of (table.column, domain, other...)
,pp.rdb$relation_name ppar_rel_name
,pp.rdb$field_name par_fld
,case f.rdb$field_type
when 7 then 'smallint'
when 8 then 'integer'
when 10 then 'float'
--when 14 then 'char(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / iif(ce.rdb$character_set_name=upper('utf8'),4,1) as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 14 then 'char(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 16 then -- dialect 3 only
case f.rdb$field_sub_type
when 0 then 'bigint'
when 1 then 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 2 then 'decimal(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
else 'unknown'
when 12 then 'date'
when 13 then 'time'
when 27 then -- dialect 1 only
case f.rdb$field_scale
when 0 then 'double precision'
else 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 35 then iif(db_dialect=1, 'date', 'timestamp')
when 37 then 'varchar(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 261 then 'blob sub_type ' || f.rdb$field_sub_type || ' segment size ' || f.rdb$segment_length
else 'unknown'
as fddl
,f.rdb$character_set_id fld_source_cset_id
,f.rdb$collation_id fld_coll_id
,ce.rdb$character_set_name fld_src_cset_name
,co.rdb$collation_name fld_collation
,cast(f.rdb$default_source as varchar(1024)) fld_default_src
,cast(pp.rdb$default_source as varchar(1024)) ppar_default_src -- ppar_default_src
,k -- k=-1 ==> last line of sp
from r
join (
select -2 pt from rdb$database -- 'set term ^;'
union all select -1 from rdb$database -- header stmt: 'create or alter procedure ...('
union all select 0 from rdb$database -- input pars
union all select 5 from rdb$database -- 'returns <...> [deterministic]'
union all select 10 from rdb$database -- output pars
union all select 20 from rdb$database -- 'as'
union all select 50 from rdb$database -- source code
union all select 100 from rdb$database -- '^set term ;^'
) x on
-- `i`=line of body, 0='begin'
i = 0 and x.pt = -1 -- header
or i =0 and x.pt = 0 and pq_in > 0 -- input args, if exists
or i =0 and x.pt in(5,10) and pq_ou > 0 -- output argument, always single ( for line: "returns ..." )
or i =0 and x.pt = 20 -- 'AS'
or pt = 50
or i = 0 and x.pt in(-2, 100) and add_set_term = 1 -- 'set term ^;', final '^set term ;^'
left join rdb$function_arguments pp on -- rdb$procedure_parameters pp on
r.p_nam = pp.rdb$function_name -- rdb$procedure_name
and ( x.pt = 0 and pp.rdb$argument_position >= 1 -- input arg
x.pt = 10 and pp.rdb$argument_position = 0 -- single output arg
--x.pt=pp.rdb$parameter_type-- =0 => in, 1=out
left join rdb$fields f on
pp.rdb$field_source = f.rdb$field_name
left join rdb$collations co on
f.rdb$character_set_id = co.rdb$character_set_id
and f.rdb$collation_id = co.rdb$collation_id
left join rdb$character_sets ce on
co.rdb$character_set_id = ce.rdb$character_set_id
--select * from p
,fin as(
when pt=-2 then 'set term ^;'
when pt=100 then '^set term ;^'
when pt=-1 then 'create or alter function '||trim(p_nam)||iif(pq_in>0,' (','')
when pt=5 then 'returns '
when pt=20 then 'AS'
when pt in(0,10) then --in or out argument definition
' '
||trim( coalesce( lower(par_name), '') )||' '
||lower(trim( iif(nullif(p.ppar_mechan,0) is null, -- ==> parameter is defined with direct reference to base type, NOT like 'type of ...'
iif(ppar_fld_src starting with 'RDB$', p.fddl, ppar_fld_src),
' type of '||coalesce('column '||trim(ppar_rel_name)||'.'||trim(par_fld), ppar_fld_src)
) -- parameter type
||iif(nullif(p.ppar_mechan,0) is not null -- parameter is defined as: "type of column|domain"
ppar_fld_src NOT starting with 'RDB$' -- parameter is defined by DOMAIN: "a_id dm_idb"
nullif(p.fld_src_cset_name,upper('NONE')) is null -- field of non-text type or charset was not specified
--coalesce(p.fld_src_cset_name, p.db_default_cset) is not distinct from p.db_default_cset
,trim(trailing from iif(p.p_not_null=1, ' not null', ''))
,' character set '||trim(p.fld_src_cset_name)
||trim(trailing from iif(p.p_not_null=1, ' not null', ''))
||iif(p.fld_collation is distinct from p.fld_src_cset_name, ' collate '||trim(p.fld_collation), '')
' '||trim(
iif( ppar_fld_src starting with upper('RDB$'), ----- adding "default ..." clause
coalesce(ppar_default_src, fld_default_src), -- this is only for 2.5; on 3.0 default values always are stored in ppar_default_src
||trim(trailing from iif( pt=0, iif( par_num = pq_in, ')', ','), iif( p_det = 1, ' deterministic', '') ) )
when k=-1 then coalesce(nullif(word,'')||';','') -- nb: some sp can finish with empty line!
else word
end word
--,f.rdb$field_type ftyp ,f.rdb$field_length flen,f.rdb$field_scale fdec
from p
left join rdb$fields f on p.ppar_fld_src = f.rdb$field_name
-- select * from fin order by p_nam,pt,par_num,i
select --mode,p_nam,
when mode<=0 then
case when pt <50 /*is not null*/ then word
when pt in(-2, 100) and add_set_term = 1 then word
when mode = 0 and i = 0 and pt < 100 then ' begin'||iif(k = -1, ' end','')
when mode = 0 and i = 1 then 'return null;'
when mode = 0 and k = -1 then 'end' || iif(add_set_term = 1, '', ';') -- last line of body
else word
as varchar(8190)) -- varchar(8192)) -- blob can incorrectly displays (?)
as src
--,f.* -- do not! implementation exceeded
from fin f
where mode<=0 and (i in(0,1) or k=-1 /*or pt in(-2, 100) and strm=1*/ ) or mode=1
order by p_nam,pt,par_num,i
into src
^ -- sys_get_func_ddl
create or alter procedure sys_get_view_ddl (
A_VIEW varchar(31) = '',
A_MODE smallint = 1)
returns (
SRC varchar(8192))
-- Extracts metadata of VIEWS to be executed as statements in isql.
-- Samples:
-- select src from sys_get_view_ddl('', 0) -- output all views with EMPTY body (preparing to update)
-- select src from sys_get_view_ddl('', 1) -- output all views with ODIGIN body (finalizing update)
inp as(select :a_view a_view, :a_mode mode from rdb$database)
,s as(
m.mon$sql_dialect di
,i.mode mode -- 1=> fill
,1 strm -- 1 => include `set term ^;` clause
,r.rdb$character_set_name cs
,p.rdb$relation_name v_name
,(select count(*) from rdb$relation_fields rf where p.rdb$relation_name=rf.rdb$relation_name) fq -- count of fields
,ascii_char(10) d
,replace(cast(p.rdb$view_source as blob sub_type 1), ascii_char(13), '') ||ascii_char(10)||';' p_src
from mon$database m -- put it FIRST in the list of sources!
join rdb$database r on 1=1
join rdb$relations p on 1=1
join inp i on 1=1
where coalesce(p.rdb$system_flag,0) = 0
and p.rdb$view_source is not null -- views; do NOT: p.rdb$relation_type=1 !!
and (i.a_view='' or p.rdb$relation_name = upper(i.a_view))
,r as(
select --* --s.*,'#'l,p.*,rf.*
,p.item word
,p.line i
,p.eof k
,rf.rdb$field_position fld_pos
,rf.rdb$field_name v_fld
,rf.rdb$field_source v_src
,case f.rdb$field_type
when 7 then 'smallint'
when 8 then 'integer'
when 10 then 'float'
when 14 then 'char(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 16 then -- dialect 3 only
case f.rdb$field_sub_type
when 0 then 'bigint'
when 1 then 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 2 then 'decimal(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
else 'unknown'
when 12 then 'date'
when 13 then 'time'
when 27 then -- dialect 1 only
case f.rdb$field_scale
when 0 then 'double precision'
else 'numeric(15,' || cast(-f.rdb$field_scale as varchar(6)) || ')'
when 35 then iif(di=1, 'date', 'timestamp')
when 37 then 'varchar(' || cast(cast(f.rdb$field_length / ce.rdb$bytes_per_character as int) as varchar(5)) || ')'
when 261 then 'blob sub_type ' || f.rdb$field_sub_type || ' segment size ' || f.rdb$segment_length
else 'unknown'
end fddl
,f.rdb$character_set_id fld_cset
,f.rdb$collation_id fld_coll_id
,ce.rdb$character_set_name cset_name
,co.rdb$collation_name fld_collation
from s
left join sys_list_to_rows(p_src, d) p
on p.line=0 or mode=1
left join
select -2 rt from rdb$database -- create or alter view
union all select -1 from rdb$database -- for fields of view
union all select 0 from rdb$database -- body
union all select 99 from rdb$database -- final ';'
) x on
p.line=0 and x.rt in(-2,-1,99) or x.rt=0 and mode=1
left join rdb$relation_fields rf on -- fields of the view
( /*mode=0 or mode=1 and*/ p.line=0 and x.rt=-1)
and s.v_name=rf.rdb$relation_name
left join rdb$fields f on
left join rdb$collations co on
and f.rdb$collation_id=co.rdb$collation_id
left join rdb$character_sets ce on
--select * from r order by v_name,rt,i,fld_pos
,fin as(
when 1=1 or mode=0 then
when rt=-2 then
'create or alter view '||trim(v_name)||iif( mode=0, ' as select',' (' )
when mode=1 and rt=-1 then -- rt=-1: fields of view
trim(v_fld)||trim(iif(fld_pos+1=fq,') as',','))
when mode=0 and rt=-1 then
iif(fld_pos=0, '', ', ')||
case when
lower(fddl) in ('smallint','integer','bigint','double precision','float')
or lower(fddl) starting with 'numeric'
or lower(fddl) starting with 'decimal'
then '0 as '||v_fld
lower(fddl) starting with 'varchar'
or lower(fddl) starting with 'char'
or lower(fddl) starting with 'blob'
then ''''' as '||v_fld
lower(fddl) in ('timestamp','date')
then 'cast(''now'' as '||lower(fddl)||') as '||v_fld
when rt=0 then word
when rt=99 then iif(mode=0,'from rdb$database;',';') -- final row
when mode=1 then
when rt=-1 then 'create or alter view '||trim(v_name)||' as '
else word||iif(k=-1 and right(word,1)<>';', ';','')
as word
from r
where word not in(';')
select word
from fin
order by v_name, rt, i,fld_pos
into src
^ -- sys_get_view_ddl
create or alter procedure sys_get_indx_ddl(
a_relname varchar(31) = '')
returns (
src varchar(8192))
-- extract DDLs of all indices EXCEPT those which are participated
inp as(select :a_relname nm from rdb$database)
,pk_defs as( -- determine primary keys
rc.rdb$relation_name rel_name
,rc.rdb$constraint_name pk_name
,rc.rdb$index_name pk_idx
from rdb$relation_constraints rc
where rc.rdb$constraint_type containing 'PRIMARY'
--select * from pk_defs
,ix_defs as(
ri.rdb$relation_name rel_name
,rc.rdb$constraint_name con_name
,rc.rdb$constraint_type con_type
,ri.rdb$index_id idx_id
,ri.rdb$index_name idx_name
,ri.rdb$unique_flag unq
,ri.rdb$index_type des
,ri.rdb$foreign_key fk
,ri.rdb$system_flag sy
,rs.rdb$field_name fld
,rs.rdb$field_position pos
,ri.rdb$expression_source ix_expr
from rdb$indices ri
join inp i on (ri.rdb$relation_name = upper(i.nm) or i.nm='')
left join rdb$relation_constraints rc on ri.rdb$index_name=rc.rdb$index_name
left join pk_defs p on ri.rdb$relation_name=p.rel_name and ri.rdb$index_name=p.pk_idx
left join rdb$index_segments rs on ri.rdb$index_name=rs.rdb$index_name
and p.pk_idx is null -- => this index is not participated in PK
order by rel_name,idx_id, pos
--select * from ix_defs
,ix_grp as(
select rel_name,con_name,con_type,idx_id,idx_name,unq,des,fk,ix_key,ix_expr
,r.rdb$relation_name parent_rname
,r.rdb$constraint_name parent_cname
,r.rdb$constraint_type parent_ctype
,iif(r.rdb$constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY'
,(select cast(list(trim(pk_fld),',') as varchar(8192)) from
(select rs.rdb$field_name pk_fld
from rdb$index_segments rs
where rs.rdb$index_name=t.fk
order by rs.rdb$field_position
,null) parent_pkey
select rel_name,con_name,con_type,idx_id,idx_name,unq,des,fk
,cast(list(trim(fld),',') as varchar(8192)) ix_key
,cast(ix_expr as varchar(8192)) ix_expr
from ix_defs
group by rel_name,con_name,con_type,idx_id,idx_name,unq,des,fk,ix_expr
left join rdb$relation_constraints r on t.fk=r.rdb$index_name
--select * from ix_grp
,fin as(
when con_type='UNIQUE' then
'alter table '
||' add '||trim(con_type)
||iif(idx_name like 'RDB$%', '', ' using index '||trim(idx_name))
when con_type='FOREIGN KEY' and con_name like 'INTEG%' then
'alter table '
||' add '||trim(con_type)
||'('||trim(ix_key)||') references '
||'('||trim(coalesce(parent_pkey,ix_key)) ||')'
||iif(idx_name like 'RDB$FOREIGN%', '', ' using index '||trim(idx_name))
when con_type='FOREIGN KEY' then
'alter table '
||' add constraint '||trim(con_name)||' '||trim(con_type)
||'('||trim(ix_key)||') references '
||' using index '||trim(idx_name)
end ct_ddl
,'create '
||trim(iif(unq=1,' unique','')
||iif(des=1,' descending',''))
||' index '||trim(idx_name)
||' on '||trim(rel_name)
||' '||iif(ix_expr is null,'('||trim(ix_key)||')', 'computed by ('||trim(ix_expr)||')' )
||';' ix_ddl
from ix_grp
select coalesce(ct_ddl, ix_ddl) idx_ddl --, f.*
from fin f
^ -- sys_get_indx_ddl
create or alter procedure sys_get_fb_arch (
a_connect_with_usr varchar(31) default 'SYSDBA'
,a_connect_with_pwd varchar(31) default 'masterkey'
) returns(
fb_arch varchar(50)
) as
declare cur_server_pid int;
declare ext_server_pid int;
declare att_protocol varchar(255);
declare v_test_sttm varchar(255);
declare v_fetches_beg bigint;
declare v_fetches_end bigint;
-- Aux SP for detect FB architecture.
select a.mon$server_pid, a.mon$remote_protocol
from mon$attachments a
where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection
into cur_server_pid, att_protocol;
if ( att_protocol is null ) then
fb_arch = 'Embedded';
else if ( upper(current_user) = upper('SYSDBA')
and rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') NOT starting with '2.5'
and exists(select * from mon$attachments a
where a.mon$remote_protocol is null
and upper(a.mon$user) in ( upper('Cache Writer'), upper('Garbage Collector'))
) then
fb_arch = 'SuperServer';
v_test_sttm =
'select a.mon$server_pid + 0*(select 1 from rdb$database)'
||' from mon$attachments a '
||' where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection';
select i.mon$page_fetches
from mon$io_stats i
where i.mon$stat_group = 0 -- db_level
into v_fetches_beg;
execute statement v_test_sttm
on external
'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME')
user a_connect_with_usr
password a_connect_with_pwd
role left('R' || replace(uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()),'-',''),31)
into ext_server_pid;
in autonomous transaction do
select i.mon$page_fetches
from mon$io_stats i
where i.mon$stat_group = 0 -- db_level
into v_fetches_end;
fb_arch = iif( cur_server_pid is distinct from ext_server_pid,
iif( v_fetches_beg is not distinct from v_fetches_end,
fb_arch = fb_arch || ' ' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION');
^ -- sys_get_fb_arch
create or alter function fn$get$random$id$subst$names (
a_view_for_search dm_dbobj,
a_view_for_min_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_view_for_max_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_raise_exc dm_sign default 1, -- raise exc`eption if no record will be found
a_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign default 0, -- 17.07.2014 (for some views where document is taken into processing and will be REMOVED from scope of this view after Tx is committed)
a_find_using_desc_index dm_sign default 0 -- 11.09.2014: if 1, then query will be: "where id <= :a order by id desc"
returns bigint
declare i smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare id_min double precision;
declare id_max double precision;
declare v_rows int;
declare id_random bigint;
declare id_selected bigint = null;
declare msg dm_info;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'fn_get_random_id';
declare v_ctxn dm_ctxnv;
declare v_name dm_dbobj;
declare fn_internal_max_rows_usage int;
declare v_is_known smallint = 0;
-- Selects random record from view <a_view_for_search>
-- using select first 1 id from ... where id >= :id_random order by id.
-- Aux. parameters:
-- # a_view_for_min_id and a_view_for_max_id -- separate views that
-- might be more effective to find min & max LIMITS than scan using a_view_for_search.
-- # a_raise_exc (default=1) - do we raise exc`eption if record not found.
-- # a_can_skip_order_clause (default=0) - can we SKIP including of 'order by' clause
-- in statement which will be passed to ES ? (for some cases we CAN do it for efficiency)
-- # a_find_using_desc_index - do we construct ES for search using DESCENDING index
-- (==> it will use "where id <= :r order by id DESC" rather than "where id >= :r order by id ASC")
-- [only when TIL = RC] Repeats <fn_internal_retry_count()> times if result is null
-- (possible if bounds of IDs has been changed since previous call)
v_this = trim(a_view_for_search);
-- max difference b`etween min_id and max_id to allow scan random id via
-- select id from <a_view_for_search> rows :x to :y, where x = y = random_int
fn_internal_max_rows_usage = cast( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','RANDOM_SEEK_VIA_ROWS_LIMIT') as int);
-- Use either stub or non-empty executing code (depends on was 'oltp_dump.sql' compiled or no):
-- save fact of usage views in the table `z_used_views`:
execute procedure z_remember_view_usage(a_view_for_search, a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_max_id);
a_view_for_min_id = coalesce( a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_search );
a_view_for_max_id = coalesce( a_view_for_max_id, a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_search );
-- Label: $name_to_substutite_start_of_loop. Do not delete this line!
if ( upper(a_view_for_search) = upper(trim('name$to$substutite$search$')) ) then
v_is_known = 1;
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$min$id$'))||'_ID_MIN' ) is null
rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$max$id$'))||'_ID_MAX' ) is null
) then
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_min_id);
if ( a_view_for_min_id is not null ) then
select min(id)-0.5 from name$to$substutite$min$id$ into id_min;
select min(id)-0.5 from name$to$substutite$search$ into id_min;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_min_id, null, 'static SQL, id_min='||coalesce(id_min,'<?>') );
if ( id_min is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_min_id> is NOT empty
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_max_id );
if ( a_view_for_max_id is not null ) then
select max(id)+0.5 from name$to$substutite$max$id$ into id_max;
select max(id)+0.5 from name$to$substutite$search$ into id_max;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_max_id, null, 'static SQL, id_max='||coalesce(id_max,'<?>') );
if ( id_max is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_max_id> is NOT empty
-- Save values for subsequent calls of this func in this tx (minimize DB access)
-- (limit will never change in SNAPSHOT and can change with low probability in RC):
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$min$id$')) || '_ID_MIN', :id_min);
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$max$id$')) || '_ID_MAX', :id_max);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
-- when difference b`etween id_min and id_max is not too high, we can simple count rows:
select count(*) from name$to$substutite$search$ into v_rows;
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$search$')) || '_COUNT', v_rows );
end -- id_max is NOT null
end -- id_min is NOT null
-- minimize database access! Performance on 10'000 loops: 1485 ==> 590 ms
id_min=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$min$id$')) || '_ID_MIN' ) as double precision);
id_max=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$max$id$')) || '_ID_MAX' ) as double precision);
v_rows=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(trim('name$to$substutite$search$')) || '_COUNT') as int);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
--id_random = cast( 1 + rand() * (v_rows - 1) as int); -- WRONG when data skewed to low values; 30.07.2014
id_random = ceiling( rand() * (v_rows) );
select id
from name$to$substutite$search$
-- ::: nb ::: `ORDER` clause not needed here
rows :id_random to :id_random
into id_selected;
-- 17.07.2014: for some cases it is ALLOWED to query random ID without "ORDER BY"
-- clause because this ID will be handled in such manner that it will be REMOVED
-- after this handling from the scope of view! Samples of such cases are:
-- sp_cancel_supplier_order, sp_cancel_supplier_invoice, sp_cancel_customer_reserve
id_random = cast( id_min + rand() * (id_max - id_min) as bigint);
if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 0 and a_find_using_desc_index = 0 ) then
select id
from name$to$substutite$search$
where id >= :id_random
order by id ASC
rows 1
into id_selected;
else if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 0 and a_find_using_desc_index = 1 ) then
select id
from name$to$substutite$search$
where id <= :id_random
order by id DESC
rows 1
into id_selected;
else if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 1 and a_find_using_desc_index = 0 ) then
select id
from name$to$substutite$search$
where id >= :id_random
rows 1
into id_selected;
else if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 1 and a_find_using_desc_index = 1 ) then
select id
from name$to$substutite$search$
where id <= :id_random
rows 1
into id_selected;
exception ex_bad_argument using('a_can_skip_order_clause and/or a_find_using_desc_index', v_this);
end -- upper(a_view_for_search) = upper(trim('name$to$substutite$min$id$'))
-- Label: $name_to_substutite_end_of_loop. Do not delete this line!
if ( v_is_known = 0 ) then -- passed view not from list of known names
begin -- use ES (old code)
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN' ) is null
rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX' ) is null
) then
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_min_id );
-- v`iew z_get_min_max_id may be used to see average, min and max elapsed time
-- of this sttm:
v_stt='select min(id)-0.5 from '|| a_view_for_min_id;
execute statement (:v_stt) into id_min; -- do via ES in order to see statistics in the TRACE!
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_min_id, null, 'dyn SQL, id_min='||coalesce(id_min,'<?>') );
if ( id_min is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_min_id> is NOT empty
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_max_id );
-- v`iew z_get_min_max_id may be used to see average, min and max elapsed time
-- of this sttm:
v_stt='select max(id)+0.5 from '|| a_view_for_max_id;
execute statement (:v_stt) into id_max; -- do via ES in order to see statistics in the TRACE!
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_max_id, null, 'dyn SQL, id_max='||coalesce(id_max,'<?>') );
if ( id_max is NOT null ) then -- ==> source <a_view_for_max_id> is NOT empty
-- Save values for subsequent calls of this func in this tx (minimize DB access)
-- (limit will never change in SNAPSHOT and can change with low probability in RC):
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN', :id_min);
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX', :id_max);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
-- when difference b`etween id_min and id_max is not too high, we can simple count rows:
execute statement 'select count(*) from '||a_view_for_search into v_rows;
rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_search)||'_COUNT', v_rows );
end -- id_max is NOT null
end -- id_min is NOT null
else begin
-- minimize database access! Performance on 10'000 loops: 1485 ==> 590 ms
id_min=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_min_id)||'_ID_MIN' ) as double precision);
id_max=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_max_id)||'_ID_MAX' ) as double precision);
v_rows=cast( rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', upper(:a_view_for_search)||'_COUNT') as int);
if ( id_max - id_min < fn_internal_max_rows_usage ) then
v_stt='select id from '||a_view_for_search||' rows :x to :y'; -- ::: nb ::: `ORDER` clause not needed here!
--id_random = cast( 1 + rand() * (v_rows - 1) as int); -- WRONG when data skewed to low values; 30.07.2014
id_random = ceiling( rand() * (v_rows) );
execute statement (:v_stt) (x := id_random, y := id_random) into id_selected;
-- 17.07.2014: for some cases it is ALLOWED to query random ID without "ORDER BY"
-- clause because this ID will be handled in such manner that it will be REMOVED
-- after this handling from the scope of view! Samples of such cases are:
-- sp_cancel_supplier_order, sp_cancel_supplier_invoice, sp_cancel_customer_reserve
v_stt='select id from '
||iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0, ' where id >= :x', ' where id <= :x');
if ( a_can_skip_order_clause = 0 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0, ' order by id ', ' order by id desc');
v_stt = v_stt || ' rows 1';
id_random = cast( id_min + rand() * (id_max - id_min) as bigint);
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, a_view_for_search );
-- do via ES in order to see statistics in the TRACE:
execute statement (:v_stt) (x := id_random) into id_selected;
-- execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, a_view_for_search, null, 'id_sel='||coalesce(id_selected,'<?>') );
end -- v_is_known = 0 ==> use ES (old code, when passed name of view NOT from known list)
if ( id_selected is null and coalesce(a_raise_exc, 1) = 1 ) then
v_info = 'view: ' || a_view_for_search; -- name$to$substutite$search$';
if ( id_min is NOT null ) then
v_info = v_info || ', id_min=' || id_min || ', id_max='||id_max;
v_info = v_info || ' - EMPTY';
v_info = v_info ||', id_rnd='||coalesce(id_random,'<null>');
-- 'no id @1 @2 in @3 found within scope @4 ... @5'; -- @1 is '>=' or '<='; @2 = random_selected_value; @3 = data source; @4 = min; @5 = max
exception ex_can_not_select_random_id
iif(a_find_using_desc_index = 0,'>=','<=')
return id_selected;
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- fn$get$random$id$subst$names
create or alter procedure sys_get_run_info(a_mode varchar(12)) returns(
dts varchar(12)
,trn varchar(14)
,unit dm_unit
,msg varchar(20)
,add_info varchar(40)
,elapsed_ms varchar(10)
-- Aux SP for output info about unit that is to be performed now.
-- used in batch 'oltpNN_worker.bat'
dts = substring(cast(current_timestamp as varchar(24)) from 12 for 12);
unit = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','SELECTED_UNIT');
if ( a_mode='start' ) then
trn = 'tra_'||coalesce(current_transaction,'<?>');
msg = 'start';
add_info = 'att_'||current_connection;
trn = 'tra_'||rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','APP_TRANSACTION');
msg = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'RUN_RESULT');
add_info = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO');
elapsed_ms =
from cast(left(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','BAT_PHOTO_UNIT_DTS'),24) as timestamp)
to cast(right(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','BAT_PHOTO_UNIT_DTS'),24) as timestamp)
as varchar(10)
,' '
^ -- sys_get_run_info
create or alter procedure sys_timestamp_to_ansi (a_dts timestamp default 'now')
returns ( ansi_dts varchar(15) ) as
ansi_dts =
cast(extract( year from a_dts)*10000 + extract(month from a_dts) * 100 + extract(day from a_dts) as char(8))
|| '_'
|| substring(cast(cast(1000000 + extract(hour from a_dts) * 10000 + extract(minute from a_dts) * 100 + extract(second from a_dts) as int) as char(7)) from 2);
^ -- sys_timestamp_to_ansi
set term ;^
set list on;
set echo off;
select 'oltp30_DDL.sql finish at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
-- ###########################################################
-- End of script oltp30_DDL.sql; next to be run: oltp30_SP.sql
-- ###########################################################
-- #################################################
-- Begin of script oltp30_SP.sql (application units)
-- #################################################
-- ::: nb ::: Required FB version: 3.0 and above
set autoddl off;
set list on;
select 'oltp30_sp.sql start at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
set term ^;
execute block as
execute statement 'recreate exception ex_exclusive_required ''At least one concurrent connection detected.''';
when any do begin end
execute statement 'recreate exception ex_not_suitable_fb_version ''This script requires at least Firebird 3.x version''';
when any do begin end
set term ;^
set term ^;
execute block as
if ( rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '2.' ) then
exception ex_not_suitable_fb_version;
-- NB. From doc/README.monitoring_tables:
-- columns MON$REMOTE_PID and MON$REMOTE_PROCESS contains non-NULL values
-- only if the client library has version 2.1 or higher
-- column MON$REMOTE_PROCESS can contain a non-pathname value
-- if an application has specified a custom process name via DPB
if ( exists( select * from mon$attachments a
where a.mon$attachment_id<>current_connection
and a.mon$remote_protocol is not null
) then
exception ex_exclusive_required;
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter
rdb$set_context( 'USER_TRANSACTION', 'BUSINESS_OPS_CNT', coalesce( cast(rdb$get_context('USER_TRANSACTION', 'BUSINESS_OPS_CNT') as int), 0) + 1);
^ -- srv_increment_tx_bops_counter
create or alter procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart(
a_optype_id dm_idb,
a_rows2add int default null,
a_maxq4row int default null)
row_cnt int, -- number of rows added to tmp$shop_cart
qty_sum dm_qty -- total on QTY field in tmp$shop_cart
declare v_doc_rows int;
declare v_id dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_qty dm_qty;
declare v_cost_purchase dm_cost;
declare v_cost_retail dm_cost;
declare v_snd_optype_id dm_idb;
declare v_storno_sub smallint;
declare v_ctx_max_rows type of dm_ctxnv;
declare v_ctx_max_qty type of dm_ctxnv;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_pattern type of dm_name;
declare v_source_for_random_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_source_for_min_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_source_for_max_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_raise_exc_on_nofind dm_sign;
declare v_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign;
declare v_find_using_desc_index dm_sign;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_fill_shopping_cart';
declare v_info dm_info = '';
-- Fills "shopping cart" table with wares ID for futher handling.
-- If context var 'ENABLE_FILL_PHRASES' = 1 then does it via SIMILAR TO
-- by searching phrases (patterns) in wares.name table.
-- Used in apps that CREATE new documents (client order, customer reserve etc)
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_ctx_max_rows = iif( a_optype_id in ( fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), fn_oper_invoice_get() ),
v_ctx_max_qty = iif( a_optype_id in ( fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), fn_oper_invoice_get() ),
v_doc_rows = coalesce( a_rows2add, fn_get_random_quantity( v_ctx_max_rows ) ) ;
v_source_for_random_id =
decode( a_optype_id,
fn_oper_order_by_customer(), 'v_all_wares',
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), 'v_random_find_clo_ord',
fn_oper_invoice_get(), 'v_random_find_ord_sup',
fn_oper_retail_reserve(), 'v_random_find_avl_res',
v_source_for_min_id =
decode( a_optype_id,
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), 'v_min_id_clo_ord',
fn_oper_invoice_get(), 'v_min_id_ord_sup',
fn_oper_retail_reserve(), 'v_min_id_avl_res',
v_source_for_max_id =
decode( a_optype_id,
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), 'v_max_id_clo_ord',
fn_oper_invoice_get(), 'v_max_id_ord_sup',
fn_oper_retail_reserve(), 'v_max_id_avl_res',
-- 17.07.2014: for some cases we allow to skip 'ORDER BY ID' clause
-- in sp_get_random_id when it will generate SQL expr for ES,
-- because all such randomly choosen IDs are handled in so way
-- that thay will be unavaliable in the source view
-- after this handling after it successfully ends.
-- Since 11.09.2014, start usage id desc in sp_get_random_id,
-- bitmaps building is very expensive ==> always set this var = 0.
v_can_skip_order_clause = 0;
-- 19.07.2014, see DDL of views v_random_find_xxx:
-- they have `where not exists(select * from ... c id >= :id_rand_selected)`,
-- so it can be that search will NOT found any ID due to unhappy result of random
-- selection of 'anchor-ID' (no IDs will be found in 'where id >= :id_selected'
-- due to all of them have been removed etc) ==> we suppress e`xc in such case!
v_raise_exc_on_nofind =
decode( a_optype_id,
fn_oper_order_by_customer(), 0,
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), 0,
fn_oper_invoice_get(), 0,
fn_oper_retail_reserve(), 0,
v_find_using_desc_index =
decode( a_optype_id,
fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), 1,
fn_oper_invoice_get(), 1,
fn_oper_retail_reserve(), 1,
from rules_for_qdistr r
r.rcv_optype_id = :a_optype_id
and r.mode containing 'new_doc'
into v_snd_optype_id, v_storno_sub;
v_info = 'view='||v_source_for_random_id||', rows='||v_doc_rows||', oper='||a_optype_id;
delete from tmp$shopping_cart where 1=1;
row_cnt = 0;
qty_sum = 0;
select p.id_selected
:v_raise_exc_on_nofind, -- 19.07.2014: 0 ==> do NOT raise exception if not able to find any ID in view :v_source_for_random_id
:v_can_skip_order_clause, -- 17.07.2014: if = 1, then 'order by id' will be SKIPPED in statement inside fn
:v_find_using_desc_index, -- 11.09.2014, performance of select id from v_xxx order by id DESC rows 1
) p
into v_ware_id
v_qty = coalesce(a_maxq4row, fn_get_random_quantity( v_ctx_max_qty ));
if ( a_optype_id = fn_oper_order_by_customer() ) then
-- Define cost of ware being added in customer order,
-- in purchasing and retailing prices (allow them to vary):
round( w.price_purchase + rand() * 300, -2) * :v_qty
,round( w.price_retail + rand() * 300, -2) * :v_qty
from wares w
where w.id = :v_ware_id
into v_cost_purchase, v_cost_retail;
if ( v_ware_id is not null ) then
-- All the views v_r`andom_finx_xxx have checking clause like
-- "where NOT exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where ...)"
-- so we can immediatelly do INSERT rather than update+check row_count=0
insert into tmp$shopping_cart(
values (
row_cnt = row_cnt + 1; -- out arg, will be used in getting batch IDs for doc_data (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
qty_sum = qty_sum + ceiling( v_qty ); -- out arg, will be passed to s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_qty_storno
when any
do begin
if ( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then
update tmp$shopping_cart t
set t.dup_cnt = t.dup_cnt+1 -- 4debug only
where t.id = :v_ware_id;
exception; -- anonimous but in WHEN block
end -- v_ware_id not null
-- while ( v_doc_rows > 0 ) do begin
-- v_qty = coalesce(a_maxq4row, fn_get_random_quantity( v_ctx_max_qty ));
-- if ( a_optype_id = fn_oper_order_by_customer() ) then
-- begin
-- if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','ENABLE_FILL_PHRASES')='1' -- enable check performance of similar_to
-- and
-- exists( select * from phrases )
-- ) then
-- begin
-- -- For checking performance of SIMILAR TO:
-- -- search using preliminary generated patterns
-- -- (generation of them see in oltp_fill_data.sql):
-- select p.pattern from phrases p
-- where p.id = (select sp_get_random_id('phrases',null,null, :v_raise_exc_on_nofind) from rdb$database)
-- into v_pattern;
-- v_stt = 'select id from wares where '||v_pattern||' rows 1';
-- execute statement(v_stt) into v_ware_id;
-- if ( v_ware_id is null ) then
-- exception ex_record_not_found using ('wares', v_pattern);
-- end
-- else
-- v_ware_id =
-- sp_get_random_id(
-- v_source_for_random_id,
-- null,
-- null,
-- :v_raise_exc_on_nofind
-- ); -- <<< take random ware from price list
-- -- Define cost of ware being added in customer order,
-- -- in purchasing and retailing prices (allow them to vary):
-- select
-- round( w.price_purchase + rand() * 300, -2) * :v_qty
-- ,round( w.price_retail + rand() * 300, -2) * :v_qty
-- from wares w
-- where w.id = :v_ware_id
-- into v_cost_purchase, v_cost_retail;
-- end
-- else -- a_optype_id <> fn_oper_order_by_customer()
-- begin
-- v_ware_id =
-- sp_get_random_id(
-- v_source_for_random_id,
-- v_source_for_min_id,
-- v_source_for_max_id,
-- v_raise_exc_on_nofind, -- 19.07.2014: 0 ==> do NOT raise exception if not able to find any ID in view :v_source_for_random_id
-- v_can_skip_order_clause, -- 17.07.2014: if = 1, then 'order by id' will be SKIPPED in statement inside fn
-- v_find_using_desc_index -- 11.09.2014, performance of select id from v_xxx order by id DESC rows 1
-- );
-- end
-- if ( v_ware_id is not null ) then
-- begin
-- -- All the views v_r`andom_finx_xxx have checking clause like
-- -- "where NOT exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart c where ...)"
-- -- so we can immediatelly do INSERT rather than update+check row_count=0
-- insert into tmp$shopping_cart(
-- id,
-- snd_optype_id,
-- rcv_optype_id,
-- qty,
-- storno_sub,
-- cost_purchase,
-- cost_retail
-- )
-- values (
-- :v_ware_id,
-- :v_snd_optype_id,
-- :a_optype_id,
-- :v_qty,
-- :v_storno_sub,
-- :v_cost_purchase,
-- :v_cost_retail
-- );
-- row_cnt = row_cnt + 1; -- out arg, will be used in getting batch IDs for doc_data (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
-- qty_sum = qty_sum + ceiling( v_qty ); -- out arg, will be passed to s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_qty_storno
-- when any
-- do begin
-- if ( fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- update tmp$shopping_cart t
-- set t.dup_cnt = t.dup_cnt+1 -- 4debug only
-- where t.id = :v_ware_id;
-- else
-- exception; -- anonimous but in WHEN block
-- end
-- end -- v_ware_id not null
-- v_doc_rows = v_doc_rows -1;
-- end -- while ( v_doc_rows > 0 )
if ( not exists(select * from tmp$shopping_cart) ) then
exception ex_no_rows_in_shopping_cart using( v_source_for_random_id ); -- 'shopping_cart is empty, check source ''@1'''
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null, v_info );
suspend; -- row_cnt, qty_sum
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_fill_shopping_cart
create or alter procedure sp_client_order(
dbg int default 0,
dbg_rows2add int default null,
dbg_maxq4row int default null
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
agent_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty,
purchase type of dm_cost, -- purchasing cost for qty
retail type of dm_cost, -- retail cost
qty_clo type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_clr type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_ord type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare c_gen_inc_step_dd int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for doc_data (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_dd int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_dd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_dd dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_dd)
declare c_gen_inc_step_nt int = 20; -- size of `batch` for get at once new IDs for invnt_turnover_log (reduce lock-contention of gen page)
declare v_gen_inc_iter_nt int; -- increments from 1 up to c_gen_inc_step_dd and then restarts again from 1
declare v_gen_inc_last_nt dm_idb; -- last got value after call gen_id (..., c_gen_inc_step_dd)
declare v_oper_order_by_customer dm_idb;
declare v_nt_new_id dm_idb;
declare v_clo_for_our_firm dm_sign = 0;
declare v_rows_added int = 0;
declare v_qty_sum dm_qty = 0;
declare v_purchase_sum dm_cost;
declare v_retail_sum dm_cost;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_dd_new_id bigint;
declare v_dd_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_client_order';
declare c_shop_cart cursor for (
from tmp$shopping_cart c
-- Selects randomly agent, wares and creates a new document with wares which
-- we should provide to customer ("CLIENT ORDER"). Business starts from THIS
-- kind of doc: customer comes in our office and wants to buy / order smthn.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
v_oper_order_by_customer = fn_oper_order_by_customer();
-- Random select contragent for this client order
-- About 20...30% of orders are for our firm (==> they will NOT move to
-- 'reserves' after corresponding invoices will be added to stock balance):
if ( rand()*100 <= cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ORDER_FOR_OUR_FIRM_PERCENT') as int) ) then
v_clo_for_our_firm = 1;
--agent_id = sp_get_random_id('v_our_firm', null, null, 0);
select id_selected from sp_get_random_id('v_our_firm', null, null, 0) into agent_id;
agent_id = fn_get_random_customer();
execute procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart( v_oper_order_by_customer, dbg_rows2add, dbg_maxq4row )
returning_values v_rows_added, v_qty_sum;
if (dbg=1) then exit;
execute procedure sp_add_doc_list(
:doc_list_id, -- out arg
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_dd = 1 + v_rows_added; -- for adding rows in doc_data: size of batch = number of rows in tmp$shop_cart + 1
v_gen_inc_last_dd = gen_id( g_doc_data, :c_gen_inc_step_dd );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
c_gen_inc_step_nt = 1 + v_rows_added; -- for adding rows in invnt_turnover_log: size of batch = number of rows in tmp$shop_cart + 1
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );-- take bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_purchase_sum = 0;
v_retail_sum = 0;
-- Process each record in tmp$shopping_cart:
-- 1) add row to detalization table (doc_data) with amount that client orders;
-- 2) add for each row from shoping cart SEVERAL rows in QDistr - they form
-- set of records for futher STORNING by new document(s) in next business
-- operation (our order to supplier). Number of rows being added in QDistr
-- equals to doc_data.qty (for simplicity of code these amounts are considered
-- to be always INTEGER values).
open c_shop_cart;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_shop_cart into ware_id, qty, purchase, retail;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then leave;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_dd = c_gen_inc_step_dd ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_dd = gen_id( g_doc_data, :c_gen_inc_step_dd );
v_dd_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_dd - ( c_gen_inc_step_dd - v_gen_inc_iter_dd );
-- rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION','DBG_DD_D',
-- 'v_dd_new_id='||v_dd_new_id
-- ||', v_last_dd='||v_gen_inc_last_dd
-- ||', c_step_dd='||c_gen_inc_step_dd
-- ||', v_iter_dd='||v_gen_inc_iter_dd
-- );
v_gen_inc_iter_dd = v_gen_inc_iter_dd + 1;
if ( v_gen_inc_iter_nt = c_gen_inc_step_nt ) then -- its time to get another batch of IDs
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = 1;
-- take subsequent bulk IDs at once (reduce lock-contention for GEN page)
v_gen_inc_last_nt = gen_id( g_common, :c_gen_inc_step_nt );
v_nt_new_id = v_gen_inc_last_nt - ( c_gen_inc_step_nt - v_gen_inc_iter_nt );
v_gen_inc_iter_nt = v_gen_inc_iter_nt + 1;
execute procedure sp_add_doc_data(
v_dd_new_id, -- preliminary calculated ID for new record in doc_data (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
v_nt_new_id, -- preliminary calculated ID for new record in invnt_turnover_log (reduce lock-contention of GEN page)
) returning_values v_dd_new_id, v_dd_dbkey;
-- Write ref to doc_data.id - it will be used in sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr:
update tmp$shopping_cart c set c.snd_id = :v_dd_new_id where current of c_shop_cart;
-- do NOT use trigger-way updates of doc header for each row being added
-- in detalization table: it will be run only once after this loop (performance):
v_purchase_sum = v_purchase_sum + purchase;
v_retail_sum = v_retail_sum + retail;
end -- cursor on tmp$shopping_car join wares
close c_shop_cart;
if (dbg=2) then exit;
-- 02.09.2014 2205: remove call of sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr from t`rigger d`oc_data_aiud
-- (otherwise fractional values in cumulative qdistr.snd_purchase will be when costs for
-- same ware in several storned docs differs):
-- 30.09.2014: move out from for-loop, single call:
execute procedure sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr(
v_qty_sum -- this is number of _ROWS_ that will be added into QDistr (used to calc. size of 'bulks' of new IDs - minimize call of gen_id in sp_multiply_rows_for_qdistr)
if (dbg=3) then exit;
-- Single update of doc header (not for every row added in doc_data table
-- as it would be via it's trigger).
-- Trigger d`oc_list_aiud will call sp_add_invnt_log to add rows to invnt_turnover_log
update doc_list h set
h.cost_purchase = :v_purchase_sum,
h.cost_retail = :v_retail_sum
where h.rdb$db_key = :v_dbkey;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null, 'doc_id='||coalesce(doc_list_id,'<null>')||', rows='||v_rows_added );
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.cost_retail'
||',v.qty_clo ,v.qty_clr ,v.qty_ord'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail'
||',null ,null ,null'
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement(v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of sp_client_order
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_client_order(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
dbg int default 0
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
agent_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty,
purchase type of dm_cost, -- purchasing cost for qty
retail type of dm_cost, -- retail cost
qty_clo type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_clr type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_ord type of dm_qty
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_client_order';
-- Moves client order in 'cancelled' state. No rows from such client order
-- will be ordered to supplier (except those which we already ordered before)
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_cancel_client_order' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Find doc ID (with checking in view v_*** is need) and try to LOCK it.
-- Raise exc if can`t lock:
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_client_order', a_selected_doc_id);
-- 20.05.2014: BLOCK client_order in ALL cases instead of solving question about deletion
-- Trigger doc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state):
-- 1) call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr
-- Trigger doc_list_aiud will:
-- 1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
update doc_list h set
h.optype_id = fn_oper_cancel_customer_order(),
h.state_id = fn_doc_canc_state() --"cancelled without revert"
where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.cost_retail'
||',v.qty_clo ,v.qty_clr ,v.qty_ord'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail'
||',null ,null ,null'
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement(v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of sp_cancel_client_order
create or alter procedure sp_supplier_order(
dbg int default 0,
dbg_rows2add int default null,
dbg_maxq4row int default null
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
agent_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that we ordered for client
purchase type of dm_cost, -- purchasing cost for qty
retail type of dm_cost, -- retail cost
qty_clo type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_ord type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare v_id bigint;
declare v_rows_added int;
declare v_qty_sum dm_qty;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_supplier_order';
-- Processes several client orders and creates OUR order of wares to randomly
-- selected supplier (i.e. we expect these wares to be supplied by him).
-- Makes storning of corresp. amounts, so preventing duplicate including in further
-- supplier orders such wares (part of their total amounts) which was already ordered.
-- This operation is NEXT after client order in 'business chain'.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- choose randomly contragent that will be supplier for this order:
agent_id = fn_get_random_supplier();
execute procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart( fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), dbg_rows2add, dbg_maxq4row )
returning_values v_rows_added, v_qty_sum;
if (dbg=1) then exit;
-- 1. Find rows in QDISTR (and silently try to LOCK them) which can provide
-- required amounts in tmp$shopping_cart, in FIFO manner.
-- 2. Perform "STORNING" of them (moves these rows from QDISTR to QSTORNED)
-- 3. Create new document: header (doc_list) and detalization (doc_data).
execute procedure sp_make_qty_storno(
,v_rows_added -- used there for 'smart' definition of value to increment gen
,v_qty_sum -- used there for 'smart' definition of value to increment gen
) returning_values doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||coalesce(doc_list_id,'<null>'));
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.cost_retail'
||' ,v.qty_clo ,v.qty_ord'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail'
||' ,null ,null'
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement(v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of sp_supplier_order
create or alter procedure sp_supplier_invoice (
dbg int = 0,
dbg_rows2add int default null,
dbg_maxq4row int default null
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
agent_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty,
purchase type of dm_cost,
retail type of dm_cost,
qty_clo type of dm_qty,
qty_ord type of dm_qty,
qty_sup type of dm_qty
declare v_rows_added int;
declare v_qty_sum dm_qty;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_supplier_invoice';
-- Simulates activity of our SUPPLIER when he got from us several orders:
-- process randomly chosen wares from our orders and add them into INVOICE -
-- the document that we consider as preliminary income (i.e. NOT yet accepted).
-- Makes storning of corresp. amounts, so preventing duplicate including in further
-- supplier invoices such wares (part of their total amounts) which was already
-- included in this invoice.
-- This operation is NEXT after our order to supplier in 'business chain'.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises exc`eption to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- select supplier, random:
agent_id = fn_get_random_supplier();
execute procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart( fn_oper_invoice_get(), dbg_rows2add, dbg_maxq4row )
returning_values v_rows_added, v_qty_sum;
if (dbg=1) then exit;
-- 1. Find rows in QDISTR (and silently try to LOCK them) which can provide required
-- amounts in tmp$shopping_cart, in FIFO manner.
-- 2. Perform "STORNING" of them (moves these rows from QDISTR to QSTORNED)
-- 3. Create new document: header (doc_list) and detalization (doc_data).
execute procedure sp_make_qty_storno(
,v_rows_added -- used there for 'smart' definition of value to increment gen
,v_qty_sum -- used there for 'smart' definition of value to increment gen
) returning_values doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||coalesce(doc_list_id,'<null>'));
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.cost_retail'
||' ,v.qty_clo ,v.qty_ord ,v.qty_sup'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail'
||' ,null ,null ,null'
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement(v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of sp_supplier_invoice
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_supplier_invoice(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_skip_lock_attempt dm_sign default 0 -- 1==> do NOT call sp_lock_selected_doc because this doc is already locked (see call from sp_cancel_adding_invoice)
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created invoice
agent_id type of dm_idb, -- id of supplier
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of wares that we will get from supplier
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that supplier will send to us
purchase type of dm_cost, -- total purchasing cost for qty
retail type of dm_cost, -- assigned retail cost
qty_clo type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_ord type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_sup type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_supplier_invoice';
-- Randomly chooses invoice from supplier (NOT yet accepted) and CANCEL it
-- by REMOVING all its data + record in docs header table. It occurs when
-- we mistakenly created such invoice and now have to cancel this operation.
-- All wares which were in such invoice will be enabled again to be included
-- in new (another) invoice which we create after this - due to removing info
-- about amounts storning that was done before when invoice was created.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises exc`eption to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
( select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_cancel_supplier_invoice' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- upd. log with doc id whic is actually handling now:
execute procedure sp_upd_in_perf_log( v_this, null, 'dh='||doc_list_id);
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
if ( NOT (a_selected_doc_id is NOT null and a_skip_lock_attempt = 1) ) then
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_supplier_invoice', a_selected_doc_id);
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches when multiple
-- calls of this SP from sp_cancel_adding_invoice:
delete from tmp$result_set r where r.doc_id = :doc_list_id;
-- save data which is to be deleted (NB! this action became MANDATORY for
-- checking in srv_find_qd_qs_mism, do NOT delete it!):
insert into tmp$result_set( doc_id, agent_id, doc_data_id, ware_id, qty, cost_purchase, cost_retail)
select :doc_list_id, h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail
from doc_data d
join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id
where d.doc_id = :doc_list_id; -- invoice which is to be removed now
-- Trigger doc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state):
-- 1) call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr
-- Trigger doc_list_aiud will:
-- 1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
delete from doc_list h where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null);
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
v_stt = 'select r.doc_id,r.agent_id,r.doc_data_id,r.ware_id,r.qty,r.cost_purchase,r.cost_retail';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || ' ,n.qty_clo ,n.qty_ord ,n.qty_sup';
v_stt = v_stt || ' ,null ,null ,null';
v_stt = v_stt ||' from tmp$result_set r';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || ' left join v_saldo_invnt n on r.ware_id = n.ware_id';
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches when multiple
-- calls of this SP from s`p_cancel_supplier_order:
v_stt = v_stt || ' where r.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_supplier_invoice
create or alter procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart_clo_res(
a_client_order_id dm_idb
returns (
row_cnt int, -- number of rows added to tmp$shop_cart
qty_sum dm_qty -- total on QTY field in tmp$shop_cart
declare v_oper_invoice_add dm_idb;
declare v_oper_retail_reserve dm_idb;
declare v_oper_order_by_customer dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_dd_id dm_idb;
declare v_clo_qty_need_to_reserve dm_qty;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_fill_shopping_cart_clo_res';
-- Aux. SP: fills tmp$shopping_cart with data from client_order, but take in
-- account only those amounts which still need to be reserved.
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this, null, 'clo='||a_client_order_id);
v_oper_invoice_add = fn_oper_invoice_add();
v_oper_order_by_customer = fn_oper_order_by_customer();
v_oper_retail_reserve = fn_oper_retail_reserve();
qty_sum = 0; -- out arg
d.id as dd_id, -- 22.09.2014: for processing in separate cursor in sp_make_qty_distr that used index on snd_op, rcv_op, snd_id
sum(q.snd_qty) as clo_qty_need_to_reserve -- rest of init amount in client order that still needs to be reserved
-- (much faster than old: from qdistr where q.doc_id = :a_client_order_id and snd_op = ... and rcv_op = ...)
from doc_data d
LEFT -- !! force to fix plan with 'doc_data' as drive table, see CORE-4926
join v_qdistr_source q on
-- :: NB :: full match on index range scan must be here!
q.ware_id = d.ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :v_oper_order_by_customer
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_oper_retail_reserve
and q.snd_id = d.id --- :: NB :: full match on index range scan must be here!
d.doc_id = :a_client_order_id
and q.id is not null
group by d.ware_id, d.id
into v_ware_id, v_dd_id, v_clo_qty_need_to_reserve
do begin
insert into tmp$shopping_cart(
snd_id, -- 22.09.2014: for handling qdistr in separate cursor wher storno_sub=2!
values (
:v_clo_qty_need_to_reserve, -- :: NB :: this is the REST of initially ordered amount (i.e. LESS or equal to origin value in doc_data.qty for clo!)
row_cnt = row_cnt + 1; -- out arg
qty_sum = qty_sum + v_clo_qty_need_to_reserve; -- out arg
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'rc='||row_count );
suspend; -- row_cnt, qty_sum
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_fill_shopping_cart_clo_res
create or alter procedure sp_customer_reserve(
a_client_order_id type of dm_idb default null,
dbg integer default 0)
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
client_order_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty,
purchase type of dm_cost,
retail type of dm_cost,
qty_ord type of dm_qty,
qty_avl type of dm_qty,
qty_res type of dm_qty
declare v_rows_added int;
declare v_qty_sum dm_qty;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_agent_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_raise_exc_on_nofind dm_sign;
declare v_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign;
declare v_find_using_desc_index dm_sign;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_customer_reserve';
-- Takes several wares, adds them into
-- tmp$shopping_cart and and creates new document that reserves
-- these wares for customer, in amount that is currently avaliable
-- If parameter a_client_order_id is NOT_null then fill tmp$shopping_cart
-- with wares from THAT client order rather than random choosen wares set
-- Document 'customer_reserve' can appear in business chain in TWO places:
-- 1) at the beginning (when customer comes to us and wants to buy some wares
-- which we have just now);
-- 2) after we accept invoice which has wares from client order - in that case
-- we need to reserve wares for customer(s) as soon as possible and we do
-- it in the same Tx with accepting invoice (==> this will be 'heavy' Tx).
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises exc`eption to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(
iif( a_client_order_id is null, 'from avaliable remainders', 'for clo_id='||a_client_order_id )
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
if ( a_client_order_id = -1 ) then -- create reserve from avaliable remainders
a_client_order_id = null;
else if ( a_client_order_id is null ) then
v_raise_exc_on_nofind = 0; -- do NOT raise exc if random seacrh will not find any record
v_can_skip_order_clause = 0; -- do NOT skip `order by` clause in sp_get_random_id (if order by id DESC will be used!)
v_find_using_desc_index = 0; -- 22.09.2014; befo: 1; -- use 'order by id DESC' (11.09.2014)
-- First of all try to search among client_orders which have
-- at least one row with NOT_fully reserved ware.
-- Call sp_get_random_id with arg NOT to raise exc`eption if
-- it will not found such documents:
select id_selected
v_qty_sum = 0;
while (1=1) do begin -- ............... m a i n l o o p .................
delete from tmp$shopping_cart where 1=1;
if (a_client_order_id is null) then -- 'common' reserve, NOT related to client order
-- ###### R E S E R V E A V A L I A B L E W A R E S #####
execute procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart( fn_oper_retail_reserve() )
returning_values v_rows_added, v_qty_sum;
-- select customer, random:
v_agent_id = fn_get_random_customer();
else begin -- reserve based on client order: scan its wares which still need to be reserved
-- ########## R E S E R V E F O R C L I E N T O R D E R ######
select h.rdb$db_key, h.agent_id
from doc_list h
where h.id = :a_client_order_id
into v_dbkey, v_agent_id;
if (v_dbkey is null) then exception ex_no_doc_found_for_handling using('doc_list', :a_client_order_id);
-- fill tmp$shopping_cart with client_order data
-- (NB: sp_make_qty_storno will put in reserve only those amounts
-- for which there are at least one row in qdistr, so we can put in
-- tmp$shopp_cart ALL rows from client order and no filter them now):
execute procedure sp_fill_shopping_cart_clo_res( :a_client_order_id )
returning_values v_rows_added, v_qty_sum;
end -- a_client_order_id order NOT null
if (dbg=1) then leave;
-- 1. Find rows in QDISTR (and silently try to LOCK them) which can provide required
-- amounts in tmp$shopping_cart, in FIFO manner.
-- 2. Perform "STORNING" of them (moves these rows from QDISTR to QSTORNED)
-- 3. Create new document: header (doc_list) and detalization (doc_data).
if ( v_qty_sum > 0 ) then
execute procedure sp_make_qty_storno(
) returning_values doc_list_id; -- out arg
end -- while (1=1) -- ............... m a i n l o o p .................
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, coalesce(doc_list_id,'<null>') );
if ( dbg=4 ) then exit;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.base_doc_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty,v.cost_purchase, v.cost_retail'
||',v.qty_ord ,v.qty_avl ,v.qty_res'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.base_doc_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty,d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail'
||',null ,null ,null '
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_customer_reserve
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_customer_reserve(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_skip_lock_attempt dm_sign default 0 -- 1==> do NOT call sp_lock_selected_doc because this doc is already locked (see call from sp_cancel_adding_invoice)
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of new created reserve doc
client_order_id type of dm_idb, -- id of client order (if current reserve was created with link to it)
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of wares that we resevre for customer
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that we can reserve (not greater than invnt_saldo.qty_avl)
purchase type of dm_cost, -- cost in purchasing prices
retail type of dm_cost, -- cost in retailing prices
qty_ord type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresp. row
qty_avl type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresp. row
qty_res type of dm_qty -- new value of corresp. row
) as
declare v_linked_client_order type of dm_idb;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_customer_reserve';
-- Randomly chooses customer reserve (which is NOT yet sold) and CANCEL it
-- by REMOVING all its data + record in docs header table. It occurs when
-- we mistakenly created such reserve and now have to cancel this operation.
-- All wares which were in such reserve will be enabled to be reserved for
-- other customer - due to removing info about storning that was done before
-- when this customer reserve was created.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
( select id_selected from
'v_cancel_customer_reserve' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
if ( NOT (a_selected_doc_id is NOT null and a_skip_lock_attempt = 1) ) then
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_customer_reserve', a_selected_doc_id);
from doc_list h
h.id = :doc_list_id
v_linked_client_order; -- not null ==> this reserve was filled with wares from client order
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches when multiple
-- calls of this SP from sp_cancel_adding_invoice:
delete from tmp$result_set r where r.doc_id = :doc_list_id;
-- save data which is to be deleted (NB! this action became MANDATORY for
-- checking in srv_find_qd_qs_mism, do NOT delete it!):
insert into tmp$result_set(
from doc_data d
where d.doc_id = :doc_list_id; -- customer reserve which is to be deleted now
-- Remove selected customer reserve.
-- Trigger d`oc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state):
-- 1) call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr
-- Trigger d`oc_list_aiud will:
-- 1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
delete from doc_list h where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
v_stt = 'select r.doc_id,r.base_doc_id,r.doc_data_id,r.ware_id,r.qty,r.cost_purchase,r.cost_retail';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || ' ,n.qty_ord, n.qty_avl, n.qty_res';
v_stt = v_stt || ' ,null as qty_ord, null as qty_avl, null as qty_res';
v_stt = v_stt ||' from tmp$result_set r';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || ' left join v_saldo_invnt n on r.ware_id = n.ware_id';
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches when multiple
-- calls of this SP from sp_cancel_adding_invoice:
v_stt = v_stt || ' where r.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id)
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_customer_reserve
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_write_off(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_skip_lock_attempt dm_sign default 0 -- 1==> do NOT call sp_lock_selected_doc because this doc is already locked (see call from sp_cancel_adding_invoice)
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of invoice being added to stock
client_order_id type of dm_idb, -- id of client order (if current reserve was created with link to it)
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of wares that we will get from supplier
qty type of dm_qty,
purchase type of dm_cost,
retail type of dm_cost,
qty_avl type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_res type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_out type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_agent_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_linked_client_order type of dm_idb;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_write_off';
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
-- Randomly chooses waybill (ex. customer reserve after it was sold) and
-- MOVES ("returns") it back to state "customer reserve" thus cancelling
-- write-off operation that was previously done with these wares.
-- All wares which were in such waybill will be returned back on stock and
-- will be reported as 'reserved'. So, we only change the STATE of document
-- rather its content.
-- Total cost of realization will be added (INSERTED) into money_turnover_log table
-- with "-" sign to be gathered later in service sp_make_money_saldo
-- that calculates balance of contragents.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind ("closed" customer reserve)
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
( select id_selected from
'v_cancel_write_off' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
if ( NOT (a_selected_doc_id is NOT null and a_skip_lock_attempt = 1) ) then
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_write_off', a_selected_doc_id);
-- Change STATE of document back to "Reserve".
-- Trigger doc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state):
-- 1) call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr
-- Trigger doc_list_aiud will:
-- 1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
update doc_list h
h.state_id = fn_doc_open_state(), -- return to prev. docstate
h.optype_id = fn_oper_retail_reserve(), -- return to prev. optype
dts_fix = null,
dts_clos = null
h.id = :doc_list_id
client_order_id; -- out arg
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
v_stt = 'select d.doc_id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, d.cost_retail';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt || ',d.doc_data_id ,d.qty_avl ,d.qty_res ,d.qty_out from v_doc_detailed d';
v_stt = v_stt || ',d.id ,null ,null ,null from doc_data d';
v_stt = v_stt || ' where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_write_off
create or alter procedure sp_get_clo_for_invoice( a_invoice_doc_id dm_idb )
returns (
clo_doc_id type of dm_idb,
clo_agent_id type of dm_idb -- 23.07.2014
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_qty_acc dm_qty;
declare v_qty_sup type of dm_qty;
declare v_snd_qty dm_qty;
declare v_qty_clo_still_not_reserved dm_qty;
declare v_clo_doc_id dm_idb;
declare v_clo_agent_id dm_idb;
declare v_ware_id dm_idb;
declare v_cnt int = 0;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_get_clo_for_invoice';
declare v_oper_order_by_customer dm_idb;
declare v_oper_retail_reserve dm_idb;
-- Aux SP: find client orders which have at least one unit of amount of
-- some ware that still not reserved for customer.
-- This SP is called when we finish checking invoice data and move invoice
-- to state "Accepted". We need then find for immediate RESERVING such
-- wares which customers waiting for.
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
--?! 06.02.2015 2020, performance affect ?
v_oper_order_by_customer = fn_oper_order_by_customer();
v_oper_retail_reserve = fn_oper_retail_reserve();
delete from tmp$dep_docs d where d.base_doc_id = :a_invoice_doc_id;
-- :: NB :: We need handle rows via CURSOR here because of immediate leave
-- from cursor when limit (invoice doc_data.qty as v_qty_sup) will be exceeded
-- FB 3.0 analitycal function sum()over(order by) which get running total
-- is inefficient here (poor performance)
select d.ware_id, d.qty
from doc_data d
where d.doc_id = :a_invoice_doc_id -- invoice which we are closing now
into v_ware_id, v_qty_sup
do begin
v_qty_acc = 0;
-- Gather REMAINDER of initial amount in ALL client orders
-- that still not yet reserved.
-- 05.09.2015. Note: we have to stop scrolling on QDistr for each ware
-- from invoice as soon as number of scrolled records will be >= v_qty_sup
-- (because we can`t put in reserve more than we got from supplier;
-- also because of performance: there are usially **LOT** of rows in QDistr
-- for the same value of {ware, snd_op, rcv_op})
q.doc_id as clo_doc_id, -- id of customer order
q.snd_qty as clo_qty -- always = 1 (in current implementation)
from v_qdistr_source q
-- :: NB :: PARTIAL match on index range scan will be here.
-- For that reason we have to STOP scrolling as soon as possible!
q.ware_id = :v_ware_id
and q.snd_optype_id = :v_oper_order_by_customer
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_oper_retail_reserve
and not exists(
select * from tmp$dep_docs t
t.base_doc_id = :a_invoice_doc_id
and t.dependend_doc_id = q.doc_id
-- prevent from building index bitmap (has effect only in 3.0; do NOT repeat in 2.5!):
order by t.base_doc_id, t.dependend_doc_id
order by q.ware_id, q.snd_optype_id, q.rcv_optype_id, q.snd_id -- ==> 3.0: plan_order, avoid bild bitmap
into v_clo_doc_id, v_snd_qty
do begin
v_qty_acc = v_qty_acc + v_snd_qty;
v_cnt = v_cnt + 1;
update or insert into tmp$dep_docs(
values (
matching(base_doc_id, dependend_doc_id);
if ( v_qty_acc >= v_qty_sup ) then leave; -- we can`t put in reserve more than we got from supplier
when any do -- added 10.09.2014: strange 'concurrent transaction' error occured on GTT!
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( NOT fn_is_uniqueness_trouble(gdscode) ) then exception;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||a_invoice_doc_id||', gather_qd_rows='||v_cnt);
select f.dependend_doc_id, h.agent_id
from tmp$dep_docs f
join doc_list h on
f.dependend_doc_id = h.id
and h.optype_id = :v_oper_order_by_customer -- 31.07.2014: exclude cancelled customer orders!
where f.base_doc_id = :a_invoice_doc_id
-- not needed! >>> group by f.dependend_doc_id, h.agent_id
into clo_doc_id, clo_agent_id
when any do -- added 10.09.2014: strange 'concurrent transaction' error occured on INSERT!
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_get_clo_for_invoice
create or alter procedure sp_add_invoice_to_stock(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_cancel_mode dm_sign default 0,
a_skip_lock_attempt dm_sign default 0, -- 1==> do NOT call sp_lock_selected_doc because this doc is already locked (see call from s`p_cancel_supplier_order)
dbg int default 0
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of invoice being added to stock
agent_id type of dm_idb, -- id of supplier
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of wares that we will get from supplier
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that supplier will send to us
purchase type of dm_cost, -- how much we must pay to supplier for this ware
qty_sup type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_avl type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_res type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
res_ok int, -- number of successfully created reserves for client orders
res_err int, -- number of FAULTS when attempts to create reserves for client orders
res_nul int -- 4debug: number of mismatches between estimated and actually created reserves
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_new_doc_state type of dm_idb;
declare v_old_oper_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_new_oper_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_client_order type of dm_idb;
declare v_linked_reserve_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_linked_reserve_state type of dm_idb;
declare v_view_for_search dm_dbobj;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_add_invoice_to_stock';
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
declare function fn_internal_enable_reserving() returns boolean deterministic as
return rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_RESERVES_WHEN_ADD_INVOICE')='1';
-- This SP implements TWO tasks (see parameter `a_cancel_mode`):
-- 1) MOVES invoice to the state "ACCEPTED" after we check its content;
-- 2) CANCEL previously accepted invoice and MOVES it to the state "TO BE CHECKED".
-- For "1)" it will also find all client orders which have at least one unit
-- of amount that still not reserved and CREATE customer reserve(s).
-- Total cost of invoice will be added (INSERTED) into money_turnover_log table
-- with "+" sign to be gathered later in service sp_make_money_saldo that
-- calculates balance of contragents.
-- For "2)" it will find all customer reserves and waybills ('closed reserves')
-- and firstly CANCEL all of them and, if no errors occur, will then cancel
-- currently selected invoice.
-- Total cost of cancelled invoice will be added (INSERTED) into money_turnover_log table
-- with "-" sign to be gathered later in service sp_make_money_saldo that
-- calculates balance of contragents.
-- ::: NB-1 ::: This SP supresses lock-conflicts which can be occur when trying
-- to CREATE customer reserves in module sp_make_qty_storno which storning amounts.
-- In such case amount will be stored in 'avaliable' remainder.
-- ::: NB-2 ::: This SP does NOT supress lock-conflicts when invoice is to be
-- CANCELLED (i.e. moved back to state 'to be checked') - otherwise we get
-- negative values in 'reserved' or 'sold' kinds of stock remainder.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- input arg a_cancel_mode = 0 ==> ADD invoice to stock and 'fix' it;
-- otherwise ==> CANCEL adding and return to 'open' state
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
if ( a_cancel_mode = 1 ) then v_this = 'sp_cancel_adding_invoice';
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- check that special context var EXISTS otherwise raise exc:
execute procedure sp_check_ctx('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_RESERVES_WHEN_ADD_INVOICE');
v_new_doc_state = iif( a_cancel_mode = 0, fn_doc_fix_state(), fn_doc_open_state() );
v_old_oper_id = iif( a_cancel_mode = 0, fn_oper_invoice_get(), fn_oper_invoice_add() );
v_new_oper_id = iif( a_cancel_mode = 0, fn_oper_invoice_add(), fn_oper_invoice_get() );
v_view_for_search = iif( a_cancel_mode = 0, 'v_add_invoice_to_stock', 'v_cancel_adding_invoice' );
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected
from sp_get_random_id( :v_view_for_search -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
execute procedure sp_upd_in_perf_log(v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id); -- 06.07.2014, 4debug
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
if ( NOT (a_selected_doc_id is NOT null and a_skip_lock_attempt = 1) ) then
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, v_view_for_search, a_selected_doc_id);
res_ok = 0;
res_err = 0;
res_nul = 0;
while (1=1) do begin -- ................ m a i n l o o p ...............
if ( a_cancel_mode = 1 ) then
-- search all RESERVES (including those that are written-off) which
-- stornes some amounts from currently selected invoice and lock them
-- (add to tmp$dep_docs.dependend_doc_id)
execute procedure sp_lock_dependent_docs( :doc_list_id, :v_old_oper_id );
-- result: tmp$dep_docs.dependend_doc_id filled by ID of all locked
-- RESERVES which depends on currently selected invoice.
-- Extract set of reserve docs that storned amounts from current
-- invoice and cancel them:
select d.dependend_doc_id, d.dependend_doc_state
from tmp$dep_docs d
where d.base_doc_id = :doc_list_id
v_linked_reserve_id, v_linked_reserve_state
do begin
-- if we are here then ALL dependend docs have been SUCCESSFULLY locked.
if ( v_linked_reserve_state <> fn_doc_open_state() ) then
select count(*) from sp_cancel_write_off( :v_linked_reserve_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
select count(*) from sp_cancel_customer_reserve(:v_linked_reserve_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
res_ok = res_ok + 1;
-- do NOT supress any lock_conflict ex`ception here
-- otherwise get negative remainders!
end -- block for CANCELLING mode
-- Change info in doc header for INVOICE.
-- 1. trigger d`oc_list_biud will call sp_kill_qty_storno which:
-- update qdistr.snd_optype_id (or rcv_optype_id)
-- where qd.snd_id = doc_data.id or qd.rcv_id = doc_data.id
-- 2. trigger d`oc_list_aiud will:
-- 2.1 add rows into invnt_turnover_log
-- 2.2 add rows into money_turnover_log
update doc_list h
set h.optype_id = :v_new_oper_id, -- iif( a_cancel_mode = 0, fn_oper_invoice_add(), fn_oper_invoice_get() );
h.state_id = :v_new_doc_state, -- iif( :a_cancel_mode = 0 , :fn_doc_clos_state , :v_new_doc_state),
dts_fix = iif( :a_cancel_mode = 0, 'now', null )
where h.id = :doc_list_id;
if (dbg=1) then leave;
-- build unique list of client orders which still need to reserve some wares
-- and create for each item of this list new reserve that is linked to client_order.
v_client_order = null;
if (a_cancel_mode = 0) then -- create reserve docs (avaliable remainders exists after adding this invoice)
if (dbg=3) then leave;
if (fn_internal_enable_reserving() ) then
select p.clo_doc_id
from sp_get_clo_for_invoice( :doc_list_id ) p
where not exists(
select * from v_our_firm v
where v.id = p.clo_agent_id
-- 3.0: fixed 16.12.2014, revision 60368
-- "Postfix for CORE-1550 Unnecessary index scan happens
--- when the same index is mapped to both WHERE and ORDER BY clauses."
order by v.id -- <<< can do this since 16.12.2014
into v_client_order
do begin
-- reserve immediatelly all avaliable wares for each found client order:
select min(doc_list_id) from sp_customer_reserve( :v_client_order, iif(:dbg=4, 2, null) )
into v_linked_reserve_id;
if ( v_linked_reserve_id is null ) then
res_nul = res_nul + 1;
res_ok = res_ok + 1;
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble(gdscode) ) then
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'can`t create res',
'clo_id='||coalesce(v_client_order, '<null>'),
res_err = res_err + 1;
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log('', gdscode, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id, v_this );
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- cursor select clo_doc_id from sp_get_clo_for_invoice( :doc_list_id )
end -- a_cancel_mode = 0
end -- while (1=1) -- ................ m a i n l o o p ...............
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'dh='||doc_list_id, res_ok, res_nul);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.qty_sup, v.qty_avl, v.qty_res'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, null, null, null '
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of sp_add_invoice_to_stock
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_adding_invoice(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_skip_lock_attempt dm_sign default 0, -- 1==> do NOT call sp_lock_selected_doc because this doc is already locked (see call from s`p_cancel_supplier_order)
dbg int default 0
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of invoice being added to stock
agent_id type of dm_idb, -- id of supplier
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of created records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of wares that we will get from supplier
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that supplier will send to us
purchase type of dm_cost, -- how much we must pay to supplier for this ware
qty_sup type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt
qty_avl type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt
qty_res type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
res_ok int, -- number of successfully CANCELLED reserves for client orders
res_err int -- number of FAULTS when attempts to CANCEL reserves for client orders
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_adding_invoice';
-- MOVES invoice from state 'accepted' to state 'to be checked'.
-- Delegates all this work to sp_add_invoice_to_stock.
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
-- no need, see s`p_add_invoice: execute procedure s`p_add_to_perf_log(v_this);
select min(doc_list_id), min(res_ok), min(res_err)
from sp_add_invoice_to_stock(
1, -- <<<<<<<<< sign to CANCEL document <<<<<
into doc_list_id, res_ok, res_err;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.agent_id, v.doc_data_id, v.ware_id, v.qty, v.cost_purchase, v.qty_sup, v.qty_avl, v.qty_res'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select h.agent_id, d.id, d.ware_id, d.qty, d.cost_purchase, null, null, null'
||' from doc_data d join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
-- no need, see s`p_add_invoice: execute procedure s`p_add_to_perf_log(v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- sp_cancel_adding_invoice
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_supplier_order(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null)
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb,
agent_id type of dm_idb,
doc_data_id type of dm_idb,
ware_id type of dm_idb,
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that we ordered for client
purchase type of dm_cost, -- purchasing cost for qty
retail type of dm_cost, -- retail cost
qty_clo type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_ord type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_info dm_info = '';
declare v_linked_invoice_id bigint;
declare v_linked_invoice_state bigint;
declare v_linked_reserve_id bigint;
declare v_linked_reserve_state bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_supplier_order';
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
-- Randomly chooses our order to supplier and CANCEL it by REMOVING all its
-- data + record in docs header table. It occurs when we mistakenly created
-- such order and now have to cancel this operation.
-- All wares which were in such supplier order will be enabled again
-- to be included in new (another) order which we create after this.
-- ::: NB :::
-- Before cancelling supplier order we need to find all INVOICES which have
-- at least one unit of amounts that was participated in storning process of
-- currently selected order. All these invoices need to be:
-- 1) moved from state 'accepted' to state 'to be checked' (if need);
-- 2) cancelled at all (i.e. removed from database).
-- Because each 'accepted' invoice can be cancelled only when all customer
-- reserves and waybills are cancelled first, we need, in turn, to find all
-- these documents and cancel+remove them.
-- For that reason this SP is most 'heavy' vs any others: it can fail with
-- 'lock-conflict' up to 75% of calls in concurrent environment.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_cancel_supplier_order' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
v_info = 'dh='||doc_list_id;
-- upd. log with doc id whic is actually handling now:
--execute procedure sp_upd_in_perf_log( v_this, null, 'dh='||doc_list_id);
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_supplier_order', a_selected_doc_id);
-- Since 08.08.2014: first get and lock *ALL* dependent docs - both invoices and reserves
-- Continue handling of them only after we get ALL locks!
-- 1. lock all INVOICES that storned amounts from currently selected supp_order:
execute procedure sp_lock_dependent_docs( :doc_list_id, fn_oper_order_for_supplier() );
-- result: tmp$dep_docs.dependend_doc_id filled by ID of all locked dependent invoices
-- 2. for each of invoices search all RESERVES (including those that are written-off)
-- and also lock them (add to tmp$dep_docs.dependend_doc_id)
d.dependend_doc_id as linked_invoice_id
from tmp$dep_docs d
where d.base_doc_id = :doc_list_id
order by d.base_doc_id+0
into v_linked_invoice_id
do begin
execute procedure sp_lock_dependent_docs(:v_linked_invoice_id, fn_oper_invoice_add());
-- result: tmp$dep_docs.dependend_doc_id filled by ID of all locked RESERVES
-- which depends on invoices.
-- 3. Scan tmp$dep_docs filtering only RESERVES and cancel them
-- (do NOT delegate this job to sp_cancel_adding_invoice...)
select d.dependend_doc_id, d.dependend_doc_state
from tmp$dep_docs d
where d.base_doc_id <> :doc_list_id
group by 1,2 -- ::: NB ::: one reserve can depends on SEVERAL invoices!
into v_linked_reserve_id, v_linked_reserve_state
do begin
if ( v_linked_reserve_state <> fn_doc_open_state() ) then
-- a_skip_lock_hdr = 1 ==> do NOT try to lock doc header, it was ALREADY locked in sp_lock_dependent_docs
select count(*) from sp_cancel_write_off( :v_linked_reserve_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
-- a_skip_lock_hdr = 1 ==> do NOT try to lock doc header, it was ALREADY locked in sp_lock_dependent_docs
select count(*) from sp_cancel_customer_reserve(:v_linked_reserve_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
-- do NOT supress any lock_conflict ex`ception here
-- otherwise get negative remainders!
-- 4. Scan tmp$dep_docs filtering only INVOICES and cancel them:
select d.dependend_doc_id, d.dependend_doc_state
from tmp$dep_docs d
where d.base_doc_id = :doc_list_id
into v_linked_invoice_id, v_linked_invoice_state
do begin
if ( v_linked_invoice_state <> fn_doc_open_state() ) then
-- a_skip_lock_hdr = 1 ==> do NOT try to lock doc header, it was ALREADY locked in sp_lock_dependent_docs
select count(*) from sp_cancel_adding_invoice( :v_linked_invoice_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
-- a_skip_lock_hdr = 1 ==> do NOT try to lock doc header, it was ALREADY locked in sp_lock_dependent_docs
select count(*) from sp_cancel_supplier_invoice( :v_linked_invoice_id, 1 ) into v_dummy;
-- do NOT supress any lock_conflict ex`ception here
-- otherwise get negative remainders!
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches:
delete from tmp$result_set r where r.doc_id = :doc_list_id;
-- save data which is to be deleted (NB! this action became MANDATORY for
-- checking in srv_find_qd_qs_mism, do NOT delete it!):
insert into tmp$result_set( doc_id, agent_id, doc_data_id, ware_id, qty, cost_purchase, cost_retail)
from doc_data d
join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id
where d.doc_id = :doc_list_id; -- supplier order which is to be removed now
-- 1. Trigger doc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state)
-- call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr.
-- 2. FK cascade will remove records from table doc_data.
-- 3. Trigger doc_list_aiud will:
-- 3.1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 3.2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
delete from doc_list h where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null, v_info);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
v_stt = 'select r.agent_id,r.doc_data_id,r.ware_id,r.qty,r.cost_purchase,r.cost_retail';
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = v_stt ||' ,n.qty_clo,n.qty_ord'
||' from tmp$result_set r left join v_saldo_invnt n on r.ware_id = n.ware_id';
v_stt = v_stt ||' ,null ,null from tmp$result_set r';
-- 17.07.2014: add cond for indexed scan to minimize fetches:
v_stt = v_stt || ' where r.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_supplier_order
create or alter procedure sp_reserve_write_off(a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null)
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of customer reserve doc
client_order_id type of dm_idb, -- id of client order (if current reserve was created with link to it)
doc_data_id type of dm_idb, -- id of processed records in doc_data
ware_id type of dm_idb, -- id of ware
qty type of dm_qty, -- amount that is written-offf
purchase type of dm_cost, -- cost in purchasing prices
retail type of dm_cost, -- cost in retailing prices
qty_avl type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_res type of dm_qty, -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
qty_out type of dm_qty -- new value of corresponding row in invnt_saldo
declare v_linked_client_order type of dm_idb;
declare v_ibe smallint;
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_reserve_write_off';
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
-- Randomly choose customer reserve and MOVES it to the state 'sold',
-- so this doc becomes 'waybill' (customer can take out his wares since
-- that moment).
-- Total cost of realization will be added (INSERTED) into money_turnover_log table
-- with "+" sign to be gathered later in service sp_make_money_saldo
-- that calculates balance of contragents.
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
v_ibe = iif( fn_remote_process() containing 'IBExpert', 1, 0);
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_reserve_write_off' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_reserve_write_off', a_selected_doc_id);
-- Change info in doc header for CUSTOMER RESERVE.
-- 1. Trigger doc_list_biud will (only for deleting doc or updating it's state)
-- call s`p_kill_qty_storno that returns rows from Q`Storned to Q`distr.
-- 2. FK cascade will remove records from table doc_data.
-- 3. Trigger doc_list_aiud will:
-- 3.1) add rows in table i`nvnt_turnover_log (log to be processed by SP s`rv_make_invnt_saldo)
-- 3.2) call s`p_multiply_rows_for_pdistr, s`p_make_cost_storno or s`p_kill_cost_storno, s`p_add_money_log
update doc_list h
h.state_id = fn_doc_fix_state(), -- goto "next" docstate: 'waybill'
h.optype_id = fn_oper_retail_realization() -- goto "next" optype ==> add row to money_turnover_log
where h.id = :doc_list_id
returning h.base_doc_id
into client_order_id; -- out arg
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
-- 16.07.2014: make ES more 'smart': we do NOT need any records from view
-- v_doc_detailed (==> v_saldo_invnt!) if there is NO debug now (performance!)
if ( v_ibe = 1 ) then
v_stt = 'select v.doc_data_id,v.ware_id,v.qty,v.cost_purchase,v.cost_retail'
||' from v_doc_detailed v where v.doc_id = :x';
v_stt = 'select d.id,d.ware_id,d.qty,d.cost_purchase,d.cost_retail'
||',null ,null ,null'
||' from doc_data d where d.doc_id = :x';
-- final resultset (need only in IBE, for debug purposes):
execute statement (v_stt) ( x := :doc_list_id )
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
end -- sp_reserve_write_off
-- ########################### P A Y M E N T S ##############################
create or alter procedure sp_payment_common(
a_payment_oper dm_idb, -- fn_oper_pay_from_customer() or fn_oper_pay_to_supplier()
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_total_pay type of dm_cost default null
returns (
source_doc_id type of dm_idb, -- id of doc which is paid (reserve or invoice)
agent_id type of dm_idb,
current_pay_sum type of dm_cost
declare v_stt varchar(255);
declare v_source_for_random_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_source_for_min_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_source_for_max_id dm_dbobj;
declare v_can_skip_order_clause smallint;
declare v_find_using_desc_index dm_sign;
declare view_to_search_agent dm_dbobj;
declare v_non_paid_total type of dm_cost;
declare v_round_to smallint;
declare v_id bigint;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_payment_common';
-- Aux SP - common for both payments from customers and our payments
-- to suppliers.
-- If parameter `a_selected_doc_id` is NOT null than we create payment
-- that is LINKED to existent doc of realization (for customer) or incomings
-- (for supplier). Otherwise this is ADVANCE payment.
-- This SP tries firstly to find 'linked' document for payment an returns it
-- in out argument 'source_doc_id' if it was found. Otherwise it only randomly
-- choose agent + total cost of payment and return them.
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this,null);
-- added 09.09.2014 due to new views for getting bounds & random find:
v_source_for_random_id =
decode( a_payment_oper,
fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 'v_random_find_non_paid_realizn',
fn_oper_pay_to_supplier(), 'v_random_find_non_paid_invoice',
v_source_for_min_id =
decode( a_payment_oper,
fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 'v_min_non_paid_realizn',
fn_oper_pay_to_supplier(), 'v_min_non_paid_invoice',
v_source_for_max_id =
decode( a_payment_oper,
fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 'v_max_non_paid_realizn',
fn_oper_pay_to_supplier(), 'v_max_non_paid_invoice',
v_can_skip_order_clause =
decode( a_payment_oper,
fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 1,
fn_oper_pay_to_supplier(), 1,
v_find_using_desc_index =
decode( a_payment_oper,
fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 1,
fn_oper_pay_to_supplier(), 1,
view_to_search_agent = iif( a_payment_oper = fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), 'v_all_customers', 'v_all_suppliers');
v_round_to = iif( a_payment_oper = fn_oper_pay_from_customer(), -2, -3);
if ( :a_selected_doc_id is null ) then
select id_selected
from sp_get_random_id(
0, -- 19.07.2014: 0 ==> do NOT raise exception if not able to find any ID in view :v_source_for_random_id
:v_can_skip_order_clause, -- 17.07.2014: if = 1, then 'order by id' will be SKIPPED in statement inside fn
:v_find_using_desc_index -- 11.09.2014
into source_doc_id;
if ( source_doc_id is not null ) then
select agent_id from doc_list h where h.id = :source_doc_id into agent_id;
select :a_selected_doc_id, h.agent_id
from doc_list h
where h.id = :a_selected_doc_id
into source_doc_id, agent_id;
if ( source_doc_id is not null ) then
-- Find doc ID (with checking in view v_*** if need) and try to LOCK it.
-- Raise exc if no found or can`t lock:
-- ::: do NOT ::: execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( source_doc_id, 'doc_list', a_selected_doc_id);
select h.agent_id from doc_list h where h.id = :a_selected_doc_id into agent_id;
if ( agent_id is null ) then
exception ex_no_doc_found_for_handling using('doc_list', a_selected_doc_id);
-- no document found for handling in datasource = '@1' with id=@2
if ( a_total_pay is null ) then
select sum( p.snd_cost ) from pdistr p where p.snd_id = :source_doc_id into v_non_paid_total;
current_pay_sum = round( v_non_paid_total, v_round_to );
if (current_pay_sum < v_non_paid_total) then
current_pay_sum = current_pay_sum + power(10, abs(v_round_to));
current_pay_sum = a_total_pay;
else -- source_doc_id is null
select id_selected from sp_get_random_id( :view_to_search_agent, null, null, 0 ) into agent_id;
if ( a_total_pay is null ) then
if (a_payment_oper = fn_oper_pay_from_customer() ) then
current_pay_sum = round(fn_get_random_cost('C_PAYMENT_FROM_CLIENT_MIN_TOTAL', 'C_PAYMENT_FROM_CLIENT_MAX_TOTAL'), v_round_to); -- round to hundreds
current_pay_sum = round(fn_get_random_cost('C_PAYMENT_TO_SUPPLIER_MIN_TOTAL', 'C_PAYMENT_TO_SUPPLIER_MAX_TOTAL'), v_round_to); -- round to thousands
current_pay_sum = a_total_pay;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this,null,'doc_id='||coalesce(source_doc_id, '<null>') );
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
'doc_id='||coalesce(source_doc_id, '<null>'),
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_payment_common
create or alter procedure sp_pay_from_customer(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_total_pay type of dm_cost default null,
dbg int default 0
returns (
agent_id type of dm_idb,
prepayment_id type of dm_idb, -- id of prepayment that was done here
realization_id type of dm_idb, -- id of reserve realization doc that 'receives' this advance
current_pay_sum type of dm_cost
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_pay_from_customer';
-- Implementation for payment from customer to us.
-- Randomly choose invoice that is not yet fully paid (by customer) and creates
-- payment document (with sum that can be equal or LESS than rest of value
-- that should be 100% paid).
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
execute procedure sp_payment_common(
) returning_values realization_id, agent_id, current_pay_sum;
-- add new record in doc_list (header)
execute procedure sp_add_doc_list(
returning_values :prepayment_id, :v_dbkey;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'payment_id='||prepayment_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_pay_from_customer
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_pay_from_customer(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of selected doc (prepayment that is deleted)
agent_id type of dm_idb, -- id of customer
prepayment_sum type of dm_cost -- customer's payment (in retailing prices)
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_pay_from_customer';
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_cancel_customer_prepayment' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_customer_prepayment', a_selected_doc_id);
select agent_id, cost_retail
from doc_list h
where h.id = :doc_list_id
into agent_id, prepayment_sum;
-- finally, remove prepayment doc (decision about corr. `money_turnover_log` - see trigger doc_list_aiud)
delete from doc_list h where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_pay_from_customer
create or alter procedure sp_pay_to_supplier(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null,
a_total_pay type of dm_cost default null,
dbg int default 0
returns (
agent_id type of dm_idb,
prepayment_id type of dm_idb, -- id of prepayment that was done here
invoice_id type of dm_idb, -- id of open supplier invoice(s) that 'receives' this advance
current_pay_sum type of dm_cost -- total sum of prepayment (advance)
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare v_round_to smallint;
declare v_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_pay_to_supplier';
-- Implementation for our payment to supplier.
-- Randomly choose invoice that is not yet fully paid (by us) and creates
-- payment document (with sum that can be equal or LESS than rest of value
-- that should be 100% paid).
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
execute procedure sp_payment_common(
) returning_values invoice_id, agent_id, current_pay_sum;
-- add new record in doc_list (header)
execute procedure sp_add_doc_list(
returning_values :prepayment_id, :v_dbkey;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'payment_id='||prepayment_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_pay_to_supplier
create or alter procedure sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier(
a_selected_doc_id type of dm_idb default null
returns (
doc_list_id type of dm_idb, -- id of selected doc
agent_id type of dm_idb, -- id of customer
prepayment_sum type of dm_cost
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier';
declare c_raise_exc_when_no_found dm_sign = 1;
declare c_can_skip_order_clause dm_sign = 0;
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
-- Choose random doc of corresponding kind.
-- 25.09.2014: do NOT set c_can_skip_order_clause = 1,
-- performance degrades from ~4900 to ~1900.
doc_list_id = coalesce( :a_selected_doc_id,
(select id_selected from
sp_get_random_id( 'v_cancel_payment_to_supplier' -- a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_min_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
,null -- a_view_for_max_id ==> the same as a_view_for_search
-- Try to LOCK just selected doc, raise exc if can`t:
execute procedure sp_lock_selected_doc( doc_list_id, 'v_cancel_payment_to_supplier', a_selected_doc_id);
select agent_id, cost_purchase
from doc_list h
where h.id = :doc_list_id
into agent_id, prepayment_sum;
-- finally, remove prepayment doc (decision about corr. `money_turnover_log` - see trigger doc_list_aiud)
delete from doc_list h where h.id = :doc_list_id;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit
-- (records from GTT tmp$perf_log will be MOVED in fixed table perf_log):
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, 'doc_id='||doc_list_id);
when any do
-- in a`utonomous tx:
-- 1) add to tmp$perf_log error info + timestamp,
-- 2) move records from tmp$perf_log to perf_log
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier
-- ####################### S E R V I C E U N I T S #######################
create or alter procedure srv_make_invnt_saldo(
a_selected_ware_id type of dm_idb default null
returns (
msg dm_info,
ins_rows int,
upd_rows int,
del_rows int
declare v_semaphore_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_deferred_to_next_time boolean = false;
declare v_gdscode int = null;
declare v_catch_bitset bigint;
declare v_exc_on_chk_violation smallint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_make_invnt_saldo';
declare s_qty_clo type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_clr type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_ord type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_sup type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_avl type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_res type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_inc type of dm_qty;
declare s_qty_out type of dm_qty;
declare s_cost_inc type of dm_cost;
declare s_cost_out type of dm_cost;
declare v_rc int;
declare v_err_msg dm_info;
declare v_neg_info dm_info;
declare c_chk_violation_code int = 335544558; -- check_constraint
declare c_semaphores cursor for ( select id from semaphores s where s.task = :v_this rows 1);
-- Gathers all turnovers for wares in 'invnt_turnover_log' table and makes them total
-- to merge in table 'invnt_saldo'
-- Original idea: sql.ru/forum/964534/hranimye-agregaty-bez-konfliktov-i-blokirovok-recept?hl=
-- 21.08.2014: refactored in order to maximal detailed info (via cursor)
-- and SKIP problem wares (with logging first ware which has neg. remainder)
-- and continue totalling for other ones.
v_catch_bitset = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET') as bigint);
-- bit#0 := 1 ==> perform calls of srv_catch_qd_qs_mism in doc_list_aiud => sp_add_invnt_log
-- bit#1 := 1 ==> perform calls of srv_catch_neg_remainders from invnt_turnover_log_ai
-- (instead of totalling turnovers to `invnt_saldo` table)
-- bit#2 := 1 ==> allow dump dirty data into z-tables for analysis, see sp zdump4dbg, in case
-- when some 'bad exception' occurs (see ctx var `HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS`)
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 2 ) = 2 ) then
-- instead of totalling turnovers (invnt_turnover_log => group_by => invnt_saldo)
-- we make verification of remainders after every time invnt_turnover_log is
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
if ( not fn_is_snapshot() )
exception ex_snapshot_isolation_required;
-- Ensure that current attach is the ONLY one which tries to make totals.
-- Use locking record from `semaphores` table to serialize access to this
-- code:
v_semaphore_id = null;
open c_semaphores;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_semaphores into v_semaphore_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
exception ex_record_not_found using('semaphores', v_this);
update semaphores set id = id where current of c_semaphores;
close c_semaphores;
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- concurrent_transaction ==> if select for update failed;
-- deadlock ==> if attempt of UPDATE set id=id failed.
v_gdscode = gdscode;
del_rows = -gdscode;
v_deferred_to_next_time = true;
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block! (check will it be really raised! find topic in sql.ru)
if ( v_deferred_to_next_time ) then
-- Info to be stored in context var. A`DD_INFO, see below call of sp_add_to_abend_log (in W`HEN ANY section):
msg = 'can`t lock semaphores.id='|| coalesce(v_semaphore_id,'<?>') ||', deferred';
exception ex_cant_lock_semaphore_record msg;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
ins_rows = 0;
upd_rows = 0;
del_rows = 0;
v_neg_info = '';
v_exc_on_chk_violation = iif( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS') containing ',CK,', 1, 0);
qty_clo, qty_clr, qty_ord, qty_sup,
qty_avl, qty_res, qty_inc, qty_out,
cost_inc, cost_out
from v_saldo_invnt sn -- result MUST be totalled by WARE_ID (see DDL of this view)
as cursor cn
s_qty_clo=0; s_qty_clr=0; s_qty_ord=0; s_qty_sup=0;
s_qty_avl=0; s_qty_res=0; s_qty_inc=0; s_qty_out=0;
s_cost_inc=0; s_cost_out=0;
qty_clo, qty_clr, qty_ord, qty_sup,
qty_avl, qty_res, qty_inc, qty_out,
cost_inc, cost_out
from invnt_saldo t
where t.id = cn.ware_id
s_qty_clo, s_qty_clr, s_qty_ord, s_qty_sup
,s_qty_avl, s_qty_res, s_qty_inc,s_qty_out
,s_cost_inc, s_cost_out;
v_rc = row_count; -- 0=> will be INSERT, otherwise UPDATE
-- these values WILL be written in invnt_saldo:
s_qty_clo = s_qty_clo + cn.qty_clo;
s_qty_clr = s_qty_clr + cn.qty_clr;
s_qty_ord = s_qty_ord + cn.qty_ord;
s_qty_sup = s_qty_sup + cn.qty_sup;
s_qty_avl = s_qty_avl + cn.qty_avl;
s_qty_res = s_qty_res + cn.qty_res;
s_qty_inc = s_qty_inc + cn.qty_inc;
s_qty_out = s_qty_out + cn.qty_out;
s_cost_inc = s_cost_inc + cn.cost_inc;
s_cost_out = s_cost_out + cn.cost_out;
-- Check all new values before writing into invnt_saldo for matching
-- rule of non-negative remainders, to be able DETAILED LOG of any
-- violation (we can`t get any info about data that violates rule when
-- exception raising):
if ( s_qty_clo < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' clo='||s_qty_clo;
if ( s_qty_clr < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' clr='||s_qty_clr;
if ( s_qty_ord < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' ord='||s_qty_ord;
if ( s_qty_sup < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' sup='||s_qty_sup;
if ( s_qty_avl < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' avl='||s_qty_avl;
if ( s_qty_res < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' res='||s_qty_res;
if ( s_qty_inc < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' inc='||s_qty_inc;
if ( s_qty_out < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' out='||s_qty_out;
if ( s_cost_inc < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' $inc='||s_cost_inc;
if ( s_cost_out < 0 ) then v_err_msg = v_err_msg||' $out='||s_cost_out;
if ( v_err_msg > '' and v_neg_info = '' ) then
-- register info only for FIRST ware when negative remainder found:
v_neg_info = 'ware='||cn.ware_id||v_err_msg;
if ( v_neg_info > '' ) then
-- ::: NB ::: do NOT raise exc`eption! Let all wares which have NO troubles
-- be totalled and removed from invnt_turnover_log (=> reduce size of this table)
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO', v_neg_info ); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
msg = v_neg_info||'; '||msg;
execute procedure sp_upd_in_perf_log(
if ( v_err_msg = '' -- all remainders will be CORRECT => can write
v_exc_on_chk_violation = 1 -- allow attempt to write incorrect remainder in order to raise not_valid e`xception and auto-cancel test itself
) then
update or insert into invnt_saldo(
) values (
delete from invnt_turnover_log ng
where ng.ware_id = cn.ware_id;
del_rows = del_rows + row_count;
ins_rows = ins_rows + iif( v_rc=0, 1, 0 );
upd_rows = upd_rows + iif( v_rc=0, 0, 1 );
end -- v_err_msg = ''
end -- cursor on v_saldo_invnt
msg = 'i='||ins_rows||', u='||upd_rows||', d='||del_rows;
if ( v_neg_info = '' ) then
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO', msg); -- to be displayed in result log of isql
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, v_gdscode, msg );
when any do
-- NB: proc sp_add_to_abend_log will set rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','A`DD_INFO', msg)
-- in order to show this additional info in ISQL log after operation will finish:
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
msg, -- ==> context var. ADD_INFO will be = "can`t lock semaphores.id=..., deferred" - to be shown in ISQL log
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- end of srv_make_invnt_saldo
create or alter procedure srv_make_money_saldo(
a_selected_agent_id type of dm_idb default null
returns (
msg dm_info,
ins_rows int,
upd_rows int,
del_rows int
declare v_semaphore_id type of dm_ids;
declare v_deferred_to_next_time boolean = false;
declare v_gdscode int = null;
declare v_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare agent_id type of dm_ids;
declare m_cust_debt dm_sign;
declare m_supp_debt dm_sign;
declare cost_purchase type of dm_cost;
declare cost_retail type of dm_cost;
declare v_dts_beg timestamp;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_make_money_saldo';
declare c_semaphores cursor for ( select id from semaphores s where s.task = :v_this rows 1);
-- Gathers all turnovers for agents in 'money_turnover_log' table and makes them total
-- to merge in table 'money_saldo'
-- Original idea by Dimitry Sibiryakov:
-- sql.ru/forum/964534/hranimye-agregaty-bez-konfliktov-i-blokirovok-recept?hl=
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
if ( not fn_is_snapshot() )
exception ex_snapshot_isolation_required;
-- Ensure that current attach is the ONLY one which tries to make totals.
-- Use locking record from `semaphores` table to serialize access to this
-- code:
open c_semaphores;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_semaphores into v_semaphore_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
exception ex_record_not_found using('semaphores', v_this);
update semaphores set id = id where current of c_semaphores;
close c_semaphores;
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- concurrent_transaction ==> if select for update failed;
-- deadlock ==> if attempt of UPDATE set id=id failed.
v_gdscode = gdscode;
v_deferred_to_next_time = true;
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block! (check will it be really raised! find topic in sql.ru)
if ( v_deferred_to_next_time ) then
-- Info to be stored in context var. A`DD_INFO, see below call of sp_add_to_abend_log (in W`HEN ANY section):
msg = 'can`t lock semaphores.id='|| coalesce(v_semaphore_id,'<?>') ||', deferred';
exception ex_cant_lock_semaphore_record msg;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
ins_rows = 0;
upd_rows = 0;
del_rows = 0;
v_dts_beg = 'now';
select x.agent_id,
sum( o.m_supp_debt * x.sum_purchase ) sum_purchase,
sum( o.m_cust_debt * x.sum_retail ) sum_retail
from (
sum( m.cost_purchase ) sum_purchase,
sum( m.cost_retail ) sum_retail
from money_turnover_log m
-- 27.09.2015: added index on (agent_id, optype_id)
group by m.agent_id, m.optype_id
) x
join optypes o on x.optype_id = o.id
group by x.agent_id
do begin
delete from money_turnover_log m
where m.agent_id = :agent_id;
del_rows = del_rows + row_count;
update money_saldo
set cost_purchase = cost_purchase + :cost_purchase,
cost_retail = cost_retail + :cost_retail
where agent_id = :agent_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
insert into money_saldo( agent_id, cost_purchase, cost_retail )
values( :agent_id, :cost_purchase, :cost_retail);
ins_rows = ins_rows + 1;
upd_rows = upd_rows + row_count;
end -- cursor for money_turnover_log m join optypes o on m.optype_id = o.id
msg = 'i='||ins_rows||', u='||upd_rows||', d='||del_rows
||', ms='||datediff(millisecond from v_dts_beg to cast('now' as timestamp) );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','ADD_INFO', msg); -- to be displayed in result log of isql
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, v_gdscode, msg );
when any do
-- NB: proc sp_add_to_abend_log will set rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','A`DD_INFO', msg)
-- in order to show this additional info in ISQL log after operation will finish:
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
msg, -- ==> context var. ADD_INFO will be = "can`t lock semaphores.id=..., deferred" - to be shown in ISQL log
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_make_money_saldo
create or alter procedure srv_recalc_idx_stat returns(
tab_name dm_dbobj,
idx_name dm_dbobj,
elapsed_ms int
declare msg dm_info;
declare v_semaphore_id type of dm_idb;
declare v_deferred_to_next_time boolean = false;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare idx_stat_befo double precision;
declare v_gdscode int = null;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_recalc_idx_stat';
declare v_start timestamp;
declare c_semaphores cursor for ( select id from semaphores s where s.task = :v_this rows 1);
-- Refresh index statistics for most changed tables.
-- Needs to be run in regular basis otherwise ineffective plans
-- can be generated when doing inner joins!
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
-- Use locking record from `semaphores` table to synchronize access to this
-- code:
v_semaphore_id = null;
open c_semaphores;
while (1=1) do
fetch c_semaphores into v_semaphore_id;
if ( row_count = 0 ) then
exception ex_record_not_found using('semaphores', v_this);
update semaphores set id = id where current of c_semaphores;
close c_semaphores;
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( fn_is_lock_trouble(gdscode) ) then
-- concurrent_transaction ==> if select for update failed;
-- deadlock ==> if attempt of UPDATE set id=id failed.
v_deferred_to_next_time = true;
v_gdscode = gdscode;
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
if ( v_deferred_to_next_time ) then
-- Info to be stored in context var. A`DD_INFO, see below call of sp_add_to_abend_log (in W`HEN ANY section):
msg = 'can`t lock semaphores.id='|| coalesce(v_semaphore_id,'<?>') ||', deferred';
exception ex_cant_lock_semaphore_record msg;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
-- increment number of total business routine calls within this Tx,
-- in order to display estimated overall performance in ISQL session
-- logs (see generated $tmpdir/tmp_random_run.sql).
-- Instead of querying perf_log join business_ops it was decided to
-- use only context variables in user_tran namespace:
execute procedure srv_increment_tx_bops_counter;
select ri.rdb$relation_name, ri.rdb$index_name, ri.rdb$statistics
from rdb$indices ri
-- make recalc only for most used tables:
and ri.rdb$relation_name in ( 'DOC_DATA', 'DOC_LIST', 'QDISTR', 'QSTORNED', 'PDISTR', 'PSTORNED')
order by ri.rdb$relation_name, ri.rdb$index_name
tab_name, idx_name, idx_stat_befo
do begin
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises ex`ception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this||'_'||idx_name);
execute statement( 'set statistics index '||idx_name )
with autonomous transaction -- again since 27.11.2015 (c`ommit for ALL indices at once is too long for huge databases!)
elapsed_ms = datediff(millisecond from v_start to cast('now' as timestamp)); -- 15.09.2015
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this||'_'||idx_name,null,tab_name, idx_stat_befo);
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, v_gdscode);
when any do
-- NB: proc sp_add_to_abend_log will set rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','A`DD_INFO', msg)
-- in order to show this additional info in ISQL log after operation will finish:
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
msg, -- ==> context var. ADD_INFO will be = "can`t lock semaphores.id=..., deferred" - to be shown in ISQL log
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_recalc_idx_stat
-- ########################### R E P O R T S ########################
create or alter procedure srv_get_last_launch_beg_end(
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0)
returns (
last_launch_beg timestamp
,last_launch_end timestamp
) as
-- Auxiliary SP: finds moments of start and finish business operations in perf_log
-- on timestamp interval that is [L, N] where:
-- "L" = latest from {-abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ), 'perf_watch_interval'}
-- "N" = latest record in perf_log table
select maxvalue( x.last_job_start_dts, y.last_job_finish_dts ) as last_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_job_start_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
cross join
select dateadd( -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) minute to p.dts_beg) as last_job_finish_dts
from perf_log p
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit) -- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y
into last_launch_beg;
select p.dts_end as report_end
from perf_log p
p.dts_beg >= :last_launch_beg
and p.dts_end is not null
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
into last_launch_end;
^ -- srv_get_last_launch_beg_end
create or alter procedure srv_mon_perf_total(
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0)
returns (
business_action dm_info,
job_beg varchar(16),
job_end varchar(16),
avg_times_per_minute numeric(12,2),
avg_elapsed_ms int,
successful_times_done int
declare v_sort_prior int;
declare v_overall_performance double precision;
declare v_all_minutes int;
declare v_succ_all_times int;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_mon_perf_total';
-- MAIN SP for estimating performance: provides number of business operations
-- per minute which were SUCCESSFULLY finished. Suggested by Alexey Kovyazin.
a_last_hours = abs( a_last_hours );
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
delete from tmp$perf_log p where p.stack = :v_this;
insert into tmp$perf_log(unit, info, id, dts_beg, dts_end, aux1, aux2, stack)
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
-- for each mode ('sales', 'logist' etc)
select maxvalue( x.last_job_start_dts, y.last_job_finish_dts ) as last_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_job_start_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
select dateadd( -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) minute to p.dts_beg) as last_job_finish_dts
from perf_log p
-- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit) -- "order by" - only for 3.0
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y
on 1=1
,p as(
,min( g.dts_beg ) report_beg
,max( g.dts_end ) report_end
,count(*) successful_times_done
,avg(g.elapsed_ms) successful_avg_ms
from perf_log g
join business_ops b on b.unit=g.unit
join a on g.dts_beg >= a.last_job_start_dts -- only rows which are from THIS job!
where -- we must take in account only SUCCESSFULLY finished units, i.e. fb_gdscode is NULL.
g.fb_gdscode + 0 -- 25.11.2015: suppress making bitmap for this index! almost 90% of rows contain NULL in this field.
is null
group by g.unit
select b.unit, b.info, b.sort_prior, p.report_beg, p.report_end,
p.successful_times_done, p.successful_avg_ms, :v_this
from business_ops b
left join p on b.unit = p.unit;
-- tmp$perf_log(unit, info, id, dts_beg, dts_end, aux1, aux2)
-- total elapsed minutes and number of successfully finished SPs for ALL units:
select nullif(datediff( minute from min_beg to max_end ),0),
left(cast(min_beg as varchar(24)),16),
left(cast(max_end as varchar(24)),16)
from (
select min(p.dts_beg) min_beg, max(p.dts_end) max_end, sum(p.aux1) succ_all_times
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.stack = :v_this
into v_all_minutes, v_succ_all_times, job_beg, job_end;
from (
0 as sort_prior
,'*** OVERALL *** for '|| :v_all_minutes ||' minutes: ' as business_action -- 'Average ops/minute = '||:v_all_minutes||' ;'||(sum( aux1 ) / :v_all_minutes) as business_action
,1.00*sum( aux1 ) / :v_all_minutes as avg_times_per_minute
,avg(aux2) as avg_elapsed_ms
,sum(aux1) as successful_times_done
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.stack = :v_this
p.id as sort_prior
,p.info as business_action
,1.00 * aux1 / maxvalue( 1, datediff( minute from p.dts_beg to p.dts_end ) ) as avg_times_per_minute
,aux2 as avg_elapsed_ms
,aux1 as successful_times_done
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.stack = :v_this
) x
order by x.sort_prior
do begin
if ( v_sort_prior = 0 ) then -- save value to be written into perf_log
v_overall_performance = avg_times_per_minute;
delete from tmp$perf_log p where p.stack = :v_this;
-- 02.11.2015: save overall performance value so it can be used later:
update perf_log p set aux1 = :v_overall_performance
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1;
when any do
-- lock/update conflict can be here with another ISQL session with SID #1
-- (running on other machine) that makes this report at the same time.
-- We suppress this exception because this record will anyway contain
-- value that we want to save.
-- Statistics for database with size = 100 Gb and cleaned OS cache (LI-V3.0.0.32179):
-- sync
-- echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
-- 20 records fetched
-- 600187 ms, 233041 read(s), 4 write(s), 3206400 fetch(es), 70 mark(s)
-- Table Natural Index Update Insert Delete
-- ***********************************************************************************
-- PERF_LOG 369967 1
-- TMP$PERF_LOG 76 19 19
^ -- srv_mon_perf_total
create or alter procedure srv_mon_perf_dynamic(
a_intervals_number smallint default 10,
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0)
returns (
business_action dm_info
,interval_no smallint
,cnt_ok_per_minute int
,cnt_all int
,cnt_ok int
,cnt_err int
,err_prc numeric(12,2)
,ok_avg_ms int
,interval_beg timestamp
,interval_end timestamp
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_mon_perf_dynamic';
-- 15.09.2014 Get performance results 'in dynamic': split all job time to N
-- intervals, where N is specified by 1st input argument.
-- 03.09.2015 Removed cross join perf_log and CTE 'inp_args as i' because
-- of inefficient plan. Input parameters are injected inside DT.
-- See: http://www.sql.ru/forum/1173774/select-a-b-from-a-cross-b-order-by-indexed-field-of-a-rows-n-ignorit-rows-n-why
a_intervals_number = iif( a_intervals_number <= 0, 10, a_intervals_number);
a_last_hours = abs( a_last_hours );
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
delete from tmp$perf_log p where p.stack = :v_this;
insert into tmp$perf_log(
,id -- interval_no
,dts_beg -- interval_beg
,dts_end -- interval_end
,aux1 -- cnt_ok
,aux2 -- cnt_err
,elapsed_ms -- ok_avg_ms
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
maxvalue( x.last_added_watch_row_dts, y.first_measured_start_dts ) as first_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_added_watch_row_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
join (
dateadd( p.scan_bak_minutes minute to p.dts_beg) as first_measured_start_dts
,p.dts_beg as last_job_finish_dts
( -- since 03.09.2015:
, -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) as scan_bak_minutes
, :a_intervals_number as intervals_number
from perf_log p
) p
-- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
-- Before 03.09.2015
-- (inefficient plan with nested loops of all pef_log rows + SORT, 'rows 1' was ignored!
-- See: http://www.sql.ru/forum/1173774/select-a-b-from-a-cross-b-order-by-indexed-field-of-a-rows-n-ignorit-rows-n-why
-- select
-- dateadd( i.scan_bak_minutes minute to p.dts_beg) as first_measured_start_dts
-- ,p.dts_beg as last_job_finish_dts
-- ,i.intervals_number
-- from perf_log p
-- join i on 1=1 -- CTE 'i' was: "with i as(select :a_intervals_number, :a_last_hours, :a_last_mins from rdb$database)
-- -- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
-- where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit)
-- order by p.dts_beg desc
-- rows 1
) y on 1=1
,d as(
,1+datediff(second from a.first_job_start_dts to a.last_job_finish_dts) / a.intervals_number as sec_for_one_interval
from a
-- select * from d
,p as(
,1+cast(datediff(second from d.first_job_start_dts to g.dts_beg) / d.sec_for_one_interval as int) as interval_no
,count(*) cnt_all
,count( iif( g.fb_gdscode is null, 1, null ) ) cnt_ok
,count( iif( g.fb_gdscode is NOT null, 1, null ) ) cnt_err
,100.00 * count( nullif(g.fb_gdscode,0) ) / count(*) err_prc
,avg( iif( g.fb_gdscode is null, g.elapsed_ms, null ) ) ok_avg_ms
,min(d.first_job_start_dts) as first_job_start_dts
,min(d.sec_for_one_interval) as sec_for_one_interval
from perf_log g
join business_ops b on b.unit = g.unit
join d on g.dts_beg >= d.first_job_start_dts -- only rows which are from THIS measured test run!
group by 1,2,3
,q as(
,dateadd( (interval_no-1) * sec_for_one_interval+1 second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_beg
,dateadd( interval_no * sec_for_one_interval second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_end
from p
--select * from q;
,cnt_ok -- aux1
,cnt_err -- aux2
from q;
from (
0 as sort_prior
,'interval #'||lpad(id, 4, ' ')||', overall' as business_action
,id as interval_no
,min(dts_beg) as interval_beg
,min(dts_end) as interval_end
,round(sum(aux1) / nullif(datediff(minute from min(dts_beg) to min(dts_end)),0), 0) cnt_ok_per_minute
,sum(aux1 + aux2) as cnt_all
,sum(aux1) as cnt_ok
,sum(aux2) as cnt_err
,100 * sum(aux2) / sum(aux1 + aux2) as err_prc
,cast(null as int) as ok_avg_ms
--,avg(elapsed_ms) as ok_avg_ms
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.stack = :v_this
group by id
1 as sort_prior
,info as business_action
,id as interval_no
,dts_beg as interval_beg
,dts_end as interval_end
,aux1 / nullif(datediff(minute from dts_beg to dts_end),0) cnt_ok_per_minute
,aux1 + aux2 as cnt_all
,aux1 as cnt_ok
,aux2 as cnt_err
,100 * aux2 / (aux1 + aux2) as err_prc
,elapsed_ms as ok_avg_ms
from tmp$perf_log p
where p.stack = :v_this
order by sort_prior, business_action, interval_no
do suspend;
^ -- srv_mon_perf_dynamic
create or alter procedure srv_mon_perf_detailed (
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0,
a_show_detl smallint default 0)
returns (
unit type of dm_unit,
cnt_all integer,
cnt_ok integer,
cnt_err integer,
err_prc numeric(6,2),
ok_min_ms integer,
ok_max_ms integer,
ok_avg_ms integer,
cnt_lk_confl integer,
cnt_user_exc integer,
cnt_chk_viol integer,
cnt_unq_viol integer,
cnt_fk_viol integer,
cnt_stack_trc integer, -- 335544842, 'stack_trace': appears at the TOP of stack in 3.0 SC (strange!)
cnt_zero_gds integer, -- 03.10.2014: core-4565 (gdscode=0 in when-section! 3.0 SC only)
cnt_other_exc integer,
job_beg varchar(16),
job_end varchar(16)
-- SP for detailed performance analysis: count of operations
-- (NOT only business ops; including BOTH successful and failed ones),
-- count of errors (including by their types)
a_last_hours = abs( coalesce(a_last_hours, 3) );
a_last_mins = coalesce(a_last_mins, 0);
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
delete from tmp$perf_mon where 1=1;
insert into tmp$perf_mon(
dts_beg -- 1
,cnt_ok -- 5
,ok_avg_ms -- 10
,cnt_user_exc -- 15
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
-- for each mode ('sales', 'logist' etc)
select maxvalue( x.last_job_start_dts, y.last_job_finish_dts ) as last_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_job_start_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
select dateadd( -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) minute to p.dts_beg) as last_job_finish_dts
from perf_log p
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit) -- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y
on 1=1
-- a as( select p.dts_beg last_beg from perf_log p order by p.dts_beg desc rows 1 )
,r as(
select min(p.dts_beg) report_beg, max(dts_end) report_end
from perf_log p
join a on p.dts_beg >= a.last_job_start_dts
,c as (
,count(*) cnt_all
,count( iif( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) is null, 1, null) ) cnt_ok -- 5
,count( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) ) cnt_err
,100.00 * count( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) ) / count(*) err_prc
,min( iif( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) is null, pg.elapsed_ms, null) ) ok_min_ms
,max( iif( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) is null, pg.elapsed_ms, null) ) ok_max_ms
,avg( iif( nullif(pg.fb_gdscode,0) is null, pg.elapsed_ms, null) ) ok_avg_ms
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode in( 335544347, 335544558 ), 1, null ) ) cnt_chk_viol -- 10
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode in( 335544665, 335544349 ), 1, null ) ) cnt_unq_viol
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode in( 335544466, 335544838, 335544839 ), 1, null ) ) cnt_fk_viol
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode in( 335544345, 335544878, 335544336, 335544451 ), 1, null ) ) cnt_lk_confl
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode = 335544517, 1, null) ) cnt_user_exc
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode = 335544842, 1, null) ) cnt_stack_trc -- 15
,count( iif(pg.fb_gdscode = 0, 1, null) ) cnt_zero_gds
,count( iif( pg.fb_gdscode
in (
335544347, 335544558,
335544665, 335544349,
335544466, 335544838, 335544839,
335544345, 335544878, 335544336, 335544451,
) cnt_other_exc
from perf_log pg
join r on pg.dts_beg between r.report_beg and r.report_end
pg.elapsed_ms >= 0 and -- 24.09.2014: prevent from display in result 'sp_halt_on_error', 'perf_watch_interval' and so on
pg.unit not starting with 'srv_recalc_idx_stat_'
group by
select *
from c;
insert into tmp$perf_mon(
,100.00 * sum(cnt_err) / sum(cnt_all)
,sum( cnt_chk_viol ) cnt_chk_viol
,sum( cnt_unq_viol ) cnt_unq_viol
,sum( cnt_fk_viol ) cnt_fk_viol
,sum( cnt_lk_confl ) cnt_lk_confl
,sum( cnt_user_exc ) cnt_user_exc
,sum( cnt_stack_trc ) cnt_stack_trc
,sum( cnt_zero_gds ) cnt_zero_gds
,sum( cnt_other_exc ) cnt_other_exc
,max( dts_beg )
,max( dts_end )
from tmp$perf_mon
group by unit; -- overall totals
if ( :a_show_detl = 0 ) then
delete from tmp$perf_mon m where m.rollup_level is null;
-- final resultset (with overall totals first):
unit, cnt_all, cnt_ok, cnt_err, err_prc, ok_min_ms, ok_max_ms, ok_avg_ms
,left(cast(dts_beg as varchar(24)),16)
,left(cast(dts_end as varchar(24)),16)
from tmp$perf_mon
--order by dy desc nulls first,hr desc, unit
into unit, cnt_all, cnt_ok, cnt_err, err_prc, ok_min_ms, ok_max_ms, ok_avg_ms
^ -- srv_mon_perf_detailed
create or alter procedure srv_mon_business_perf_with_exc (
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0)
returns (
info dm_info,
unit dm_unit,
cnt_all integer,
cnt_ok integer,
cnt_err integer,
err_prc numeric(6,2),
cnt_chk_viol integer,
cnt_unq_viol integer,
cnt_lk_confl integer,
cnt_user_exc integer,
cnt_other_exc integer,
job_beg varchar(16),
job_end varchar(16)
declare v_dummy int;
a_last_hours = abs( coalesce(a_last_hours, 3) );
a_last_mins = coalesce(a_last_mins, 0);
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
delete from tmp$perf_mon where 1=1;
-- call to fill tmp$perf_mon with ONLY aggregated data:
select count(*) from srv_mon_perf_detailed(:a_last_hours, :a_last_mins, 0) into v_dummy;
o.info,s.unit, s.cnt_all, s.cnt_ok,s.cnt_err,s.err_prc
,left(cast(s.dts_beg as varchar(24)),16)
,left(cast(s.dts_end as varchar(24)),16)
from business_ops o
left join tmp$perf_mon s on o.unit=s.unit
order by o.sort_prior
^ -- srv_mon_business_perf_with_exc
create or alter procedure srv_mon_exceptions(
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0)
returns (
fb_gdscode int,
fb_mnemona type of column fb_errors.fb_mnemona,
unit type of dm_unit,
cnt int,
dts_min timestamp,
dts_max timestamp
a_last_hours = abs( a_last_hours );
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
-- for each mode ('sales', 'logist' etc)
select maxvalue( x.last_job_start_dts, y.last_job_finish_dts ) as last_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_job_start_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
select dateadd( -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) minute to p.dts_beg) as last_job_finish_dts
from perf_log p
-- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y
on 1=1
select p.fb_gdscode, e.fb_mnemona, p.unit, count(*) cnt, min(p.dts_beg) dts_min, max(p.dts_beg) dts_max
from perf_log p
join a on p.dts_beg >= a.last_job_start_dts
LEFT -- !! some exceptions can missing in fb_errors !!
join fb_errors e on p.fb_gdscode = e.fb_gdscode
p.fb_gdscode > 0
and p.exc_unit='#' -- 10.01.2015, see sp_add_to_abend_log: take in account only those units where exception occured, and skip callers of them
group by 1,2,3
fb_gdscode, fb_mnemona, unit, cnt, dts_min, dts_max
^ -- srv_mon_exceptions
create or alter procedure srv_mon_perf_trace (
a_intervals_number smallint default 10,
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0
returns (
unit dm_unit
,info dm_info
,interval_no smallint
,cnt_success int
,fetches_per_second int
,marks_per_second int
,reads_to_fetches_prc numeric(6,2)
,writes_to_marks_prc numeric(6,2)
,interval_beg timestamp
,interval_end timestamp
) as
-- Report based on result of parsing TRACE log which was started by
-- ISQL session #1 when config parameter trc_unit_perf = 1.
-- Data for each business operation are displayed separately because
-- they depends on execution plans and can not be compared each other.
-- We have to analyze only RATIOS between reads/fetches and writes/marks,
-- and also values of speed (fetches and marks per second) instead of
-- absolute their values.
a_intervals_number = iif( a_intervals_number <= 0, 10, a_intervals_number);
a_last_hours = abs( a_last_hours );
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
maxvalue( x.last_added_watch_row_dts, y.first_measured_start_dts ) as first_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_added_watch_row_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
join (
dateadd( p.scan_bak_minutes minute to p.dts_beg) as first_measured_start_dts
,p.dts_beg as last_job_finish_dts
( -- since 03.09.2015:
, -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) as scan_bak_minutes
, :a_intervals_number as intervals_number
from perf_log p
) p
-- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y on 1=1
,d as(
,1+datediff(second from a.first_job_start_dts to a.last_job_finish_dts) / a.intervals_number as sec_for_one_interval
from a
--select * from d
,p as(
,1+cast(datediff(second from d.first_job_start_dts to t.dts_end) / d.sec_for_one_interval as int) as interval_no
,count(*) cnt_success
,avg( 1000 * t.fetches / nullif(t.elapsed_ms,0) ) fetches_per_second
,avg( 1000 * t.marks / nullif(t.elapsed_ms,0) ) marks_per_second
,avg( 100.00 * t.reads/nullif(t.fetches,0) ) reads_to_fetches_prc
,avg( 100.00 * t.writes/nullif(t.marks,0) ) writes_to_marks_prc
--,count( nullif(t.success,0) ) cnt_ok
--,count( nullif(t.success,1) ) cnt_err
--,100.00 * count( nullif(t.success,1) ) / count(*) err_prc
--,avg( iif( g.fb_gdscode is null, g.elapsed_ms, null ) ) ok_avg_ms
,min(d.first_job_start_dts) as first_job_start_dts
,min(d.sec_for_one_interval) as sec_for_one_interval
from trace_stat t
join business_ops b on t.unit = b.unit
join d on t.dts_end between d.first_job_start_dts and d.last_job_finish_dts -- only rows which are from THIS measured test run!
where t.success = 1
group by 1,2,3
--select * from p
,q as (
,dateadd( (interval_no-1) * sec_for_one_interval+1 second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_beg
,dateadd( interval_no * sec_for_one_interval second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_end
from p
--select * from q
from q
^ -- srv_mon_perf_trace
create or alter procedure srv_mon_perf_trace_pivot (
a_intervals_number smallint default 10,
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0
returns (
traced_data varchar(30),
interval_no smallint,
sp_client_order bigint,
sp_cancel_client_order bigint,
sp_supplier_order bigint,
sp_cancel_supplier_order bigint,
sp_supplier_invoice bigint,
sp_cancel_supplier_invoice bigint,
sp_add_invoice_to_stock bigint,
sp_cancel_adding_invoice bigint,
sp_customer_reserve bigint,
sp_cancel_customer_reserve bigint,
sp_reserve_write_off bigint,
sp_cancel_write_off bigint,
sp_pay_from_customer bigint,
sp_cancel_pay_from_customer bigint,
sp_pay_to_supplier bigint,
sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier bigint,
srv_make_invnt_saldo bigint,
srv_make_money_saldo bigint,
srv_recalc_idx_stat bigint,
interval_beg timestamp,
interval_end timestamp
) as
-- Report based on result of parsing TRACE log which was started by
-- ISQL session #1 when config parameter trc_unit_perf = 1.
-- Data for each business operation are displayed separately because
-- they depends on execution plans and can not be compared each other.
-- We have to analyze only RATIOS between reads/fetches and writes/marks,
-- and also values of speed (fetches and marks per second) instead of
-- absolute their values.
a_intervals_number = iif( a_intervals_number <= 0, 10, a_intervals_number);
a_last_hours = abs( a_last_hours );
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
with recursive
a as(
-- reduce needed number of minutes from most last event of some SP starts:
-- 18.07.2014: handle only data which belongs to LAST job.
-- Record with p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval' is added in
-- oltp_isql_run_worker.bat before FIRST isql will be launched
maxvalue( x.last_added_watch_row_dts, y.first_trace_statd_start_dts ) as first_job_start_dts
from (
select p.dts_beg as last_added_watch_row_dts
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by dts_beg desc rows 1
) x
join (
dateadd( p.scan_bak_minutes minute to p.dts_beg) as first_trace_statd_start_dts
,p.dts_beg as last_job_finish_dts
( -- since 03.09.2015:
, -abs( :a_last_hours * 60 + :a_last_mins ) as scan_bak_minutes
, :a_intervals_number as intervals_number
from perf_log p
) p
-- nb: do NOT use inner join here (bad plan with sort)
where exists(select 1 from business_ops b where b.unit=p.unit order by b.unit)
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
) y on 1=1
,d as(
,1+datediff(second from a.first_job_start_dts to a.last_job_finish_dts) / a.intervals_number as sec_for_one_interval
from a
--select * from d
,p as(
,1+cast(datediff(second from d.first_job_start_dts to t.dts_end) / d.sec_for_one_interval as int) as interval_no
,count(*) cnt_success
,avg( 1000 * t.fetches / nullif(t.elapsed_ms,0) ) fetches_per_second
,avg( 1000 * t.marks / nullif(t.elapsed_ms,0) ) marks_per_second
,avg( 100.00 * t.reads/nullif(t.fetches,0) ) reads_to_fetches_prc
,avg( 100.00 * t.writes/nullif(t.marks,0) ) writes_to_marks_prc
--,count( nullif(t.success,0) ) cnt_ok
--,count( nullif(t.success,1) ) cnt_err
--,100.00 * count( nullif(t.success,1) ) / count(*) err_prc
--,avg( iif( g.fb_gdscode is null, g.elapsed_ms, null ) ) ok_avg_ms
,min(d.first_job_start_dts) as first_job_start_dts
,min(d.sec_for_one_interval) as sec_for_one_interval
from trace_stat t
join business_ops b on t.unit = b.unit
join d on t.dts_end between d.first_job_start_dts and d.last_job_finish_dts -- only rows which are from THIS trace_statd test run!
where t.success = 1
group by 1,2,3
--select * from p
,q as (
,dateadd( (interval_no-1) * sec_for_one_interval+1 second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_beg
,dateadd( interval_no * sec_for_one_interval second to first_job_start_dts ) as interval_end
from p
--select * from q
, n as (
select 1 i from rdb$database union all
select n.i+1 from n where n.i+1<=4
decode(n.i, 1, 'fetches per second', 2, 'marks per second', 3, 'reads/fetches*100', 'writes/marks*100') as trace_stat
,max( iif(unit='sp_client_order', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_client_order
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_client_order', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_client_order
,max( iif(unit='sp_supplier_order', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_supplier_order
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_supplier_order', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_supplier_order
,max( iif(unit='sp_supplier_invoice', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_supplier_invoice
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_supplier_invoice', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_supplier_invoice
,max( iif(unit='sp_add_invoice_to_stock', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_add_invoice_to_stock
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_adding_invoice', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_adding_invoice
,max( iif(unit='sp_customer_reserve', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_customer_reserve
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_customer_reserve', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_customer_reserve
,max( iif(unit='sp_reserve_write_off', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_reserve_write_off
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_write_off', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_write_off
,max( iif(unit='sp_pay_from_customer', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_pay_from_customer
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_pay_from_customer', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_pay_from_customer
,max( iif(unit='sp_pay_to_supplier', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_pay_to_supplier
,max( iif(unit='sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as sp_cancel_pay_to_supplier
,max( iif(unit='srv_make_invnt_saldo', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as srv_make_invnt_saldo
,max( iif(unit='srv_make_money_saldo', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as srv_make_money_saldo
,max( iif(unit='srv_recalc_idx_stat', decode(n.i, 1, fetches_per_second, 2, marks_per_second, 3, reads_to_fetches_prc, writes_to_marks_prc), null) ) as srv_recalc_idx_stat
from q
cross join n
group by n.i, interval_no, interval_beg, interval_end
^ -- srv_mon_perf_trace_pivot
create or alter procedure srv_mon_idx
returns (
tab_name dm_dbobj,
idx_name dm_dbobj,
last_stat double precision,
curr_stat double precision,
diff_stat double precision,
last_done timestamp
) as
declare v_last_recalc_trn bigint;
select p.trn_id
from perf_log p
where p.unit starting with 'srv_recalc_idx_stat_'
order by p.trn_id desc rows 1
into v_last_recalc_trn;
-- SP for analyzing results of index statistics recalculation:
-- ###########################################################
,t.last_stat - r.rdb$statistics
from (
g.info as tab_name
,substring(g.unit from char_length('srv_recalc_idx_stat_')+1 ) as idx_name
,g.aux1 as last_stat
,g.dts_end as last_done
from perf_log g
where g.trn_id = :v_last_recalc_trn
) t
join rdb$indices r on t.idx_name = r.rdb$index_name
do suspend;
^ -- srv_mon_idx
create or alter procedure srv_fill_mon(
a_rowset bigint default null -- not null ==> gather info from tmp$mo_log (2 rows); null ==> gather info from ALL attachments
rows_added int
declare v_curr_trn bigint;
declare v_total_stat_added_rows int = 0;
declare v_table_stat_added_rows int = 0;
declare v_dummy bigint;
declare v_info dm_info;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_fill_mon';
rows_added = -1;
if ( fn_remote_process() NOT containing 'IBExpert'
coalesce(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_MON_QUERY'), 0) = 0
) then
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','MON_INFO', 'mon$_dis!'); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_curr_trn = current_transaction;
if ( a_rowset is NULL ) then -- gather data from ALL attachments (separate call of this SP)
in autonomous transaction do
insert into mon_log(
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #1
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #2
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #3
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #4
bkv_reads, -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #5
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #6
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #7
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #8
-- 09.08.2014
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #1
--current_time dts
datediff(second from current_date-1 to current_timestamp ) sec
-- mon$attachments(1):
,a.mon$user mon_user
,a.mon$attachment_id attach_id
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #2
-- mon$io_stats:
,i.mon$page_reads reads
,i.mon$page_writes writes
,i.mon$page_fetches fetches
,i.mon$page_marks marks
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #3
-- mon$record_stats:
,r.mon$record_inserts ins_cnt
,r.mon$record_updates upd_cnt
,r.mon$record_deletes del_cnt
,r.mon$record_backouts bk_outs
,r.mon$record_purges purges
,r.mon$record_expunges expunges
,r.mon$record_seq_reads seq_reads
,r.mon$record_idx_reads idx_reads
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #4
,r.mon$backversion_reads -- since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #5
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #6
-- mon$memory_usage:
,u.mon$memory_used used_memory
,u.mon$memory_allocated alloc_by_OS
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #7
-- mon$attachments(2):
,a.mon$stat_id stat_id
,a.mon$server_pid server_PID
,a.mon$remote_pid remote_PID
----------------------- ALL attachments: set #8
,a.mon$remote_address remote_IP
-- aux info:
,right(a.mon$remote_process,30) remote_process
from mon$attachments a
--left join mon$statements s on a.mon$attachment_id = s.mon$attachment_id
left join mon$memory_usage u on a.mon$stat_id=u.mon$stat_id
left join mon$io_stats i on a.mon$stat_id=i.mon$stat_id
left join mon$record_stats r on a.mon$stat_id=r.mon$stat_id
order by
iif( a.mon$user in ('Garbage Collector', 'Cache Writer' )
, iif( a.mon$remote_process containing 'gfix'
,iif( a.mon$remote_process containing 'nbackup'
or a.mon$remote_process containing 'gbak'
or a.mon$remote_process containing 'gstat'
v_total_stat_added_rows = row_count;
end -- in AT
else -- input arg :a_rowset is NOT null ==> gather data from tmp$mon_log (were added there in calls before and after application unit from tmp_random_run.sql)
insert into mon_log(
---------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #1
---------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #2
---------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #3
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #4
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #5
bkv_reads, -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #6
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #7
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #8
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #9
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #10
elapsed_ms -- added 08.09.2014
------------------------------- set #1: dts, sec, usr, att_id
,datediff(second from current_date-1 to current_timestamp )
,max( t.trn_id )
------------ CURRENT attachment only: set #2: pg_reads,pg_writes,pg_fetches,pg_marks
,sum( t.mult * t.pg_reads) -- t.mult = -1 for first meause, +1 for second -- see srv_fill_tmp_mon
,sum( t.mult * t.pg_writes)
,sum( t.mult * t.pg_fetches)
,sum( t.mult * t.pg_marks)
------------ CURRENT attachment only: set #3: inserts,updates,deletes,backouts,purges,expunges,
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_inserts)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_updates)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_deletes)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_backouts)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_purges)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_expunges)
------------ CURRENT attachment only: set #4: seq_reads,idx_reads,rpt_reads
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_seq_reads)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_idx_reads)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_rpt_reads) -- <<< since rev. 60005 27.08.2014 18:52
------------ CURRENT attachment only: set #5: ver_reads, frg_reads (since rev. 59953 05.08.2014 08:46)
,sum( t.mult * t.bkv_reads) -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
,sum( t.mult * t.frg_reads)
------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #6: rec_locks,rec_waits,rec_confl (since rev. 59953)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_locks)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_waits)
,sum( t.mult * t.rec_confl)
-------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #7: mem_used,mem_alloc
,sum( t.mult * t.mem_used)
,sum( t.mult * t.mem_alloc)
-------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #8 stat_id,server_pid,remote_pid
,max( t.stat_id )
,max( t.server_pid )
,rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_PID')
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #9: ip,remote_process,dump_trn
,fn_remote_address() -- rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_ADDRESS')
,right( fn_remote_process(), 30) -- rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_PROCESS')
--------------- CURRENT attachment only: set #10 unit,add_info
,datediff(millisecond from min(t.dts) to max(t.dts) )
from tmp$mon_log t
where t.rowset = :a_rowset
group by t.rowset;
v_total_stat_added_rows = row_count;
delete from tmp$mon_log t where t.rowset = :a_rowset;
-- 29.08.2014: gather data from tmp$mon_log_table_stats to mon_log_table_stats
insert into mon_log_table_stats(
rowset -- 1
,is_system_table -- 5
,rec_updates -- 10
,rec_seq_reads -- 15
,rec_locks -- 20
,stat_id -- 24
s.rowset -- 1
,s.table_name as tab_name -- :: NB :: mon$table_stats has field mon$table_NAME rather than mon$table_ID
,current_connection as att_id
,max( r.rdb$relation_id ) as tab_id
,max( r.rdb$system_flag ) as sys_flag -- 5
,max( r.rdb$relation_type ) as rel_type
,max( s.unit ) -- can be NULL before random choise of app unit!
,sum( s.mult * s.fb_gdscode ) -- t.mult = -1 for first measure, +1 for second -- see srv_fill_tmp_mon
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_inserts )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_updates ) -- 10
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_deletes )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_backouts )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_purges )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_expunges )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_seq_reads ) -- 15
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_idx_reads )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_rpt_reads )
,sum( s.mult * s.bkv_reads )
,sum( s.mult * s.frg_reads )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_locks ) -- 20
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_waits )
,sum( s.mult * s.rec_confl )
,max( s.trn_id )
,max( s.stat_id ) -- 24
from tmp$mon_log_table_stats s
join rdb$relations r on s.table_name = r.rdb$relation_name
where s.rowset = :a_rowset
group by s.rowset, s.table_name;
v_table_stat_added_rows = row_count;
delete from tmp$mon_log_table_stats s where s.rowset = :a_rowset;
rows_added = v_total_stat_added_rows + v_table_stat_added_rows;
v_info='rows added: total_stat='||v_total_stat_added_rows||', table_stat='||v_table_stat_added_rows;
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use the name 'ADD_INFO', it is reserved to common app unit result!
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','MON_INFO', v_info ); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, v_info );
when any do
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','MON_INFO', 'gds='||gdscode );
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_fill_mon
create or alter procedure srv_fill_tmp_mon(
a_rowset dm_idb,
a_ignore_system_tables smallint default 1,
a_unit dm_unit default null,
a_info dm_info default null,
a_gdscode int default null
rows_added int
declare v_mult dm_sign;
declare v_curr_trn bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'srv_fill_tmp_mon';
declare v_total_stat_added_rows int;
declare v_table_stat_added_rows int;
declare v_info dm_info;
rows_added = -1;
if ( fn_remote_process() NOT containing 'IBExpert'
coalesce(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_MON_QUERY'), 0) = 0
) then
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','MON_INFO', 'mon$_dis!'); -- to be displayed in log of 1run_oltp_emul.bat
-- Check that table `ext_stoptest` (external text file) is EMPTY,
-- otherwise raises e`xception to stop test:
execute procedure sp_check_to_stop_work;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(1, v_this);
v_mult = iif( exists(select * from tmp$mon_log g where g.rowset is not distinct from :a_rowset), 1, -1);
v_curr_trn = iif( v_mult = 1, current_transaction, null);
insert into tmp$mon_log( -- NB: on c`ommit PRESERVE rows!
-- mon$io_stats:
-- mon$record_stats:
,bkv_reads -- mon$backversion_reads, since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
-- mon$io_stats:
-- mon$record_stats:
,r.mon$backversion_reads -- since rev. 60012, 28.08.2014 19:16
from mon$attachments a
--left join mon$statements s on a.mon$attachment_id = s.mon$attachment_id
left join mon$memory_usage u on a.mon$stat_id=u.mon$stat_id
left join mon$io_stats i on a.mon$stat_id=i.mon$stat_id
left join mon$record_stats r on a.mon$stat_id=r.mon$stat_id
a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection;
v_total_stat_added_rows = row_count;
-- 29.08.2014: use also mon$table_stats to analyze per table:
insert into tmp$mon_log_table_stats(
from mon$record_stats r
join mon$table_stats t on r.mon$stat_id = t.mon$record_stat_id
join mon$attachments a on t.mon$stat_id = a.mon$stat_id
a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection
and ( :a_ignore_system_tables = 0 or t.mon$table_name not starting with 'RDB$' );
v_table_stat_added_rows = row_count;
-- add to performance log timestamp about start/finish this unit:
v_info = 'unit: '||coalesce(a_unit,'<?>')
|| ', rowset='||coalesce(a_rowset,'<?>')
|| ', rows added: total_stat='||v_total_stat_added_rows||', table_stat='||v_table_stat_added_rows;
execute procedure sp_add_perf_log(0, v_this, null, v_info );
rows_added = v_total_stat_added_rows + v_table_stat_added_rows; -- out arg
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use the name 'ADD_INFO', it;s reserved to common app unit result!
rdb$set_context( 'USER_SESSION','MON_INFO', 'gds='||gdscode ); -- to be displayed in isql output, see 1run_oltp_emul.bat
execute procedure sp_add_to_abend_log(
fn_halt_sign(gdscode) -- ::: nb ::: 1 ==> force get full stack, ignoring settings `DISABLE_CALL_STACK` value, and HALT test
exception; -- ::: nb ::: anonimous but in when-block!
^ -- srv_fill_tmp_mon
create or alter procedure srv_mon_stat_per_units (
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0 )
returns (
unit dm_unit
,iter_counts bigint
,avg_elap_ms bigint
,avg_rec_reads_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_rec_dmls_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_bkos_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_purg_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_xpng_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_fetches_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_marks_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_reads_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_writes_sec numeric(12,2)
,avg_seq bigint
,avg_idx bigint
,avg_rpt bigint
,avg_bkv bigint
,avg_frg bigint
,avg_bkv_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,avg_frg_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,avg_ins bigint
,avg_upd bigint
,avg_del bigint
,avg_bko bigint
,avg_pur bigint
,avg_exp bigint
,avg_fetches bigint
,avg_marks bigint
,avg_reads bigint
,avg_writes bigint
,avg_locks bigint
,avg_confl bigint
,max_seq bigint
,max_idx bigint
,max_rpt bigint
,max_bkv bigint
,max_frg bigint
,max_bkv_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,max_frg_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,max_ins bigint
,max_upd bigint
,max_del bigint
,max_bko bigint
,max_pur bigint
,max_exp bigint
,max_fetches bigint
,max_marks bigint
,max_reads bigint
,max_writes bigint
,max_locks bigint
,max_confl bigint
,job_beg varchar(16)
,job_end varchar(16)
) as
declare v_report_beg timestamp;
declare v_report_end timestamp;
-- SP for detailed performance analysis: count of operations
-- (NOT only business ops; including BOTH successful and failed ones),
-- count of errors (including by their types)
a_last_hours = abs( coalesce(a_last_hours, 3) );
a_last_mins = coalesce(a_last_mins, 0);
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
select p.last_launch_beg, p.last_launch_end
from srv_get_last_launch_beg_end( :a_last_hours, :a_last_mins ) p
into v_report_beg, v_report_end;
-- 29.08.2014: data from measuring statistics per each unit
-- (need FB rev. >= 60013: new mon$ counters were introduced, 28.08.2014)
-- 25.01.2015: added rec_locks, rec_confl.
-- 06.02.2015: reorder columns, made all `max` values most-right
,count(*) iter_counts
-------------- speed -------------
,avg(m.elapsed_ms) avg_elap_ms
,avg(1000.00 * ( (m.rec_seq_reads + m.rec_idx_reads + m.bkv_reads ) / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_rec_reads_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( (m.rec_inserts + m.rec_updates + m.rec_deletes ) / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_rec_dmls_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_backouts / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_bkos_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_purges / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_purg_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.rec_expunges / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_xpng_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_fetches / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_fetches_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_marks / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_marks_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_reads / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_reads_sec
,avg(1000.00 * ( m.pg_writes / nullif(m.elapsed_ms,0)) ) avg_writes_sec
-------------- reads ---------------
,avg(m.rec_seq_reads) avg_seq
,avg(m.rec_idx_reads) avg_idx
,avg(m.rec_rpt_reads) avg_rpt
,avg(m.bkv_reads) avg_bkv
,avg(m.frg_reads) avg_frg
,avg(m.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_bkv_per_rec
,avg(m.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_frg_per_rec
---------- modifications ----------
,avg(m.rec_inserts) avg_ins
,avg(m.rec_updates) avg_upd
,avg(m.rec_deletes) avg_del
,avg(m.rec_backouts) avg_bko
,avg(m.rec_purges) avg_pur
,avg(m.rec_expunges) avg_exp
--------------- io -----------------
,avg(m.pg_fetches) avg_fetches
,avg(m.pg_marks) avg_marks
,avg(m.pg_reads) avg_reads
,avg(m.pg_writes) avg_writes
----------- locks and conflicts ----------
,avg(m.rec_locks) avg_locks
,avg(m.rec_confl) avg_confl
--- 06.02.2015 moved here all MAX values, separate them from AVG ones: ---
,max(m.rec_seq_reads) max_seq
,max(m.rec_idx_reads) max_idx
,max(m.rec_rpt_reads) max_rpt
,max(m.bkv_reads) max_bkv
,max(m.frg_reads) max_frg
,max(m.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_bkv_per_rec
,max(m.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_frg_per_rec
,max(m.rec_inserts) max_ins
,max(m.rec_updates) max_upd
,max(m.rec_deletes) max_del
,max(m.rec_backouts) max_bko
,max(m.rec_purges) max_pur
,max(m.rec_expunges) max_exp
,max(m.pg_fetches) max_fetches
,max(m.pg_marks) max_marks
,max(m.pg_reads) max_reads
,max(m.pg_writes) max_writes
,max(m.rec_locks) max_locks
,max(m.rec_confl) max_confl
,left(cast(:v_report_beg as varchar(24)),16)
,left(cast(:v_report_end as varchar(24)),16)
from mon_log m
where m.dts between :v_report_beg and :v_report_end
group by unit
^ -- srv_mon_stat_per_units
create or alter procedure srv_mon_stat_per_tables (
a_last_hours smallint default 3,
a_last_mins smallint default 0 )
returns (
table_name dm_dbobj
,unit dm_unit
,iter_counts bigint
,avg_seq bigint
,avg_idx bigint
,avg_rpt bigint
,avg_bkv bigint
,avg_frg bigint
,avg_bkv_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,avg_frg_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,avg_ins bigint
,avg_upd bigint
,avg_del bigint
,avg_bko bigint
,avg_pur bigint
,avg_exp bigint
,avg_locks bigint
,avg_confl bigint
--,elapsed_minutes int
,max_seq bigint
,max_idx bigint
,max_rpt bigint
,max_bkv bigint
,max_frg bigint
,max_bkv_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,max_frg_per_rec numeric(12,2)
,max_ins bigint
,max_upd bigint
,max_del bigint
,max_bko bigint
,max_pur bigint
,max_exp bigint
,max_locks bigint
,max_confl bigint
,job_beg varchar(16)
,job_end varchar(16)
) as
declare v_report_beg timestamp;
declare v_report_end timestamp;
-- SP for detailed performance analysis: count of operations
-- (NOT only business ops; including BOTH successful and failed ones),
-- count of errors (including by their types)
a_last_hours = abs( coalesce(a_last_hours, 3) );
a_last_mins = coalesce(a_last_mins, 0);
a_last_mins = iif( a_last_mins between 0 and 59, a_last_mins, 0 );
select p.last_launch_beg, p.last_launch_end
from srv_get_last_launch_beg_end( :a_last_hours, :a_last_mins ) p
into v_report_beg, v_report_end;
,count(*) iter_counts
--------------- reads ---------------
,avg(t.rec_seq_reads) avg_seq
,avg(t.rec_idx_reads) avg_idx
,avg(t.rec_rpt_reads) avg_rpt
,avg(t.bkv_reads) avg_bkv
,avg(t.frg_reads) avg_frg
,avg(t.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_bkv_per_rec
,avg(t.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) avg_frg_per_rec
---------- modifications ----------
,avg(t.rec_inserts) avg_ins
,avg(t.rec_updates) avg_upd
,avg(t.rec_deletes) avg_del
,avg(t.rec_backouts) avg_bko
,avg(t.rec_purges) avg_pur
,avg(t.rec_expunges) avg_exp
----------- locks and conflicts ----------
,avg(t.rec_locks) avg_locks
,avg(t.rec_confl) avg_confl
--,datediff( minute from min(t.dts) to max(t.dts) ) elapsed_minutes
--- 06.02.2015 moved here all MAX values, separate them from AVG ones: ---
,max(t.rec_seq_reads) max_seq
,max(t.rec_idx_reads) max_idx
,max(t.rec_rpt_reads) max_rpt
,max(t.bkv_reads) max_bkv
,max(t.frg_reads) max_frg
,max(t.bkv_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_bkv_per_rec
,max(t.frg_per_seq_idx_rpt) max_frg_per_rec
,max(t.rec_inserts) max_ins
,max(t.rec_updates) max_upd
,max(t.rec_deletes) max_del
,max(t.rec_backouts) max_bko
,max(t.rec_purges) max_pur
,max(t.rec_expunges) max_exp
,max(t.rec_locks) max_locks
,max(t.rec_confl) max_confl
,left(cast(:v_report_beg as varchar(24)),16)
,left(cast(:v_report_end as varchar(24)),16)
from mon_log_table_stats t
t.dts between :v_report_beg and :v_report_end
+ t.rec_idx_reads
+ t.rec_rpt_reads
+ t.bkv_reads
+ t.frg_reads
+ t.rec_inserts
+ t.rec_updates
+ t.rec_deletes
+ t.rec_backouts
+ t.rec_purges
+ t.rec_expunges
+ t.rec_locks
+ t.rec_confl
> 0
group by t.table_name, t.unit
^ -- srv_mon_stat_per_tables
create or alter procedure srv_get_report_name(
a_format varchar(20) default 'regular' -- 'regular' | 'benchmark'
,a_build varchar(50) default '' -- WI-V3.0.0.32136 or just '32136'
,a_num_of_sessions int default -1
,a_test_time_minutes int default -1
,a_prefix varchar(255) default ''
,a_suffix varchar(255) default ''
) returns (
report_file varchar(255) -- full name of final report
,start_at varchar(15) -- '20150223_1527': timestamp of test_time phase start
,fb_arch varchar(50) -- 'ss30' | 'sc30' | 'cs30'
,overall_perf varchar(50) -- 'score_07548'
,fw_setting varchar(20) -- 'fw__on' | 'fw_off'
,load_time varchar(50) -- '03h00m'
,load_att varchar(50) -- '150_att'
,heavy_load_ddl varchar(50) -- only when a_format='benchmark': solid' | 'split'
,compound_1st_col varchar(50) -- only when a_format='benchmark': 'most__selective_1st' | 'least_selective_1st'
,compound_idx_num varchar(50) -- only when a_format='benchmark': 'one_index' | 'two_indxs'
declare v_test_finish_state varchar(50);
declare v_tab_name dm_dbobj;
declare v_idx_name dm_dbobj;
declare v_min_idx_key varchar(255);
declare v_max_idx_key varchar(255);
declare v_test_time int;
declare v_num_of_sessions int;
declare v_dts_beg timestamp;
declare v_dts_end timestamp;
declare k smallint;
declare v_fb_major_vers varchar(10);
-- Aux. SP for returning FILE NAME of final report which does contain all
-- valuable FB, database and test params
-- Sample:
-- select * from srv_get_report_name('regular', 31236)
-- select * from srv_get_report_name('benchmark', 31236)
select d1 || d2
from (
select d1, left(s, position('.' in s)-1) d2
from (
select left(r, position('.' in r)-1) d1, substring(r from 1+position('.' in r)) s
from (
select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') r from rdb$database
) into v_fb_major_vers; -- '2.5.0' ==> '25'; '3.0.0' ==> '30'; '19.17.1' ==> '1917' :-)
select p.fb_arch from sys_get_fb_arch p into fb_arch;
fb_arch =
iif( fb_arch containing 'superserver' or upper(fb_arch) starting with upper('ss'), 'ss'
,iif( fb_arch containing 'superclassic' or upper(fb_arch) starting with upper('sc'), 'sc'
,iif( fb_arch containing 'classic' or upper(fb_arch) starting with upper('cs'), 'cs'
|| v_fb_major_vers -- prev: iif( rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','ENGINE_VERSION') starting with '2.5', '25', '30' )
fw_setting='fw' || iif( (select mon$forced_writes from mon$database)= 1,'__on','_off');
'score_'||lpad( cast( coalesce(aux1,0) as int ), iif( coalesce(aux1,0) < 99999, 5, 18 ) , '0' )
,datediff(minute from p.dts_beg to p.dts_end)
,p.dts_beg, p.dts_end
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'perf_watch_interval'
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
into overall_perf, v_test_time, v_dts_beg, v_dts_end;
v_test_finish_state = null;
if ( a_test_time_minutes = -1 ) then -- call AFTER test finish, when making final report
select 'ABEND_GDS_'||p.fb_gdscode
from perf_log p
where p.unit = 'sp_halt_on_error' and p.fb_gdscode >= 0
order by p.dts_beg desc
rows 1
into v_test_finish_state; -- will remain NULL if not found ==> test finished NORMAL.
else -- a_test_time_minutes > = 0
-- call from main batch (1run_oltp_emul) just BEFORE all ISQL
-- sessions will be launched: display *estimated* name of report
overall_perf = 'score_' || lpad('',5,'X');
v_test_time = a_test_time_minutes;
select left(ansi_dts, 13) from sys_timestamp_to_ansi( coalesce(:v_dts_beg, current_timestamp))
into start_at;
v_test_time = coalesce(v_test_time,0);
load_time = lpad(cast(v_test_time/60 as int),2,'_')||'h' || lpad(mod(v_test_time,60),2,'0')||'m';
if ( a_num_of_sessions = -1 ) then
-- Use *actual* number of ISQL sessions that were participate in this test run.
-- This case is used when final report is created AFTER test finish, from oltp_isql_run_worker.bat (.sh):
select count(distinct e.att_id)
from perf_estimated e
into v_num_of_sessions;
-- Use *declared* number of ISQL sessions that *will* be participate in this test run:
-- (this case is used when we diplay name of report BEFORE launching ISQL sessions, in 1run_oltp_emul.bat (.sh) script):
v_num_of_sessions= a_num_of_sessions;
load_att = lpad( coalesce(v_num_of_sessions, '0'), 3, '_') || '_att';
k = position('.' in reverse(a_build));
a_build = iif( k > 0, reverse(left(reverse(a_build), k - 1)), a_build );
if ( a_format = 'regular' ) then
-- 20151102_2219_score_06578_build_32136_ss30__0h30m__10_att_fw_off.txt
report_file =
|| '_' || coalesce( v_test_finish_state, overall_perf )
|| iif( a_build > '', '_build_' || a_build, '' )
|| '_' || fb_arch
|| '_' || load_time
|| '_' || load_att
|| '_' || fw_setting
else if (a_format = 'benchmark') then
min(idx_key) as min_idx_key,
max(idx_key) as max_idx_key
from z_qd_indices_ddl z
group by tab_name
rows 1
v_tab_name, v_min_idx_key, v_max_idx_key
do begin
heavy_load_ddl = iif( upper(v_tab_name)=upper('qdistr'), 'solid', 'split' );
if ( upper(v_min_idx_key) starting with upper('ware_id') or upper(v_max_idx_key) starting with upper('ware_id') ) then
compound_1st_col = 'most__sel_1st';
else if ( upper(v_min_idx_key) starting with upper('snd_optype_id') or upper(v_max_idx_key) starting with upper('snd_optype_id') ) then
compound_1st_col = 'least_sel_1st';
if ( v_min_idx_key = v_max_idx_key ) then
compound_idx_num = 'one_index';
compound_idx_num = 'two_indxs';
-- ss30_fw__on_solid_most__sel_1st_two_indxs_loadtime_180m_by_100_att_20151102_0958_20151102_1258.txt
report_file =
|| '_' || fw_setting
|| '_' || heavy_load_ddl -- 'solid' | 'split'
|| '_' || compound_1st_col -- 'most__sel_1st' | 'least_sel_1st'
|| '_' || compound_idx_num -- 'one_index' | 'two_indxs'
|| '_' || coalesce( v_test_finish_state, overall_perf )
|| iif( a_build > '', '_build_' || a_build, '' )
|| '_' || load_time
|| '_' || load_att
|| '_' || start_at
if ( trim(a_prefix) > '' ) then report_file = trim(a_prefix) || '-' || report_file;
if ( trim(a_suffix) > '' ) then report_file = report_file || '-' || trim(a_suffix);
^ -- srv_get_report_name
create or alter procedure srv_test_work
returns (
ret_code integer)
declare v_bak_ctx1 int;
declare v_bak_ctx2 int;
declare n bigint;
declare v_clo_id bigint;
declare v_ord_id bigint;
declare v_inv_id bigint;
declare v_res_id bigint;
-- "express test" for checking that main app units work OK.
-- NB: all tables must be EMPTY before this SP run.
v_bak_ctx1 = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ORDER_FOR_OUR_FIRM_PERCENT');
v_bak_ctx2 = rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_RESERVES_WHEN_ADD_INVOICE');
select min(p.doc_list_id) from sp_client_order(0,1,1) p into v_clo_id;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select min(p.doc_list_id) from sp_supplier_order(0,1,1) p into v_ord_id;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select min(p.doc_list_id) from sp_supplier_invoice(0,1,1) p into v_inv_id;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select count(*) from sp_add_invoice_to_stock(:v_inv_id) into n;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select h.id
from doc_list h
where h.optype_id = fn_oper_retail_reserve()
rows 1
into :v_res_id;
select count(*) from sp_reserve_write_off(:v_res_id) into n;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select count(*) from sp_cancel_client_order(:v_clo_id) into n;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
select count(*) from sp_cancel_supplier_order(:v_ord_id) into n;
select count(*) from srv_make_invnt_saldo into n;
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'ORDER_FOR_OUR_FIRM_PERCENT', v_bak_ctx1);
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'ENABLE_RESERVES_WHEN_ADD_INVOICE', v_bak_ctx2);
ret_code = iif( exists(select * from v_qdistr_source ) or exists(select * from v_qstorned_source ), 1, 0);
ret_code = iif( exists(select * from invnt_turnover_log), bin_or(ret_code, 2), ret_code );
ret_code = iif( NOT exists(select * from invnt_saldo), bin_or(ret_code, 4), ret_code );
n = null;
select s.id
from invnt_saldo s
where NOT
s.qty_clo=1 and s.qty_clr = 1
and s.qty_ord = 0 and s.qty_sup = 0
and s.qty_avl = 0 and s.qty_res = 0
and s.qty_inc = 0 and s.qty_out = 0
rows 1
into n;
ret_code = iif( n is NOT null, bin_or(ret_code, 8), ret_code );
^ -- srv_test_work
set term ;^
set list on;
set echo off;
select 'oltp30_sp.sql finish at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
-- ###################################################################
-- End of script oltp30_SP.sql; next to be run: oltp_main_filling.sql
-- (common for both FB 2.5 and 3.0)
-- ###################################################################
-- ###################################
-- Begin of script oltp_misc_debug.sql // ### O P T I O N A L ###
-- ###################################
-- ::: NB ::: This scipt is COMMON for both FB 2.5 and 3.0 and should be called after oltp_main_filling.sql (if needed)
-- It creates some OPTIONAL debug views and procedures.
-- Need only when some troubles in algorithms are detected.
-- Call of this script should be AFTER running oltpNN_DDL.sql and oltpNN_sp.sql
set list on;
select 'oltp_misc_debug.sql start at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
-- ************ D E B U G T A B L E S **********
-- tables for dump dirty data, 4 debug only
recreate table ztmp_shopping_cart(
id bigint,
snd_id bigint,
qty numeric(12,3),
optype_id bigint,
snd_optype_id bigint,
rcv_optype_id bigint,
qty_bak numeric(12,3),
dup_cnt int,
dump_att bigint,
dump_trn bigint
recreate table ztmp_dep_docs(
base_doc_id bigint,
dependend_doc_id bigint,
dependend_doc_state bigint,
dependend_doc_dbkey dm_dbkey,
dependend_doc_agent_id bigint,
ware_id bigint,
base_doc_qty numeric(12,3),
dependend_doc_qty numeric(12,3),
dump_att bigint,
dump_trn bigint
recreate table zdoc_list(
id bigint
,optype_id bigint
,agent_id bigint
,state_id bigint
,base_doc_id bigint -- id of document that is 'base' for current (stock order => incoming invoice etc)
,cost_purchase numeric(12,2) default 0 -- total in PURCHASING cost (can be ZERO for stock orders)
,cost_retail numeric(12,2) default 0 -- total in RETAIL cost, can be zero for incoming docs and stock orders
,acn_type dm_account_type
,dts_open timestamp
,dts_fix timestamp -- when changes of CONTENT of this document became disabled
,dts_clos timestamp -- when ALL changes of this doc. became disabled
,att int
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
recreate table zdoc_data(
id dm_idb
,doc_id dm_idb
,ware_id dm_idb
,qty dm_qty
,cost_purchase dm_cost
,cost_retail dm_cost
,dts_edit timestamp
,optype_id dm_idb
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
-- 27.06.2014 (need to find cases when negative remainders appear)
recreate table zinvnt_turnover_log(
ware_id bigint
,qty_diff numeric(12,3)
,cost_diff numeric(12,2)
,doc_list_id bigint
,doc_pref dm_mcode
,doc_data_id bigint
,optype_id bigint
,id bigint
,dts_edit timestamp
,att_id int
,trn_id int
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
recreate table zqdistr(
id dm_idb
,doc_id dm_idb
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_idb
,snd_id dm_idb
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_optype_id bigint
,rcv_id bigint -- nullable! ==> doc_data.id of "receiver"
,rcv_qty numeric(12,3)
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint
,dts timestamp
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
create index zqdistr_id on zqdistr(id); -- NON unique!
create index zqdistr_ware_sndop_rcvop on zqdistr(ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id);
recreate table zqstorned(
id dm_idb
,doc_id dm_idb
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_idb
,snd_id dm_idb
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_optype_id dm_idb
,rcv_id dm_idb
,rcv_qty dm_qty
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint
,dts timestamp
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
create index zqstorned_id on zqstorned(id); -- NON unique!
create index zqstorned_doc_id on zqstorned(doc_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_lock_dependent_docs
create index zqstorned_snd_id on zqstorned(snd_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_kill_qty_storno
create index zqstorned_rcv_id on zqstorned(rcv_id); -- confirmed 16.09.2014, see s`p_kill_qty_storno
recreate table zpdistr(
id dm_idb
,agent_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_idb
,snd_id dm_idb
,snd_cost dm_qty
,rcv_optype_id dm_idb
,trn_id bigint
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
create index zpdistr_id on zpdistr(id); -- NON unique!
recreate table zpstorned(
id dm_idb
,agent_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_idb
,snd_id dm_idb
,snd_cost dm_cost
,rcv_optype_id dm_idb
,rcv_id dm_idb
,rcv_cost dm_cost
,trn_id bigint
,dump_att bigint
,dump_trn bigint
create index zpstorned_id on zpstorned(id); -- NON unique!
set term ^;
create or alter procedure z_remember_view_usage (
a_view_for_search dm_dbobj,
a_view_for_min_id dm_dbobj default null,
a_view_for_max_id dm_dbobj default null
) as
declare i smallint;
declare v_ctxn dm_ctxnv;
declare v_name dm_dbobj;
i = 1;
while (i <= 3) do -- a_view_for_search, a_view_for_min_id, a_view_for_max_id
v_name = decode(i, 1, a_view_for_search, 2, a_view_for_min_id , a_view_for_max_id );
if ( v_name is not null ) then
v_ctxn = right(v_name||'_is_used', 80);
if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctxn) is null ) then
if (not exists( select * from z_used_views u where u.name = :v_name )) then
insert into z_used_views(name) values( :v_name );
rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', v_ctxn, '1' );
when any do
-- ::: nb ::: do NOT use "wh`en gdscode <mnemona>" followed by "wh`en any":
-- the latter ("w`hen ANY") will handle ALWAYS, even if "w`hen <mnemona>"
-- catched it's kind of exception!
-- 1) tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/CORE-3275
-- "W`HEN ANY handles exceptions even if they are handled in another W`HEN section"
-- 2) sql.ru/forum/actualutils.aspx?action=gotomsg&tid=1088890&msg=15879669
if ( not gdscode in ( 335544665,335544349 ) ) then
-- #######
-- #######
-- else ==> yes, supress no_dup exception here --
i = i + 1;
create or alter procedure z_get_dependend_docs(
a_doc_list_id dm_idb,
a_doc_oper_id dm_idb default null -- = (for invoices which are to be 'reopened' - old_oper_id)
) returns (
dependend_doc_id dm_idb,
dependend_doc_state dm_idb
declare v_rcv_optype_id dm_idb;
-- former: s`p_get_dependend_docs; now need only for debug
if ( a_doc_oper_id is null ) then
select h.optype_id
from doc_list h
where h.id = :a_doc_list_id
into a_doc_oper_id;
v_rcv_optype_id = decode(
,2100, 3300 -- ,fn_oper_invoice_add(), fn_oper_retail_reserve()
,1200, 2000 -- ,fn_oper_order_for_supplier(), fn_oper_invoice_get()
select x.dependend_doc_id, h.state_id
-- (added field rcv_doc_id in table qstorned, now can remove join with doc_data!)
from (
-- Checked plan 13.07.2014:
select q.rcv_doc_id dependend_doc_id -- q.rcv_id dependend_doc_data_id
from v_qstorned_source q
q.doc_id = :a_doc_list_id -- choosen invoice which is to be re-opened
and q.snd_optype_id = :a_doc_oper_id -- fn_oper_invoice_add()
and q.rcv_optype_id = :v_rcv_optype_id --fn_oper_retail_reserve() -- in ( fn_oper_retail_reserve(), fn_oper_retail_realization() )
group by 1
) x
join doc_list h on x.dependend_doc_id = h.id
into dependend_doc_id, dependend_doc_state
^ -- z_get_dependend_docs
set term ;^
create or alter view z_perf_trn as
select * from perf_log p where p.trn_id = current_transaction
create or alter view z_random_bop as
select b.sort_prior as id, b.unit, b.info
from business_ops b
create or alter view v_diag_fk_uk as
-- service view for check data in FK/UNQ indices: search 'orphan' rows in FK
-- or duplicate rows in all PK/UNQ keys (suggestion by DS, 05.05.2014 18:23)
-- ::: NB ::: this view does NOT include in its reultset self-referenced tables!
with recursive
c as (
rc.rdb$relation_name child_tab
,rc.rdb$constraint_name child_fk
,rc.rdb$index_name child_idx
,ru.rdb$const_name_uq parent_uk
,rp.rdb$relation_name parent_tab
,rp.rdb$index_name parent_idx
from rdb$relation_constraints rc
join rdb$ref_constraints ru on
rc.rdb$constraint_name = ru.rdb$constraint_name
and rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
join rdb$relation_constraints rp
on ru.rdb$const_name_uq = rp.rdb$constraint_name
where rc.rdb$relation_name <> rp.rdb$relation_name -- prevent from select self-ref PK/FK tables!
,d as(
0 i
from c c0
-- filter tables which are NOT parents for any other tables:
where not exists( select * from c cx where cx.parent_tab= c0.child_tab )
union all
from d
join c on d.parent_tab = c.child_tab
--select * from d where d.child_tab='DOC_DATA'
,e as(
select distinct
,rsc.rdb$field_name fk_fld
,rsp.rdb$field_name uk_fld
from d
join rdb$index_segments rsc on d.child_idx = rsc.rdb$index_name
join rdb$index_segments rsp on d.parent_idx = rsp.rdb$index_name and rsc.rdb$field_position=rsp.rdb$field_position
,f as(
,list( 'd.'||trim(e.fk_fld)||' = m.'||trim(e.uk_fld), ' and ') jcond
,list( 'm.'||trim(e.uk_fld)||' is null', ' and ' ) ncond
from e
group by e.child_tab,e.child_fk,e.parent_tab,e.parent_uk
--select * from f
f.child_fk checked_constraint
,'FK' type_of_constraint
,'select count(*) from '
||trim(f.child_tab)||' d left join '
||trim(f.parent_tab)||' m on '
||' where '||f.ncond as checked_qry
from f
uk_idx as checked_constraint
,'UK' type_of_constraint
,'select count(*) from '||trim(tab_name)||' group by '||trim(uk_lst)||' having count(*)>1' as checked_qry
select tab_name,uk_idx, list( trim(uk_fld) ) uk_lst
select rr.rdb$relation_name tab_name, rc.rdb$index_name uk_idx, rs.rdb$field_name uk_fld
from rdb$relation_constraints rc
join rdb$relations rr on rc.rdb$relation_name = rr.rdb$relation_name
join rdb$index_segments rs on rc.rdb$index_name = rs.rdb$index_name
rc.rdb$constraint_type in ('PRIMARY KEY', 'UNIQUE')
and coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0
group by tab_name,uk_idx
-- v_diag_fk_uk
create or alter view v_diag_idx_entries as
-- source to check match of all possible counts ortder by table indices
-- and count via natural order (suggestion by DS, 05.05.2014 18:23)
,cast('select count(*) from (select * from '||trim(tab_name)||' order by '||trim(idx_expr||desc_expr)||')' as varchar(255))
as checked_qry
,max(iif(idx_type=1,' desc','')) desc_expr
,list(trim(coalesce(idx_comp, idx_key))) idx_expr
ri.rdb$relation_name tab_name
,ri.rdb$index_name idx_name
,ri.rdb$expression_source idx_comp
,ri.rdb$index_type idx_type
,rs.rdb$field_name idx_key
from rdb$indices ri
join rdb$relations rr on ri.rdb$relation_name = rr.rdb$relation_name
left join rdb$index_segments rs on ri.rdb$index_name=rs.rdb$index_name
where coalesce(rr.rdb$system_flag,0)=0 and rr.rdb$relation_type not in(4,5)
order by ri.rdb$relation_name, rs.rdb$index_name,rs.rdb$field_position
group by
-- v_diag_idx_entries
create or alter view z_check_inv_vs_sup as
-- for checking: all qty in INVOICES which supplier has sent us must be
-- LESS or EQUEAL than qty which we've ORDERED to supplier before
-- This view should return records with ERRORS in data.
qty as doc_qty,
from v_add_invoice_to_stock v
join v_doc_detailed f on v.id=f.doc_id
where qty > qty_sup
create or alter view z_clean_data as
with recursive
c as (
rc.rdb$relation_name child_tab
,rc.rdb$constraint_name child_fk
,ru.rdb$const_name_uq parent_uk
,rp.rdb$relation_name parent_tab
from rdb$relation_constraints rc
join rdb$ref_constraints ru on
rc.rdb$constraint_name = ru.rdb$constraint_name
and rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
join rdb$relation_constraints rp
on ru.rdb$const_name_uq = rp.rdb$constraint_name
where rc.rdb$relation_name <> rp.rdb$relation_name
--select * from c
,d as(
0 i
from c c0
where not exists( select * from c cx where cx.parent_tab= c0.child_tab )
union all
from d
join c on d.parent_tab = c.child_tab
,e as(
--,max(i)over() mi
--,(select max(i) from d) as mi
from d
-- select * from e
,f as(
select distinct
0 i
from e where i=0
from (select child_tab from e where i > 0 order by i)
select k,parent_tab
from (
2 as k
from e
order by i desc rows 1
--- doesn`t work in 3.0 when "(select max(i) from d) as mi", see CTE `e`, 06.02.2015:
-- select 2 as k,parent_tab from e where i=mi
,t as(
rt.rdb$trigger_name trg_name -- f.child_tab, rt.rdb$trigger_name, rt.rdb$trigger_type
from f
join rdb$triggers rt on f.child_tab = rt.rdb$relation_name
where rt.rdb$system_flag=0 and rt.rdb$trigger_inactive=0
select 'alter trigger '||trim(trg_name)||' inactive' sql_expr
from t
union all
select 'delete from '||trim(child_tab)
from f
union all
select 'alter trigger '||trim(trg_name)||' active'
from t
create or alter view z_idx_stat as
select ri.rdb$relation_name tab_name, ri.rdb$index_name idx_name, nullif(ri.rdb$statistics,0) idx_stat
from rdb$indices ri
where ri.rdb$relation_name not starting with 'RDB$' --and ri.rdb$statistics > 0
order by 3 desc nulls first,1,2
create or alter view z_rules_for_qdistr as
-- 4debug
select r.mode, r.snd_optype_id, so.mcode snd_mcode, r.rcv_optype_id, ro.mcode rcv_mcode
from rules_for_qdistr r
left join optypes so on r.snd_optype_id = so.id
left join optypes ro on r.rcv_optype_id = ro.id
create or alter view zv_doc_detailed as
-- Debug: analysis of dumped dirty data (filled by SP zdump4dbg in some critical errors)
h.id doc_id,
o.mcode oper,
d.id doc_data_id,
coalesce(d.cost_purchase, h.cost_purchase) cost_purchase, -- cost in purchase price
coalesce(d.cost_retail, h.cost_retail) cost_retail, -- cost in retail price
s.mcode state,
from zdoc_list h
join optypes o on h.optype_id = o.id
join doc_states s on h.state_id=s.id
left join zdoc_data d on h.id = d.doc_id
-- ::: NB ::: do NOT remove "left" from here otherwise performance will degrade
-- (FB will not push predicate inside view; 22.04.2014)
--LEFT join v_saldo_invnt n on d.ware_id=n.ware_id
create or alter view zv_saldo_invnt as
-- 21.04.2014
-- ::: NB ::: this view can return NEGATIVE remainders in qty_xxx
-- if parallel attaches call of sp_make_invnt_saldo
-- (because of deleting rows in invnt_turnover_log in this SP)
-- !!! look at table INVNT_SALDO for actual remainders !!!
,sum(o.m_qty_clo * ng.qty_diff) qty_clo
,sum(o.m_qty_clr * ng.qty_diff) qty_clr
,sum(o.m_qty_ord * ng.qty_diff) qty_ord
,sum(o.m_qty_sup * ng.qty_diff) qty_sup
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) qty_avl
,sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_res
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.qty_diff) qty_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.qty_diff) qty_out
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) cost_inc
,sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_out
-- amount "on hand" as it seen by accounter:
,sum(o.m_qty_avl * ng.qty_diff) + sum(o.m_qty_res * ng.qty_diff) qty_acn
-- total cost "on hand" in purchasing prices:
,sum(o.m_cost_inc * ng.cost_diff) - sum(o.m_cost_out * ng.cost_diff) cost_acn
from zinvnt_turnover_log ng
join optypes o on ng.optype_id=o.id
group by 1
create or alter view z_mism_dd_qd_qs_orphans as
-- 4 debug: search only those rows in doc_data for which absent any rows in
-- qdistr and qstorned ('lite' diagnostics):
select d.doc_id,h.optype_id,d.id,d.ware_id,d.qty
from doc_data d
join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id
left join v_qdistr_source q on d.id=q.snd_id
left join v_qstorned_source s on d.id in(s.snd_id, s.rcv_id)
where h.optype_id<>1100 and q.id is null and s.id is null
create or alter view z_mism_dd_qd_qs_sums as
-- 4 debug: search for mismatches be`tween doc_data.qty and number of
-- records in qdistr or qstorned
select d.doc_id, d.id,d.optype_id,d.qty,d.qd_sum,coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) qs_sum
select d.doc_id, d.id, d.optype_id, d.qty,coalesce(sum(qd.snd_qty),0) qd_sum
from (
select d.doc_id, d.id, d.ware_id, iif(h.optype_id=3400, 3300, h.optype_id) as optype_id, d.qty
from doc_data d
join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id
) d
inner join rules_for_qdistr p on d.optype_id = p.snd_optype_id + 0 and coalesce(p.storno_sub,1)=1 -- hash join! 3.0 only
left join v_qdistr_source qd on
qd.ware_id = d.ware_id
and qd.snd_optype_id = p.snd_optype_id
and qd.rcv_optype_id is not distinct from p.rcv_optype_id
where d.optype_id<>1100 -- client refused from order
group by d.doc_id, d.id, d.optype_id, d.qty
) d
join rules_for_qdistr p on d.optype_id = p.snd_optype_id + 0 and coalesce(p.storno_sub,1)=1 -- hash join! 3.0 only
left join v_qstorned_source qs on
and p.snd_optype_id=qs.snd_optype_id
and p.rcv_optype_id is not distinct from qs.rcv_optype_id
group by d.doc_id, d.id,d.optype_id,d.qty,d.qd_sum
having d.qty <> d.qd_sum + coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0)
create or alter view z_mism_zdd_zqdzqs as
-- 4 debug: search for mismatches between doc_data.qty and number of
-- records in qdistr or qstorned
select d.doc_id, d.id,d.optype_id,d.qty,d.qd_sum,coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) qs_sum
select d.doc_id, d.id, d.optype_id, d.qty,coalesce(sum(qd.snd_qty),0) qd_sum
from (
select d.doc_id, d.id, d.ware_id, iif(d.optype_id=3400, 3300, d.optype_id) as optype_id, d.qty
from zdoc_data d
) d
inner join rules_for_qdistr p on d.optype_id=p.snd_optype_id and coalesce(p.storno_sub,1)=1
left join zqdistr qd on
qd.ware_id = d.ware_id
and qd.snd_optype_id = p.snd_optype_id
and qd.rcv_optype_id is not distinct from p.rcv_optype_id
where d.optype_id<>1100 -- client refused from order
group by d.doc_id, d.id, d.optype_id, d.qty
) d
inner join rules_for_qdistr p on d.optype_id=p.snd_optype_id and coalesce(p.storno_sub,1)=1
left join zqstorned qs on
and p.snd_optype_id=qs.snd_optype_id
and p.rcv_optype_id is not distinct from qs.rcv_optype_id
group by d.doc_id, d.id,d.optype_id,d.qty,d.qd_sum
having d.qty <> d.qd_sum + coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0)
create or alter view z_qdqs as
-- Debug: analysis of dumped dirty data (filled by SP zdump4dbg in some critical errors)
cast(q.src as varchar(8)) as src,
cast(so.mcode as varchar(3)) snd_op,
q.doc_id as snd_doc_id,
sh.agent_id as snd_agent,
cast(ro.mcode as varchar(3)) rcv_op,
d.doc_id as rcv_doc_id,
rh.agent_id as rcv_agent,
from (
select 'qdistr' src,q.*
from qdistr q
union all
select 'qstorned', s.*
from qstorned s
) q
left join doc_data d on q.rcv_id = d.id
left join optypes so on q.snd_optype_id = so.id
left join doc_list sh on q.doc_id=sh.id
left join optypes ro on q.rcv_optype_id = ro.id
left join doc_list rh on d.doc_id=rh.id
order by q.src, q.doc_id, q.id
create or alter view z_zqdzqs as
-- Debug: analysis of dumped dirty data (filled by SP zdump4dbg in some critical errors)
left(so.mcode,3) snd_op,
q.doc_id as snd_doc_id,
left(ro.mcode,3) rcv_op,
d.doc_id as rcv_doc_id,
from (
select 'zqdistr' src,q.*
from zqdistr q
union all
select 'zqstorned', s.*
from zqstorned s
) q
left join zdoc_data d on q.rcv_id = d.id
left join optypes so on q.snd_optype_id = so.id
left join optypes ro on q.rcv_optype_id = ro.id
order by q.src, q.doc_id, q.id
create or alter view z_pdps as
-- Debug: analysis of dumped dirty data (filled by SP zdump4dbg in some critical errors)
cast(p.src as varchar(8)) as src,
cast(so.mcode as varchar(3)) snd_op,
cast(ro.mcode as varchar(3)) rcv_op,
from (
select 'pdistr' src,p.id,p.agent_id,p.snd_optype_id,p.snd_id,p.snd_cost,p.rcv_optype_id, cast(null as bigint) as rcv_id, cast(null as numeric(12,2)) as rcv_cost, p.trn_id
from pdistr p
union all
select 'pstorned', s.id, s.agent_id, s.snd_optype_id, s.snd_id, s.snd_cost, s.rcv_optype_id, s.rcv_id, s.rcv_cost, s.trn_id
from pstorned s
) p
left join optypes so on p.snd_optype_id = so.id
left join optypes ro on p.rcv_optype_id = ro.id
order by p.src, p.id -- p.agent_id, p.rcv_id, p.id
create or alter view z_zpdzps as
-- Debug: analysis of dumped dirty data (filled by SP zdump4dbg in some critical errors)
left(so.mcode,3) snd_op,
left(ro.mcode,3) rcv_op,
from (
select 'zpdistr' src,p.id,p.agent_id,p.snd_optype_id,p.snd_id,p.snd_cost,p.rcv_optype_id,
cast(null as bigint) as rcv_id, cast(null as numeric(12,2)) as rcv_cost,
p.trn_id, p.dump_att, p.dump_trn
from zpdistr p
union all
select 'zpstorned', s.id, s.agent_id, s.snd_optype_id, s.snd_id, s.snd_cost, s.rcv_optype_id,
s.rcv_id, s.rcv_cost,
s.trn_id, s.dump_att, s.dump_trn
from zpstorned s
) p
left join optypes so on p.snd_optype_id = so.id
left join optypes ro on p.rcv_optype_id = ro.id
order by p.src, p.agent_id, p.rcv_id, p.id
create or alter view z_slow_get_random_id as
substring(pg.info from 1 for coalesce(nullif(position(';',pg.info)-1,-1),31) ) mode,
min(pg.elapsed_ms) ms_min,
max(pg.elapsed_ms) ms_max,
count(*) cnt
from perf_log pg
where pg.unit='fn_get_random_id' and pg.elapsed_ms>=3000
group by 1,2
create or alter view z_get_min_max_id as
-- 08.02.2015: debug view for efficiency estimation of 'boundary' views which
-- is used for obtaining MIN and MAX ids before subsequent random selection.
-- (v_min/max_id_clo_ord, v_min/max_id_ord_sup etc)
-- Registering in perf_log is in fn_get_random_id.
,count(iif( coalesce(g.fb_gdscode,0)=0, 1, null ) ) cnt_ok
,count(*) cnt_all
,avg(g.elapsed_ms) avg_time
,min(g.elapsed_ms) min_time
,max(g.elapsed_ms) max_time
from perf_log g
g.unit starting with 'v_min_id'
g.unit starting with 'v_max_id'
group by 1
order by right(g.unit,6),left(g.unit,4) desc
create or alter view z_doc_data_oper_cnt as
-- 19.07.2014, for analyze results of init data population alg
select h.optype_id,o.name op_name,count(*) doc_data_cnt
from doc_list h
join optypes o on h.optype_id=o.id
join doc_data d on h.id=d.doc_id
group by 1,2
create or alter view z_doc_list_oper_cnt as
-- 19.07.2014, for analyze results of init data population alg
select h.optype_id,o.name op_name, count(*) doc_list_cnt
from doc_list h
join optypes o on h.optype_id=o.id
group by 1,2
create or alter view z_invoices_to_be_adopted as
-- 4 debug (performance of sp_add_invoice_to_stock)
invoice_id, total_rows, total_qty
,min(p.clo_agent_id) agent_min_id
,max(p.clo_agent_id) agent_max_id
,count(distinct p.clo_agent_id) agent_diff_cnt
from (
select h.id invoice_id, count(*) total_rows, sum(qty) total_qty
from doc_list h
join doc_data d on h.id=d.doc_id
where h.optype_id = 2000 -- fn_oper_invoice_get
group by 1
) x
left join sp_get_clo_for_invoice(x.invoice_id) p on 1=1
group by invoice_id, total_rows, total_qty
order by total_rows desc, total_qty desc
create or alter view z_invoices_to_be_cancelled as
-- 4 debug (performance of s`p_cancel_adding_invoice)
select h.id invoice_id, count(*) total_rows, sum(qty) total_qty
from doc_list h
join doc_data d on h.id=d.doc_id
where h.optype_id = 2100 -- fn_oper_invoice_add
group by 1
order by 2 desc
create or alter view z_ord_inc_res_dependencies as
-- 17.07.2014: get all dependencies (links) b`etween
-- supplier orders (take first 5), invoices and customer reserves
s as(
select v.ord_id, count(*) ord_rows, sum(d0.qty) ord_qty_sum
from ( select first 5 v.id as ord_id from v_cancel_supplier_order v ) v
join doc_data d0 on v.ord_id = d0.doc_id
group by v.ord_id
,i as(
,p1.dependend_doc_id as inv_id
,count(*) inv_rows
,sum(di.qty) inv_qty_sum
from s
left join z_get_dependend_docs( s.ord_id, 1200 ) p1 on 1=1 -- 1200=fn_oper_order_for_supplier()
left join doc_data di on p1.dependend_doc_id = di.doc_id
group by
,p2.dependend_doc_id as res_id
,count(*) res_rows
,sum(dr.qty) res_qty_sum
from i
left join z_get_dependend_docs( i.inv_id, 2100 ) p2 on 1=1-- 2100=fn_oper_invoice_add()
left join doc_data dr on p2.dependend_doc_id = dr.doc_id
group by
set term ^;
create or alter procedure srv_diag_fk_uk
checked_constraint type of column rdb$relation_constraints.rdb$constraint_name,
type_of_constraint type of column v_diag_fk_uk.type_of_constraint,
failed_rows int
declare v_checked_qry varchar(8190);
-- obtain text of queries for checking data in tables which have
-- FK and PK/UNQ constraints; counts rows from these tables where
-- violations of FK or PK/UNQ occur: 'orphan' FK, duplicates in PK/UNQ
select v.checked_constraint, v.type_of_constraint, cast(v.checked_qry as varchar(8190))
from v_diag_fk_uk v
into checked_constraint, type_of_constraint, v_checked_qry
do begin
execute statement(v_checked_qry) into failed_rows; -- this must be always 'select count(*) from ...'
if (failed_rows > 0) then suspend;
^ -- srv_diag_fk_uk
create or alter procedure srv_diag_idx_entries
tab_name type of column rdb$relations.rdb$relation_name,
idx_name type of column rdb$indices.rdb$index_name,
nat_count bigint,
idx_count bigint,
failed_rows bigint
declare v_checked_qry varchar(8190);
declare v_nat_stt varchar(255);
declare rn bigint;
declare v_prev_tab type of column v_diag_idx_entries.tab_name = '';
select v.tab_name, v.idx_name, v.checked_qry
from v_diag_idx_entries v
where v.checked_qry not containing 'DOC_NUMB' -- temply, smth wrong with coll num-sort=1 and unique index: FB uses plan natural instead of that index, see: http://www.sql.ru/forum/1093394/select-from-t1-order-by-s-ne-uzaet-uniq-indeks-esli-s-utf8-coll-numeric-sort-1
into tab_name, idx_name, v_checked_qry
do begin
if ( v_prev_tab is distinct from tab_name ) then begin
v_nat_stt = 'select count(*) from '||tab_name;
execute statement ( v_nat_stt ) into nat_count;
v_prev_tab = tab_name;
execute statement(v_checked_qry) into idx_count; -- this must be always 'select count(*) from ...'
if ( nat_count <> idx_count ) then begin
failed_rows = nat_count - idx_count;
^ -- srv_diag_idx_entries
create or alter procedure srv_diag_qty_distr
doc_id dm_idb,
optype_id dm_idb,
rcv_optype_id dm_idb,
doc_data_id dm_idb,
qty dm_qty,
qdqs_sum dm_qty,
qdistr_q dm_qty,
qstorned_q dm_qty
) as
-- Looks for mismatches between records count in v_qdistr + v_qstorned and doc_data
-- Must be run ONLY in TIL = SNAPSHOT!
-- ###################################
-- Check that current Tx run in NO wait or with lock_timeout.
-- Otherwise raise error: performance degrades almost to zero.
execute procedure sp_check_nowait_or_timeout;
b.qdistr_q + coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) qdqs_sum,
coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0) qstorned_q
from (
select d.doc_id, h.optype_id, r.rcv_optype_id, d.id, d.qty --
,coalesce(sum(qd.snd_qty),0) qdistr_q
from doc_data d
join doc_list h on d.doc_id = h.id
join rules_for_qdistr r on h.optype_id = r.snd_optype_id
left join v_qdistr_source qd on
d.ware_id = qd.ware_id
and qd.snd_optype_id = r.snd_optype_id
and qd.rcv_optype_id is not distinct from r.rcv_optype_id
group by d.doc_id, h.optype_id, r.rcv_optype_id, d.id, d.qty
) b
left join v_qstorned_source qs on b.id = qs.snd_id and b.optype_id=qs.snd_optype_id and b.rcv_optype_id=qs.rcv_optype_id
group by
having b.qty <> b.qdistr_q + coalesce(sum(qs.snd_qty),0)
do suspend;
^ -- srv_diag_qty_distr
-- ############# D E B U G: D U M P D I R T Y D A T A ###########
create or alter procedure zdump4dbg(
a_doc_list_id bigint default null,
a_doc_data_id bigint default null,
a_ware_id bigint default null
declare v_catch_bitset bigint;
declare id bigint;
declare trn_id bigint;
declare snd_optype_id bigint;
declare rcv_optype_id bigint;
declare qty numeric(12,3);
declare dup_cnt int;
declare qty_bak numeric(12,3);
declare snd_qty numeric(12,3);
declare rcv_qty numeric(12,3);
declare snd_id bigint;
declare rcv_id bigint;
declare doc_id bigint;
declare ware_id bigint;
declare optype_id bigint;
declare agent_id bigint;
declare state_id bigint;
declare dts_open timestamp;
declare dts_fix timestamp;
declare dts_clos timestamp;
declare dts_edit timestamp;
declare base_doc_id bigint;
declare acn_type type of dm_account_type;
declare dependend_doc_id bigint;
declare dependend_doc_state bigint;
declare dependend_doc_dbkey dm_dbkey;
declare dependend_doc_agent_id bigint;
declare base_doc_qty numeric(12,3);
declare dependend_doc_qty numeric(12,3);
declare cost_purchase numeric(12,2);
declare cost_retail numeric(12,2);
declare snd_purchase numeric(12,2);
declare snd_retail numeric(12,2);
declare rcv_purchase numeric(12,2);
declare rcv_retail numeric(12,2);
declare snd_cost numeric(12,2);
declare rcv_cost numeric(12,2);
declare v_curr_att int;
declare v_curr_trn int;
declare i int;
declare v_step int = 1000;
declare v_max_id bigint;
declare v_perf_semaphore_id bigint;
declare v_perf_progress_id bigint;
declare v_this dm_dbobj = 'zdump4dbg';
-- See oltp_main_filling.sql for definition of bitset var `QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET`:
-- bit#0 := 1 ==> perform calls of srv_catch_qd_qs_mism in doc_list_aiud => sp_add_invnt_log
-- in order to register mismatches b`etween doc_data.qty and total number of rows
-- in v_qdistr_source + v_qstorned_source for doc_data.id
-- bit#1 := 1 ==> perform calls of SRV_CATCH_NEG_REMAINDERS from INVNT_TURNOVER_LOG_AI
-- (instead of totalling turnovers to `invnt_saldo` table)
-- bit#2 := 1 ==> allow dump dirty data into z-tables for analysis, see sp zdump4dbg, in case
-- when some 'bad exception' occurs (see ctx var `HALT_TEST_ON_ERRORS`)
v_catch_bitset = cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET') as bigint);
if ( bin_and( v_catch_bitset, 4 ) = 0 ) -- dump dirty data DISABLED
v_curr_att = current_connection;
v_curr_trn = current_transaction;
v_perf_semaphore_id = null;
-- record with EMPTY is added by 1run_oltp_emul.bat on every new start of test,
-- it always contains EMPTY string in field `info` at this moment:
select id from perf_log g
where g.unit = 'dump_dirty_data_semaphore'
order by id
rows 1
into v_perf_semaphore_id;
if ( v_perf_semaphore_id is null ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set
g.info = 'start, tra_'||:v_curr_trn,
dts_beg = 'now',
dts_end = null
where g.id = :v_perf_semaphore_id
and g.dts_beg is null;
-- jump to when-section if lock_conflict, see below --
if ( row_count = 0 ) then -- ==> this job was already done by another attach
-- record for show progress in case of watching from IBE etc:
in autonomous transaction do
insert into perf_log(unit, dts_beg) values( 'dump_dirty_data_progress', current_timestamp )
returning id into v_perf_progress_id;
-- dumps dirty data into tables for further analysis before halt (4debug only)
select c.id,c.snd_optype_id,c.rcv_optype_id,c.qty,c.dup_cnt,c.qty_bak
from tmp$shopping_cart c
--as cursor ct
into id,snd_optype_id,rcv_optype_id,qty,dup_cnt,qty_bak
in autonomous transaction do
insert into ztmp_shopping_cart(id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, qty, dup_cnt, qty_bak)
values( :id, :snd_optype_id, :rcv_optype_id, :qty, :dup_cnt, :qty_bak)
from tmp$dep_docs
in autonomous transaction do
insert into ztmp_dep_docs(
-- dump dirty data from ### d o c _ l i s t ###
select 0, max(id) from doc_list into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from doc_list h
where h.id = :a_doc_list_id or :a_doc_list_id is null
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zdoc_list(
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'doc_list: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
-- dump dirty data from ### d o c _ d a t a ###
select 0, max(id) from doc_data into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from doc_data d
where d.id between coalesce(:a_doc_data_id, -9223372036854775807) and coalesce(:a_doc_data_id, 9223372036854775807)
d.ware_id between coalesce(:a_ware_id, -9223372036854775807) and coalesce(:a_ware_id, 9223372036854775807)
--as cursor cd
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zdoc_data(
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'doc_data: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
-- 27.06.2014 dump dirty data from ### q d i s t r ###
select 0, max(id) from v_qdistr_source into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from v_qdistr_source d
where d.ware_id between coalesce(:a_ware_id, -9223372036854775807) and coalesce(:a_ware_id, 9223372036854775807)
--as cursor cq
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zqdistr (
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'v_qdistr_source: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
-- 27.06.2014 dump dirty data from ### q s t o r n e d ###
select 0, max(id) from v_qstorned_source into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from v_qstorned_source d
where d.ware_id between coalesce(:a_ware_id, -9223372036854775807) and coalesce(:a_ware_id, 9223372036854775807)
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zqstorned(
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'v_qstorned_source: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
-- 04.07.2014 dump dirty data from ### p d i s t r, p s t o r n e d ###
select 0, max(id) from pdistr into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from pdistr
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zpdistr(
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'pdistr: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
select 0, max(id) from pstorned into i,v_max_id; -- for verbosing in perf_log.stack
from pstorned
in autonomous transaction do
insert into zpstorned(
if ( mod(i, v_step) = 0 ) then
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g set g.stack = 'pstorned: id='||:id||', max='||:v_max_id
where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
i = i + 1;
in autonomous transaction do
update perf_log g
set g.info = 'finish, tra_'||:v_curr_trn,
g.dts_end = 'now'
--stack = fn_get_stack(1)
where g.id = :v_perf_semaphore_id;
delete from perf_log g where g.id = :v_perf_progress_id;
when any do
-- nop: supress ANY exception! We now dump dirty data due to abnormal case! --
^ -- zdump4dbg
set term ;^
set list on;
set echo off;
select 'oltp_misc_debug.sql finish at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
-- #################################
-- End of script oltp_misc_debug.sql // ### O P T I O N A L ###
-- Next run: oltp_split_heavy_tabs_0 | 1.sql - depending on config parameter 'create_with_split_heavy_tabs'
-- #################################
-- #####################################
-- Begin of script oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql
-- #####################################
-- ::: NB ::: This script is COMMON for both FB 2.5 and 3.0 and should be called
-- after oltp_main_filling.sql and oltp_misc_debug.sql
-- run: isql /3333:oltp30 -i oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql | sed "s/[ ]*$//" 1>log.tmp
set list on;
set echo off;
select 'oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql start at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
set list off;
set echo off;
set term ^;
create or alter procedure tmp_init_autogen_qdistr_tables
declare v_ddl_const varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_expr1 varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_expr2 varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_suff1 varchar(31);
declare v_idx_suff2 varchar(31);
declare v_ddl_qdidx1 varchar(1024);
declare v_ddl_qdidx2 varchar(1024);
declare v_qd_table varchar(31);
declare v_qd_suffix varchar(31);
declare v_ddl_qdistr varchar(1024);
declare v_id bigint;
declare v_build_with_qd_compound_ordr varchar(31); -- 'most_selective_first' or 'least_selective_first'
declare v_make_separate_qd_idx smallint;
-- Called from 1build_oltp_emul.bat when config setting create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1, see:
-- echo execute procedure tmp_init_autogen_qdistr_tables; >> %...%
v_ddl_const = '
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb -- denorm for speed, also 4debug
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_data.id of "sender"
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_doc_id bigint -- 30.12.2014, always null, for some debug views
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_id bigint -- nullable! ==> doc_data.id of "receiver"
,rcv_qty numeric(12,3)
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,dts timestamp default ''now''
-- This row is created in 1run_oltp_emul.bat, in sub-routine "make_db_objects":
-- Value is defined by config parameter create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 0 | 1.
select s.svalue
from settings s
where s.working_mode='COMMON' and s.mcode='BUILD_WITH_SEPAR_QDISTR_IDX'
into v_make_separate_qd_idx;
-- This row is created in 1run_oltp_emul.bat, in sub-routine "make_db_objects":
-- Value is defined by config parameter create_with_compound_columns_order = 'most_selective_first' or 'least_selective_first'
select s.svalue
from settings s
where s.working_mode='COMMON' and s.mcode='BUILD_WITH_QD_COMPOUND_ORDR'
into v_build_with_qd_compound_ordr;
v_idx_expr1 = '';
v_idx_expr2 = '';
-- 24.10.2015: do NOT remove 'snd_optype_id' and 'rcv_optype_id' from index key
-- otherwise excessive index scans will occur in each XQD* table even if it has no
-- such key. See SP srv_find_qd_qs_mism which is called after each document creation
-- (this SP, in turn, is called from doc_list_aiud trigger when QMISM_VERIFY_BITSET = 1,
-- see oltp_main_filling.sql).
-- See also sp_get_clo_for_invoice - there is query that search only for ware_id, w/o snd_id!
if ( v_make_separate_qd_idx = 1 ) then
if ( upper(v_build_with_qd_compound_ordr) = upper('least_selective_first') ) then
v_idx_expr1 = '(snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, ware_id)'; -- do NOT remove snd_optype & rcv_optype!
v_idx_expr2 = '(snd_id)';
v_idx_suff1 = 'sop_rop_ware';
v_idx_suff2 = 'snd';
else -- 'most_selective_first'
v_idx_expr1 = '(ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id)'; -- do NOT remove snd_optype & rcv_optype!
v_idx_expr2 = '(snd_id)';
v_idx_suff1 = 'ware_sop_rop';
v_idx_suff2 = 'snd';
if ( upper(v_build_with_qd_compound_ordr) = upper('least_selective_first') ) then
v_idx_expr1 = '(snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, ware_id, snd_id)'; -- do NOT remove snd_optype & rcv_optype!
v_idx_suff1 = 'sop_rop_ware_snd';
else -- 'most_selective_first'
v_idx_expr1 = '(ware_id, snd_optype_id, rcv_optype_id, snd_id)'; -- do NOT remove snd_optype & rcv_optype!
v_idx_suff1 = 'ware_sop_rop_snd';
select '' || q.snd_optype_id || '_' || q.rcv_optype_id
from rules_for_qdistr q
where q.snd_optype_id is not null
into v_qd_suffix --------------------------- '1000_1200'; '1200_2000' etc
do begin
v_qd_table = 'xqd_' || v_qd_suffix;
v_ddl_qdistr = 'recreate table ' || v_qd_table || '(' || v_ddl_const || ')';
v_ddl_qdidx1 = 'create index ' || v_qd_table || '_' || v_idx_suff1 || ' on ' || v_qd_table || v_idx_expr1;
v_ddl_qdidx2 = 'create index ' || v_qd_table || '_' || v_idx_suff2 || ' on ' || v_qd_table || v_idx_expr2;
in autonomous transaction do
execute statement v_ddl_qdistr;
if ( not v_ddl_qdidx1 = '' ) then execute statement v_ddl_qdidx1;
if ( not v_ddl_qdidx2 = '' ) then execute statement v_ddl_qdidx2;
if ( v_qd_suffix = '1000_3300' ) then -- 13.11.2015: make v_min_id_clo_res much faster
execute statement 'create index xqd_1000_3300_doc on xqd_1000_3300(doc_id)';
if ( v_ddl_qdistr is null ) then
-- This script should be called ***AFTER*** oltp_main_filling.sql which does fill table 'optypes'.
-- Probably this table currently is empty!
exception ex_record_not_found;
--'required record not found, datasource: @1, key: @2';
end -- tmp_init_autogen_qdistr_tables
set term ;^
set term ^;
create or alter procedure tmp_init_autogen_qstorn_tables
declare v_ddl_const varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_expr1 varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_expr2 varchar(1024);
declare v_idx_expr3 varchar(1024);
declare v_qs_table varchar(31);
declare v_qs_suffix varchar(31);
declare v_ddl_qstorn varchar(1024);
declare v_ddl_qsidx1 varchar(1024);
declare v_ddl_qsidx2 varchar(1024);
declare v_ddl_qsidx3 varchar(1024);
declare v_id bigint;
-- Called from 1build_oltp_emul.bat when config setting create_with_split_heavy_tabs = 1, see:
-- echo execute procedure tmp_init_autogen_qstorn_tables; >> %...%
v_ddl_const = '
id dm_idb not null
,doc_id dm_idb -- denorm for speed
,ware_id dm_idb
,snd_optype_id dm_ids -- denorm for speed
,snd_id dm_idb -- ==> doc_data.id of "sender"
,snd_qty dm_qty
,rcv_doc_id dm_idb -- 30.12.2014, for enable to remove PK on doc_data, see S P_LOCK_DEPENDENT_DOCS
,rcv_optype_id dm_ids
,rcv_id dm_idb
,rcv_qty dm_qty
,snd_purchase dm_cost
,snd_retail dm_cost
,rcv_purchase dm_cost
,rcv_retail dm_cost
,trn_id bigint default current_transaction
,dts timestamp default ''now''
-- select o.id
-- from optypes o
-- where o.acn_type in('1', '2', 'i', 'o') -- all operations that affect on quantity remainders
-- into v_id
select '' || q.snd_optype_id || '_' || q.rcv_optype_id
from rules_for_qdistr q
where q.snd_optype_id is not null
into v_qs_suffix
do begin
v_qs_table = 'xqs_' || v_qs_suffix;
v_ddl_qstorn = 'recreate table ' || v_qs_table || '(' || v_ddl_const || ')';
v_ddl_qsidx1 = 'create index '||v_qs_table||'_doc_id on ' || v_qs_table || v_idx_expr1;
v_ddl_qsidx2 = 'create index '||v_qs_table||'_snd_id on ' || v_qs_table || v_idx_expr2;
v_ddl_qsidx3 = 'create index '||v_qs_table||'_rcv_id on ' || v_qs_table || v_idx_expr3;
in autonomous transaction do
execute statement v_ddl_qstorn;
execute statement v_ddl_qsidx1;
execute statement v_ddl_qsidx2;
if ( upper(v_qs_table) <> upper('xqs_3300_3400') ) then
-- 25.11.2015, look at index statistics of 'xqs_3300_3400':
-- there are 100% dups in the field 'rcv_id', it has NULL value in all rows.
-- We have to avoid creation of this index, it's absolutely useless!
execute statement v_ddl_qsidx3;
if ( v_ddl_qstorn is null ) then
-- This script should be called ***AFTER*** oltp_main_filling.sql which does fill table 'optypes'.
-- Probably this table currently is empty!
exception ex_record_not_found;
end -- tmp_init_autogen_qstorn_tables
create or alter procedure tmp_remove_dyn_in_random_id
returns(src varchar(32765)) as
declare v_name_fin varchar(31);
declare v_name_min varchar(31);
declare v_name_max varchar(31);
declare v_line_type varchar(12);
declare v_add_comment smallint;
declare v_body_repl varchar(32765);
declare v_body_line varchar(8190) character set utf8;
declare v_line_repl varchar(8190) character set utf8;
declare i int;
declare v_lf char(10);
v_lf = ascii_char(10);
v_line_type = 'std:start';
v_add_comment = 0;
delete from tmp$autogen$rand$calls;
delete from tmp$autogen$rand$calls;
insert into tmp$autogen$rand$calls(
'v_all_wares', null, null
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
from rdb$database union all select
'v_reserve_write_off',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_client_order',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_customer_reserve',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_add_invoice_to_stock',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_adding_invoice',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_supplier_invoice',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_customer_prepayment',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_cancel_payment_to_supplier',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_all_customers',null, null
from rdb$database union all select
'v_all_suppliers',null, null
from rdb$database
delete from tmp$autogen$source;
select p.src from sys_get_func_ddl('fn$get$random$id$subst$names',1,1) p
into v_line_repl
do begin
if ( v_line_repl containing '$name_to_substutite_start_of_loop' ) then v_line_type = 'var:subst';
insert into tmp$autogen$source(line_no, text, line_type) values(:i, :v_line_repl, :v_line_type);
if ( v_line_repl containing '$name_to_substutite_end_of_loop' ) then v_line_type = 'std:final';
v_body_repl = '';
select text
from tmp$autogen$source s
where s.line_type = 'std:start'
into v_line_repl
do begin
if ( v_add_comment = 0 and trim(v_line_repl) collate unicode_ci starting with 'declare' ) then
v_line_repl = 'declare "!ACHTUNG_READ_ME_1!" varchar(255) = ''### GENERATED AUTO, BASED ON INITIAL SOURCE OF "FN_GET_RANDOM_ID". DO NOT EDIT ###'';';
v_add_comment = 1;
v_line_repl = replace(v_line_repl collate unicode_ci, 'fn$get$random$id$subst$names', 'fn_get_random_id');
if ( char_length(v_body_repl) + char_length(v_line_repl) + 2 < 32765 ) then
v_body_repl = v_body_repl || v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
v_body_repl = v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
v_body_repl = '';
,coalesce(view_name_for_min_id, view_name_for_find)
,coalesce(view_name_for_max_id, view_name_for_find)
from tmp$autogen$rand$calls
--rows 2
v_body_repl = '';
select text
from tmp$autogen$source s
where s.line_type = 'var:subst'
into v_line_repl
do begin
v_line_repl = replace(v_line_repl collate unicode_ci, 'name$to$substutite$min$id$', v_name_min);
v_line_repl = replace(v_line_repl collate unicode_ci, 'name$to$substutite$max$id$', v_name_max);
v_line_repl = replace(v_line_repl collate unicode_ci, 'name$to$substutite$search$', v_name_fin);
if ( char_length(v_body_repl) + char_length(v_line_repl) + 2 < 32765 ) then
v_body_repl = v_body_repl || v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
v_body_repl = v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
v_body_repl = '';
select text
from tmp$autogen$source s
where s.line_type = 'std:final'
into v_line_repl
do begin
if ( char_length(v_body_repl) + char_length(v_line_repl) + 2 < 32765 ) then
v_body_repl = v_body_repl || v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
v_body_repl = v_line_repl || v_lf;
src = v_body_repl;
end -- tmp_remove_dyn_in_random_id
set term ;^
set list on;
set echo off;
select 'oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql finish at ' || current_timestamp as msg from rdb$database;
drop exception ex_exclusive_required;
drop exception ex_not_suitable_fb_version;
select count(*) as cnt_collations from rdb$collations s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_domains from rdb$fields s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1 and s.rdb$field_name not starting with 'RDB$';
select count(*) as cnt_exceptions from rdb$exceptions s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_functions from rdb$functions s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_generators from rdb$generators s where s.rdb$system_flag = 0; -- do NOT: is distinct from 1; -- can be '6' for autoincrements!
select count(*) as cnt_indices from rdb$indices s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_procedures from rdb$procedures s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_tables_or_views from rdb$relations s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
select count(*) as cnt_triggers from rdb$triggers s where s.rdb$system_flag is distinct from 1;
set list off;
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
act = isql_act('db', test_script, substitutions=substitutions)
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
expected_stdout = """
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
MSG oltp30_DDL.sql start at 2016-04-11 15:50:59.5620
MSG oltp30_DDL.sql finish at 2016-04-11 15:51:01.0780
MSG oltp30_sp.sql start at 2016-04-11 15:51:01.0780
MSG oltp30_sp.sql finish at 2016-04-11 15:51:02.0460
MSG oltp_misc_debug.sql start at 2016-04-11 15:51:02.0460
MSG oltp_misc_debug.sql finish at 2016-04-11 15:51:02.4210
MSG oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql start at 2016-04-11 15:51:02.4210
MSG oltp_split_heavy_tabs_1.sql finish at 2016-04-11 15:51:02.4370
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-02-04 19:05:19 +01:00
def test_1(act: Action):
act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout