2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
ID : issue - 3690
ISSUE : 3690
TITLE : Ability to cancel waiting in lock manager
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
We create table and add < CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT > rows in it ( which equals to number of concurrent ISQL workers that are launched ) .
Record with ID = 0 is locked by ' main code ' i . e . not by ISQL .
Then we start asynchronously < CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT > ISQL workers ( via subprocess . Popen ( ) ) , but after each worker launch we WAIT for
its data ( executing statement ) appear in the mon $ statements table ( we do not go on until just launched ISQL appear in mon $ table ! ) .
After appearing in mon $ statements data of this worker , we can repeat with next worker , etc .
Worker #1 locks record with ID = 1 and attempts to lock record with ID = 0 (and falls into infinite wait because of 'main code' lock).
Worker #2 locks record with ID = 2 and attempts to lock record with ID = 1 (and also falls into infinite wait because of ISQL worker #1).
Last worker tries to lock record with ID = 0 - and thus all of them are in infinite pause .
ID of each ISQL attachment is added to the list in order to kill these attachments .
Then we walk through the list of attachment IDs in reversed order and issue ' delete from mon$attachments ' for each of them .
Finally , we check that :
* every ISQL worker must be terminated with returncode = 1 ;
* every worker log must contain text ' SQLSTATE = 08003 ' ;
* no alive ISQL processes remain after issuing ' delete from mon$.. ' statements .
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
JIRA : CORE - 3323
2022-02-02 15:46:19 +01:00
FBTEST : bugs . core_3323
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
[ 17.11 .2021 ] pcisar
This test is too complicated and fragile ( can screw the test environment )
It should be reimplemented in more robust way , or removed from suite
[ 19.09 .2022 ] pzotov
Fully re - implemented 19.09 .2022 ( this is second attempt to force this test work with predict outcome ; fingers crossed . . . ; ) ) .
No more any dependency on any host and / or environment properties ( like poor performance or hardware etc ) , with exception of case
when extremely high workload exists and we can not even establish connection to test database ( see ' MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_START_MS ' )
or some trouble occurs with deleting from mon $ attachments .
Checked on 3.0 .8 .33535 ( SS / CS ) , 4.0 .1 .2692 ( SS / CS ) , 5.0 .0 .730 ( SS / CS ) - both Linux and Windows .
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
import time
import datetime as py_dt
import subprocess
import re
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
import pytest
from firebird . qa import *
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
### S E T T I N G S ###
# Number of launched ISQL sessions:
# How long can we wait for ISQL be loaded and will
# appear in the FB monitoring tables, milliseconds.
# We check this using LOOP with query to mon$ statements:
# How long can we wait until ISQL process will be SELF-COMPLETED
# because we kill its attachment (see 'p_isql.wait(...)'), seconds.
# See also: https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.wait
init_ddl = f """
recreate table test ( id int primary key using descending index test_id_desc ) ;
set term ^ ;
execute block as
declare i int = 0 ;
while ( i < { CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT } ) do
insert into test ( id ) values ( : i ) ;
i = i + 1 ;
set term ; ^
commit ;
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
tmp_isql_cmds = temp_files ( [ f ' tmp_3323. { i } .sql ' for i in range ( 0 , CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT ) ] )
tmp_isql_logs = temp_files ( [ f ' tmp_3323. { i } .log ' for i in range ( 0 , CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT ) ] )
db = db_factory ( init = init_ddl )
act = python_act ( ' db ' )
2022-01-22 21:59:15 +01:00
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=3 ' )
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
def test_1 ( act : Action , tmp_isql_cmds : List [ Path ] , tmp_isql_logs : List [ Path ] , capsys ) :
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
2022-09-19 13:35:01 +02:00
with act . db . connect ( ) as con , act . db . connect ( ) as con_locker :
con_locker . execute_immediate ( ' update test set id=-id order by id rows 1 ' )
sql_check_appearance = """
select s . mon $ attachment_id
from mon $ statements s
where s . mon $ attachment_id < > current_connection and s . mon $ sql_text containing cast ( ? as varchar ( 20 ) )
with con . cursor ( ) as cur :
ps = cur . prepare ( sql_check_appearance )
worker_att_list = [ ]
worker_log_list = [ ]
worker_pid_list = [ ]
for worker_i in range ( 0 , CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT ) :
worker_log_list . append ( open ( tmp_isql_logs [ worker_i ] , ' w ' ) )
try :
for worker_i in range ( 0 , CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT ) :
if worker_i < CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT - 1 :
id_senior = worker_i + 1
id_junior = worker_i
else :
id_senior = 0
id_junior = CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT - 1
sql_worker_dml = f """
set list on ;
select rdb $ get_context ( ' SYSTEM ' , ' CLIENT_PID ' ) as client_pid , current_connection from rdb $ database ;
update / * TAG_ { worker_i } * / test set id = - id where id in ( { id_junior } , { id_senior } ) order by id desc rows 2 ;
f_sql_cmd = open ( tmp_isql_cmds [ worker_i ] , ' w ' )
f_sql_cmd . write ( sql_worker_dml )
f_sql_cmd . close ( )
f_isql_log = worker_log_list [ worker_i ] # open(tmp_isql_logs[worker_i], 'w')
p = subprocess . Popen ( [ act . vars [ ' isql ' ] , ' -user ' , act . db . user , ' -password ' , act . db . password , ' -n ' , ' -i ' , f_sql_cmd . name , act . db . dsn ] , stdout = f_isql_log , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT )
worker_pid_list . append ( p )
# W A I T F O R I S Q L A P P E A R I N M O N $ T A B L E S
t1 = py_dt . datetime . now ( )
while True :
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
t2 = py_dt . datetime . now ( )
d1 = t2 - t1
dd = d1 . seconds * 1000 + d1 . microseconds / / 1000
print ( f ' TIMEOUT EXPIRATION: waiting for ISQL process on iter { worker_i } took { dd } ms which exceeds limit = { MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_START_MS } ms. ' )
worker_att = cur . execute ( ps , ( f ' TAG_ { worker_i } ' , ) ) . fetchone ( )
con . commit ( )
if worker_att :
worker_att_list . append ( worker_att [ 0 ] )
# result: attachment_id of just launched ISQL was added to worker_att_list
# result: all ISQLs are launched and their attachments are visible in mon$attachments (and can be traversed via worker_att_list)
ps = cur . prepare ( ' delete from mon$attachments a where a.mon$attachment_id = ? ' )
### k i l l a t t a c h m e n t s o n e - b y - o n e ###
for worker_id in reversed ( worker_att_list ) :
cur . execute ( ps , ( worker_id , ) )
finally :
for i , p_isql in enumerate ( worker_pid_list ) :
p_isql . wait ( MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_FINISH_S )
print ( f ' returncode for ISQL worker # { i } : ' , p . poll ( ) )
for f in worker_log_list :
f . close ( )
# All worker logs must contain 'SQLSTATE = 08003' pattern (i.e. 'connection shutdown'):
p_shutdown = re . compile ( ' SQLSTATE \\ s+= \\ s+08003 ' , re . IGNORECASE )
for g in worker_log_list :
with open ( g . name , ' r ' ) as f :
txt = ' ' . join ( f . readlines ( ) )
if p_shutdown . search ( txt ) :
else :
print ( ' Pattern ' , p_shutdown , ' NOT FOUND in the log ' , g . name , ' : ' )
print ( txt )
print ( ' = ' * 50 )
con . commit ( )
# NO any ISQL worker must be alive now:
cur . execute ( " select a.mon$attachment_id from mon$attachments a where a.mon$system_flag <> 1 and lower(a.mon$remote_process) similar to ' % [ \\ /]isql(.exe)? ' " )
for r in cur :
print ( ' UNEXPECTEDLY remained ISQL attachment: ' , r [ 0 ] )
# All workers had to be completed with retcode = 1:
expected_stdout = ' \n ' . join ( [ f ' returncode for ISQL worker # { i } : 1 ' for i in range ( 0 , CONCURRENT_ATT_CNT ) ] )
act . stdout = capsys . readouterr ( ) . out
act . expected_stdout = expected_stdout
assert act . clean_stdout == act . clean_expected_stdout
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00