2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
# id: bugs.core_6262
# title: SHOW DOMAIN/TABLE does not display character set of system objects
# decription:
# We gather all system domains which belongs to TEXT family by query to rdb$fields.
# Then for each record from its resulset we issue statement: 'SHOW DOMAIN ... ;'
# and write it to .SQL file. After all records will be processed, we run ISQL and
# perform this script. Every row from its output must contain phrase 'CHARACTER SET'.
# Checked on
# ::: NB ::: additional filtering: "where f.rdb$character_set_id > 1" is needed when
# we query rdb$fields. Otherwise we get some domains without 'CHARACTER SET' phrases
# domains definition:
# rdb$character_set_id=0:
# show domain RDB$EDIT_STRING;
# show domain RDB$MESSAGE;
# RDB$MESSAGE VARCHAR(1023) Nullable
# rdb$character_set_id=1:
# tracker_id: CORE-6262
# min_versions: ['4.0']
# versions: 4.0
# qmid: None
import pytest
from firebird . qa import db_factory , isql_act , Action
# version: 4.0
# resources: None
substitutions_1 = [ ( ' [ \t ]+ ' , ' ' ) ]
init_script_1 = """ """
db_1 = db_factory ( sql_dialect = 3 , init = init_script_1 )
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import time
# import subprocess
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# #--------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close( file_handle ):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb') and file_handle.name != os.devnull:
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for f in f_names_list:
# if type(f) == file:
# del_name = f.name
# elif type(f) == str:
# del_name = f
# else:
# print('Unrecognized type of element:', f, ' - can not be treated as file.')
# del_name = None
# if del_name and os.path.isfile( del_name ):
# os.remove( del_name )
# #--------------------------------------------
# f_sql_chk = open( os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_6262_chk.sql'), 'w')
# cur = db_conn.cursor()
# sql='''
# select 'show domain '|| trim(f.rdb$field_name) ||';' as show_expr
# from rdb$fields f
# where f.rdb$character_set_id > 1
# order by f.rdb$field_name
# '''
# cur.execute(sql)
# text_domains_count = 0
# for r in cur:
# f_sql_chk.write( r[0]+os.linesep )
# text_domains_count += 1
# flush_and_close( f_sql_chk )
# db_conn.close()
# f_sql_log = open( ''.join( (os.path.splitext(f_sql_chk.name)[0], '.log' ) ), 'w')
# f_sql_err = open( ''.join( (os.path.splitext(f_sql_log.name)[0], '.err' ) ), 'w')
# subprocess.call( [ context['isql_path'], dsn, '-i', f_sql_chk.name ], stdout = f_sql_log, stderr = f_sql_err)
# flush_and_close( f_sql_log )
# flush_and_close( f_sql_err )
# # Checks:
# #########
# # 1. Result of STDERR must be empty:
# with open(f_sql_err.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line.split():
# print('UNEXPECTED STDERR: '+line)
# # 2. All <text_domains_count> lines in STDOUT have to contain phrase 'CHARACTER SET':
# lines_with_charset, lines_without_charset = 0, 0
# with open(f_sql_log.name,'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if line.split():
# if 'CHARACTER SET' in line:
# lines_with_charset += 1
# else:
# lines_without_charset += 1
# if lines_with_charset > 0:
# print('Number of lines with specified charset: ' + ( 'SAME AS' if lines_with_charset == text_domains_count else str(lines_with_charset)+' - LESS THEN' ) + ' NUMBER OF TEXT DOMAINS' )
# else:
# print('Number of lines with missed charset:',lines_without_charset)
# # cleanup
# #########
# time.sleep(1)
# cleanup( (f_sql_chk, f_sql_log, f_sql_err ) )
#act_1 = python_act('db_1', test_script_1, substitutions=substitutions_1)
expected_stdout_1 = """
Number of lines with specified charset : SAME AS NUMBER OF TEXT DOMAINS
Number of lines with missed charset : 0
@pytest.mark.version ( ' >=4.0 ' )
2021-04-28 12:42:11 +02:00
def test_1 ( db_1 ) :
2021-04-26 20:07:00 +02:00
pytest . fail ( " Test not IMPLEMENTED " )