mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 10:50:42 +01:00
163 lines
3.9 KiB
163 lines
3.9 KiB
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
@rem git config --global user.email "you@example.com"
@rem git config --global user.name "Your Name"
set GITCMD=C:\mix\Git\bin\git.exe
set qa_root=%~dp0
set file_ext=^<pytest_file^>
set git_text=Updated "!file_ext!": adjust expected stdout/stderr to current FB version.
if .%1.==.. goto syntax
set pytest_file=%1
if NOT .%2.==.. (
set /a i=0
@rem echo all inp arguments: ^|"%*"^|
for /f "tokens=1* delims= " %%a in ("%*") do (
set customer_comment=%%b
@rem echo customer comment: ^|!customer_comment!^|
set git_text=Added/Updated "!file_ext!": !customer_comment!
set joblog=%~dpn0.log
set tmplog=%~dpn0.tmp
del !joblog! 2>nul
del !tmplog! 2>nul
for /f %%a in ("!pytest_file!") do (
@rem set file_ext=%%~nxa
set file_ext=%%a
set text_chk=!file_ext:%qa_root%=!
if .!text_chk!.==.!file_ext!. (
@rem .fbt was specified WITHOUT path
set file_ext=%cd%\!file_ext!
set file_ext=!file_ext:%qa_root%=!
set git_text=!git_text:^<pytest_file^>=%file_ext%!
echo Log for: %~f0 !pytest_file!
echo Created !date! !time! on host '%COMPUTERNAME%'
echo Comment is: git_text=!git_text!
) >>!joblog!
set msg=!date! !time! Processing command: !GITCMD! add !pytest_file!
echo !msg!
echo !msg!>>!joblog!
@rem ############################
@rem ### g i t a d d ###
@rem ############################
!GITCMD! add !pytest_file! 1>!tmplog! 2>&1
set /a elevel=!errorlevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!>>!joblog!
type !tmplog!
type !tmplog! >>!joblog!
if !elevel! GTR 0 (
echo ERROR OCCURED. Check log:
echo -------------------------
type !tmplog!
echo -------------------------
del !tmplog!
goto :final
!GITCMD! status !pytest_file! 1>>!joblog! 2>&1
set msg=!date! !time! Processing command: !GITCMD! commit -m "!git_text!" -- !pytest_file!
echo !msg!
echo !msg!>>!joblog!
@rem ##################################
@rem ### g i t c o m m i t ###
@rem ##################################
!GITCMD! commit -m "!git_text!" -- !pytest_file! 1>!tmplog! 2>&1
set elevel=!errorlevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!>>!joblog!
type !tmplog! >>!joblog!
if !elevel! GTR 0 (
echo ERROR OCCURED. Check log:
echo -------------------------
type !tmplog!
echo -------------------------
del !tmplog!
goto :final
set msg=!date! !time! Processing command: !GITCMD! push
echo !msg!
echo !msg!>>!joblog!
@rem ##############################
@rem ### g i t p u s h ###
@rem ##############################
!GITCMD! push 1>!tmplog! 2>&1
set elevel=!errorlevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!
echo elevel=!elevel!>>!joblog!
type !tmplog! >>!joblog!
if !elevel! GTR 0 (
echo ERROR OCCURED. Check log:
echo -------------------------
type !tmplog!
echo -------------------------
del !tmplog!
goto :final
del !tmplog! 2>nul
echo ------ OVERALL LOG: --------
type !joblog!
echo ----------------------------
set msg=!date! !time! Check result of commits here:
echo !msg!
!GITCMD! config --get remote.origin.url
echo !msg!
!GITCMD! config --get remote.origin.url
) >> !joblog!
@rem #######################################
@rem ### s e n d i n g m a i l ###
@rem #######################################
call %~dp0qa-sendmail.bat "!git_text!" !joblog!
@rem https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/fbt-repository.git
goto final
echo Syntax:
echo 1. %~f0 ^<pytest_file^>
echo. Commit will be done with comment:
echo. !git_text!
echo 2. %~f0 ^<pytest_file^> some very clever comment here
echo. Commit will be done with comment:
echo. some very clever comment here
goto final
echo Bye-bye from %~f0