mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird-qa.git synced 2025-02-02 10:50:42 +01:00

Added/Updated bugs\core_6392_test.py. Checked on,,

This commit is contained in:
zotov 2022-07-24 12:33:00 +03:00
parent 60f5fc0272
commit 166d14668d

View File

@ -5,224 +5,125 @@ ID: issue-6630
ISSUE: 6630
TITLE: Space in database path prevent working gbak -se ... -b "pat to/database" backup
Test creates windows BATCH file for main job:
* create folder with spaces and some non-alphabetic characters (use "[", "]", "(", ")" etc);
* create .sql script which will make database with spaces and non-alphabetic characters in this folder;
* try to backup and restore using "simple" gbak commend (i.e. without "-se" command switch);
* try to backup and restore using "-se" command switch;
* try to backup and restore using services manager.
Batch output is redirected to log and then we parse this log with expectation to find there messages
which prove successful results for each action.
Confirmed bug on
Checked on; SS/SC/CS: all fine.
::: NOTE :::
Some problem still exists when DB file or folder has name which last character is '.' or ' ' (dot or space).
Database will be created but attempt to backup raises: "gbak: ERROR:cannot open backup file ..."
FBTEST: bugs.core_6392
[24.07.2022] pzotov
Reproduced problem on
gbak: ERROR:multiple sources or destinations specified
gbak: ERROR: Exiting before completion due to errors
gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors
::: NOTE :::
Problem exists when DB file or folder has trailing character = '.' or ' ' (dot or space).
Test does not use such case.
Checked on,,
import shutil
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
import time
db = db_factory()
bkp_log = temp_file('backup_log.tmp')
res_log = temp_file('restore_log.tmp')
act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[\t ]+', ' ')])
expected_stdout = """
CHECK POINT. Trying to create database.
expected_backup_out = 'Backup completed OK.'
expected_restore_out = 'Restore completed OK.'
CHECK POINT. Trying to BACKUP without "-se" switch.
closing file, committing, and finishing
CHECK POINT. Trying to restore without "-se".
finishing, closing, and going home
CHECK POINT. Trying to backup using gbak WITH "-se" switch.
closing file, committing, and finishing
CHECK POINT. Trying to restore using gbak WITH "-se" switch.
finishing, closing, and going home
CHECK POINT. Trying to backup using fbsvcmgr.
closing file, committing, and finishing
CHECK POINT. Trying to restore using fbsvcmgr.
finishing, closing, and going home
@pytest.mark.skip('FIXME: Not IMPLEMENTED')
def test_1(act: Action):
pytest.fail("Not IMPLEMENTED")
# gbak: ERROR:cannot open status and error output file <function temp_file.<locals>.temp_file_fixture at 0x0000024389962040>
# gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors
def test_1(act: Action, bkp_log: Path, res_log: Path, capsys):
p_base = Path(act.db.db_path).parent
p_work = p_base / "..str@nge (path; folder & name),"
Path(p_work).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=False)
# test_script_1
# import os
# import sys
# import time
# import subprocess
# import re
# from fdb import services
# os.environ["ISC_USER"] = user_name
# os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = user_password
# #---------------------------------------------
# def flush_and_close(file_handle):
# # https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.fsync
# # If you're starting with a Python file object f,
# # first do f.flush(), and
# # then do os.fsync(f.fileno()), to ensure that all internal buffers associated with f are written to disk.
# global os
# file_handle.flush()
# if file_handle.mode not in ('r', 'rb'):
# # otherwise: "OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor"!
# os.fsync(file_handle.fileno())
# file_handle.close()
# #--------------------------------------------
# def cleanup( f_names_list ):
# global os
# for i in range(len( f_names_list )):
# if os.path.isfile( f_names_list[i]):
# os.remove( f_names_list[i] )
# #--------------------------------------------
# fb_home = os.path.split( services.connect(host='localhost', user= user_name, password= user_password).get_home_directory() )[0]
# db_conn.close()
# # tmpdir='c:\\\\temp\\\\folder with spaces '
# # gbak: ERROR:cannot open backup file c: emp
# older with spaces \\db with spaces. . .fbk
# # tmpdir='c:\\\\temp\\\\folder with spaces..'
# # gbak: ERROR:cannot open backup file c: emp
# older with spaces..\\db with spaces. . .fbk
# #tmpdir='c:\\\\temp\\\\^!very strange^! folder with (many) spaces; created temporary, only for core-6392^! '
# #dbname='(strange name^!) DB with #lot# of excessive spaces; created temporary, only for core-6392^!. . .fdb'
# # gbak: ERROR:cannot open backup file // but database is created OK.
# #dbname='(strange name^!) DB with #lot# of excessive spaces, created temporary, only for core-6392^!. . .fdb'
# # gbak: ERROR:cannot open backup file // but database is created OK.
# tmpdir='c:\\\\temp\\\\ [[[ strange ]]] folder with {{{ lot of }}} spaces^!'
# dbname='DB with very^! ))) strange ((( name; created for core-6392.fdb'
# bkname=( '.'.join( dbname.split('.')[:-1] )+'.fbk' if '.' in dbname else dbname+'.fbk' )
# extbat=os.path.join(context['temp_directory'],'tmp_6392.bat')
# extlog=os.path.splitext(extbat)[0]+'.log'
# exterr=os.path.splitext(extbat)[0]+'.err'
# chksql="iif( upper(mon$database_name) = upper( q'{%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s}' ), 'SUCCESS.', '### ERROR: DB HAS DIFFERENT NAME ###')" % locals()
# chksql=chksql.replace('^', '^^').replace(')', '^)')
# # echo select 'c: emp\\ [[[ strange ]]] folder with {{{ lot of }}} spaces^^!\\DB with very^^! ^)^)^) strange ((( name; created for core-6392.fdb' from rdb$database;
# runcmd='''
# @echo off
# setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
# set ISC_USER=%(user_name)s
# set ISC_PASSWORD=%(user_password)s
# set FB_HOME=%(fb_home)s\\\\
# set tmpsql=%%~dpn0.sql
# del %(extlog)s 2>nul
# mkdir "%(tmpdir)s" 2>nul
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s" (
# echo Directory created OK.
# ) else (
# echo Could NOT create directory "%(tmpdir)s". ABEND.
# goto :final
# )
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" del "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s"
# (
# echo set bail on;
# echo create database "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s";
# echo set list on;
# echo select %(chksql)s as "CHECK POINT. Result:" from mon$database;
# ) > !tmpsql!
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to create database.
# !FB_HOME!isql.exe -q -i !tmpsql!
# del !tmpsql!
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to BACKUP without "-se" switch.
# !FB_HOME!gbak.exe -b -verbi 999999 -st tdrw localhost:"%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s"
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" (
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to restore without "-se".
# !FB_HOME!gbak.exe -rep -verbi 999999 -st tdrw "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" localhost:"%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s"
# )
# echo.
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to backup using gbak WITH "-se" switch.
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" del "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s"
# !FB_HOME!gbak.exe -b -verbi 999999 -st tdrw -se localhost:service_mgr "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s"
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" (
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to restore using gbak WITH "-se" switch.
# !FB_HOME!gbak.exe -rep -verbi 999999 -st tdrw -se localhost:service_mgr "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s"
# )
# echo.
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to backup using fbsvcmgr.
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" del "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s"
# !FB_HOME!fbsvcmgr.exe localhost:service_mgr action_backup dbname "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" bkp_file "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" verbint 999999 bkp_stat tdrw
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" (
# echo CHECK POINT. Trying to restore using fbsvcmgr.
# !FB_HOME!fbsvcmgr.exe localhost:service_mgr action_restore res_replace bkp_file "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" dbname "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" verbint 999999 res_stat tdrw
# )
# :final
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s" del "%(tmpdir)s\\%(dbname)s"
# if exist "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s" del "%(tmpdir)s\\%(bkname)s"
# rmdir "%(tmpdir)s"
# echo Bye-bye from %%~f0
# ''' % dict(globals(), **locals())
# f_extbat=open( extbat, 'w' )
# f_extbat.write(runcmd)
# flush_and_close(f_extbat)
# f_extlog=open( extlog, 'w' )
# subprocess.call( [ extbat ], stdout = f_extlog, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT )
# flush_and_close(f_extlog)
# allowed_patterns = [ re.compile(p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in
# (
# 'check\\s+point'
# ,'closing\\s+file(,)?\\s+committing(,)?\\s+.*finishing'
# ,'finishing(,)?\\s+closing(,)?\\s+.*going\\s+home'
# )
# ]
# with open(f_extlog.name, 'r') as f:
# for line in f:
# if 'gbak: ERROR' in line:
# print('UNEXPECTED ERROR occured: ' + line)
# else:
# for p in allowed_patterns:
# if p.search(line):
# print( (line if 'CHECK POINT' in line else p.search(line).group() ) )
# #########
# time.sleep(1)
# #cleanup( [extbat, extlog] )
shutil.copy2(act.db.db_path, str(p_work))
tmp_fdb = Path(p_work, Path(act.db.db_path).name)
tmp_fbk = Path(p_work, Path(act.db.db_path).stem + ". fbk")
error_pattern = re.compile(r'gbak:\s*ERROR(:)?', re.IGNORECASE)
successful_backup_pattern = re.compile(r'gbak:closing file, committing, and finishing. \d+ bytes written', re.IGNORECASE)
successful_restore_pattern = re.compile( r'gbak:finishing, closing, and going home', re.IGNORECASE )
# Backup using FB services API:
act.svcmgr(switches=[ 'action_backup', 'dbname', str(tmp_fdb), 'bkp_file', str(tmp_fbk), 'verbint', '999999'])
svc_log = act.stdout
svc_err = act.stderr
for line in svc_err.split('\n'):
for line in svc_log.split('\n'):
if successful_backup_pattern.search(line):
act.expected_stdout = expected_backup_out
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
# Restore using FB services API:
act.svcmgr(switches=[ 'action_restore', 'bkp_file', str(tmp_fbk), 'dbname', str(tmp_fdb), 'verbint', '999999', 'res_replace'])
svc_log = act.stdout
svc_err = act.stderr
for line in svc_err.split('\n'):
for line in svc_log.split('\n'):
if successful_restore_pattern.search(line):
act.expected_stdout = expected_restore_out
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
# Backup via 'gbak -se' (this failed on
act.gbak(switches=['-b', '-se', 'localhost:service_mgr', '-verbint', '99999', '-y', str(bkp_log), str(tmp_fdb), str(tmp_fbk)])
with open(bkp_log, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if error_pattern.search(line):
print('Backup FAILED:', line)
if successful_backup_pattern.search(line):
act.expected_stdout = expected_backup_out
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
# Restore via 'gbak -se':
act.gbak(switches=['-rep', '-se', 'localhost:service_mgr', '-verbint', '99999', '-y', str(res_log), str(tmp_fbk), str(tmp_fdb) ])
with open(res_log, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if error_pattern.search(line):
print('Restore FAILED:', line)
if successful_restore_pattern.search(line):
act.expected_stdout = expected_restore_out
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout