mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird-qa.git synced 2025-02-02 02:40:42 +01:00

Added/Updated tests\bugs\core_0214_test.py: fully re-implemented. See notes.

This commit is contained in:
pavel-zotov 2024-11-29 12:29:31 +03:00
parent de2237e06e
commit 3ea708d076

View File

@ -2,195 +2,275 @@
ID: issue-542
ISSUE: 542
TITLE: Count ( DISTINCT ... ) is too slow
ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/542
TITLE: Count (DISTINCT ...) is too slow
This test does following:
1. Creates several tables with different number of unique values in field ID.
2. Measures for each table time for two statements:
2.1. select count(*) from ( select distinct id from ... )
2.2. select count(distinct id) from ...
3. If time for 2.1 exceeds time for 2.2 more than <X> times - output message
about possible regression. After multiple runs it was found that ratio for
2.1 vs 2.2 is about 1.05 ... 1.10. Constant <X> (threshold) was selected
to be enough for not to be "violated".
FBTEST: bugs.core_0214
[29.11.2024] pzotov
1. Fix was 31-may-2015, https://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/code/61671/ (
Query 'select count(distinct id) from <table_with_200000_rows>' (hereafter "q1") elapsed time:
* before fix: ~840 ms
* after fix: ~248 ms
(and this value is close to the time for query 'select count(*) from (select distinct id from ...)', hereafter "q2")
2. Test was fully re-implemented: we have to measure difference between cpu.user_time values instead of datediff().
Each query for each datatype is done <N_MEASURES> times, with storing cpu.user_time difference as array element.
Then we evaluate median value for this array and save it for further comparison with <MAX_RATIO>.
3. It was encountered that for several datatypes ratio between CPU time for q1 and q2 remains unusually high:
* for DECFLOAT it can be about 3...4;
* for VARCHAR it depends on the column length and number of bytes in the charset:
** for single-byte charset (e.g. win1251 etc) ratio is ~2 for field size ~100 and more than 10 for size 1k ... 4k;
** for mylti-byte (utf8) ratio is 5...7 for field size ~100 and 35...60 for size 1k ...4k (depends on FB version)
For all other datatypes ratio is about 0.9 ... 1.2.
Time ratio for LIST(distinct ...) was also measured. Results are the same as for COUNT.
Test is considered as passed if ratios for all datatypes are less than <MAX_RATIO>.
4. Because of necessity to measure ratio for datatypes that absent in FB 3.x, it was decided to increase min_version to 4.0
(plus, there won't be any niticeable changes in FB 3.x code).
5. A new ticket has been created to describe problem with DECFLOAT and VARCHAR datatypes:
(it contains two excel files with comparison for misc datatypes and different declared length of varchar column).
Test for these datatypes will be added after fix of this ticked.
Checked on Windiws (SS/CS):;;
import psutil
import time
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
db = db_factory()
def median(lst):
n = len(lst)
s = sorted(lst)
return (sum(s[n//2-1:n//2+1])/2.0, s[n//2])[n % 2] if n else None
MAX_DIFF = 3.0
### S E T T I N G S ###
PAGE_SIZE = 8192
N_ROWS_CNT= 100000
test_script = f"""
recreate table test1e1(id int); -- 10^1 distinct values
recreate table test1e2(id int); -- 10^2 distinct values
recreate table test1e3(id int); -- 10^3 distinct values
recreate table test1e4(id int); -- 10^4 distinct values
recreate table test1e5(id int); -- 10^5 distinct values
# NOT yet used. See #8330:
SINGLE_BYTE_TEXT = 'u' * 4097
MULTI_BYTE_TEXT = 'λ' * 4097
init_sql = f"""
set bail on;
recreate table test_one_unique_value(
f_sml smallint -- 0
,f_int int -- 1
,f_big bigint -- 2
,f_i128 int128 -- 3
,f_bool boolean -- 4
,f_dt date -- 5
,f_tm time -- 6
,f_ts timestamp -- 7
,f_tmtz time with time zone -- 8
,f_tstz timestamp with time zone -- 9
,f_num numeric(2,2) -- 10
,f_dec decimal(2,2) -- 11
,f_dbl double precision -- 12
-- commented out until #8330 remains unfixed:
--,f_decf decfloat -- 13
--,f_txt_1251 varchar({TXT_WIDTH_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODING}) character set win1251 -- 14
--,f_txt_utf8 varchar({TXT_WIDTH_MULTI_BYTE_ENCODING}) character set utf8 -- 15
recreate table test_null_in_all_rows(
nul_sml smallint
,nul_int int
,nul_big bigint
,nul_i128 int128
,nul_bool boolean
,nul_dt date
,nul_tm time
,nul_ts timestamp
,nul_tmtz time with time zone
,nul_tstz timestamp with time zone
,nul_num numeric(2,2)
,nul_dec decimal(2,2)
,nul_dbl double precision
--,nul_decf decfloat
--,nul_txt_1251 varchar({TXT_WIDTH_SINGLE_BYTE_ENCODING}) character set win1251
--,nul_txt_utf8 varchar({TXT_WIDTH_MULTI_BYTE_ENCODING}) character set utf8
create or alter view v_fill as
with recursive
r as(select 0 i from rdb$database union all select r.i+1 from r where r.i<9)
select r4.i * 10000 + r3.i * 1000 + r2.i * 100 + r1.i * 10 + r0.i as id
from r r4, r r3, r r2, r r1, r r0;
insert into test1e1 select mod(id, 10) from v_fill;
insert into test1e2 select mod(id, 100) from v_fill;
insert into test1e3 select mod(id, 1000) from v_fill;
insert into test1e4 select mod(id, 10000) from v_fill;
insert into test1e5 select mod(id, 100000) from v_fill;
set list on;
set term ^;
execute block returns (
ratio_for_1e1 varchar(150)
,ratio_for_1e2 varchar(150)
,ratio_for_1e3 varchar(150)
,ratio_for_1e4 varchar(150)
,ratio_for_1e5 varchar(150)
-- ############################################
-- ############ T H R E S H O L D ########
-- Before 28.10.2015: 1.85 (changed after letter by dimitr).
-- Probably random disturbance was caused by other (concurrent) processes on test host.
-- Check with new threshold was done on: WI-V2.5.5.26942 (SC) and WI-V3.0.0.32134 (CS/SC/SS).
declare max_diff_threshold numeric(10,4) = {MAX_DIFF};
-- ############################################
declare ratio_select_vs_count_1e1 numeric(10,4);
declare ratio_select_vs_count_1e2 numeric(10,4);
declare ratio_select_vs_count_1e3 numeric(10,4);
declare ratio_select_vs_count_1e4 numeric(10,4);
declare ratio_select_vs_count_1e5 numeric(10,4);
declare sel_distinct_1e1_ms int;
declare cnt_distinct_1e1_ms int;
declare sel_distinct_1e2_ms int;
declare cnt_distinct_1e2_ms int;
declare sel_distinct_1e3_ms int;
declare cnt_distinct_1e3_ms int;
declare sel_distinct_1e4_ms int;
declare cnt_distinct_1e4_ms int;
declare sel_distinct_1e5_ms int;
declare cnt_distinct_1e5_ms int;
declare n int;
declare t0 timestamp;
create or alter procedure sp_fill(a_cnt int) returns(id int) as
id = 0;
while (id < a_cnt) do
select count(*) from ( select distinct id from test1e1 ) into n;
sel_distinct_1e1_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
select count(distinct id) from test1e1 into n;
cnt_distinct_1e1_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
ratio_select_vs_count_1e1 = 1.0000 * sel_distinct_1e1_ms / cnt_distinct_1e1_ms;
select count(*) from ( select distinct id from test1e2 ) into n;
sel_distinct_1e2_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
select count(distinct id) from test1e2 into n;
cnt_distinct_1e2_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
ratio_select_vs_count_1e2 = 1.0000 * sel_distinct_1e2_ms / cnt_distinct_1e2_ms;
select count(*) from ( select distinct id from test1e3 ) into n;
sel_distinct_1e3_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
select count(distinct id) from test1e3 into n;
cnt_distinct_1e3_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
ratio_select_vs_count_1e3 = 1.0000 * sel_distinct_1e3_ms / cnt_distinct_1e3_ms;
select count(*) from ( select distinct id from test1e4 ) into n;
sel_distinct_1e4_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
select count(distinct id) from test1e4 into n;
cnt_distinct_1e4_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
ratio_select_vs_count_1e4 = 1.0000 * sel_distinct_1e4_ms / cnt_distinct_1e4_ms;
select count(*) from ( select distinct id from test1e5 ) into n;
sel_distinct_1e5_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
select count(distinct id) from test1e5 into n;
cnt_distinct_1e5_ms = datediff(millisecond from t0 to cast('now' as timestamp));
ratio_select_vs_count_1e5 = 1.0000 * sel_distinct_1e5_ms / cnt_distinct_1e5_ms;
ratio_for_1e1 = 'Acceptable';
ratio_for_1e2 = 'Acceptable';
ratio_for_1e3 = 'Acceptable';
ratio_for_1e4 = 'Acceptable';
ratio_for_1e5 = 'Acceptable';
if (1=0 or ratio_select_vs_count_1e1 > max_diff_threshold) then
-- Example: RATIO_FOR_1E1 Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = 3.3695 > 3.0000
ratio_for_1e1 = 'Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = '||ratio_select_vs_count_1e1||' > '||max_diff_threshold;
if (1=0 or ratio_select_vs_count_1e2 > max_diff_threshold) then
ratio_for_1e2 = 'Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = '||ratio_select_vs_count_1e2||' > '||max_diff_threshold;
if (1=0 or ratio_select_vs_count_1e3 > max_diff_threshold) then
ratio_for_1e3 = 'Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = '||ratio_select_vs_count_1e3||' > '||max_diff_threshold;
if (1=0 or ratio_select_vs_count_1e4 > max_diff_threshold) then
ratio_for_1e4 = 'Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = '||ratio_select_vs_count_1e4||' > '||max_diff_threshold;
if (1=0 or ratio_select_vs_count_1e5 > max_diff_threshold) then
ratio_for_1e5 = 'Regression /* perf_issue_tag */: ratio = '||ratio_select_vs_count_1e5||' > '||max_diff_threshold;
id = id + 1;
^ set term ;^
end ^
set term ;^
insert into test_one_unique_value (
f_sml -- 0
,f_int -- 1
,f_big -- 2
,f_i128 -- 3
,f_bool -- 4
,f_dt -- 5
,f_tm -- 6
,f_ts -- 7
,f_tmtz -- 8
,f_tstz -- 9
,f_num -- 10
,f_dec -- 11
,f_dbl -- 12
--,f_decf -- 13
--,f_txt_1251 -- 14
--,f_txt_utf8 -- 15
-32768 -- 0
,-2147483648 -- 1
,-9223372036854775808 -- 2
,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728 -- 3
,true -- 4
,date '19.12.2023' -- 5
,time '23:59:59' -- 6
,timestamp '19.12.2023 23:59:59' -- 7
,time '11:11:11.111 Indian/Cocos' -- 8
,timestamp '2018-12-31 12:31:42.543 Pacific/Fiji' -- 9
,-327.68 -- 10
,-327.68 -- 11
,pi() -- 12
--,exp(1) -- cast(-9.999999999999999999999999999999999E6144 as decfloat(34)) -- 13
from sp_fill({N_ROWS_CNT}) as p;
insert into test_null_in_all_rows
null -- 0
,null -- 1
,null -- 2
,null -- 3
,null -- 4
,null -- 5
,null -- 6
,null -- 7
,null -- 8
,null -- 9
,null -- 10
,null -- 11
,null -- 12
--,null -- 13
--,null -- 14
--,null -- 15
from test_one_unique_value;
db = db_factory(init = init_sql, page_size = PAGE_SIZE)
act = isql_act('db', test_script,substitutions = [('[ \t]+', ' ')])
act = python_act('db', substitutions = [('[ \t]+', ' ')])
expected_stdout = f"""
RATIO_FOR_1E1 Acceptable
RATIO_FOR_1E2 Acceptable
RATIO_FOR_1E3 Acceptable
RATIO_FOR_1E4 Acceptable
RATIO_FOR_1E5 Acceptable
def test_1(act: Action, capsys):
def test_1(act: Action):
act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act.execute(combine_output = True)
with act.db.connect() as con:
cur1.execute('select mon$server_pid as p from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection')
fb_pid = int(cur1.fetchone()[0])
run_cpu_map = {}
for t_name in ('test_one_unique_value', 'test_null_in_all_rows'):
fields_qry = f"""
select rf.rdb$field_name
from rdb$relation_fields rf
where rf.rdb$relation_name = upper('{t_name}')
order by rf.rdb$field_position
fields_lst = [x[0].strip() for x in cur1.fetchall()]
for f_name in fields_lst:
query1 = f'select count(*) from (select distinct {f_name} from {t_name})'
query2 = f'select count(distinct {f_name}) from {t_name}'
ps1 = cur1.prepare(query1)
ps2 = cur2.prepare(query2)
for c in (cur1, cur2):
cpu_usage_values = []
psc = ps1 if c == cur1 else ps2
for i in range(0, N_MEASURES):
fb_info_init = psutil.Process(fb_pid).cpu_times()
rs = c.execute(psc)
fb_info_curr = psutil.Process(fb_pid).cpu_times()
cpu_usage_values.append( max(fb_info_curr.user - fb_info_init.user, 0.000001) )
v = run_cpu_map.get( (t_name,f_name), [0,0,0, '',''])
if psc == ps1:
v[0] = median(cpu_usage_values) # 'select count(*) from (select distinct ...)'
v[1] = median(cpu_usage_values) # 'select count(distinct ...) from ...'
v[2] = v[0] / v[1]
v[3] = query1
v[4] = query2
run_cpu_map[ (t_name,f_name) ] = v
poor_ratios_lst = []
#for k,v in run_cpu_map.items():
# print(':::',k,':::')
# cpu_median_1, cpu_median_2, cpu_medians_ratio, query_1, query_2 = v
# # f'{ra=:12.4f}'
# msg = '\n'.join(
# ( f'{query_1=}'
# ,f'{query_2=}'
# ,f'{cpu_median_1=:12.4f} {cpu_median_2=:12.4f} {cpu_medians_ratio=:12.6f}'
# )
# )
# print(msg)
# print('-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
msg_prefix = 'CPU time medians ratio: '
msg_expected = msg_prefix + 'EXPECTED.'
for k,v in run_cpu_map.items():
if v[2] > MAX_RATIO:
poor_ratios_lst.append( '\n'.join(
( 'query_1: ' + v[3]
,'query_2: ' + v[4]
,f'cpu_median_1: {v[0]:12.6f}'
,f'cpu_median_2: {v[1]:12.6f}'
,f'cpu_median_1 / cpu_median_2: {v[0]/v[1]:12.6f}'
if poor_ratios_lst:
print(f'{msg_prefix} /* perf_issue_tag */ UNEXPECTED. Following ratio(s) exceeds MAX_RATIO={MAX_RATIO}:')
for x in poor_ratios_lst:
act.expected_stdout = msg_expected
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout