mirror of https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird-qa.git synced 2025-02-02 02:40:42 +01:00

Added/Updated tests\functional\replication\test_ddl_triggers_must_not_fire_on_replica.py: removed old comments. Aded note about unconditional changing FW to OFF. Adjustings.

This commit is contained in:
pavel-zotov 2023-04-16 09:48:32 +03:00
parent e7cfc134a3
commit ae99cda2a6

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@ -29,18 +29,13 @@ DESCRIPTION:
FBTEST: tests.functional.replication.ddl_triggers_must_not_fire_on_replica
[25.08.2022] pzotov
1. In case of any errors (somewhat_failed <> 0) test will re-create db_main and db_repl, and then perform all needed
actions to resume replication (set 'replica' flag on db_repl, enabling publishing in db_main, remove all files
from subdirectories <repl_journal> and <repl_archive> which must present in the same folder as <db_main>).
2. Warning raises on Windows and Linux:
Warning raises on Windows and Linux:
PytestAssertRewriteWarning: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten: __editable___firebird_qa_0_17_0_finder
The reason currently is unknown.
Checked on, - both CS and SS. Both on Windows and Linux.
[15.04.2023] pzotov
Test was fully re-implemented. We have to query replica DATABASE for presense of data that we know there must appear.
We have to avoid query of replication log - not only verbose can be disabled, but also because code is too complex.
@ -51,9 +46,11 @@ NOTES:
Temporary DISABLED execution on Linux when ServerMode = Classic. Replication can unexpectedly stop with message
'Engine is shutdown' appears in replication.log. Sent report to dimitr, waiting for fix.
Checked on, - both SS and CS.
This test changes FW to OFF in order to reduce time of DDL operations. FW is restored to initial state at final point.
Otherwise changes may not be delivered to replica for <MAX_TIME_FOR_WAIT_DATA_IN_REPLICA> seconds.
Checked on, - both SS and CS.
import os
@ -318,17 +315,22 @@ def test_1(act_db_main: Action, act_db_repl: Action, capsys):
# Use only con.info.name for that!
db_main_file, db_repl_file = '', ''
db_main_fw, db_repl_fw = DbWriteMode.SYNC, DbWriteMode.SYNC
with act_db_main.db.connect(no_db_triggers = True) as con:
if act_db_main.vars['server-arch'] == 'Classic' and os.name != 'nt':
pytest.skip("Waiting for FIX: 'Engine is shutdown' in replication log for CS. Linux only.")
db_main_file = con.info.name
db_main_fw = con.info.write_mode
with act_db_repl.db.connect(no_db_triggers = True) as con:
db_repl_file = con.info.name
db_repl_fw = con.info.write_mode
# ONLY FOR THIS test: temporary change FW to OFF:
# ONLY FOR THIS test: forcedly change FW to OFF, without any condition.
# Otherwise changes may not be delivered to replica for <MAX_TIME_FOR_WAIT_DATA_IN_REPLICA> seconds.
@ -418,8 +420,6 @@ def test_1(act_db_main: Action, act_db_repl: Action, capsys):
|| :v_lf
|| q'{ if (rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'SKIP_DDL_TRIGGER') is null) then}'
|| :v_lf
|| ' in autonomous transaction do'
|| :v_lf
|| ' insert into log_ddl_triggers_activity(ddl_trigger_name, event_type, object_type, ddl_event, object_name) values('
|| :v_lf
|| q'{'}' || trim(t.trg_name) || q'{'}'
@ -588,10 +588,15 @@ def test_1(act_db_main: Action, act_db_repl: Action, capsys):
# Must be EMPTY:
out_main = capsys.readouterr().out
drop_db_objects(act_db_main, act_db_repl, capsys)
# Return FW to initial values (if needed):
if db_main_fw == DbWriteMode.SYNC:
if db_repl_fw == DbWriteMode.SYNC:
# Must be EMPTY:
out_drop = capsys.readouterr().out