mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 13:33:07 +01:00
Added/Updated bugs\core_6248_test.py. Totally reimplemented. See notes. Checked on Windows and Linux, (SS/CS), (SS/CS).
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,155 +5,370 @@ ID: issue-6492
ISSUE: 6492
TITLE: A number of errors when database name is longer than 255 symbols
Test verifies that one may to create DB with total path plus name length L = 255 and 259 characters.
Each DB is then subject for 'gbak -b', 'gbak -c', 'gstat -h', 'gfix -sweep' and 'gfix -v -full'.
All these commands must NOT issue something to their STDERR.
From ticket title one may to conclude that we have ability to really create databases with full length (path + file name)
more than 255 characters, but it is not so.
Actually, on Windows and Linux one can not create files with length more than 255 characters.
Moreover, FB has its own, more strict limitation: command CONNECT '<database_name>' can not operate with files with length
more than (253 - <P>) symbols, including enclosing quotes, where <P> is length of used protocol prefix: 'inet://', 'localhost:'.
STDOUT-log of initial SQL must contain full DB name.
Changed part of firebird.log for SWEEP and VALIDATION also must have full DB name (this is verified using regexp):
+[tab]Database: C:\\FBTESTING\\QA\\FBT-REPO\\TMP\\ABC.FDB // for validation
+[tab]Database "C:\\FBTESTING\\QA\\FBT-REPO\\TMP\\ABC.FDB // for sweep
Test verifies ability to create DB with max possible length (i.e. which allows to run 'CONNECT ...' command) and does that
for all protocols that are supported by current OS (Linux + local, inet; Windows: local, inet, xnet).
For each used protocol we try to perform several operations using gfix utility and after this - fbsvcmgr.
STDOUT-logs of backup, restore and gstat currently (09-mar-2020) have only truncated name (~235...241 chars).
This may change in the future if FB developers will decide to fix this small inconveniences.
After each operation we check mon$database and 'construct' string based on values from this table that must be returned
as tail of 'Attributes' line in the 'gstat -h' command. These lines must be equal.
One need to pay attantion that when database is in 'backup-lock' state then changes in its attributes can not be seen
in the output of 'gstat -h'. Because of this, we do not change any attributes between 'alter database begin/end backup'.
Also, one need to take in account that we can not check full ability of 'nbackup -L' command for databases which names
are maximal possible, because adding of suffix '.delta' will cause exceeding max possible length = 253 characters.
Because of this, test uses 'alter database begin add difference file with name = '<database_path_name.dif>' (i.e. its has
the same length and main DB file).
For L=259 we must see in backup log following phrase:
gbak:text for attribute 7 is too large in put_asciz(), truncating to 255 bytes
- but currently this is not checked here.
[09.02.2022] pcisar
Fails on Windows10 / 4.0.1 with:
"CreateFile (create)" operation for file "..."
-Error while trying to create file
-System can't find specified path
Variant with 255 chars fails in init script, while 259 chars variant fails in database fixture while
db creation.
On national windows with OS i/o error messages in locale.getpreferredencoding(), it may fail while
reading stderr from isql. But using io_enc=locale.getpreferredencoding() will show the message.
[09.03.2020] pzotov // old comments, to be deleted later.
STDOUT-logs of backup, restore and gstat currently (09-mar-2020) have only truncated name (~235...241 chars).
This may change in the future if FB developers will decide to resolve this problem.
For L=259 we must see in backup log following phrase:
gbak:text for attribute 7 is too large in put_asciz(), truncating to 255 bytes
- but currently this is not checked here.
[09.02.2022] pcisar
Fails on Windows10 / 4.0.1 with:
"CreateFile (create)" operation for file "..."
-Error while trying to create file
-System can't find specified path
Variant with 255 chars fails in init script, while 259 chars variant fails in database fixture while
db creation.
On national windows with OS i/o error messages in locale.getpreferredencoding(), it may fail while
reading stderr from isql. But using io_enc=locale.getpreferredencoding() will show the message.
[23.09.2022] pzotov
1. Database header (that is produced by 'gstat -h' command) contains in its 1st line full path + name of DB file,
enclosed into double quotes. When length of path+filename is 243 or greater, this string begins look as 'cuted',
i.e. ellipsis will be shown at the end of this name (instead of extension and closed double quote).
This means that we have to be aware about applying regexp during parsing gstat output: final quote may miss!
2. Currently one can not use 'act.svccmgr()' calls because of need to specify different protocols when check fbsvcmgr:
fbsvcmgr service_mgr ...
fbsvcmgr inet://localhost:service_mgr ...
fbsvcmgr xnet://service_mgr ...
Because of this, subprocess.run() is used to invoke fbsvcmgr
Checked on Windows and Linux, (SS/CS), (SS/CS).
FBTEST: bugs.core_6248
import pytest
import os
import subprocess
import locale
import re
import time
import platform
from difflib import unified_diff
from pathlib import Path
#from difflib import unified_diff
#from firebird.driver import SrvRepairFlag
import pytest
from firebird.qa import *
from firebird.driver import SrvRepairFlag
init_script = """
set list on;
create exception exc_dbname_diff q'{Value in mon$database.mon$database_name differs from rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME'):@1@2@3=== vs ===@4@5}';
set term ^;
execute block returns(
mon_database_column varchar(260)
,sys_context_db_name varchar(260)
) as
declare lf char(1) = x'0A';
mon$database_name as mon_database_column
from mon$database
into mon_database_column;
sys_context_db_name = rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME');
if ( substring( sys_context_db_name from 1 for 255 ) is distinct from mon_database_column ) then
exception exc_dbname_diff using(
set term ;^
db = db_factory()
act = python_act('db', substitutions = [('[\t ]+', ' ')])
act = python_act('db')
# We have to limit length of temp_file with 255 characters.
# CentOS-7: OSError: [Errno 36] File name too long:
tmp_file = temp_file( ('0123456789' * 26)[:255] )
expected_stdout = """
ddl : found at least 255 characters
backup : found truncated DB name.
restore : found truncated DB name.
gstat : found truncated DB name.
fblog_diff_sweep : found at least 255 characters
fblog_diff_validate : found at least 255 characters
def check_db_hdr_info(act: Action, db_file_chk:Path, interested_patterns, capsys):
def test_db(request: pytest.FixtureRequest, db_path) -> Database:
required_name_len = request.param[0]
chars2fil = request.param[1]
filename = (chars2fil * 1000)[:required_name_len - len(str(db_path)) - 4] + '.fdb'
db = Database(db_path, filename)
yield db
# 1. Obtain attributes from mon$database: get page buffers, 'build' attributes row and get sweep interval.
# These values will be displayed in the form of three separate LINES, without column names.
# Content of this output must be equal to gstat filtered values, with exception of leading spaces:
sql_txt = f"""
set list on;
-- Make connect using local protocol.
-- NOTE: 'command error' raises here if length of '{db_file_chk}' (including qutes!) greater than 255.
connect '{db_file_chk}' user {act.db.user};
PATTERN = re.compile('\\+\\s+Database[:]{0,1}\\s+"{0,1}', re.IGNORECASE)
'Page buffers ' || mon$page_buffers as " "
,'Attributes ' || iif(trim(attr_list) = '', '', substring(attr_list from 2))
as " "
,'Sweep interval: ' || mon$sweep_interval as " "
from (
,iif(mon$forced_writes = 1, ', force write', '')
|| iif(mon$reserve_space = 0, ', no reserve', '')
|| decode(mon$backup_state, 2, ', merge', 1, ', backup lock', '')
|| decode(mon$shutdown_mode, 3, 'full shutdown', 2, ', single-user maintenance', 1, ', multi-user maintenance', '')
-- !! NEED TRIM() !! otherwise 10 spaces will be inserted if mon$read_only=0.
-- Discussed with Vladet al, letters since 23.09.2022 10:57.
|| trim(iif(mon$read_only<>0, ', read only', ''))
|| decode(mon$replica_mode, 2, ', read-write replica', 1, ', read-only replica', '')
as attr_list
from mon$database
# Example of output:
# Page buffers 3791
# Attributes force write, no reserve, single-user maintenance, read only, read-write replica
# Sweep interval: 5678
def check_filename_presence(lines, *, log_name: str, db: Database):
filename = str(db.db_path) # To convert Path to string
for line in lines:
if log_name not in ('fblog_diff_sweep', 'fblog_diff_validate') or line.startswith('+') and PATTERN.search(line):
if filename[:MINIMAL_LEN_TO_SHOW].upper() in line.upper():
print(f'{log_name} : found at least {str(MINIMAL_LEN_TO_SHOW)} characters')
elif filename[:128].upper() in line.upper():
print(f'{log_name} : found truncated DB name.')
print(f'{log_name} : DB NAME NOT FOUND')
act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = sql_txt, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
expected_attr_from_mon_db = act.stdout
# 2. Run 'gstat -h', filtering its output and compare with data that was obtained from mon$database.
# NOTE: database name with backslashes (on Windows) must be checked without regexp work, only via 'IN'.
# On Winows databases are created in UPPER form, so we have to remove case sensitivity.
act.gstat(switches=['-h', db_file_chk], connect_db = False, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
db_guid = ''
db_found = ''
db_cuted = ('Database "' + str(db_file_chk) + '"').lower()[:250]
for line in act.stdout.split('\n'):
if act.match_any(line, interested_patterns):
if 'Database GUID' in line:
db_guid = line
elif db_cuted in line.lower():
db_found = 1
@pytest.mark.skipif(platform.system() == 'Windows', reason='FIXME: see notes')
if db_found:
act.expected_stdout = f"""
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
print('Cuted DB name:',db_cuted)
for line in act.stdout.split('\n'):
print('gstat output: ',line)
# 3. Return GUID of database (can be compared after b/r with GUID of restored database: they always must differ):
return db_guid
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_db', [pytest.param((255, 'abc255def'), id='255'),
pytest.param((259, 'qwe259rty'), id='259')], indirect=True)
def test_1(act: Action, test_db: Database, capsys):
# INIT test
act.isql(switches=['-q', test_db.dsn], input=init_script, connect_db=False)
check_filename_presence(act.stdout.splitlines(), log_name='ddl', db=test_db)
backup_name = test_db.db_path.with_name(f"tmp_6248_backup_{len(test_db.db_path.with_suffix('').name)}.fbk")
act.gbak(switches=['-b', '-se', 'localhost:servce_mgr', '-v', '-st', 'tdwr', str(test_db.db_path), str(backup_name)])
check_filename_presence(act.stdout.splitlines(), log_name='backup', db=test_db)
act.gbak(switches=['-rep', '-se', 'localhost:servce_mgr', '-v', '-st', 'tdwr', str(backup_name), str(test_db.db_path)])
check_filename_presence(act.stdout.splitlines(), log_name='restore', db=test_db)
# GSTAT test
act.gstat(switches=['-h', test_db.dsn], connect_db=False)
check_filename_presence(act.stdout.splitlines(), log_name='gstat', db=test_db)
# SWEEP test
log_before = act.get_firebird_log()
with act.connect_server() as srv:
time.sleep(1) # Let firebird.log to be fulfilled with text about just finished SWEEP
log_after = act.get_firebird_log()
check_filename_presence(list(unified_diff(log_before, log_after)), log_name='fblog_diff_sweep', db=test_db)
log_before = act.get_firebird_log()
with act.connect_server() as srv:
srv.database.repair(database=test_db.db_path, flags=SrvRepairFlag.FULL | SrvRepairFlag.VALIDATE_DB)
time.sleep(1) # Let firebird.log to be fulfilled with text about just finished VALIDATION
log_after = act.get_firebird_log()
check_filename_presence(list(unified_diff(log_before, log_after)), log_name='fblog_diff_validate', db=test_db)
# Check
act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
def test_1(act: Action, tmp_file:Path, capsys):
# ### ACHTUNG ###
# DO NOT include ending double quote into the database name pattern!
# String with database name is CUTED OFF when length of full path + filename is 243 and above:
# 243 --> Database "C:\TEMP\...\01234567890<...>012345.F...
# 244 --> Database "C:\TEMP\...\01234567890<...>0123456....
# 245 --> Database "C:\TEMP\...\01234567890<...>01234567...
# 246 ... 255 -- same as for 245. NB: for N=244 line differs from all others.
# All these (cuted) strings have length = 254 bytes and do NOT contain ending double quote.
# Because of this, we must include this character into the pattern only as OPTIONAL, i.e.: |'Database\s+"\S+(")?'|
interested_patterns = ( 'Database\s+"\S+(")?', '[\t ]*Attributes([\t ]+\w+)?', '[\t ]*Page buffers([\t ]+\d+)', '[\t ]*Sweep interval(:)?([\t ]+\d+)', 'Database GUID')
interested_patterns = [re.compile(p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in interested_patterns]
protocol_list = ('', 'inet://', 'xnet://') if os.name == 'nt' else ('', 'inet://',)
full_str = str(tmp_file.absolute())
for utility in ('gfix', 'fbsvcmgr'):
for protocol_prefix in protocol_list:
# NB: most strict limit for DB filename length origins from isql 'CONNECT' command:
# 'command error' raises there if length of '{db_file_chk}' (including qutes!) greater than 255.
# Because of this, we can not operate with files with length of full name greater than 253 bytes.
db_file_len = 253 - len(protocol_prefix)
db_file_chk = Path((full_str[:db_file_len-4] + '.fdb').lower())
db_file_dif = Path(os.path.splitext(db_file_chk)[0] + '.dif')
db_file_fbk = Path(os.path.splitext(db_file_chk)[0] + '.fbk')
db_file_dsn = ''
svc_call_starting_part = []
if utility == 'gfix':
db_file_dsn = protocol_prefix + str(db_file_chk)
db_file_dsn = db_file_chk
fb_svc_name = protocol_prefix + 'service_mgr'
svc_call_starting_part = [ act.vars['fbsvcmgr'], fb_svc_name, '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password ]
sql_txt = f"""
set list on;
create database '{db_file_dsn}' user {act.db.user} password '{act.db.password}';
select lower(mon$database_name) as mon_db_name from mon$database;
select lower(rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'DB_NAME')) as ctx_db_name from mon$database;
act.expected_stdout = f"""
MON_DB_NAME {db_file_chk}
CTX_DB_NAME {db_file_chk}
act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = sql_txt, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
svc_retcode = 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-buffers', '3791', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_page_buffers', '3791', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-write','sync', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_write_mode', 'prp_wm_sync', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-housekeeping','5678', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_sweep_interval', '5678', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-use','full', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_reserve_space', 'prp_res_use_full', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-sweep', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_repair', 'rpr_sweep_db', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if act.is_version('>=4'):
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-replica','read_write', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_replica_mode', 'prp_rm_readwrite', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
sql_txt = f"""
-- Make connect using local protocol.
-- NOTE: 'command error' raises here if length of '{db_file_chk}' (including qutes!) greater than 255.
connect '{db_file_chk}' user {act.db.user};
alter database add difference file '{db_file_dif}';
alter database begin backup;
alter database set linger to 100;
act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = sql_txt, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
_ = check_db_hdr_info(act, db_file_chk, interested_patterns, capsys)
sql_txt = f"""
-- Make connect using local protocol.
-- NOTE: 'command error' raises here if length of '{db_file_chk}' (including qutes!) greater than 255.
connect '{db_file_chk}' user {act.db.user};
alter database set linger to 0;
alter database end backup;
act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = sql_txt, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-mode','read_only', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_access_mode', 'prp_am_readonly', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
_ = check_db_hdr_info(act, db_file_chk, interested_patterns, capsys)
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-shut','single', '-at', '20', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_shutdown_mode', 'prp_sm_single', 'prp_deny_new_attachments', '20', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
src_guid = check_db_hdr_info(act, db_file_chk, interested_patterns, capsys)
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-online', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_properties', 'prp_online_mode', 'prp_sm_normal', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gfix(switches=['-v', '-full', db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_repair', 'rpr_validate_db', 'rpr_full', 'dbname', db_file_chk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gbak(switches=['-b', db_file_dsn, db_file_fbk], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_backup', 'dbname', db_file_chk, 'bkp_file', db_file_fbk], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
if utility == 'gfix':
act.gbak(switches=['-rep', db_file_fbk, db_file_dsn], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding())
svc_retcode = (subprocess.run( svc_call_starting_part + ['action_restore', 'dbname', db_file_chk, 'bkp_file', db_file_fbk, 'res_replace' ], stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)).returncode
assert '' == act.stdout and svc_retcode == 0
new_guid = check_db_hdr_info(act, db_file_chk, interested_patterns, capsys)
print('GUID changed ? ==> ', src_guid != new_guid)
act.expected_stdout = """
GUID changed ? ==> True
act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out
assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout
for f in (db_file_chk,db_file_dif,db_file_fbk):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user