#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6915-cs-cz ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/6915 TITLE: Performance effect of applying 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' in UNICODE collation for LOCALE=cs_CZ DESCRIPTION: Original discussion: https://sourceforge.net/p/firebird/mailman/firebird-devel/thread/9361c612-d720-eb76-d412-7101518ca60d%40ibphoenix.cz/ Test verifies only PERFORMANCE issues referred to in the ticket #6915. Correctness of ORDER BY is not checked. A pre-build database is used for check, see: files/gh_6915_cs_cz.zip (it was created in FB 4.x with date ~aug-2021). SQL script that was used to fulfill test DB see in the end of this file. We decompress .fbk, restore from it and check that for every testing queries number of indexed reads will not exceed threshold, see 'MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD' (con.info.get_table_access_stats() is used for that). After improvement this threshold could be set to 1. Only columns with attribute 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' are checked. NOTES: [23.12.2024] pzotov It seems that commit in 4.x (2af9ded1a696a43f5b0bea39a88610287e3ab06c; 04-aug-2021 17:58) had no effect: performance in 4.x remains poort for queries from this test up to recent snapshots (dec-2024). Commit in 5.x (cfc09f75a3dea099f54c09808e39fe778457f441; 04-aug-2021 20:25) really SOLVED problem: adding attribute 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' causes reducing indexed reads to 0 or 1 for all queries. There was commit in 5.x: 171cb7eebc365e301a7384eff96c0e3e069c95cc (date: 17-mar-2022 22:38) - which had further improvement for 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=0' (i.e. when compression is Enabled). Snapshots of FB 5.x before that commit (i.e. up to had poor performance for 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=0', and after this commit (since performance became equal to 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1'. Because of that, this test verifies performance of only ONE case: 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1', by comparing of indexed reads for each query with threshold, see MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD. Before improvement related to 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1', indexed reads were huge for almost all check queries. This is outcome for (31.07.2021): where f_ci_compr_disabled >= 'C' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352944 where f_ci_compr_disabled >= 'Z' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_ci_compr_disabled like 'C%' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_ci_compr_disabled like 'Z%' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_ci_compr_disabled similar to 'C%' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_ci_compr_disabled similar to 'Z%' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_ci_compr_disabled starting with 'C' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_ci_compr_disabled starting with 'Z' order by f_ci_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_cs_compr_disabled >= 'C' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1 where f_cs_compr_disabled >= 'Z' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 0 where f_cs_compr_disabled like 'C%' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_cs_compr_disabled like 'Z%' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_cs_compr_disabled similar to 'C%' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_cs_compr_disabled similar to 'Z%' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 where f_cs_compr_disabled starting with 'C' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 352945 where f_cs_compr_disabled starting with 'Z' order by f_cs_compr_disabled rows 1 ==> idx reads: 1000000 Confirmed poor performance on (31.07.2021): all check queries have huge indexed reads, regardless on 'DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' attribute (i.e. it had no effect on performance), execution time was 5...15 seconds for each query. Checked on (05.08.2021 04:25) -- all OK, indexed reads for all queries are 0 or 1. Checked on, """ from pathlib import Path import zipfile import locale import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import connect db = db_factory(charset = 'utf8') act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' ')]) tmp_fbk = temp_file('gh_6915.tmp.fbk') tmp_fdb = temp_file('gh_6915.tmp.fdb') MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD = 1 EXPECTED_MSG = f'Expected. All queries have indexed reads no more than {MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD=}' test_sql = """ with d as ( select '0' as disabled_compression from rdb$database -- union all -- select '1' as disabled_compression from rdb$database ) , c as ( select 'ci' as case_attribute from rdb$database union all select 'cs' from rdb$database ) ,o as ( select '>=' as search_op from rdb$database union all select 'starting with' from rdb$database union all select 'like' from rdb$database union all select 'similar to' from rdb$database ) ,e as ( select 'C' as letter from rdb$database union all select 'Z' from rdb$database ) ,f as ( select d.*, c.*, o.*, e.* ,'select 1 from test where f_' || c.case_attribute || '_compr_' || iif(d.disabled_compression = '0', 'disabled', 'enabled') || ' ' || trim(o.search_op) || ' ' || '''' || e.letter || trim( iif( upper(trim(o.search_op)) in ('>=', upper('starting with')), '', '%') ) || '''' || ' order by f_' || c.case_attribute || '_compr_' || iif(d.disabled_compression = '0', 'disabled', 'enabled') || ' rows 1' as query_txt from d cross join c cross join o cross join e ) select --case_attribute --,search_op --,letter max(iif(disabled_compression = 0, query_txt, null)) as q_compr_disabled --max(iif(disabled_compression = 1, query_txt, null)) as q_compr_enabled from f group by case_attribute ,search_op ,letter ; """ @pytest.mark.intl @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_fbk: Path, tmp_fdb: Path, capsys): zipped_fbk_file = zipfile.Path(act.files_dir / 'gh_6915_cs_cz.zip', at = 'gh_6915_cs_cz.fbk') tmp_fbk.write_bytes(zipped_fbk_file.read_bytes()) act.gbak(switches = ['-rep', str(tmp_fbk), str(tmp_fdb)], combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) assert '' == act.stdout act.reset() reads_map = {} with connect(str(tmp_fdb), user = act.db.user, password = act.db.password, charset = 'utf8') as con: cur = con.cursor() cur2 = con.cursor() cur.execute("select rdb$relation_id from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = upper('test')") src_relation_id = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute(test_sql) for r in cur: idx_reads = -1 for x_table in con.info.get_table_access_stats(): if x_table.table_id == src_relation_id: idx_reads = - (x_table.indexed if x_table.indexed else 0) cur2.execute(r[0]) cur2.fetchall() for x_table in con.info.get_table_access_stats(): if x_table.table_id == src_relation_id: idx_reads += (x_table.indexed if x_table.indexed else 0) reads_map[ r[0] ] = idx_reads if max(reads_map.values()) <= MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD: print(EXPECTED_MSG) else: print(f'UNEXPECTED: at least one query has values of indexed reads greater than {MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD=}') for check_qry, idx_reads in reads_map.items(): if idx_reads > MAX_IDX_READS_THRESHOLD: print(f'{check_qry=}, {idx_reads=}') act.expected_stdout = f""" {EXPECTED_MSG} """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout # End of test. ################################ # SQL with initial DDL and data: ################################ # create database 'localhost:r:\temp\tmp4test.fdb' default character set utf8; # # create collation u_ci_compr_disabled # for utf8 # from unicode # case insensitive # 'LOCALE=cs_CZ;DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' # ; # # create collation u_cs_compr_disabled # for utf8 # from unicode # case sensitive # 'LOCALE=cs_CZ;DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=1' # ; # # create collation u_ci_compr_enabled # for utf8 # from unicode # case insensitive # 'LOCALE=cs_CZ;DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=0' # ; # # create collation u_cs_compr_enabled # for utf8 # from unicode # case sensitive # 'LOCALE=cs_CZ;DISABLE-COMPRESSIONS=0' # ; # # create table test ( # f_cs_compr_disabled varchar(10) collate u_cs_compr_disabled # ,f_ci_compr_disabled varchar(10) collate u_ci_compr_disabled # ,f_cs_compr_enabled varchar(10) collate u_cs_compr_enabled # ,f_ci_compr_enabled varchar(10) collate u_ci_compr_enabled # ); # # set term ^; # create or alter procedure getstr(aorderid bigint) returns (aresult char(10)) # as # declare base36chars char(36); # declare mresult varchar(10); # declare id bigint; # declare i int; # begin # base36chars = upper('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); # mresult = ''; # aresult = mresult; # id = aorderid; # while (id > 0) do # begin # i = mod(id, 36); # id = id / 36; # mresult = mresult || substring(base36chars from i + 1 for 1); # end # aresult = left(mresult || '0000000', 7); # suspend; # end # ^ # # -- Generate test string data # -- 000000, 100000...900000...A00000...Z00000, # -- 010000, 110000...910000...A10000...Z10000, # -- ... # # execute block # as # declare rowscount int = 100000; # --declare rowscount int = 1000; # declare i int = 0; # declare c int = 0; # declare str varchar(10); # begin # while (c < rowscount) do # begin # select aresult from getstr(:i) into :str; # -- skip y, z # if ( left(str, 1) not in ( upper('y'), upper('z') ) ) then # begin # insert into test( # f_cs_compr_disabled # ,f_ci_compr_disabled # ,f_cs_compr_enabled # ,f_ci_compr_enabled # ) values ( # :str # ,:str # ,:str # ,:str # ); # c = c + 1; # end # i = i + 1; # end # end # ^ # set term ;^ # commit; # # create index test_cs_compr_disabled on test (f_cs_compr_disabled); # create index test_ci_compr_disabled on test (f_ci_compr_disabled); # create index test_cs_compr_enabled on test (f_cs_compr_enabled); # create index test_ci_compr_enabled on test (f_ci_compr_enabled); # commit;