#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-2513 ISSUE: 2513 TITLE: Suboptimal join plan if there are selective non-indexed predicates involved DESCRIPTION: This test operates with three tables: "small", "medium" and "big" - which are INNER-join'ed. It was found that there is some threshold ratio between number of rows in "small" vs "medium" tables which affects on generated PLAN after reaching this ratio. In particular, when tables have following values of rows: 26, 300 and 3000 - than optimizer still DOES take in account "WHERE" condition with non-indexed field in SMALL table ("where s.sf = 0"), and this lead to GOOD (fast) performance because SMALL table will be FIRST in the join order. However, if number of rows in SMALL table will change from 26 to 27 (yes, just one row) than optimizer do NOT consider additional condition (WHERE-filter) on that table and begin choose SLOW (ineffective) plan where MEDIUM table is first in join order. After discussion with dimitr, it was decided to: 1) put here TWO cases of query: with "fast" and "slow" plan; 2) replace too narrow threshold-pair (26 vs 27) with more wider (now: 15 and 45) because otherwise even minor changes in optimizer can breake this test expected output. Test make TWO PAIRS (i.e. total FOUR) runs: 1. When number of rows in SMALL table is less than threshold: 1.1. Without 'where'-filter on small table - to ensure that plan will contain MEDIUM table as first in join; 1.2. WITH 'where'-filter on small table - to ensure that plan will be CHANGED and SMALL table will be first; 2. When number of rows in SMALL table is beyond the threshold: 2.1. Without 'where'-filter on small table - plan will contain MEDIUM table as first in join; 2.2. WITH 'where'-filter on small table - plan will NOT changed, MEDIUM table will remain first in join. Beside output of PLAN itself, test also: 1) displays index statistics 2) compares fetches with some 'upper-limit' constants in order to alert us in case when fetches become too high. These constants have been obtained after sereval experiments with page_size = 4k, and their values are base on following typical results (which are the same on 2.5 and 3.0): FETCHES_1_1 19636 FETCHES_1_2 9094 FETCHES_2_1 19548 FETCHES_2_2 19548 NOTES: [18.08.2020] Test uses pre-created database which has several procedures for analyzing performance by with the help of MON$ tables. Performance results are gathered in the table STAT_LOG, each odd run will save mon$ counters with "-" sign and next (even) run will save them with "+" -- see SP_GATHER_STAT. Aggegation of results is done in the view V_AGG_STAT (negative values relate to start, positive to the end of measure, difference between them means performance expenses which we want to evaluate). NOTE. Before each new measure we have to set generator G_GATHER_STAT to zero in order to make it produce proper values starting with 1 (odd --> NEGATIVE sign for counters). This is done in SP_TRUNCATE_STAT. [18.08.2020] FB 4.x has incompatible behaviour with all previous versions since build (06-aug-2020): statement 'alter sequence restart with 0' changes rdb$generators.rdb$initial_value to -1 thus next call gen_id(,1) will return 0 (ZERO!) rather than 1. See also CORE-6084 and its fix: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/23dc0c6297825b2e9006f4d5a2c488702091033d This is considered as *expected* and is noted in doc/README.incompatibilities.3to4.txt Because of this, it was decided to change code of SP_TRUNCATE_STAT: instead of 'alter sequence restart...' we do reset like this: c = gen_id(g_gather_stat, -gen_id(g_gather_stat, 0)); [16.12.2023] Removed output of execution plans after note by dimitr (letter 15.12.2023 10:05): this test probably needs to be re-implemented because initially it was designed for check NESTED LOOPS. To be discussed furter. JIRA: CORE-2078 FBTEST: bugs.core_2078 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory(from_backup='mon-stat-gathering-3_0.fbk') test_script = """ create or alter procedure sp_fill_data(a_sml_rows int, a_med_rows int, a_big_rows int) as begin end; recreate table tbig(id int, sid int, mid int); commit; recreate table tsml(id int not null, sf int); commit; recreate table tmed(id int not null); commit; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_fill_data(a_sml_rows int, a_med_rows int, a_big_rows int) as declare i int; declare i_mod2 smallint; begin -- gather old record versions if they are from previous run: select count(*) from tsml into i; select count(*) from tmed into i; select count(*) from tbig into i; i=0; while (i < a_sml_rows) do begin insert into tsml(id, sf) values( :i, :i - (:i/2)*2 ); i = i+1; end i=0; while (i < a_med_rows) do begin insert into tmed(id) values( :i ); i = i+1; end i=0; while (i < a_big_rows) do begin insert into tbig(id, sid, mid) values( :i, :i - (:i/2)*2, :i - (:i/:a_med_rows)*:a_med_rows ); i = i+1; end end ^ create or alter procedure srv_recalc_idx_stat returns ( tab_name varchar(31), idx_name varchar(31), idx_stat_afte numeric(12, 10) -- double precision ) as begin for select ri.rdb$relation_name, ri.rdb$index_name from rdb$indices ri join rdb$relations rr on ri.rdb$relation_name = rr.rdb$relation_name where coalesce(ri.rdb$system_flag,0)=0 and rr.rdb$relation_type = 0 -- exclude GTTs! order by ri.rdb$relation_name, ri.rdb$index_name into tab_name, idx_name do begin execute statement( 'set statistics index '||idx_name ) with autonomous transaction ; select ri.rdb$statistics from rdb$indices ri where ri.rdb$relation_name = :tab_name and ri.rdb$index_name = :idx_name into idx_stat_afte; suspend; end end ^ set term ;^ commit; alter table tsml add constraint tsml_pk primary key(id) using index tsml_pk; alter table tmed add constraint tmed_pk primary key(id) using index tmed_pk; alter table tbig add constraint tbig_fk_sml foreign key(sid) references tsml using index tbig_idx1_fk_sml; alter table tbig add constraint tbig_fk_med foreign key(mid) references tmed using index tbig_idx2_fk_med; commit; set width tab_name 31; set width idx_name 31; set list on; -------------------- prepare-1 ------------------ --execute procedure sp_fill_data(26, 300, 3000); execute procedure sp_fill_data(15, 300, 3000); commit; set transaction read committed; select tab_name as run1_tab_name ,idx_name as run1_idx_name ,idx_stat_afte run1_idx_stat from srv_recalc_idx_stat where tab_name in ( upper('tsml'), upper('tmed'), upper('tbig') ); commit; --------------------- run-1.1 ------------------- -----alter sequence g_gather_stat restart with 0; execute procedure sp_truncate_stat; commit; execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics BEFORE measured statement(s) commit; --set plan on; select count(*) cnt_1_1 from tsml s join tbig b on b.sid = s.id join tmed m on b.mid = m.id ; --set plan off; execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics AFTER measured statement(s) commit; --------------------- run-1.2 ------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics BEFORE measured statement(s) commit; --set plan on; select count(*) cnt_1_2 from tsml s join tbig b on b.sid = s.id join tmed m on b.mid = m.id where s.sf = 0 -- selective non-indexed boolean ; --set plan off; execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics AFTER measured statement(s) commit; -------------------- prepare-2 ------------------ delete from tbig; delete from tmed; delete from tsml; commit; --execute procedure sp_fill_data(27, 300, 3000); execute procedure sp_fill_data(45, 300, 3000); commit; set transaction read committed; select tab_name as run2_tab_name ,idx_name as run2_idx_name ,idx_stat_afte run2_idx_stat from srv_recalc_idx_stat where tab_name in ( upper('tsml'), upper('tmed'), upper('tbig') ); commit; --------------------- run-2.1 ------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics BEFORE measured statement(s) commit; --set plan on; select count(*) cnt_2_1 from tsml s join tbig b on b.sid = s.id join tmed m on b.mid = m.id ; --set plan off; execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics AFTER measured statement(s) commit; --------------------- run-2.2 ------------------- execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics BEFORE measured statement(s) commit; --set plan on; select count(*) cnt_2_2 from tsml s join tbig b on b.sid = s.id join tmed m on b.mid = m.id where s.sf = 0 -- selective non-indexed boolean ; --set plan off; execute procedure sp_gather_stat; ------- catch statistics AFTER measured statement(s) commit; -- Here we define constants that serve as *upper* limit for fetches: set term ^; execute block as begin rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','MAX_FETCHES_FOR_SLOW', 22000); rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION','MAX_FETCHES_FOR_FAST', 11000); end ^ set term ;^ -- Typical values for page_size 4K on 2.5 and 3.0: -- FETCHES_1_1 19636 -- FETCHES_1_2 9094 -- FETCHES_2_1 19548 -- FETCHES_2_2 19548 -- Show results: -- ============= select iif( fetches_1_1 <= max_fetches_for_slow, 'acceptable', 'regression: '|| fetches_1_1 || ' > ' || max_fetches_for_slow) as fetches_1_1 ,iif( fetches_1_2 <= max_fetches_for_fast, 'acceptable', 'regression: '|| fetches_1_2 || ' > ' || max_fetches_for_fast ) as fetches_1_2 ,iif( fetches_2_1 <= max_fetches_for_slow, 'acceptable', 'regression: '|| fetches_2_1 || ' > ' || max_fetches_for_slow ) as fetches_2_1 ,iif( fetches_2_2 <= max_fetches_for_slow, 'acceptable', 'regression: '|| fetches_2_2 || ' > ' || max_fetches_for_slow ) as fetches_2_2 from ( select max( iif(rowset = 1, page_fetches, null) ) fetches_1_1 ,max( iif(rowset = 2, page_fetches, null) ) fetches_1_2 ,max( iif(rowset = 3, page_fetches, null) ) fetches_2_1 ,max( iif(rowset = 4, page_fetches, null) ) fetches_2_2 ,cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','MAX_FETCHES_FOR_SLOW') as int) as max_fetches_for_slow ,cast(rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION','MAX_FETCHES_FOR_FAST') as int) as max_fetches_for_fast from v_agg_stat ) ; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) fb3x_expected_out = """ RUN1_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN1_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX1_FK_SML RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.5000000000 RUN1_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN1_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX2_FK_MED RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN1_TAB_NAME TMED RUN1_IDX_NAME TMED_PK RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN1_TAB_NAME TSML RUN1_IDX_NAME TSML_PK RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0666666701 CNT_1_1 3000 CNT_1_2 1500 RUN2_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN2_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX1_FK_SML RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.5000000000 RUN2_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN2_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX2_FK_MED RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN2_TAB_NAME TMED RUN2_IDX_NAME TMED_PK RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN2_TAB_NAME TSML RUN2_IDX_NAME TSML_PK RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0222222228 CNT_2_1 3000 CNT_2_2 1500 FETCHES_1_1 acceptable FETCHES_1_2 acceptable FETCHES_2_1 acceptable FETCHES_2_2 acceptable """ fb5x_expected_out = """ RUN1_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN1_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX1_FK_SML RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.5000000000 RUN1_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN1_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX2_FK_MED RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN1_TAB_NAME TMED RUN1_IDX_NAME TMED_PK RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN1_TAB_NAME TSML RUN1_IDX_NAME TSML_PK RUN1_IDX_STAT 0.0666666701 CNT_1_1 3000 CNT_1_2 1500 RUN2_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN2_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX1_FK_SML RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.5000000000 RUN2_TAB_NAME TBIG RUN2_IDX_NAME TBIG_IDX2_FK_MED RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN2_TAB_NAME TMED RUN2_IDX_NAME TMED_PK RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0033333334 RUN2_TAB_NAME TSML RUN2_IDX_NAME TSML_PK RUN2_IDX_STAT 0.0222222228 CNT_2_1 3000 CNT_2_2 1500 FETCHES_1_1 acceptable FETCHES_1_2 acceptable FETCHES_2_1 acceptable FETCHES_2_2 acceptable """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = fb3x_expected_out if act.is_version('<5') else fb5x_expected_out act.execute(combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout