#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-3694 ISSUE: 3694 TITLE: Client writes error messages into firebird.log when database is shutted down DESCRIPTION: Difference between old and new firebird.log should _NOT_ contain lines with words 'gds__detach' or 'lost'. If these words absent - all fine, actual and expected output both have to be empty. JIRA: CORE-3328 FBTEST: bugs.core_3328 NOTES: [13.09.2022] pzotov Checked on Windows: (SS/CS), (SS/CS), """ import pytest import time from difflib import unified_diff import re from threading import Thread from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import ShutdownMethod, ShutdownMode init_script = """ create table test(s varchar(36) unique); commit; """ db = db_factory(init=init_script) act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('database.*shutdown', 'database shutdown')]) def run_work(act: Action): expected_stderr = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000 database test.fdb shutdown Statement failed, SQLSTATE = HY000 database test.fdb shutdown """ test_script = """ show version; set term ^; execute block as declare v_role varchar(31); begin v_role = left(replace( uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()), '-', ''), 31); while (1=1) do begin insert into test(s) values( uuid_to_char( gen_uuid() ) ); end end ^ set term ;^ """ act.expected_stderr = expected_stderr act.isql(switches=['-n'], input=test_script) @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): with act.connect_server() as srv: log_before = act.get_firebird_log() work_thread = Thread(target=run_work, args=[act]) work_thread.start() time.sleep(2) srv.database.shutdown(database=act.db.db_path, mode=ShutdownMode.FULL, method=ShutdownMethod.FORCED, timeout=0) srv.database.bring_online(database=act.db.db_path) work_thread.join(2) if work_thread.is_alive(): pytest.fail('Work thread is still alive') log_after = act.get_firebird_log() log_diff = list(unified_diff(log_before, log_after)) p_dbshut = re.compile('database.*shutdown', re.IGNORECASE) p_diff = [p for p in log_diff if p.startswith('+') and p_dbshut.search(p)] if p_diff: print('UNEXPECTED LINES IN LOG DIFF:') for p in p_diff: print(p) assert '' == capsys.readouterr().out