#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-4782 ISSUE: 4782 TITLE: Make it possible to restore compressed .nbk files without explicitly decompressing them DESCRIPTION: Test assumes that TWO compressors present on current machine: GZIP and BZIP2. They must be in the directory which is included into PATH list (i.e. be avaliable without full path specifying) For EACH of these compressors we do following: * define max level of nbackup files which will be created, see 'MAX_NBK_LEVEL'; if MAX_NBK_LEVEL == 2 then THREE nbk files will be created: .nbk0, nbk1, nbk2; etc * make LOOP for iterations, with adding some data on each iteration into a test table (we insert int, bigint, double precision, varchar and blob data; blobs have length more than 1 Mb); * invoke "nbackup -b " with redirection data to STDOUT stream, so that it can serve as source for compressor (7zip or std). We use Python subprocess.communicate() instead of PIPE in order to make data from nbackup being passed to compressor STDIN. No .nbk file will be created here, data will be stored immediately to compressed file. * after finishing loop for iterations, we will have appropriate number of compressed files with nbackup data. Further, we have to DECOMPRESS data from them using 7zip or zstd ability to send data to STDOUT. Firebird NBACKUP utility must be invoked with '-decompress' switch now (making it accept data from STDIN). * Finally, we run validation of just restored database and compare data with those which source DB. This is *initial* implementation! We use trivial database with ascii-only metadata and data. Later this test may be expanded for check non-ascii metadata and/or data. JIRA: CORE-4462 FBTEST: bugs.core_4462 NOTES: [29.08.2022] pzotov 1. This file contains test for LINUX. Implementation for Windows differs. It was decided to put it in separate file. 2. To make test more complex, database is encrypted before actions; before run this test, make sure that firebird.conf contains parameter: KeyHolderPlugin = fbSampleKeyHolder (NB: restored database must also be encrypted, but currently this is not checked by test) Checked on,, """ import os import locale import zipfile from typing import List import subprocess from subprocess import PIPE import re from pathlib import Path from difflib import unified_diff import time import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import SrvRepairFlag, DatabaseError tmp_blob_txt = temp_file('core_4462_txt.dat') tmp_blob_bin = temp_file('core_4462_bin.dat') tmp_rest_log = temp_file('core_4462_res.log') # Length of generated blob files to be loaded into the table using stream API: DATA_LEN = 1024*1024 # Last level of nbackups, starting from backup-0: MAX_NBK_LEVEL = 2 tmp_zipped_nbk_list = temp_files( [ f'tmp_core_4462.nbk{i}.compressed' for i in range(MAX_NBK_LEVEL+1) ] ) # QA_GLOBALS -- dict, is defined in qa/plugin.py, obtain settings # from act.files_dir/'test_config.ini': enc_settings = QA_GLOBALS['encryption'] ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN = enc_settings['encryption_plugin'] # fbSampleDbCrypt ENCRYPTION_KEY = enc_settings['encryption_key'] # Red init_ddl = """ recreate table test( id int primary key ,n int ,m bigint ,x double precision ,s varchar(36) ,d date ,t timestamp ,b1 blob ,b2 blob ); """ db = db_factory(init = init_ddl, charset='UTF8') act = python_act('db') tmp_rest_fdb = db_factory(filename = 'core_4462_res.fdb', do_not_create = True) act_rest_fdb = python_act('tmp_rest_fdb') #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Callback function: capture output of full validation (must be empty): def print_validation(line: str) -> None: if line.strip(): print(f'VALIDATION LOG: {line.upper()}') #------------------------------------------------------------------ @pytest.mark.encryption @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.5') @pytest.mark.platform('Linux') def test_1(act: Action, act_rest_fdb: Action, tmp_zipped_nbk_list: List[Path], tmp_blob_txt: Path, tmp_blob_bin: Path, tmp_rest_fdb: Path, tmp_rest_log: Path, capsys): with act.db.connect() as con: sttm = f'alter database encrypt with "{ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN}" key "{ENCRYPTION_KEY}"' try: con.execute_immediate(sttm) con.commit() time.sleep(2) except DatabaseError as e: print( e.__str__() ) assert '' == capsys.readouterr().out tmp_compressors_list = ['gzip', 'bzip2'] for compressor_binary in tmp_compressors_list: for iter,tmp_zipped_nbk_i in enumerate(tmp_zipped_nbk_list): tmp_blob_txt.write_bytes( ( f'{iter}' * DATA_LEN).encode() ) tmp_blob_bin.write_bytes( bytearray(os.urandom(DATA_LEN)) ) insert_sttm = f""" insert into test(id, n, m, x, s, d, t, b1, b2) values( {iter} ,rand()*2147483647 ,rand()*9223372036854775807 ,rand() * exp(700) ,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()) ,current_date ,current_timestamp ,? ,? ) """ with open(tmp_blob_txt, 'rb') as blob_file_txt, open(tmp_blob_bin, 'rb') as blob_file_bin: with act.db.connect() as con: with con.cursor() as cur: if iter == 0: cur.execute('delete from test') # Load stream blob into table: open file with data and pass file object into INSERT command. # https://firebird-driver.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage-guide.html?highlight=blob#working-with-blobs cur.execute( insert_sttm, (blob_file_txt, blob_file_bin,) ) con.commit() # Name of .fbk how it will be seen in the compressed file. # NOTE: this file will *not* be created on disk during 'nbackup -b ...' execution: nbk_iter = Path(os.path.splitext(act.db.db_path)[0] + f".nbk{iter}") nbk_iter.unlink(missing_ok = True) tmp_zipped_nbk_i.unlink(missing_ok = True) # "/path/to/tmpdir/tmp_core_4462.nbk.compressed" # NBACKUP -> COMPRESSOR, without creating .nbk files and using subprocess.communicate() instead of PIPE: # /opt/fb50/bin/nbackup -user SYSDBA -b 0 /opt/fb50/examples/empbuild/employee.fdb stdout | gzip > emp.tmp.gz with open(tmp_zipped_nbk_i, 'wb') as f: p_sender = subprocess.Popen([act.vars['nbackup'], '-b', f'{iter}', act.db.db_path, 'stdout', '-user', act.db.user], stdout=PIPE) p_getter = subprocess.Popen([compressor_binary, '--quiet'], stdin = p_sender.stdout, stdout = f ) p_sender.stdout.close() p_getter_stdout, p_getter_stderr = p_getter.communicate() # files with mask 'tmp_core_4462.nbk{i}.compressed' are created in the temp dir. # Store current data of TEST table in order to compare it later (after restoring from compressed .nbk files): chk_query = 'select id, n, m, x, s, d, t, hash(b1), hash(b2) from test order by id' expected_data = [] with act.db.connect() as con: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(chk_query) expected_data = cur.fetchall() with open(tmp_rest_log, 'w') as f: act_rest_fdb.db.db_path.unlink(missing_ok = True) # nbackup -decompress 'gzip -d -c' -restore e.tmp.fdb emp.tmp.0.gz emp.tmp.1.gz emp.tmp.2.gz compressor_extract_command = ' '.join( (compressor_binary, '-d', '-c') ) subprocess.run( [ act.vars['nbackup'] ,'-decompress' ,compressor_extract_command ,'-restore', act_rest_fdb.db.db_path ] + tmp_zipped_nbk_list , stdout = f, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) if tmp_rest_log.stat().st_size > 0: # Example of log when some compressed .nbk is broken: # Invalid incremental backup file: ... # DE> zstd: error 70 : Write error : cannot write decoded block : Broken pipe print('Restore failed, check log:') with open(tmp_rest_log, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.strip(): print(line) assert '' == capsys.readouterr().out #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get FB log before validation, run validation and get FB log after it. # Difference must be have only text about zero errors/warnings/fixed: with act_rest_fdb.connect_server() as srv: fblog_1 = act_rest_fdb.get_firebird_log() srv.database.repair(database = act_rest_fdb.db.db_path, flags=SrvRepairFlag.CORRUPTION_CHECK) fblog_2 = act_rest_fdb.get_firebird_log() p_diff = re.compile('Validation finished: \\d+ errors, \\d+ warnings, \\d+ fixed') validation_result = '' for line in unified_diff(fblog_1, fblog_2): if line.startswith('+') and p_diff.search(line): validation_result =line.strip().replace('\t', ' ') break assert validation_result == '+ Validation finished: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 fixed' act_rest_fdb.reset() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check that data in the restored DB exactly the same as in the source DB: restored_data = [] with act_rest_fdb.db.connect() as con: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(chk_query) restored_data = cur.fetchall() if not (expected_data and restored_data and len( set(expected_data + restored_data) ) == MAX_NBK_LEVEL+1): print('Either some data were lost or differ:') print('expected_data:') for x in expected_data: print(x) print('restored_data:') for x in restored_data: print(x) assert '' == capsys.readouterr().out