#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5100 ISSUE: 5100 TITLE: Regression: GRANT UPDATE() on acts like grant update on ALL columns of DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-4802 FBTEST: bugs.core_4802 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() user_a = user_factory('db', name='BIG_BROTHER', password='123') user_b = user_factory('db', name='SENIOR_MNGR', password='456') user_c = user_factory('db', name='JUNIOR_MNGR', password='789') role_a = role_factory('db', name='FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER') role_b = role_factory('db', name='FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER') test_script = """ set wng off; recreate table test(fld_for_seniors varchar(70), fld_for_juniors varchar(70)); commit; grant select on test to PUBLIC; grant update(fld_for_seniors) on test to BIG_BROTHER; commit; grant update(fld_for_seniors) on test to FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER; grant update(fld_for_juniors) on test to FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER; grant FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER to SENIOR_MNGR; grant FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER to JUNIOR_MNGR; commit; show grants; insert into test values( 'created by '||upper(current_user), 'created by '||lower(current_user) ); commit; set list on; --set echo on; connect '$(DSN)' user 'BIG_BROTHER' password '123'; select current_user, current_role from rdb$database; update test set fld_for_seniors = 'updated by '||upper(current_user)||', role: '||upper(current_role); select * from test; update test set fld_for_juniors = 'updated by '||lower(current_user)||', role: '||lower(current_role); select * from test; commit; --------------------------------------------------------------- connect '$(DSN)' user 'SENIOR_MNGR' password '456' role 'FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER'; select current_user, current_role from rdb$database; update test set fld_for_seniors = 'updated by '||upper(current_user)||', role: '||upper(current_role); select * from test; update test set fld_for_juniors ='updated by '||lower(current_user)||', role: '||lower(current_role); select * from test; commit; --------------------------------------------------------------- connect '$(DSN)' user 'JUNIOR_MNGR' password '789' role 'FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER'; select current_user, current_role from rdb$database; update test set fld_for_seniors = 'updated by '||upper(current_user)||', role: '||upper(current_role); select * from test; update test set fld_for_juniors ='updated by '||lower(current_user)||', role: '||lower(current_role); select * from test; commit; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script, substitutions=[('GRANT.*TMP.*', ''), ('-Effective user is.*', '')]) expected_stdout = """ /* Grant permissions for this database */ GRANT UPDATE (FLD_FOR_SENIORS) ON TEST TO USER BIG_BROTHER GRANT UPDATE (FLD_FOR_JUNIORS) ON TEST TO ROLE FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER GRANT UPDATE (FLD_FOR_SENIORS) ON TEST TO ROLE FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER GRANT SELECT ON TEST TO PUBLIC GRANT FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER TO JUNIOR_MNGR GRANT FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER TO SENIOR_MNGR USER BIG_BROTHER ROLE NONE FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by BIG_BROTHER, role: NONE FLD_FOR_JUNIORS created by sysdba FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by BIG_BROTHER, role: NONE FLD_FOR_JUNIORS created by sysdba USER SENIOR_MNGR ROLE FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by SENIOR_MNGR, role: FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_JUNIORS created by sysdba FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by SENIOR_MNGR, role: FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_JUNIORS created by sysdba USER JUNIOR_MNGR ROLE FLD_FOR_JUNIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by SENIOR_MNGR, role: FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_JUNIORS created by sysdba FLD_FOR_SENIORS updated by SENIOR_MNGR, role: FLD_FOR_SENIORS_UPDATER FLD_FOR_JUNIORS updated by junior_mngr, role: fld_for_juniors_updater """ expected_stderr = """ Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 no permission for UPDATE access to COLUMN TEST.FLD_FOR_JUNIORS Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 no permission for UPDATE access to COLUMN TEST.FLD_FOR_JUNIORS Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 no permission for UPDATE access to COLUMN TEST.FLD_FOR_SENIORS """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action, user_a: User, user_b: User, user_c: User, role_a: Role, role_b: Role): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.expected_stderr = expected_stderr act.execute() assert (act.clean_stderr == act.clean_expected_stderr and act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout)