#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5502 ISSUE: 5502 TITLE: SELECT WITH LOCK may raise unexpected update conflict errors under concurrent load DESCRIPTION: Prototype: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/firebird-support/conversations/messages/128920 Done with suggestions from dimitr, see letter 01-may-2016 09:15. Confirmed on WI-V3.0.0.32366, WI-V3.0.0.32483, (SS,SC,CS) - it was enough to async. start THREE child ISQLs sessions, one or two of them always raise exception after few seconds with text: 'deadlock / update conflicts' and could not finish its job. NOTES: [06.06.2022] pzotov It was decided to set ReadConsistency = 0 in firebird.conf of FB 4.x+ There is ability to start Tx in ReadConsistency when this parameter has such (NON-default) value by explicitly specifying such isolation level: ====== If ReadConsistency is set to 0 - flags [NO] RECORD VERSION takes effect as in previous Firebird versions. READ COMMITTED READ CONSISTENCY isolation level should be specified explicitly by application - in TPB or using SQL syntax. ====== See letter from pcisar 11-feb-2022 17:53, subj: "pytest + firebird-qa plugin with storing outcomes..." Checked on, - both on Linux and Windows. JIRA: CORE-5222 FBTEST: bugs.core_5222 """ from __future__ import annotations from typing import List import pytest import subprocess import time import re from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * init_script = """ create or alter procedure p_increment as begin end; commit; recreate table gen_tab( id bigint primary key ); recreate table gen_log ( id bigint primary key, id_new bigint not null, id_diff bigint not null ); set term ^; alter procedure p_increment (a_iter_cnt int default 1000) returns ( proc_start timestamp, selected_id bigint, proc_finish timestamp ) as declare i bigint; declare id_new bigint; begin i = 1; proc_start = 'now'; while (i <= a_iter_cnt ) do begin in autonomous transaction do begin select id from gen_tab with lock -- this raised SQLSTATE = 40001 / -update conflicts with concurrent update into selected_id; i = i + 1; id_new = selected_id + 1; insert into gen_log(id, id_new, id_diff) values( :selected_id, :id_new, :id_new - :selected_id); update gen_tab set id = :id_new where id = :selected_id; end end proc_finish = 'now'; suspend; -- outputs row with three fields: 'PROC_START ', 'SELECTED_ID ', 'PROC_FINISH ' end ^ set term ;^ commit; insert into gen_tab (id) values (0); commit; """ db = db_factory(init=init_script) act = python_act('db') test_script = """ commit; set list on; set transaction read committed no record_version lock timeout 3; select current_timestamp as before_proc from rdb$database; select * from p_increment(10); select current_timestamp as after_proc from rdb$database; """ expected_stdout = """ EXPECTED, LOG #0: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #0: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #0: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #0: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #0: AFTER_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #1: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #1: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #1: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #1: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #1: AFTER_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #2: BEFORE_PROC EXPECTED, LOG #2: PROC_START EXPECTED, LOG #2: SELECTED_ID EXPECTED, LOG #2: PROC_FINISH EXPECTED, LOG #2: AFTER_PROC """ PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS = 3 run_sql = temp_file('core_5222_run.sql') dml_logs = temp_files([f'tmp_dml_5222_{i+1}' for i in range(PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS)]) @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0') def test_1(act: Action, run_sql: Path, dml_logs: List[Path], capsys): pattern = re.compile("BEFORE_PROC*|PROC_START*|SELECTED_ID*|PROC_FINISH*|AFTER_PROC*") run_sql.write_text(test_script) # Launching several concurrent child ISQL processes which perform `run_sql` script f_logs = [] p_dml = [] try: for dml_log in dml_logs: # Contains PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS items f = open(dml_log, mode='w') f_logs.append(f) p_dml.append(subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(run_sql), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) # time.sleep(PLANNED_DML_ATTACHMENTS * 5) finally: for f in f_logs: f.close() for p in p_dml: p.terminate() # # 1. Each log _should_ contain ONLY following lines: # BEFORE_PROC 2016-05-03 09:27:57.6210 # PROC_START 2016-05-03 09:27:57.6210 # SELECTED_ID 1569 # PROC_FINISH 2016-05-03 09:28:04.0740 # AFTER_PROC 2016-05-03 09:28:04.0740 # 2. _NO_ log should contain 'SQLSTATE = 40001' # # Open every log and print 1st word from each line, ignoring values of timestamp and ID. i = 0 for dml_log in dml_logs: for line in dml_log.read_text().splitlines(): if line.split(): if pattern.match(line): print(f'EXPECTED, LOG #{i}: {line.split()[0]}') else: print(f'UNEXPECTED, LOG #{i}: {line}') i += 1 # Check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout