#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5970 ISSUE: 5970 TITLE: Avoid UPDATE of RDB$DATABASE by ALTER DATABASE statement when possible DESCRIPTION: Instead of doing 'nbackup -L' plus fill database with lot of new data and then 'nbackup -N' with waiting for delta will be integrated into main file, we can get the same result by invoking 'alter database add difference file' statement in the 1st attachment in RC NO_REC_VERS and WITHOUT COMMITTING it, and then attempt to establish new connect using ES/EDS. Second attachment should be made without any problem, despite that transaction in 1st connect not yet committed or rolled back. Confirmed lock of rdb$database record (which leads to inability to establish new connect) on WI-V3.0.3.32837. JIRA: CORE-5704 FBTEST: bugs.core_5704 NOTES: [25.11.2023] pzotov Writing code requires more care since ISQL does not allow specifying duplicate delimiters without any statements between them (two semicolon, two carets etc). [29.12.2024] pzotov Splitted code and expected output for FB versions upto 5.x vs 6.x. FB 6.x does not support statements "alter database add file ..." (issuing 'token unknown: file'). See: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/f0740d2a3282ed92a87b8e0547139ba8efe61173 ("Wipe out multi-file database support (#8047)") """ import pytest import subprocess import time from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import ShutdownMode, ShutdownMethod db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') expected_stdout_5x = """ CHECK_EDS_RESULT 1 Records affected: 1 Records affected: 0 CHECK_EDS_RESULT 1 Records affected: 1 Records affected: 0 """ expected_stdout_6x = """ CHECK_EDS_RESULT 1 Records affected: 1 Records affected: 0 """ eds_script = temp_file('eds_script.sql') eds_output = temp_file('eds_script.out') new_diff_file = temp_file('_new_diff_5704.tmp') new_main_file = temp_file('new_main_5704.tmp') @pytest.mark.es_eds @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.3,<6') def test_1(act: Action, eds_script: Path, eds_output: Path, new_diff_file: Path, new_main_file: Path): eds_script.write_text(f""" set count on; set list on; set autoddl off; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_connect returns(check_eds_result int) as declare usr varchar(31); declare pwd varchar(31); declare v_sttm varchar(255) = 'select 1 from rdb$database'; begin usr ='{act.db.user}'; pwd = '{act.db.password}'; execute statement v_sttm on external 'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','DB_NAME') as user usr password pwd into check_eds_result; suspend; end ^ set term ;^ commit; set transaction read committed no record_version lock timeout 1; alter database add difference file '{new_diff_file}'; select * from sp_connect; rollback; select * from rdb$files; rollback; set transaction read committed no record_version lock timeout 1; alter database add file '{new_main_file}'; select * from sp_connect; --select * from rdb$files; rollback; select * from rdb$files; """) # with open(eds_output, mode='w') as eds_out: p_eds_sql = subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(eds_script), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=eds_out, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) try: time.sleep(4) finally: p_eds_sql.terminate() # Ensure that database is not busy with act.connect_server() as srv: srv.database.shutdown(database=act.db.db_path, mode=ShutdownMode.FULL, method=ShutdownMethod.FORCED, timeout=0) srv.database.bring_online(database=act.db.db_path) # Check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_5x act.stdout = eds_output.read_text() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout @pytest.mark.version('>=6') def test_2(act: Action, eds_script: Path, eds_output: Path, new_diff_file: Path, new_main_file: Path): eds_script.write_text(f""" set count on; set list on; set autoddl off; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_connect returns(check_eds_result int) as declare usr varchar(31); declare pwd varchar(31); declare v_sttm varchar(255) = 'select 1 from rdb$database'; begin usr ='{act.db.user}'; pwd = '{act.db.password}'; execute statement v_sttm on external 'localhost:' || rdb$get_context('SYSTEM','DB_NAME') as user usr password pwd into check_eds_result; suspend; end ^ set term ;^ commit; set transaction read committed no record_version lock timeout 1; alter database add difference file '{new_diff_file}'; select * from sp_connect; rollback; select * from rdb$files; rollback; """) # with open(eds_output, mode='w') as eds_out: p_eds_sql = subprocess.Popen([act.vars['isql'], '-i', str(eds_script), '-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.dsn], stdout=eds_out, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) try: time.sleep(4) finally: p_eds_sql.terminate() # Ensure that database is not busy with act.connect_server() as srv: srv.database.shutdown(database=act.db.db_path, mode=ShutdownMode.FULL, method=ShutdownMethod.FORCED, timeout=0) srv.database.bring_online(database=act.db.db_path) # Check act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_6x act.stdout = eds_output.read_text() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout