#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6947 ISSUE: 6947 TITLE: Query to mon$ tables does not return data when the encryption/decryption thread is running DESCRIPTION: Test creates table with wide indexed column and add some data to it. Volume of data must be big enough so that the encryption thread will not complete instantly. Then 'ALTER DATABASE ENCRYPT...' is issued and we start loop 'select mon$crypt_page from mon$database'. This loop must return NOT LESS than values greater than zero (i.e. it must show progress of this process; zero values mean that encryption either did not start or already finished). On each iteration we also check whether encryption completed (use ISQL call with 'show database' command) or may be it is too slow and we have to cancel loop because of expiration limit. When this loop is finished, we check number of elements in the encrypted_pages_set (unique values returned by query from mon$database) and show outcome message. Confirmed bug on (Windows), (Linux). Checked on (Windows; SS/Cs), (Linux; SS/CS). FBTEST: bugs.core_6947 NOTES: [20.06.2022] pzotov Settings for encryption are taken from act.files_dir/'test_config.ini' file. Checked on - both Windows and Linux. [11.03.2023] pzotov Marked as SKIPPED because covered by core_6048_test. Probably will be deleted soon. [18.01.2025] pzotov Resultset of cursor that executes using instance of selectable PreparedStatement must be stored in some variable in order to have ability close it EXPLICITLY (before PS will be freed). Otherwise access violation raises during Python GC and pytest hangs at final point (does not return control to OS). This occurs at least for: Python 3.11.2 / pytest: 7.4.4 / firebird.driver: 1.10.6 / Firebird.Qa: 0.19.3 The reason of that was explained by Vlad, 26.10.24 17:42 ("oddities when use instances of selective statements"). """ import os import datetime as py_dt from datetime import timedelta import time import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import ShutdownMode, ShutdownMethod, DatabaseError ########################### ### S E T T I N G S ### ########################### # QA_GLOBALS -- dict, is defined in qa/plugin.py, obtain settings # from act.files_dir/'test_config.ini': enc_settings = QA_GLOBALS['encryption'] # ACHTUNG: this must be carefully tuned on every new host: # MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH = int(enc_settings['MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_WIN' if os.name == 'nt' else 'MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_NIX']) assert MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH > 0 ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN = enc_settings['encryption_plugin'] # fbSampleDbCrypt ENCRYPTION_KEY = enc_settings['encryption_key'] # Red FLD_LEN = 500 N_ROWS = 50000 MIN_DISTINCT_ENCRYPTED_PAGES = 3 init_ddl = f""" recreate table test(s varchar({FLD_LEN})); commit; set term ^; execute block as declare n int = {N_ROWS}; begin while (n>0) do begin insert into test(s) values(lpad('', {FLD_LEN}, uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()))); n = n - 1; end end ^ -- for debug, trace must be started with log_proc = true: create procedure sp_tmp(a_page int) as begin -- nop -- end ^ set term ;^ commit; create index test_s on test(s); """ db = db_factory(init = init_ddl) act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' ')]) expected_stdout = f"Expected: query to mon$database returned not less then {MIN_DISTINCT_ENCRYPTED_PAGES} encrypted pages." @pytest.mark.encryption @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') @pytest.mark.skip('Covered by bugs/core_6048_test') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): act.db.set_sync_write() # here we want DB be encrypted for some *valuable* time encryption_started = False encryption_finished = False encrypted_pages_set = set() with act.db.connect() as con: t1=py_dt.datetime.now() sttm = f'alter database encrypt with "{ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN}" key "{ENCRYPTION_KEY}"' try: con.execute_immediate(sttm) con.commit() encryption_started = True except DatabaseError as e: # -ALTER DATABASE failed # -Crypt plugin fbSampleDbCrypt failed to load # ==> no sense to do anything else, encryption_started remains False. print( e.__str__() ) cur = con.cursor() cu2 = con.cursor() ps, rs = None, None try: ps = cur.prepare('select mon$crypt_page from mon$database') while encryption_started: t2=py_dt.datetime.now() d1=t2-t1 if d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000 > MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH: print(f'TIMEOUT EXPIRATION: encryption took {d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000} ms which exceeds limit = {MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH} ms.') break # ::: NB ::: 'ps' returns data, i.e. this is SELECTABLE expression. # We have to store result of cur.execute() in order to # close it explicitly. # Otherwise AV can occur during Python garbage collection and this # causes pytest to hang on its final point. # Explained by hvlad, email 26.10.24 17:42 rs = cur.execute(ps) for r in rs: p = r[0] cu2.callproc('sp_tmp', [ p, ] ) con.commit() if p > 0: encrypted_pages_set.add(p) if len(encrypted_pages_set) >= MIN_DISTINCT_ENCRYPTED_PAGES: # We got enough data from mon$database to conclude that encryption is in PROGRESS. break # Possible output: # Database not encrypted # Database encrypted, crypt thread not complete act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'show database;', combine_output = True) if 'Database encrypted' in act.stdout: if 'not complete' in act.stdout: pass else: encryption_finished = True break act.reset() except DatabaseError as e: print( e.__str__() ) print(e.gds_codes) finally: if rs: rs.close() # <<< EXPLICITLY CLOSING CURSOR RESULTS if ps: ps.free() if encryption_started: if len(encrypted_pages_set) >= MIN_DISTINCT_ENCRYPTED_PAGES: print(expected_stdout) elif len(encrypted_pages_set) > 0: print(f'PROBABLY ERROR OR TOO SLOW ENCRYPTION: found {len(encrypted_pages_set)} encrypted pages, minimal expected: {MIN_DISTINCT_ENCRYPTED_PAGES}') else: print(f'ERROR: query to mon$database was blocked during encryption.') else: print('ERROR: nothing was tested because encryption did not start.') act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout