#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7587 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7587 TITLE: CALL statement NOTES: [13.01.2024] pzotov Checked on (intermediate build 13.01.2024, commit 74976b6d8f0a5ce7504fc05658039d16d8a83ad9) """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() test_script = """ set list on; recreate table customers( id int generated by default as identity primary key using index pk_customers ,first_name varchar(30) ,last_name varchar(30) ,dob date ); set term ^; create or alter procedure insert_customer ( last_name varchar(30) ,first_name varchar(30) ,dob date ) returns ( id int ,full_name varchar(62) ,age_on_20240101 int ) as begin insert into customers (last_name, first_name, dob) values (:last_name, :first_name, :dob) returning id, last_name || '_' || first_name, datediff(year from dob to date '01.01.2024') into :id, :full_name, :age_on_20240101; end ^ create or alter procedure do_something_and_insert_customer returns ( out_id integer, out_full_name varchar(62) ) as declare last_name varchar(30); declare first_name varchar(30); declare date_of_birth date = '18.12.1943'; declare age_years int; begin call insert_customer( last_name => 'richards', first_name => 'keith', dob => date_of_birth, id => out_id, age_on_20240101 => age_years, full_name => out_full_name); out_full_name = reverse(out_full_name); out_id = -out_id; end ^ set term ;^ commit; -- Not all output parameters are necessary call insert_customer('ozzy','osbourne', '03.12.1948',?) ; -- Ignore first and second output parameter (using NULLs) and get the third call insert_customer('ian','gillan', '19.08.1945', null, null, ?) ; call insert_customer('robert','plant', '20.08.1948', id => ?, full_name => ?) ; -- Ignore some of output parameters: call insert_customer('john','bonham', '31.05.1948', full_name => ?) ; call insert_customer('roger','waters', '09.09.1943', age_on_20240101 => ?) ; -- Pass inputs and get outputs using named arguments. call insert_customer(last_name => 'scott', first_name => 'bon', dob => '09.07.1946', full_name => ?, age_on_20240101 => ?); call do_something_and_insert_customer(out_full_name => ?, out_id => ?) ; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) expected_stdout = """ ID 1 AGE_ON_20240101 79 ID 3 FULL_NAME robert_plant FULL_NAME john_bonham AGE_ON_20240101 81 FULL_NAME scott_bon AGE_ON_20240101 78 OUT_FULL_NAME htiek_sdrahcir OUT_ID -7 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=6.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.execute(combine_output = True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout