#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7818 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7818 TITLE: Extend rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', '***') with client-related info DESCRIPTION: Test assumes that QA plugin uses client library from the folder where testing FB instance was deployed, thus content of con.info.firebird_version is exactly the same as version of client library. This also causes value of CLIENT_OS_USER context variable to be equal to getpass.getuser(). NOTES: [01.11.2023] pzotov Checked on,, [09.05.2024] pzotov In firebird-driver 1.10.4+ obtaining version via 'con.info.firebird_version' returns MULTI-LINED data, i.e. server plus network listener plus client info, like this is done by 'show version' command, e.g.: ======== WI-T6.0.0.348 Firebird 6.0 Initial WI-T6.0.0.348 Firebird 6.0 Initial/tcp (HOME-AUX2)/P19:C WI-T6.0.0.348 Firebird 6.0 Initial/tcp (HOME-AUX2)/P19:C ======== Because of this, we have to take in account only first line of this data (split text using os.linesep). See letter from pcisar: subj: "fb_info_crypt_key: how it can be obtained using firebird-driver ? // GH-5978, 2018", date: 07-may-2024 13:59. """ import getpass import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() #act = isql_act('db', test_script) act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): os_user = getpass.getuser() with act.db.connect() as con: fb_vers = con.info.firebird_version.split('\n')[0] cur = con.cursor() test_sql = f""" select iif( lower(system_context_client_os_user) = lower(chk_os_user) ,'OK.' ,q'#Unexpected: rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_OS_USER')=#' || coalesce(system_context_client_os_user, '[null]') || ', chk_os_user=' || coalesce(chk_os_user, '[null]') ) as client_os_user_check , iif( system_context_client_version = chk_fb_vers ,'OK.' ,q'#Unexpected: rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_VERSION')=#' || coalesce(system_context_client_version, '[null]') || ', chk_fb_vers=' || coalesce(chk_fb_vers, '[null]') ) as client_version_check from ( select rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_OS_USER') as system_context_client_os_user ,rdb$get_context('SYSTEM', 'CLIENT_VERSION') as system_context_client_version ,q'*{os_user}*' as chk_os_user ,q'*{fb_vers}*' as chk_fb_vers from rdb$database ); """ for r in cur.execute(test_sql): for i,col in enumerate(cur.description): print((col[0] +':').ljust(32), r[i]) expected_stdout = """ CLIENT_OS_USER_CHECK: OK. CLIENT_VERSION_CHECK: OK. """ act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout