#coding:utf-8 """ ID: user-management-in-selfsec-db ISSUE: TITLE: Self-secutity DB: system privilege USER_MANAGEMENT must allow only to add/alter/drop user. No access to any user tables must be granted. DESCRIPTION: NOTE: there is no difference between user who is granted with admin role when it was created and user who has no granted with this but has system privilege 'USER_MANAGEMENT': both of them can *only* add/edit/drop another users and no other actions. For example, they can give grants to just created users and can not select for any user-defined tables (until this was explicitly granted). But if we create user on SELF-SECURITY database and give to him admin role ('CREATE USER ... GRANT ADMIN ROLE') then this will be able to do such actions: he can grant rights to other users etc. In contrary to this, if we create user in such self-security DB but instead grant to him sytem privilege USER_MANAGEMENT then he will NOT be able to do these actions. Only create/alter/drop users will be avaliable to him. Test verifies exactly this case: abilities of user created inSELF-SECURITY database with granting to him privilege USER_MANAGEMENT. Discussed with Alex, letters since 12-aug-2021 21:12, subj: "system priv. USER_MANAGEMENT (Manage users): what ability is provided by this privilege that can not be gained by 'create user ... grant admin role' ?" Checked on (SS/CS), (SS/CS). FBTEST: bugs.user_management NOTES: [20.08.2022] pzotov 1. One need to be sure that firebird.conf does NOT contain DatabaseAccess = None. 2. Test uses pre-created databases.conf which has alias (see variable REQUIRED_ALIAS) and SecurityDatabase in its details which points to that alias, thus making such database be self-security. Database file for that alias must NOT exist in the QA_root/files/qa/ subdirectory: it will be created here. Content of databases.conf must be taken from $QA_ROOT/files/qa-databases.conf (one need to replace it before every test session). Discussed with pcisar, letters since 30-may-2022 13:48, subject: "new qa, core_4964_test.py: strange outcome when use... shutil.copy() // comparing to shutil.copy2()" 3. Value of REQUIRED_ALIAS must be EXACTLY the same as alias specified in the pre-created databases.conf (for LINUX this equality is case-sensitive, even when aliases are compared!) Checked on, - both on Windows and Linux. """ import locale import re import time from pathlib import Path import pytest from firebird.qa import * REQUIRED_ALIAS = 'tmp_syspriv_alias' db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): # Scan line-by-line through databases.conf, find line starting with REQUIRED_ALIAS and extract name of file that # must be created in the $(dir_sampleDb)/qa/ folder. This name will be used further as target database (tmp_fdb). # NOTE: we have to SKIP lines which are commented out, i.e. if they starts with '#': p_required_alias_ptn = re.compile( '^(?!#)((^|\\s+)' + REQUIRED_ALIAS + ')\\s*=\\s*\\$\\(dir_sampleDb\\)/qa/', re.IGNORECASE ) fname_in_dbconf = None with open(act.home_dir/'databases.conf', 'r') as f: for line in f: if p_required_alias_ptn.search(line): # If databases.conf contains line like this: # tmp_6147_alias = $(dir_sampleDb)/qa/tmp_core_6147.fdb # - then we extract filename: 'tmp_core_6147.fdb' (see below): fname_in_dbconf = Path(line.split('=')[1].strip()).name break # if 'fname_in_dbconf' remains undefined here then propably REQUIRED_ALIAS not equals to specified in the databases.conf! # assert fname_in_dbconf # Full path + filename of database to which we will try to connect: # tmp_fdb = Path( act.vars['sample_dir'], 'qa', fname_in_dbconf ) tmp_dba_helper = 'tmp_supervisor' check_sql = f''' set list on; set wng off; set count on; set width mon$user 15; set width mon$role 15; set width sec$plugin 10; create database '{REQUIRED_ALIAS}' user {act.db.user}; create user {act.db.user} password '{act.db.password}'; create user {tmp_dba_helper} password '123'; commit; recreate table test_ss(id int); commit; create or alter view v_check as select sec$user_name, sec$first_name, sec$admin,sec$active from sec$users where sec$user_name in (upper('stock_boss'), upper('stock_mngr')) ; grant select on v_check to public; commit; create role r_for_grant_revoke_any_ddl_right set system privileges to USER_MANAGEMENT; commit; grant default r_for_grant_revoke_any_ddl_right to user {tmp_dba_helper}; commit; connect 'localhost:{REQUIRED_ALIAS}' user {tmp_dba_helper} password '123'; select current_user as who_am_i,r.rdb$role_name,rdb$role_in_use(r.rdb$role_name),r.rdb$system_privileges,m.mon$sec_database from mon$database m cross join rdb$roles r ; commit; -- set echo on; -- Must PASS: create or alter user stock_boss password '123'; alter user stock_boss firstname 'foo-rio-bar' password '456'; create or alter user stock_mngr password '123'; alter user stock_mngr inactive; commit; -- Must show 2 records (for users who have been just created): select * from v_check; -- must FAIL! grant select on test_ss to stock_mngr; commit; -- must FAIL! select * from test_ss; commit; -- Must PASS: drop user stock_boss; drop user stock_mngr; commit; -- Must show NO records (because users must be successfully dropped): select * from v_check; quit; ''' try: act.expected_stdout = f""" WHO_AM_I {tmp_dba_helper.upper()} RDB$ROLE_NAME RDB$ADMIN RDB$ROLE_IN_USE RDB$SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF MON$SEC_DATABASE Self WHO_AM_I {tmp_dba_helper.upper()} RDB$ROLE_NAME R_FOR_GRANT_REVOKE_ANY_DDL_RIGHT RDB$ROLE_IN_USE RDB$SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES 0200000000000000 MON$SEC_DATABASE Self Records affected: 2 SEC$USER_NAME STOCK_BOSS SEC$FIRST_NAME foo-rio-bar SEC$ADMIN SEC$ACTIVE SEC$USER_NAME STOCK_MNGR SEC$FIRST_NAME SEC$ADMIN SEC$ACTIVE Records affected: 2 Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 unsuccessful metadata update -GRANT failed -no SELECT privilege with grant option on table/view TEST_SS Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000 no permission for SELECT access to TABLE TEST_SS -Effective user is TMP_SUPERVISOR Records affected: 0 """ act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = check_sql, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() # Change DB state to full shutdown in order to have ability to drop database file. # This is needed because when DB is self-security then it will be kept opened for 10s # (as it always occurs for common security.db). Set linger to 0 does not help. act.gfix(switches=['-shut', 'full', '-force', '0', f'localhost:{REQUIRED_ALIAS}', '-user', act.db.user, '-pas', act.db.password], io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding(), credentials = False, combine_output = True) act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() finally: tmp_fdb.unlink()