#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7652 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7652 TITLE: Make the profiler store aggregated requests by default, with option for detailed store DESCRIPTION: Test executes two times script with loop which does call to trivial stored procedure. First time we launch profiler without any parameters except session name, then - with 'DETAILED_REQUESTS'. In both cases (after finish profiling) we run SQL against tables plg$prof_requests and plg$prof_psql_stats and obtain TWO aggregated values: count number of records with request_id = 0 and request_id <> 0. For case when we call profiler WITHOUT any parameters (except session name): * before this ticket was implemented (for builds with date <= 27-JUN-2023) data in both mentioned tables did not contain records with request_id = 0 (i.e. all rows had request_id > 0); * after implementation ( https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/00bb8e4581b66b624de47bfcde6b248e163ec6c1 ) all rows in tables plg$prof_requests and plg$prof_psql_stats have request_id > 0. For case when we call profiler WITH 'DETAILED_REQUESTS': * builds with date <= 27-JUN-2023 could not be used, exception raised: Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 42000 validation error for variable ATTACHMENT_ID, value "*** null ***" -At function 'RDB$PROFILER.START_SESSION' * after implementation all rows in tables plg$prof_requests and plg$prof_psql_stats have request_id > 0. NOTES: Compared (26-JUN-2023) vs (27-JUN-2023) Checked on """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * import locale import re db = db_factory() act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' ')]) def strip_white(value): value = re.sub('(?m)^\\s+', '', value) return re.sub('(?m)\\s+$', '', value) @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): actual_out = '' test_sql = f""" set bail on; set list on; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_rand_pair(a_i smallint) returns(r double precision, s varchar(36)) as begin if ( mod(a_i, 2) = 0 ) then begin r = -1; s = ''; end else begin r = rand(); s = uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()); end suspend; end ^ set term ;^ commit; --set echo on; %(debug_message_sttm)s; %(profiler_start_sttm)s; --set echo off; set term ^; execute block as declare i int = 3; declare r double precision; declare s varchar(36); begin while (i > 0) do begin select r,s from sp_rand_pair( :i ) into r,s; i = i - 1; end end ^ set term ;^ execute procedure rdb$profiler.finish_session(true); commit; set transaction read committed; select iif( sum( iif(request_id = 0, 1, 0) ) > 0, 'NON_ZERO', 'ZERO' ) as requests_cnt_zero_request_id ,iif( sum( iif(request_id = 0, 0, 1) ) > 0, 'NON_ZERO', 'ZERO' ) as requests_cnt_non_zero_req_id from plg$prof_requests; select iif( sum( iif(request_id = 0, 1, 0) ) > 0, 'NON_ZERO', 'ZERO' ) as psql_stats_cnt_zero_request_id ,iif( sum( iif(request_id = 0, 0, 1) ) > 0, 'NON_ZERO', 'ZERO' ) as psql_stats_cnt_non_zero_req_id from plg$prof_psql_stats; """ debug_message_sttm = "select 'DETAILED_REQUESTS: OFF' as msg from rdb$database" profiler_start_sttm = "select sign(rdb$profiler.start_session('prof_ssn_no_details')) from rdb$database" act.isql(input = test_sql % locals(), combine_output = True) actual_out += act.clean_stdout + '\n' act.reset() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- debug_message_sttm = "select 'DETAILED_REQUESTS: ON' as msg from rdb$database" profiler_start_sttm = "select sign(rdb$profiler.start_session('prof_ssn_with_details', null, null, null, 'DETAILED_REQUESTS')) from rdb$database" act.isql(input = test_sql % locals(), combine_output = True) actual_out += act.clean_stdout + '\n' act.reset() expected_out = f""" MSG DETAILED_REQUESTS: OFF SIGN 1 REQUESTS_CNT_ZERO_REQUEST_ID NON_ZERO REQUESTS_CNT_NON_ZERO_REQ_ID ZERO PSQL_STATS_CNT_ZERO_REQUEST_ID NON_ZERO PSQL_STATS_CNT_NON_ZERO_REQ_ID ZERO MSG DETAILED_REQUESTS: ON SIGN 1 REQUESTS_CNT_ZERO_REQUEST_ID NON_ZERO REQUESTS_CNT_NON_ZERO_REQ_ID NON_ZERO PSQL_STATS_CNT_ZERO_REQUEST_ID NON_ZERO PSQL_STATS_CNT_NON_ZERO_REQ_ID NON_ZERO """ assert strip_white(actual_out) == strip_white(expected_out)