#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7141 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7141 TITLE: Services manager breaks long lines into 1023 bytes portions when using isc_info_svc_line in Service::query() DESCRIPTION: Test invokes fbsvcmgr utility with requirement to start sepaarate trace session which will have long name. This name is stored in variable LONG_NAME_OF_TRACE_SESSION and its maximal len currently is 16254. Then we try to find this name in two ways: * using act.connect_server().trace.sessions.items(); * using fbsvcmgr action_trace_list. Both way must return info which contains without line breaking (this is what was fixed). NOTES: Confirmed bug on, name of session did contain LF characters in its middle points. Confirmed problem on - but only for console FB utility (fbsvcmgr), and NOT for usage firebird-QA framework (it causes BUGCHECK "decompression overran buffer (179), file: sqz.cpp line: 293" on test teardown phase). Checked on,,, """ import pytest import platform import re from firebird.qa import * from pathlib import Path import subprocess import time #db = db_factory(async_write = False) db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') tmp_trace_cfg = temp_file('test_trace_7141.cfg') tmp_trace_log = temp_file('test_trace_7141.log') MAX_WAIT_FOR_TRACE_STOP = 10 TRC_SESSION_NAME_PREFIX = 'gh_7141_' TRC_SESSION_NAME_MAX_LEN = 16254 # 65000 100000 --> FileNotFoundError: [WinError 206] The filename or extension is too long // in localized form! # 32000 --> AssertionError: Could not find trace session to be stopped in {act.connect_server().trace.sessions.items()=} // None LONG_NAME_OF_TRACE_SESSION = (TRC_SESSION_NAME_PREFIX * 10000000)[:TRC_SESSION_NAME_MAX_LEN] EXPECTED_MSG1 = 'Success: found trace session name in act.connect_server().trace.sessions.items()' EXPECTED_MSG2 = 'Success: found trace session name in the result of fbsvcmgr action_trace_list' @pytest.mark.trace @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.10') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_trace_cfg: Path, tmp_trace_log: Path, capsys): trace_txt = f""" database=%[\\\\/]{act.db.db_path.name} {{ enabled = true log_initfini = false }} """ tmp_trace_cfg.write_text(trace_txt) trace_session_id = -1 trace_session_nm = '' with tmp_trace_log.open('w') as f_log: # EXPLICIT call of FB utility 'fbsvcmgr': p = subprocess.Popen( [ act.vars['fbsvcmgr'], 'localhost:service_mgr', 'user', act.db.user, 'password', act.db.password, 'action_trace_start', 'trc_name', LONG_NAME_OF_TRACE_SESSION, 'trc_cfg', tmp_trace_cfg ], stdout = f_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT ) time.sleep(1.1) q1 = subprocess.run( [ act.vars['fbsvcmgr'], 'localhost:service_mgr', 'user', act.db.user, 'password', act.db.password, 'action_trace_list', ], stdout = f_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT ) assert q1.returncode == 0 with act.connect_server() as srv: # K = 1 # V = TraceSession(id=1, user='SYSDBA', timestamp=..., name=, flags=['active', ' trace']) for k,v in srv.trace.sessions.items(): if v.flags[0] == 'active' and v.name.startswith(TRC_SESSION_NAME_PREFIX): trace_session_id = v.id trace_session_nm = v.name assert trace_session_id > 0, f'Could not find trace session to be stopped in {act.connect_server().trace.sessions.items()=}' q2 = subprocess.run( [ act.vars['fbsvcmgr'], 'localhost:service_mgr', 'user', act.db.user, 'password', act.db.password, 'action_trace_stop', 'trc_id', str(trace_session_id) ], stdout = f_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, timeout = MAX_WAIT_FOR_TRACE_STOP ) time.sleep(1.1) if not p.poll(): p.terminate() assert q2.returncode == 0 if trace_session_nm == LONG_NAME_OF_TRACE_SESSION: print(EXPECTED_MSG1) else: print('UNEXPECTED. COULD NOT FIND trace session name in in act.connect_server().trace.sessions.items()') p_prefix_in_list = re.compile(f'name(:)?\\s+{TRC_SESSION_NAME_PREFIX}', re.IGNORECASE) found_in_trc_list = False with tmp_trace_log.open('r') as f_log: for line in f_log: #if p_prefix_in_list.search(line): if LONG_NAME_OF_TRACE_SESSION in line: found_in_trc_list = True print(EXPECTED_MSG2) break if not found_in_trc_list: print('Check result of fbsvcmgr action_trace_list:') with tmp_trace_log.open('r') as f: print(f.read()) act.expected_stdout = f""" {EXPECTED_MSG1} {EXPECTED_MSG2} """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout