#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7598 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7598 TITLE: Wrong detection of must-be-delimited user names DESCRIPTION: Test uses pre-defined alias ('TMP_GH_7598_ALIAS') for which we set two parameters: * MaxStatementCacheSize = 32K * DeadlockTimeout = 1 Also, we create common temporary database (NOT "aliased") for which MaxStatementCacheSize will be default. This database is used for adding initial data (otherwise problems raised with aliased database on build because of very low value of MaxStatementCacheSize ==> one can not reproduce bug). Then this DB is moved to the file that is defined by TMP_GH_7598_ALIAS and we can perform test per se. After first connection if made and several rows are fetched, we launch ISQL as async child process and try to create table in it (see ticket example). On build before fix this ISQL can either hang or raise 'deadlock' exception (we use DeadlockTimeout = 1 in order to reduce waiting time for that). On 5.0.1058 ISQL must finish without problems: table 'test2' must be created successfully. NOTES: [30.05.2023] pzotov 1. One need to be sure that firebird.conf does NOT contain DatabaseAccess = None. 2. Test uses pre-created databases.conf which has alias defined by variable REQUIRED_ALIAS. Database file for that alias must NOT exist in the QA_root/files/qa/ subdirectory: it will be created here. Content of databases.conf must be taken from $QA_ROOT/files/qa-databases.conf (one need to replace it before every test session). Discussed with pcisar, letters since 30-may-2022 13:48, subject: "new qa, core_4964_test.py: strange outcome when use... shutil.copy() // comparing to shutil.copy2()" 3. Value of REQUIRED_ALIAS must be EXACTLY the same as alias specified in the pre-created databases.conf (for LINUX this equality is case-sensitive, even when aliases are compared!) Confirmed 'deadlock' error on but only when use MaxStatementCacheSize = 32K. COULD NOT reproduce hang. Checked on SS/CS -- all OK. """ import os import re import locale import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path import time import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import DatabaseError # Name of alias for self-security DB in the QA_root/files/qa-databases.conf. # This file must be copied manually to each testing FB homw folder, with replacing # databases.conf there: # REQUIRED_ALIAS = 'tmp_gh_7598_alias' DB_PAGE_SIZE = 8192 INIT_ROWS_CNT = 500000 MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_FINISH = 3 db = db_factory(filename = '#' + REQUIRED_ALIAS) db_clone = db_factory(page_size = DB_PAGE_SIZE, do_not_drop = True) act = python_act('db', substitutions=[('[ \t]+', ' '), ] ) act_clone = python_act('db_clone') tmp_sql = temp_file(filename = 'tmp_gh_7598.tmp.sql') tmp_log = temp_file(filename = 'tmp_gh_7598.tmp.log') @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action, act_clone: Action, tmp_sql: Path, tmp_log: Path, capsys): # Scan line-by-line through databases.conf, find line starting with REQUIRED_ALIAS and extract name of file that # must be created in the $(dir_sampleDb)/qa/ folder. This name will be used further as target database (tmp_fdb). # NOTE: we have to SKIP lines which are commented out, i.e. if they starts with '#': p_required_alias_ptn = re.compile( '^(?!#)((^|\\s+)' + REQUIRED_ALIAS + ')\\s*=\\s*\\$\\(dir_sampleDb\\)/qa/', re.IGNORECASE ) fname_in_dbconf = None with open(act.home_dir/'databases.conf', 'r') as f: for line in f: if p_required_alias_ptn.search(line): # If databases.conf contains line like this: # tmp_7598_alias = $(dir_sampleDb)/qa/tmp_gh_7598.fdb # - then we extract filename: 'tmp_gh_7598.fdb' (see below): fname_in_dbconf = Path(line.split('=')[1].strip()).name break # if 'fname_in_dbconf' remains undefined here then propably REQUIRED_ALIAS not equals to specified in the databases.conf! # assert fname_in_dbconf test_db_file = '' with act.db.connect(no_db_triggers = True) as con: con.execute_immediate('alter database set linger to 0') con.commit() test_db_file = con.info.name sql_init = f''' set bail on; -- set echo on; connect '{act_clone.db.db_path}' user {act.db.user}; -- password '{act.db.password}'; create table test1(id int, str1 varchar(50)); commit; set term ^; create or alter procedure gen_data(i int) as begin while (i > 0) do begin insert into test1(id, str1) values (:i, '01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789'); i = i - 1; end end^ set term ;^ execute procedure gen_data({INIT_ROWS_CNT}); commit; create index test1_id on test1 (id); commit; ''' act.expected_stdout = '' act.isql(switches = ['-q'], input = sql_init, connect_db=False, credentials = False, combine_output = True, io_enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() shutil.move( act_clone.db.db_path, test_db_file) with act.db.connect() as con1: cur1 = con1.cursor() for r in cur1.execute('select first 10 * from test1 where ID > 0'): pass con1.commit() ################################### # NB: do NOT close connection here! ################################### sql_test = f''' set bail on; set list on; -- set autoddl off; -- set echo on; connect 'localhost:{REQUIRED_ALIAS}' user {act.db.user} password '{act.db.password}'; create table test2(id int); commit; -- this issued 'deadlock' before fix. select 1 as table_created from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = upper('test2'); quit; ''' tmp_sql.write_bytes(sql_test.encode('utf-8')) with open(tmp_log,'w') as f_log: p = subprocess.Popen( [ act.vars['isql'], '-q', '-i', tmp_sql ], stdout = f_log, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT ) for i in range(MAX_WAIT_FOR_ISQL_FINISH): time.sleep(1) if p.poll(): break if not p.poll(): p.terminate() for line in tmp_log.read_text().splitlines(): if line.split(): print(line) act.expected_stdout = 'TABLE_CREATED 1' act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()