#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6430 ISSUE: 6430 TITLE: Some (wrong ?) parameters of ENCRYPT() leads FB to crash DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-6185 FBTEST: bugs.core_6185 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() test_script = """ set list on; set blob all; create or alter procedure sp_block_test(a_alg varchar(30)) as begin end; commit; recreate table test( crypto_alg varchar(30), source_text blob, crypto_key varchar(128), crypto_iv varchar(16) ); commit; insert into test( crypto_alg, source_text, crypto_key, crypto_iv ) values( 'AES', lpad('', 65533, gen_uuid()), '0101010101010101', lpad('',16, uuid_to_char( gen_uuid() )) ); commit; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_block_test( a_alg varchar(30) ) returns( result_msg varchar(80) ) as declare v_encrypted blob; declare v_encrypt_sttm blob; begin for select t.source_text ,t.crypto_alg ,t.crypto_key ,t.crypto_iv from test t where upper( t.crypto_alg ) = upper( :a_alg ) as cursor c do begin v_encrypt_sttm = 'select encrypt( q''{' || c.source_text || '}'' using ' || c.crypto_alg || ' mode ofb key q''{' || c.crypto_key || '}'' iv q''{' || c.crypto_iv || '}'' ) from rdb$database'; execute statement v_encrypt_sttm into v_encrypted; end result_msg = 'String has been encrypted.'; suspend; end ^ set term ;^ commit; select result_msg from sp_block_test('aes'); select encrypt( 'fooriobar' using CHACHA20 key q'{1110FB89-AD32-4E}' iv q'{114E811E}' counter cast(null as bigint) ) as encrypt_str from rdb$database; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) expected_stdout = """ RESULT_MSG String has been encrypted. ENCRYPT_STR 8E709DDA89912F172C """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.execute() assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout