#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6732 ISSUE: 6732 TITLE: Stored procedure isn't able to execute statement 'GRANT' DESCRIPTION: Confirmed bug on, got: Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 27000 unsuccessful metadata update -GRANT failed -action cancelled by trigger (0) to preserve data integrity -User cannot write to RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES -At procedure 'SP_TEST' line: 3, col: 8 NOTES: [22.05.2021] This test initially had wrong value of min_version = 4.0 Bug was fixed on, build timestamp: 06-may-2021 12:34 thus min_version should be 4.1 After several days this new FB branch was renamed to 5.0. Because of this, min_version for this test is 5.0 JIRA: CORE-6502 FBTEST: bugs.gh_6732 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() test_script = """ create or alter user tmp$gh6732_boss password 'boss' using plugin Srp; create or alter user tmp$gh6732_acnt password 'acnt' using plugin Srp; commit; set term ^; create or alter procedure sp_test SQL SECURITY DEFINER as begin execute statement 'grant alter any generator to tmp$gh6732_acnt'; end ^ set term ;^ commit; grant execute on procedure sp_test to user tmp$gh6732_boss; commit; connect '$(DSN)' user tmp$gh6732_boss password 'boss'; execute procedure sp_test; -- must NOT raise error. commit; -- cleanup: connect '$(DSN)' user sysdba password 'masterkey'; drop user tmp$gh6732_boss using plugin Srp; drop user tmp$gh6732_acnt using plugin Srp; commit; """ act = isql_act('db', test_script) @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0') def test_1(act: Action): act.execute()