#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6782 ISSUE: 6782 TITLE: Getting "records fetched" for functions/procedures in trace DESCRIPTION: Confirmed bug on, there was no: * lines with number of fetched rows; * additional info about number of fetches/reads/writes/marks (after elapsed time). In other words, trace log: * was before fix: Procedure 0 ms * became after fix: Procedure 5 records fetched <<< --- added 0 ms, 10 fetch(es) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ --- added Test parses trace log and search there lines with names of known procedures/functions and then checks presence of lines with number of fetched records (for selectable procedures) and additional statistics ('fetches/reads/writes/marks'). NOTES: [30.06.2022] pzotov Checked on,, FBTEST: bugs.gh_6782 """ import locale import re import pytest from firebird.qa import * init_script = ''' create table test(id int); insert into test(id) select row_number()over() from rdb$types rows 5; commit; set term ^; create procedure standalone_selectable_sp returns(id int) as begin for select id from test as cursor c do begin update test set id = -id * (select count(*) from rdb$database) where current of c; suspend; end end ^ create procedure standalone_nonselected_sp as begin for select id from test as cursor c do begin update test set id = -id * (select count(*) from rdb$database) where current of c; end end ^ create function standalone_func returns int as begin update test set id = rand()*10000000; return (select max(id) from test); end ^ create package pg_test as begin procedure packaged_selectable_sp returns(id int); function packaged_func returns int; procedure packaged_nonselected_sp; end ^ create package body pg_test as begin procedure packaged_selectable_sp returns(id int) as begin for select id from test as cursor c do begin update test set id = -id * (select count(*) from rdb$database) where current of c; suspend; end end procedure packaged_nonselected_sp as begin for select id from test as cursor c do begin update test set id = -id * (select count(*) from rdb$database) where current of c; end end function packaged_func returns int as begin update test set id = rand()*10000000; return (select min(id) from test); end end ^ create procedure sp_main as declare c int; begin for select id from standalone_selectable_sp into c do begin -- nop -- end ---------------------- c = standalone_func(); ---------------------- execute procedure standalone_nonselected_sp; ---------------------- for select id from pg_test.packaged_selectable_sp into c do begin -- nop -- end ---------------------- c = pg_test.packaged_func(); ---------------------- execute procedure pg_test.packaged_nonselected_sp; end ^ set term ;^ commit; --set list on; --execute procedure sp_main; --commit; ''' db = db_factory(init=init_script) act = python_act('db') expected_stdout_trace = """ Procedure STANDALONE_SELECTABLE_SP: FOUND line with number of fetched records FOUND line with execution statistics Function STANDALONE_FUNC: FOUND line with execution statistics Procedure STANDALONE_NONSELECTED_SP: FOUND line with execution statistics Procedure PG_TEST.PACKAGED_SELECTABLE_SP: FOUND line with number of fetched records FOUND line with execution statistics Function PG_TEST.PACKAGED_FUNC: FOUND line with execution statistics Procedure PG_TEST.PACKAGED_NONSELECTED_SP: FOUND line with execution statistics Procedure SP_MAIN: FOUND line with execution statistics """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3.0.8') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): trace_cfg_items = [ 'time_threshold = 0', 'log_errors = true', 'log_procedure_finish = true', 'log_function_finish = true', ] sql_run=''' set list on; execute procedure sp_main; ''' with act.trace(db_events = trace_cfg_items, encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()): act.isql(input = sql_run, combine_output = True) allowed_patterns = \ ( r'Procedure\s+(STANDALONE_SELECTABLE_SP:|STANDALONE_NONSELECTED_SP:|PG_TEST.PACKAGED_SELECTABLE_SP:|PG_TEST.PACKAGED_NONSELECTED_SP:|SP_MAIN:)' ,r'Function\s+(STANDALONE_FUNC:|PG_TEST.PACKAGED_FUNC:)' ,r'\d+\s+record(s|\(s\))?\s+fetched' ,r'\s+\d+\s+ms(,)?\s+\d+\s+fetch(es|\(es\))((,)?\s+\d+\s+read(s|\(s\)))?((,)?\s+\d+\s+write(s|\(s\)))?(,)?\s+\d+\s+mark(s|\(s\))' ) allowed_patterns = [ re.compile(p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in allowed_patterns ] for line in act.trace_log: if line.split(): if act.match_any(line, allowed_patterns): if ' ms' in line and 'fetch' in line: print('FOUND line with execution statistics') elif 'record' in line and 'fetch' in line: print('FOUND line with number of fetched records') else: print(line) act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_trace act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout