#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-3296 ISSUE: 3296 TITLE: Exception when upper casing string with lowercase y trema (code 0xFF in ISO8859_1) DESCRIPTION: Test creates table and fills it with non-ascii characters in init_script, using charset = UTF8. Then it generates .sql script for running it in separae ISQL process. This script makes connection to test DB using charset = ISO8859_1 and perform several queries. Result will be redirected to .log and .err files (they will be encoded, of course, also in ISO8859_1). Finally, we open .log file (using codecs package), convert its content to UTF8 and show in expected_stdout. JIRA: CORE-2912 FBTEST: bugs.core_2912 NOTES: [16.11.2021] pcisar This test fails as UPPER('ÿ') does not work properly [16.09.2022] pzotov Trouble with 'ÿ' raises only on LINUX. All fine on Windows. Mark for running on Windows was *temporary* added to this test. Problem will be investigated. Checked on Windows:,, """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * init_script = """ create table test(c varchar(10)); commit; insert into test(c) values('ÿ'); insert into test(c) values('Faÿ'); commit; create index test_cu on test computed by (upper (c collate iso8859_1)); commit; """ db = db_factory(charset='ISO8859_1', init=init_script) act = python_act('db') test_script = """set names ISO8859_1; set list on; select upper('aÿb') au from rdb$database; select c, upper(c) cu from test where c starting with upper('ÿ'); select c, upper(c) cu from test where c containing 'Faÿ'; select c, upper(c) cu from test where c starting with 'Faÿ'; select c, upper(c) cu from test where c like 'Faÿ%'; -- ### ACHTUNG ### -- As of WI-V2.5.4.26857, following will FAILS if character class "alpha" -- will be specified not in UPPER case (see note in CORE-4740 08/Apr/15 05:48 PM): select c, upper(c) cu from test where c similar to '[[:ALPHA:]]{1,}ÿ%'; set plan on; select c from test where upper (c collate iso8859_1) = upper('ÿ'); select c, upper(c) cu from test where upper (c collate iso8859_1) starting with upper('Faÿ'); """ expected_stdout = """ AU AÿB C ÿ CU ÿ C Faÿ CU FAÿ C Faÿ CU FAÿ C Faÿ CU FAÿ C Faÿ CU FAÿ PLAN (TEST INDEX (TEST_CU)) C ÿ PLAN (TEST INDEX (TEST_CU)) C Faÿ CU FAÿ """ @pytest.mark.platform('Windows') @pytest.mark.version('>=3') def test_1(act: Action): act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.isql(switches=['-q'], charset='ISO8859_1', input=test_script) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout