#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-5569 ISSUE: 5569 TITLE: Error messages differ when regular user tries to RESTORE database, depending on his default role and (perhaps) system privilege USE_GBAK_UTILITY DESCRIPTION: JIRA: CORE-5291 FBTEST: bugs.core_5291 NOTES: [20.09.2022] pzotov One need to take in account that gbak produces error message with specifying PORT number after localhost, i.e.: "failed to create database localhost/NNNNN:" (perhaps, only for non-default ports?). Checked on, """ import pytest from pathlib import Path from firebird.qa import * substitutions = [ ('gbak: ERROR:([ \t])*no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE.*', 'gbak: ERROR:no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE'), ('gbak: ERROR:([ \t])*failed to create database .*', 'gbak: ERROR:failed to create database') ] db = db_factory() tmp_user_1 = user_factory('db', name='tmp$c5291_1', password='123') tmp_user_2 = user_factory('db', name='tmp$c5291_2', password='456') tmp_role = role_factory('db', name='role_for_use_gbak_utility') act = python_act('db', substitutions=substitutions) fbk_file = temp_file('tmp_core_5291.fbk') fdb_file_1 = temp_file('tmp_core_5291_1.fdb') fdb_file_2 = temp_file('tmp_core_5291_2.fdb') expected_stdout = """ Restore using SERVICES, user has NO default role: gbak: ERROR:no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE gbak: ERROR:failed to create database gbak: ERROR: Exiting before completion due to errors gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors Restore using GBAK, user has NO default role: gbak: ERROR:no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE gbak: ERROR:failed to create database gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors Restore using SERVICES, user HAS default role with system privileges: gbak: ERROR:no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE gbak: ERROR:failed to create database gbak: ERROR: Exiting before completion due to errors gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors Restore using GBAK, user HAS default role with system privileges: gbak: ERROR:no permission for CREATE access to DATABASE gbak: ERROR:failed to create database gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_user_1: User, tmp_user_2: User, fbk_file: Path, fdb_file_1: Path, fdb_file_2: Path, tmp_role: Role, capsys): with act.db.connect() as con: con.execute_immediate( f'alter role {tmp_role.name} set system privileges to USE_GBAK_UTILITY, SELECT_ANY_OBJECT_IN_DATABASE' ) con.execute_immediate( f'grant default {tmp_role.name} to user {tmp_user_2.name}' ) # act.gbak(switches=['-b', act.db.dsn, str(fbk_file)]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User 1 act.reset() print('Restore using SERVICES, user has NO default role:') act.gbak(switches=[ '-se', 'localhost:service_mgr' ,'-rep', str(fbk_file), str(fdb_file_1) ,'-user', tmp_user_1.name ,'-pas', tmp_user_1.password ] ,credentials=False, combine_output = True) print(act.stdout) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User 1 act.reset() print('Restore using GBAK, user has NO default role:') act.gbak(switches=[ '-rep', str(fbk_file), act.get_dsn(fdb_file_2) ,'-user', tmp_user_1.name, '-pas', tmp_user_1.password ] ,credentials=False, combine_output = True) print(act.stdout) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User 2 act.reset() print('Restore using SERVICES, user HAS default role with system privileges:') act.gbak(switches=[ '-se', f'{act.host}:service_mgr' ,'-rep', str(fbk_file), str(fdb_file_1) ,'-user', tmp_user_2.name ,'-pas', tmp_user_2.password ] ,credentials=False, combine_output = True) print(act.stdout) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # User 2 act.reset() print('Restore using GBAK, user HAS default role with system privileges:') act.gbak(switches=[ '-rep', str(fbk_file), act.get_dsn(fdb_file_2), '-user', tmp_user_2.name ,'-pas', tmp_user_2.password ] ,credentials=False, combine_output = True) print(act.stdout) # act.reset() act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout