#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-8104 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/8104 TITLE: Inefficient evaluation of expressions like rdb$db_key <= ? after mass delete DESCRIPTION: Test does actions described in the ticket but operates with first PP of table instead of 20th (see variable 'chk_pp'). Following query is performed two times (see variable 'read_records_for_chk_pp'): ========= select ... from t1 where rdb$db_key >= make_dbkey({rel_id}, 0, 0, {chk_pp}) and rdb$db_key < make_dbkey({rel_id}, 0, 0, {chk_pp+1}) ========= We compare number of fetches in this query before and after bulk deletion ('fetches_1', 'fetches_2'). Value 'fetches_2' must be LESS than 'fetches_1' (before fix it was much greater). NOTES: [08.05.2024] pzotov Confirmed problem on,, (fetches in request #1: 47643; in request #2: 115943). Checked on,, (fetches in req #2 LESS than in req #1). """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * TAB_NAME = 'T1'.upper() ROWS_CNT = 100000 init_sql = f""" create table {TAB_NAME} ( id int not null, val varchar(256) ); commit; -- fill with some data set term ^; execute block as declare n int = 0; declare s varchar(36); begin while (n < {ROWS_CNT}) do begin n = n + 1; s = uuid_to_char(gen_uuid()); insert into {TAB_NAME} (id, val) values (:n, lpad('', 256, :s)); end end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(init = init_sql) act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0.5') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): get_last_pp_for_table = f""" select p.rdb$relation_id, p.rdb$page_sequence from rdb$pages p join rdb$relations r on p.rdb$relation_id = r.rdb$relation_id where r.rdb$relation_name = '{TAB_NAME}' and p.rdb$page_type = 4 order by 2 desc rows 1 """ rel_id, max_pp = -1, -1 with act.db.connect(no_gc = True) as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(get_last_pp_for_table) for r in cur: rel_id, max_pp = r[:2] assert rel_id > 0 and max_pp > 0 #-------------------------------- # Subsequent number of PP that we want to check ('20' in the ticket): ########## chk_pp = 0 ########## read_records_for_chk_pp = f""" select count(*), min(id), max(id) from t1 where rdb$db_key >= make_dbkey({rel_id}, 0, 0, {chk_pp}) and rdb$db_key < make_dbkey({rel_id}, 0, 0, {chk_pp+1}) """ fetches_ini = con.info.fetches # read records from selected PP only -- FIRST TIME cur.execute(read_records_for_chk_pp) cur.fetchall() fetches_1 = con.info.fetches - fetches_ini #---------------------------------- # delete records from selected PP and up to the end del_rows_starting_from_chk_pp = f""" delete from t1 where rdb$db_key >= make_dbkey({rel_id}, 0, 0, {chk_pp}) """ con.execute_immediate(del_rows_starting_from_chk_pp) #---------------------------------- fetches_ini = con.info.fetches # read records from selected PP only -- SECOND TIME cur.execute(read_records_for_chk_pp) cur.fetchall() fetches_2 = con.info.fetches - fetches_ini expected_msg = 'Fetches ratio expected.' if fetches_2 <= fetches_1: print(expected_msg) else: print(f'Fetches ratio between 1st and 2nd requests to PP = {chk_pp} - UNEXPECTED:') print('Request #1:', fetches_1) print('Request #2:', fetches_2) act.expected_stdout = f""" {expected_msg} """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout