#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-3438 ISSUE: 3438 TITLE: New generators are created with wrong value when more than 32K generators was previously created DESCRIPTION: Confirmed bug on sequence 'g_1' that is created after iterations has current value = 59049 (instead of expected 0). NOTES: Re-implemented in order to generate SQL script with more than 32K create / get gen_id / drop sequences. Total number of created sequences is set by 'TOTAL_SEQUENCES_COUNT' variable. In Firebird 3.x+ we have to make EVERY DDL operation (create / drop) in AUTONOMOUS transaction because physically appearance of generator in database will be on COMMIT only. Discussed with dimitr 06-mar-2015 23:44. [27.05.2022] pzotov Re-implemented for work in firebird-qa suite. Checked on:,, JIRA: CORE-3058 FBTEST: bugs.core_3058 """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * db = db_factory() act = python_act('db') expected_stdout = """ GEN_ID 0 """ @pytest.mark.version('>=3') def test_1(act: Action): TOTAL_SEQUENCES_COUNT = 33000 script=''' set bail on; set list on; set term #; ''' for i in range(1,TOTAL_SEQUENCES_COUNT+1): script = '\n'.join( ( script ,'create sequence g_%d#' % i ,'execute block as declare c int; begin c = gen_id(g_%d, %d); end#' % (i, i**2) ,'drop sequence g_%d#' % i ) ) script = '\n'.join( ( script ,'set term ;#' ,'create sequence g_%d;' % 1 ,'commit;' ,'select gen_id(g_1,0) from rdb$database;' ) ) act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout act.isql(switches=['-user', act.db.user, '-password', act.db.password, act.db.db_path], connect_db = False, credentials=False, input = script, combine_output=True) assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout