#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-7979 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/7979 TITLE: Hang when database with disconnect trigger using MON$ tables is shutting down DESCRIPTION: NOTES: [02.02.2024] pzotov ### ACHTUNG ### Bug could NOT be reproduced on Windows. Bug can be reproduced only when appropriate code runs OUTSIDE current firebird-QA framework, i.e. directly from OS. Because of that, this test creates temporary .py script which is launched further using subprocess.run( [ sys.executable ...] ) Confirmed problem on 'gfix -shut full -force 0' hangs. Checked on [15.02.2024] pzotov Checked on (commit #a552f1f3), (commit #f7171b58). NOTE: (dob=15.02.2024) does NOT pass this test. [16.02.2024] pzotov Added [temporary] mark for SKIP this test when QA runs agains *fork* of standard FB because it hangs ('disabled_in_forks'). This mark will be removed after separating QA runs (executing tests against standard FB snapshot on DEDICATED machine). NB-1. QA must use command like: 'pytest -m "not disabled_in_forks" ...' when check *fork* of standard FB. NB-2. Unfortunately, nowadays QA runs for standard FB and its fork are performed at the same host. Lagging problem exists with [back-]porting of some fixes/features into fork after implementation for the same FB-major version. This can cause the whole QA-job to be incompleted and missed report for one of even several days. """ import sys import subprocess from pathlib import Path import pytest from firebird.qa import * init_sql = f""" create table logger (dts timestamp default 'now', att_cnt int); set term ^; execute block as begin rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'INITIAL_DDL', 1); end ^ create trigger logger active on disconnect as declare c int; begin if ( rdb$get_context('USER_SESSION', 'INITIAL_DDL') is null ) then begin select count(*) from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection into :c; insert into logger(att_cnt) values(:c); end end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(init = init_sql) act = python_act('db', substitutions = [ ('^((?!(Attributes|ATT_CNT|Records affected)).)*$', ''), ('[ \t]+', ' ') ]) tmp_run_py = temp_file('tmp_7979_run_external.py') tmp_log_py = temp_file('tmp_7979_run_external.log') tmp_sql_py = temp_file('tmp_7979_check_result.sql') @pytest.mark.disabled_in_forks @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0.5') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_run_py: Path, tmp_log_py: Path, tmp_sql_py: Path, capsys): if act.platform == 'Windows': pytest.skip('Could not reproduce bug on Windows') if act.get_server_architecture() != 'SuperServer': pytest.skip('Applies only to SuperServer') py_run_ext = ' '.join( [ sys.executable, '-u', f'{str(tmp_run_py)}'] ) ########################################################################################## ### G E N E R A T I O N O F T E M P O R A R Y P Y T H O N S C R I P T ### ########################################################################################## py_source = f"""# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # {py_run_ext} import os import sys import argparse as ap from pathlib import Path import subprocess import datetime as py_dt import firebird.driver from firebird.driver import * os.environ["ISC_USER"] = '{act.db.user}' os.environ["ISC_PASSWORD"] = '{act.db.password}' driver_config.fb_client_library.value = r"{act.vars['fbclient']}" bin_isql = r"{act.vars['isql']}" bin_gfix = r"{act.vars['gfix']}" bin_gstat = r"{act.vars['gstat']}" db_conn = r'{act.db.dsn}' db_file = r'{act.db.db_path}' tmp_sql = r'{str(tmp_sql_py)}' with connect(db_conn) as con: #print(f"Trying to run gfix -shut full -force 0 db_conn") subprocess.run( [bin_gfix, '-shut', 'full', '-force', '0', db_conn] ) subprocess.run( [bin_gstat, '-h', db_file] ) #print(f"Trying to run gfix -online db_conn") subprocess.run( [bin_gfix, '-online', db_conn] ) subprocess.run( [bin_gstat, '-h', db_file] ) chk_sql=''' set list on; set count on; select att_cnt from logger; ''' with open(tmp_sql, 'w') as f: f.write(chk_sql) subprocess.run( [bin_isql, '-q', '-i', tmp_sql, db_conn] ) """ ######################################################## ### END OF GENERATION OF TEMPORARY PYTHON SCRIPT ### ######################################################## tmp_run_py.write_text(py_source) with open(tmp_log_py, 'w') as f: subprocess.run( [ sys.executable, '-u', f'{str(tmp_run_py)}'], stdout = f, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT ) with open(tmp_log_py, 'r') as f: print(f.read()) act.expected_stdout = """ Attributes full shutdown Attributes ATT_CNT 1 Records affected: 1 """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset()