#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6706 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/6706 TITLE: Memory leak when running EXECUTE STATEMENT with named parameters [CORE6475] DESCRIPTION: We create stored procedure with PARAMS_COUNT input parameters. Then EXECUTE BLOCK is generated with call of this SP via EXECUTE STATEMENT which applies EXCESS modifier to all arguments. Value of memory_info().rss is obtained (for appropriate server process), then run execute block MEASURES_COUNT times and after this - again get memory_info().rss value. Ratio between current and initial values of memory_info().rss must be less than MAX_RATIO. NOTES: [17.08.2024] pzotov 1. Problem did exist in FB 4.x up to snapshot Commit: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/4dfb30a45b767994c074bbfcbb8494b8ada19b33 (23-jan-2021, 15:26) Before this commit ratio for SS was about 5..6 for SS and about 8..9 for CS. Since memory consumption was reduced to ~1.6 ... 1.9 2. Database must be created with FW = ON otherwise ratio for all snapshots is about 1.5 (and this seems weird). 3. Test duration is about 35s. Checked on,,;, """ import psutil import pytest from firebird.qa import * import time ########################### ### S E T T I N G S ### ########################### # How many input parameters must have procedure: PARAMS_COUNT = 1000 # How many times we call procedures: MEASURES_COUNT = 1000 # Maximal value for ratio between # new and initial memory_info().rss values: # MAX_RATIO = 3 ############# db = db_factory(async_write = False) act = python_act('db') #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_server_pid(con): with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('select mon$server_pid as p from mon$attachments where mon$attachment_id = current_connection') fb_pid = int(cur.fetchone()[0]) return fb_pid #-------------------------------------------------------------------- @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): with act.db.connect() as con: sp_ddl = """ create or alter procedure sp_test( """ params_lst = '\n'.join( [ (',' if i else '') +f'p_{i} int' for i in range(PARAMS_COUNT) ] ) sp_ddl = '\n'.join( ("create or alter procedure sp_test(", params_lst, ") returns(x int) as begin x = 1; suspend; end") ) con.execute_immediate(sp_ddl) con.commit() server_process = psutil.Process(get_server_pid(con)) params_lst = ','.join( [ f':p_{i}' for i in range(PARAMS_COUNT) ] ) passed_args = ','.join( [ f'excess p_{i} := 1' for i in range(PARAMS_COUNT) ] ) srv_memo_rss_init = int(server_process.memory_info().rss / 1024) srv_memo_vms_init = int(server_process.memory_info().vms / 1024) cur = con.cursor() for k in range(MEASURES_COUNT): es_sql = f""" execute block returns(x int) as begin execute statement ('select p.x * {k} from sp_test({params_lst}) p') ({passed_args}) into x; suspend; end """ cur.execute(es_sql) for r in cur: pass srv_memo_rss_curr = int(server_process.memory_info().rss / 1024) srv_memo_vms_curr = int(server_process.memory_info().vms / 1024) memo_ratio = srv_memo_rss_curr / srv_memo_rss_init SUCCESS_MSG = 'Ratio between memory values measured before and after loop: acceptable' if memo_ratio < MAX_RATIO: print(SUCCESS_MSG) else: print( 'Ratio: /* perf_issue_tag */ POOR: %s, more than threshold: %s' % ( '{:.2f}'.format(memo_ratio), '{:.2f}'.format(MAX_RATIO) ) ) act.expected_stdout = SUCCESS_MSG act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout