#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-8176 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/8176 TITLE: Firebird hangs after starting remote profiling session DESCRIPTION: We create two users: tmp_worker_usr and tmp_profiler_usr. First of them will perform some 'useful work', second will PROFILE attachment of tmp_worker_usr. Also, we create role 'tmp_profiler_role' and grant it to 'tmp_profiler_usr'. Ability to profile ather attachment (by tmp_profiler_usr) is achieved via granting to role tmp_profiler_role system privilege PROFILE_ANY_ATTACHMENT. Then we create three connections to test DB belonging to tmp_worker_usr, tmp_profiler_usr and SYSDBA. We pass attachment_id of tmp_worker_usr to the call 'select rdb$profiler.start_session(...)' performed by tmp_profiler_usr. Executing of this causes creation of PLG$PROFILE* tables and views in the test DB (they are created by special internal connection - this can be seen in the trace). Unfortunately, usedr who calls rdb$profiler.start_session() will *NOT* have any access rights to created PLG* objects. This must be donw explicitly to SYSDBA (and this is the reason why we create 3rd connection). Finally, we do somewhat similar to example described doc/sql.extensions/README.profiler.md: run two dummy procedures by tmp_worker_usr, and after that - call proc rdb$profiler.finish_session by tmp_profiler_usr. At the last step, we query data from plg$prof_sessions (it must have number of records equal to the number of profiling sessions that we have created). NOTES: [10.07.2024] pzotov ::: WARNING ::: 1. On CLASSIC problem still exists: firebird hangs, although new connections to test DB are allowed (found both on 5.x and 6.x). One may even to run 'delete from mon$attachments' (using new ISQL session) but there is no effect: server does not perform that. Because of this, test currently can be run only on Super. 2. It looks weird that user (NON-sysdba) who has necessary rights to start profiling, must be explicitly granted to access PLG* tables/views. Confirmed bug on (SS), (SS) - server hanged and did not allow to make new connections to test DB. Checked on, [24.07.2024] pzotov Checked fixed problem with hang on Windows, Servermode = CLASSIC Commits: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/fa90256cf080965f92eae11eba8d897c2d02e1b9 Merge pull request #8186 from FirebirdSQL/work/ProfilerIPC Fixed a few issues with IPC used by remote profiler https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/f59905fc29f0b9288d61fc6113fd24301dce1327 Frontported PR #8186 : Fixed a few issues with IPC used by remote profiler Snapshots:, """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import tpb, Isolation # , TraLockResolution, TraAccessMode, DatabaseError import time N_COUNT = 1000 init_script = f""" create or alter procedure sp_ins as begin end; create or alter procedure sp_del as begin end; recreate table test ( id integer primary key, val integer not null ); set term ^; create or alter function fn_mult(p1 integer, p2 integer) returns integer as begin return p1 * p2; end^ create or alter procedure sp_ins sql security definer as declare i integer = 1; begin while (i <= {N_COUNT}) do begin if (mod(i, 2) = 1) then insert into test values (:i, fn_mult(:i, 2)); i = i + 1; end end ^ create or alter procedure sp_del sql security definer as declare i integer = 1; begin while (i <= {N_COUNT} / 2) do begin if (mod(i, 2) = 1) then delete from test where id = fn_mult(:i, 2); i = i + 1; end end ^ set term ;^ commit; grant execute on procedure sp_ins to public; grant execute on procedure sp_del to public; commit; """ tmp_worker_usr = user_factory('db', name='tmp_worker_8176', password='123') tmp_profiler_usr = user_factory('db', name='tmp_profiler_8176', password='456') tmp_profiler_role = role_factory('db', name='tmp_profiler_role') db = db_factory(init=init_script) act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.disabled_in_forks @pytest.mark.version('>=5.0.1') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_worker_usr: User, tmp_profiler_usr: User, tmp_profiler_role: Role, capsys): addi_script = f""" set wng off; set bail on; alter user {tmp_profiler_usr.name} revoke admin role; revoke all on all from {tmp_profiler_usr.name}; commit; -- doc/sql.extensions/README.profiler.md: -- If the remote attachment is from a different user, the calling user must have the system privilege `PROFILE_ANY_ATTACHMENT`. alter role {tmp_profiler_role.name} set system privileges to PROFILE_ANY_ATTACHMENT; commit; grant default {tmp_profiler_role.name} to user {tmp_profiler_usr.name}; commit; """ act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=addi_script) custom_tpb = tpb(isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED_READ_CONSISTENCY, lock_timeout = 0) with act.db.connect() as con_admin, \ act.db.connect(user = tmp_worker_usr.name, password = tmp_worker_usr.password) as con_worker, \ act.db.connect(user = tmp_profiler_usr.name, password = tmp_profiler_usr.password, role = tmp_profiler_role.name) as con_profiler: cur_worker = con_worker.cursor() cur_worker.execute('select current_connection from rdb$database') worker_attach_id = cur_worker.fetchone()[0] tx_profiler = con_profiler.transaction_manager(custom_tpb) cur_profiler = tx_profiler.cursor() #.............................................................................. tx_profiler.begin() cur_profiler.execute(f"select rdb$profiler.start_session('remote_profiling_of_inserts', null, {worker_attach_id}) from rdb$database;") cur_profiler.fetchall() cur_worker.callproc('sp_ins') cur_profiler.callproc(f'rdb$profiler.finish_session(true, {worker_attach_id})') tx_profiler.commit() #.............................................................................. tx_profiler.begin() cur_profiler.execute(f"select rdb$profiler.start_session('remote_profiling_of_deletions', null, {worker_attach_id}) from rdb$database;") cur_profiler.fetchall() cur_worker.callproc('sp_del') cur_profiler.callproc(f'rdb$profiler.finish_session(true, {worker_attach_id})') tx_profiler.commit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # firebird.driver.types.DatabaseError: no permission for SELECT access to TABLE PLG$PROF_SESSIONS # -Effective user is TMP_USER_PROFILER_ANY_ATT ################################# # ::: NB ::: Why this is needed ? ################################# con_admin.execute_immediate(f'grant select on plg$prof_sessions to role {tmp_profiler_role.name}') con_admin.execute_immediate(f'grant select on plg$prof_psql_stats_view to role {tmp_profiler_role.name}') con_admin.commit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tx_profiler.begin() cur_profiler.execute('select description as profiler_session_descr, attachment_id as profiled_attachment, trim(user_name) as who_was_profiled from plg$prof_sessions order by profile_id') cur_cols = cur_profiler.description for r in cur_profiler: for i in range(0,len(cur_cols)): print( cur_cols[i][0], ':', r[i] ) #cur_profiler.execute('select * from plg$prof_psql_stats_view') #cur_cols = cur_profiler.description #for r in cur_profiler: # for i in range(0,len(cur_cols)): # print( cur_cols[i][0], ':', r[i] ) tx_profiler.commit() act.expected_stdout = f""" PROFILER_SESSION_DESCR : remote_profiling_of_inserts PROFILED_ATTACHMENT : {worker_attach_id} WHO_WAS_PROFILED : {tmp_worker_usr.name.upper()} PROFILER_SESSION_DESCR : remote_profiling_of_deletions PROFILED_ATTACHMENT : {worker_attach_id} WHO_WAS_PROFILED : {tmp_worker_usr.name.upper()} """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout