#coding:utf-8 """ ID: syspriv.create-database TITLE: Check ability to CREATE database by non-sysdba user who is granted with necessary system privilege DESCRIPTION: FBTEST: functional.syspriv.create_database NOTES: [20.05.2022] pzotov One need to specify do_not_create=True and do_not_drop=True for db_temp, otherwise this DB will be created and init_script will fail to check ability of DB creation. If testing machine have localized OS then such attempt will raise status-vector which will have localized message: Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001 I/O error during "CreateFile (create)" operation for file "..." -Error while trying to create file - // ~ "file exists" But we will see UnicodeDecodeError instead of full lines and/or SQLSTATE or gdscode. Checked on, """ import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver.types import DatabaseError substitutions = [('[ \\t]+', ' '), ('DB_NAME.*TMP4TEST.TMP', 'DB_NAME TMP4TEST.TMP'), ('TCPv(4|6)', 'TCP')] db_main = db_factory() tmp_user = user_factory('db_main', name='tmp_syspriv_user', password='123') tmp_role = role_factory('db_main', name='tmp_role_for_create_database') act = python_act('db_main', substitutions = substitutions) db_temp = db_factory(filename = 'tmp4test.tmp', do_not_create=True, do_not_drop=True) expected_stdout_isql = """ DB_OWNER TMP_SYSPRIV_USER DB_NAME TMP4TEST.TMP ATT_USER TMP_SYSPRIV_USER ATT_PROT TCP ATT_AUTH Srp """ @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, tmp_user: User, tmp_role:Role, db_temp: Database, capsys): init_script = \ f""" set wng off; set bail on; set list on; connect '{act.db.dsn}' user '{act.db.user}' password '{act.db.password}'; alter user {tmp_user.name} grant admin role; -- this must be specified! commit; alter role {tmp_role.name} set system privileges to CREATE_DATABASE; commit; grant default {tmp_role.name} to user {tmp_user.name}; commit; /* connect 'localhost:security.db' user '{act.db.user}' password '{act.db.password}'; select upper(d.mon$database_name) as security_db_name ,r.rdb$role_name ,rdb$role_in_use(r.rdb$role_name) as RDB_ROLE_IN_USE ,r.rdb$system_privileges from mon$database d cross join rdb$roles r; commit; */ create database '{db_temp.dsn}' user {tmp_user.name} password '{tmp_user.password}'; select d.mon$owner as db_owner ,upper(d.mon$database_name) as db_name ,a.mon$user as att_user ,a.mon$remote_protocol as att_prot ,a.mon$auth_method as att_auth from mon$database d cross join mon$attachments a where a.mon$attachment_id = current_connection; commit; drop database; """ act.isql(switches=['-q'], input=init_script, connect_db = False, credentials = False, combine_output=True) act.expected_stdout = expected_stdout_isql assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout