#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-4723 ISSUE: https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/issues/4723 TITLE: Optimize the record-level RLE algorithm for a denser compression of shorter-than-declared strings and sets of subsequent NULLs [CORE4401] DESCRIPTION: Test creates table with nullable varchar column an adds lot of rows with incompressible data (GEN_UUID). Then we run gstat in order to parse statistics related to avg record length ('-r' switch). gstat reports for data pages and avg ratio following values: Average record length: 33018.92, total records: 10000 Average unpacked length: 32766.00, compression ratio: 0.99 Pointer pages: 1, data page slots: 632 Data pages: 632, average fill: 92%, Average record length: 32757.00, total records: 10000 Average unpacked length: 32766.00, compression ratio: 1.00 Pointer pages: 1, data page slots: 304 Data pages: 304, average fill: 87% Test assumes that values returned for 5.x will not be change in too wide range for several upcoming years in any order - see MIN_* and MAX_* thresholds. NOTES: [20.05.2024] pzotov Improvement URL (27-sep-2022 15:16): https://github.com/FirebirdSQL/firebird/commit/54f1990b98d3e510a10d06fe9ceb76456804da52 Improved record compression (denser encoding of repeating bytes and less blocks) (#7302) Charset must be specified in db_factory, otherwise 'malformed string' will raise. Checked on, for DB with page_size = 8192. """ import re import pytest import platform from firebird.qa import * N_ROWS = 10000 N_WIDT = 32760 MIN_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 280 MAX_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 330 COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD = 1.00 init_ddl = f""" recreate table test (f01 varchar({N_WIDT}) character set octets not null); commit; set term ^; execute block as declare n int = {N_ROWS}; begin while (n > 0) do begin insert into test(f01) values( lpad('', 32760, gen_uuid()) ); n = n - 1; end end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(page_size = 8192, init = init_ddl, charset = 'win1251') act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): act.gstat(switches=['-r', '-t', 'TEST', '-user', act.db.user, '-pass', act.db.password]) gstat_lines = act.stdout.splitlines() #for p in gstat_lines: # print(p) # #act.expected_stdout = f""" #""" #act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out #assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout # Average record length: N.FF, total records: M # NB: for improved RLE value must be LESS OR EQUAL to the table column declared length p_average_record_length = re.compile( r'Average\s+record\s+length(:)?\s+\d+(.\d+)?' ) # Average unpacked length: N.FF, compression ratio: R.PP # NB: for improved RLE value must be 1.00 because column contrains incompressible data p_compression_ratio = re.compile( r'Average\s+unpacked\s+length(:)?\s+\d+(.\d+)?(,)?\s+compression\s+ratio:\s+\d+(.\d+)?' ) # Pointer pages: N, data page slots: M p_pointer_pages_data_pages_slots = re.compile( r'Pointer\s+pages(:)?\s+\d+(,)?\s+data\s+page\s+slots(:)?\s+\d+' ) average_record_length = compression_ratio = data_pages_cnt = -1 gstat_lines = act.stdout.splitlines() for line in gstat_lines: if p_average_record_length.search(line): # 'Average record length: 32757.00, total records: 10000' --> 32757 average_record_length = int(float(line.replace(',','').split()[3])) if p_compression_ratio.search(line): # 'Average unpacked length: 32766.00, compression ratio: 1.00' compression_ratio = float(line.split()[-1]) if p_pointer_pages_data_pages_slots.search(line): data_pages_cnt = int(line.split()[-1]) assert average_record_length > 0 and compression_ratio > 0 and data_pages_cnt > 0 avg_rec_len_expected_msg = f'average_record_length -- expected: LESS OR EQUALS to declared column length = {N_WIDT}' if average_record_length <= N_WIDT: print(avg_rec_len_expected_msg) else: print(f'average_record_length -- UNEXPECTED: {average_record_length} - more than declared withd = {N_WIDT}') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- compression_ratio_expected_msg = f'compression_ratio_expected_msg -- expected: >= {COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD}' if compression_ratio >= COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD: print(compression_ratio_expected_msg) else: print(f'compression_ratio -- UNEXPECTED: {compression_ratio} - less than {COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD} (wasted compression occurred)') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data_pages_cnt_expected_msg = f'data_pages_cnt: expected, within {MIN_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD=} ... {MAX_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD=}' if data_pages_cnt >= MIN_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD and data_pages_cnt <= MAX_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD: print(data_pages_cnt_expected_msg) else: print(f'data_pages_cnt UNEXPECTED: {data_pages_cnt=} -- out of scope: {MIN_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD=} ... {MAX_DP_COUNT_THRESHOLD=}') act.expected_stdout = f""" {avg_rec_len_expected_msg} {compression_ratio_expected_msg} {data_pages_cnt_expected_msg} """ act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout