#coding:utf-8 """ ID: issue-6070 ISSUE: 6070 TITLE: Support backup of encrypted databases DESCRIPTION: Test creates two tables, adds data, and drops one of them (thus there are deallocated pages in the database). Then it creates lot of sequences with different initial values and increments. Database is encrypted after this step. After this, we get initial content of: firebird.log, metadata('isql -x') and sequences value and store them in variables fblog_1, meta_1 and sequ_1. Then we run backup and restore, and validate database. Further, we extract again metadata and sequences value of restored DB, and store them in fblog_2, meta_2 and sequ_2. Difference between fblog_1 and fblog_2 must look like this: "Validation finished: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 fixed". NO difference must be between meta_1 vs meta_2, and sequ_1 vs sequ_2 JIRA: CORE-5808 FBTEST: bugs.core_5808 NOTES: [12.06.2022] pzotov Checked on - both on Linux and Windows. NB: duration on Linux ~40 s; on Windows ~22 s. """ import os import re import time import datetime as py_dt from datetime import timedelta from io import BytesIO from difflib import unified_diff import pytest from firebird.qa import * from firebird.driver import DatabaseError from firebird.driver import SrvRestoreFlag, SrvRepairFlag ########################### ### S E T T I N G S ### ########################### # QA_GLOBALS -- dict, is defined in qa/plugin.py, obtain settings # from act.files_dir/'test_config.ini': enc_settings = QA_GLOBALS['encryption'] # ACHTUNG: this must be carefully tuned on every new host: # MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH = int(enc_settings['MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_WIN' if os.name == 'nt' else 'MAX_WAIT_FOR_ENCR_FINISH_NIX']) assert MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH > 0 ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN = enc_settings['encryption_plugin'] # fbSampleDbCrypt ENCRYPTION_KEY = enc_settings['encryption_key'] # Red N_ROWS = 15 init_script = f""" create table test1(s varchar(784) unique, b blob); create table test2(s varchar(784) unique, b blob); commit; insert into test1(s) select lpad('',784,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) from (select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS}),(select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS}); insert into test2(s) select lpad('',784,uuid_to_char(gen_uuid())) from (select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS}); update test1 set b = (select list( (select gen_uuid() from rdb$database) ) from (select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS}),(select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS})); update test2 set b = (select list( (select gen_uuid() from rdb$database) ) from (select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS}),(select 1 i from rdb$types rows {N_ROWS})); commit; drop table test1; commit; set term ^; execute block as declare n int = 16000; declare i bigint = -2147483648; declare b bigint = 9223372036854775807; begin while (n > 0) do begin execute statement 'create sequence gen_' || n || ' start with ' || (b-abs(i)) || ' increment by ' || (i+1) ; n = n - 1; i = i + 1; end end ^ set term ;^ commit; """ db = db_factory(init = init_script) act = python_act('db') @pytest.mark.encryption @pytest.mark.version('>=4.0') def test_1(act: Action, capsys): encryption_started = False encryption_finished = False with act.db.connect() as con: t1=py_dt.datetime.now() d1 = t1-t1 sttm = f'alter database encrypt with "{ENCRYPTION_PLUGIN}" key "{ENCRYPTION_KEY}"' try: con.execute_immediate(sttm) con.commit() encryption_started = True except DatabaseError as e: # -ALTER DATABASE failed # -Crypt plugin fbSampleDbCrypt failed to load # ==> no sense to do anything else, encryption_started remains False. print( e.__str__() ) while encryption_started: t2=py_dt.datetime.now() d1=t2-t1 if d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000 > MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH: print(f'TIMEOUT EXPIRATION: encryption took {d1.seconds*1000 + d1.microseconds//1000} ms which exceeds limit = {MAX_WAITING_ENCR_FINISH} ms.') break # Possible output: # Database not encrypted # Database encrypted, crypt thread not complete act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'show database;', combine_output = True) if 'Database encrypted' in act.stdout: if 'not complete' in act.stdout: pass else: encryption_finished = True break act.reset() act.expected_stdout = '' act.stdout = capsys.readouterr().out assert act.clean_stdout == act.clean_expected_stdout act.reset() if encryption_finished: # Extract metadata from initial DB act.isql(switches=['-x']) meta_1 = act.stdout act.reset() act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'show sequ;', combine_output = True) sequ_1 = act.stdout act.reset() # Snippet from core-1725: backup = BytesIO() with act.connect_server() as srv: srv.database.local_backup(database=act.db.db_path, backup_stream=backup) backup.seek(0) srv.database.local_restore(backup_stream=backup, database=act.db.db_path, flags = SrvRestoreFlag.REPLACE) # Get FB log before validation, run validation and get FB log after it: fblog_1 = act.get_firebird_log() srv.database.repair(database=act.db.db_path, flags=SrvRepairFlag.CORRUPTION_CHECK) fblog_2 = act.get_firebird_log() # Extract metadata from restored DB act.isql(switches=['-x']) meta_2 = act.stdout act.reset() act.isql(switches=['-q'], input = 'show sequ;', combine_output = True) sequ_2 = act.stdout act.reset() diff_meta = ''.join(unified_diff(meta_1.splitlines(), meta_2.splitlines())) p_diff = re.compile('Validation finished: \\d+ errors, \\d+ warnings, \\d+ fixed') validation_result = '' for line in unified_diff(fblog_1, fblog_2): if line.startswith('+') and p_diff.search(line): validation_result =line.strip().replace('\t', ' ') break assert diff_meta == '' assert validation_result == '+ Validation finished: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 fixed' assert sequ_1 == sequ_2